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+<title> DTN2 Manual: DTN2 Applications </title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="manual.css" />
+<h1>DTN2 Applications
+In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the programs in
+the <tt>apps</tt> directory to send data of various kinds
+through your DTN. You'll get to see more things happening if you've
+followed the instructions in <a href="tutorial-3.html">
+Building a Bigger DTN</a> first, but even with a standalone
+dtnd, you can send and receive bundles.
+<h2> dtnsend and dtnrecv </h2>
+The most basic tools to send bundles through the DTN network
+are <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> and <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. You can use
+<a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> to create a bundle and set various options
+in it. The bundle will move through the DTN until it gets
+to the destination node. You'll then use <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>
+to retrieve the bundle out of the final dtnd.
+First, take a look at the options <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> takes:
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend -h</font>
+usage: dtnsend [opts] -s &lt;source_eid&gt; -d &lt;dest_eid&gt; -t
+  &lt;type&gt; -p &lt;payload&gt;
+ -s &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; source eid)
+ -d &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; destination eid)
+ -r &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; reply to eid)
+ -t &lt;f|t|m|d&gt; payload type: file, tmpfile, message, or date
+ -p &lt;filename|string&gt; payload data
+ -e &lt;time&gt; expiration time in seconds (default: one hour)
+ -i &lt;regid&gt; registration id for reply to
+ -n &lt;int&gt; copies of the bundle to send
+ -z &lt;time&gt; msecs to sleep between transmissions
+ -c request custody transfer
+ -C request custody transfer receipts
+ -D request for end-to-end delivery receipt
+ -X request for deletion receipt
+ -R request for bundle reception receipts
+ -F request for bundle forwarding receipts
+ -w wait for bundle status reports
+ -E &lt;int&gt; include extension block and specify type
+ -P &lt;int&gt; flag value(s) to include in extension block
+ -S &lt;string&gt; extension block content
+To use <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>, you need to give it a source and
+destination. Then you tell it what kind of data to send, and
+where to find it. You may use other command line options to
+set some optional flags in the bundle.
+First, let's send in a little test message that we will be
+able to see inside the daemon, and then will be able to fetch with
+<a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>.
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend
+    -s dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me
+    -d dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing
+    -t m -p "testing"</font></pre></blockquote>
+<p> You can use a command like that, but instead of using the example
+hostname <i>dtn-a</i>, use the local eid you configured in your
+dtn.conf file. 
+In the window where dtnd is running, type <a href="configuration.html#Getting a list of pending bundles">bundle list</a>. You should
+get something like this:
+<blockquote><pre>dtn% <font color=blue>bundle list</font>
+Currently Pending Bundles (1):
+        0  : dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me -&gt; dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing length 7
+There's a couple things to note here. First, see how the bundle is
+shown with length 7? That's what we'd expect, because we sent a
+payload from the command line of the letters "testing". The bundle
+consists of <b>exactly</b> those 7 letters. There's no terminating
+NUL character, nor a newline. Second, notice that our eids now have
+an extra string on them, in contast to the local eid we set in
+the configuration file in the first tutorial. It's easiest to think of
+these as the equivalent of TCP ports. For more details on how
+addressing works in the DTN world, see the <a href="arch.html">
+architecture</a> section of the manual. 
+In another window, go take a look behind the scenes at the
+directory where you told dtnd to store the bundles in transit. You should
+find a file there named bundle_0.dat. It should be no surprise by
+now that this file is 7 bytes long, and contains the string
+"testing". Generally, you'll never need to do anything with the
+files in this directory. They are managed by dtnd for you. But
+it's always nice to have an idea what's going on, so now you know.
+So now we've gotten a bundle into the system, and the bundle has
+made it's way across the DTN to its final destination. "Big deal", you
+say, "the final destination is the same place we put it in!". Ok,
+you've got a point. But later we'll try something fancier and
+with some imagination, you'll be able to pretend you've sent a
+bundle all the way to Mars. Before that though, we've got to get our
+bundle back out. And for that, we use <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>.
+The usage of <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> is much easier to remember than
+that of <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>. You only need to tell it the name of
+the endpoint who's bundles you want to pick up. Because
+<a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> cannot pick up bundles from across the DTN, but only
+on the local node, it's options are much simpler.
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnrecv/dtnrecv dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing</font>
+dtnrecv (pid 29614) starting up
+find registration succeeded, regid 0
+register succeeded, regid 13
+looping forever to receive bundles
+dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing]...
+7 bytes from [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me]: transit time=0 ms
+0000000 7465 7374 696e 67                       |  testing
+dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing]...
+<font color=blue>Ctrl-C</font></pre></blockquote>
+As before, there's a couple of things to note here. First, notice
+how <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> was able to figure out the local eid for the
+local dtnd, and them add the argument onto the end to make the
+complete eid. It did that by asking the local server what its
+local eid is. The second thing to notice is that the answer 
+did indeed come back correctly. The 7 bytes we put into the DTN
+with <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> came back out with <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. Finally,
+note that <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> stayed running until we killed it with
+Ctrl-C. It was waiting for more bundles for that endpoint to arrive.
+Turn your attention to the window where dtnd is running. Type
+"bundle list" again and notice that there are no currently
+pending bundles. Great! The server did it's job and held the
+bundle until an application registered and requested that
+bundles for that endpoint get delivered. This is a key difference
+between sending data with TCP or UDP and sending data over a DTN.
+In a DTN, every part of the network, from the link protocols up
+to the applications themselves need to recognize and tolerate
+delays and disruptions. Typically applications do this by
+operating asynchronously. Another way applications can operate
+is by arranging with the DTN bundle router to make a callback
+to the application when bundles arrive.
+<i>Stay tuned for a future
+tutorial showing how that works when I figure it out myself! -jra
+<h3> Other payload types </h3>
+<p> In the example above, we used the "-t m" parameter to indicate we
+wanted to specify the bundle contents from the command line.  But what
+if you wanted to send a movie through a DTN? You'd want to use "-t f"
+to indicate you are sending a file, then the argument following "-p"
+will be interpreted as a filename. dtnd will open that file and read
+it in to fill up the bundle. Be aware that dtnd needs to make a copy
+of your file and put it in the bundle directory, even if your file is
+quite big. Once dtnd has gotten another server someplace else in the
+DTN to take custody of the bundle, it will be deleted from the local
+server. (However, custody transfer is not currently implemented in DTN2.)
+The final payload type is "d", for date. When you use this,
+you do not need -p. A payload consisting of the date is made up
+automatically for you. This is useful for testing, but not for much
+<h3> Getting a receipt, waiting for it to arrive </h3>
+<i>To fully understand this section, you should quit and restart your
+dtnd process, otherwise you will get unexpected results due to state
+that is not properly cleaned up from the above tests. -demmer</i>
+If you add the -e and -w options to the <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> command
+above, something different happens. The -e argument asks the
+far end DTN server (in this case, still our local server) to
+make up a receipt and send it via the DTN back to our reply
+address. Because we did not use the -r argument to explicitly
+set a reply address, the receipt will come to the source eid
+we specified with the -s option. The -w argument tells
+<a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> to wait for incoming messages to the reply
+endpoint. So, here's an example of it in action:
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend -e -w -s dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me
+    -d dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing
+    -t m -p "testing"</font>
+got 67 byte report from [dtn://dtn-a.dtn]: time=18893.0 ms
+18.893 seconds?!? What kind of broken network could possibly take
+18.893 seconds to deliver a little 7 byte bundle? What's going on here?
+Well, recall that this is a disruption tolerant network, and that
+the application on the other end may not have been running at the time
+we sent the message. In fact it was not. The 18 seconds was how long
+it took me to find another window and run <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. (So
+I type slow. Sue me.) The dtnd server couldn't create and send a
+receipt until it had delivered the bundle to the final destination,
+which in this case was the <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> process that I started
+a few seconds after I ran <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>. If I'd had my
+<a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> up and running before I ran <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> the
+receipt would have arrived in just a few milliseconds.
+<h2>dtncp and dtncpd</h2>
+What if you wanted to move a file to another node on the DTN?
+You've have to have someone logged into that machine ready to run
+<a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> on it. And of course, you can't log in to it,
+because the other bundle router is on the other side of Mars.
+And of course, you can't put your buddy there to run the command,
+because, well, it's on the other side of Mars. What to do? If
+there was a daemon there listening for bundles arriving on
+a certain endpoint, and you had a program that could package up
+local files and send them to the endpoint the far side was
+waiting on, you could move files!
+That's exactly how <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> and <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> work.
+<a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> is used to pick up a file from the local
+filesystem send it as a bundle.
+<a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> is the daemon, which would stay running
+all the time. It registers with the local bundle router
+requesting a notification when a bundle comes in that was sent
+by <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a>. It copies the bundle into an "incoming files"
+directory. Voila, you've copied a file.
+You need to run a <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> on every node in the
+network where you want to be able to copy files. If a node
+is only sending out files, it need not have a <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a>
+Note that <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> is not a general purpose file copy
+system like <tt>scp</tt>. It can only deposit files into a
+specific directory. It was written this way because it is an
+example application, and implementing the security-critical
+parts of a general file transfer utility were beyond the scope
+of the example. Likewise, there's no facility to run remote
+commands on the remote node. It would be possible to add
+some kind of flag to the bundle contents specifying whether
+or not to run the received file (and with which arguments).
+These are all possibilities for bundle applications you might
+choose to make in the future.
+<h3> An example </h3>
+In one window, we get a directory ready for <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a>
+to put files into, then start it. <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> registers
+on the endpoint <i>/dtncp/recv:*</i>, then waits for incoming
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>mkdir /home/fred/dtn/incoming</font>
+$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtncpd/dtncpd /home/fred/dtn/incoming</font>
+opening connection to dtn router...
+local_eid [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/dtncp/recv:*]
+dtn_register succeeded, regid 0xa
+dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/dtncp/recv:*]...
+In another window, we copy a file:
+<blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtncp/dtncp /etc/motd dtn://dtn-a.dtn</font></pre></blockquote>
+And in the first window, <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> says:
+ File Received at Sun Mar  6 01:03:24 2005
+   region : internet
+   host   : dtn-a
+   path   :
+   file   : motd
+   size   : 960 bytes
+   loc    : /home/fred/dtn/incoming/dtn-a//passwd</pre></blockquote>
+You may also give <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> a third argument, which will
+be the filename on the far side. The default, if you neglect
+to provide this argument, is to make the far side file have the
+same name as the local file.
+<h3> Wildcard endpoints </h3>
+The DTN2 implementation treats <b>*</b> (asterisk) as a
+special character in endpoints. The asterisk denotes
+that any endpoint that matches the prefix before the asterix
+will match that endpoint. <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> uses a wildcard
+endpoint to be able to match the endpoints that <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a>
+makes by adding the desired remote filename onto the end of
+the first part of the endpoint string, <i>/dtncp/recv:</i>.