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     1 <html>
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     3 <title> DTN2 Manual: DTN2 Applications </title>
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     6 <body>
     7 <h1>DTN2 Applications
     8 </h1>
    10 <p>
    11 In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use the programs in
    12 the <tt>apps</tt> directory to send data of various kinds
    13 through your DTN. You'll get to see more things happening if you've
    14 followed the instructions in <a href="tutorial-3.html">
    15 Building a Bigger DTN</a> first, but even with a standalone
    16 dtnd, you can send and receive bundles.
    18 <h2> dtnsend and dtnrecv </h2>
    20 <p>
    21 The most basic tools to send bundles through the DTN network
    22 are <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> and <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. You can use
    23 <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> to create a bundle and set various options
    24 in it. The bundle will move through the DTN until it gets
    25 to the destination node. You'll then use <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>
    26 to retrieve the bundle out of the final dtnd.
    28 <p>
    29 First, take a look at the options <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> takes:
    31 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend -h</font>
    32 usage: dtnsend [opts] -s &lt;source_eid&gt; -d &lt;dest_eid&gt; -t
    33   &lt;type&gt; -p &lt;payload&gt;
    34 options:
    35  -s &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; source eid)
    36  -d &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; destination eid)
    37  -r &lt;eid|demux_string&gt; reply to eid)
    38  -t &lt;f|t|m|d&gt; payload type: file, tmpfile, message, or date
    39  -p &lt;filename|string&gt; payload data
    40  -e &lt;time&gt; expiration time in seconds (default: one hour)
    41  -i &lt;regid&gt; registration id for reply to
    42  -n &lt;int&gt; copies of the bundle to send
    43  -z &lt;time&gt; msecs to sleep between transmissions
    44  -c request custody transfer
    45  -C request custody transfer receipts
    46  -D request for end-to-end delivery receipt
    47  -X request for deletion receipt
    48  -R request for bundle reception receipts
    49  -F request for bundle forwarding receipts
    50  -w wait for bundle status reports
    51  -E &lt;int&gt; include extension block and specify type
    52  -P &lt;int&gt; flag value(s) to include in extension block
    53  -S &lt;string&gt; extension block content
    54 </pre></blockquote>
    56 <p>
    57 To use <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>, you need to give it a source and
    58 destination. Then you tell it what kind of data to send, and
    59 where to find it. You may use other command line options to
    60 set some optional flags in the bundle.
    62 <p>
    63 First, let's send in a little test message that we will be
    64 able to see inside the daemon, and then will be able to fetch with
    65 <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>.
    67 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend
    68     -s dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me
    69     -d dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing
    70     -t m -p "testing"</font></pre></blockquote>
    72 <p> You can use a command like that, but instead of using the example
    73 hostname <i>dtn-a</i>, use the local eid you configured in your
    74 dtn.conf file. 
    76 <p>
    77 In the window where dtnd is running, type <a href="configuration.html#Getting a list of pending bundles">bundle list</a>. You should
    78 get something like this:
    80 <blockquote><pre>dtn% <font color=blue>bundle list</font>
    81 Currently Pending Bundles (1):
    82         0  : dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me -&gt; dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing length 7
    83 </pre></blockquote>
    85 <p>
    86 There's a couple things to note here. First, see how the bundle is
    87 shown with length 7? That's what we'd expect, because we sent a
    88 payload from the command line of the letters "testing". The bundle
    89 consists of <b>exactly</b> those 7 letters. There's no terminating
    90 NUL character, nor a newline. Second, notice that our eids now have
    91 an extra string on them, in contast to the local eid we set in
    92 the configuration file in the first tutorial. It's easiest to think of
    93 these as the equivalent of TCP ports. For more details on how
    94 addressing works in the DTN world, see the <a href="arch.html">
    95 architecture</a> section of the manual. 
    97 <p>
    98 In another window, go take a look behind the scenes at the
    99 directory where you told dtnd to store the bundles in transit. You should
   100 find a file there named bundle_0.dat. It should be no surprise by
   101 now that this file is 7 bytes long, and contains the string
   102 "testing". Generally, you'll never need to do anything with the
   103 files in this directory. They are managed by dtnd for you. But
   104 it's always nice to have an idea what's going on, so now you know.
   106 <p>
   107 So now we've gotten a bundle into the system, and the bundle has
   108 made it's way across the DTN to its final destination. "Big deal", you
   109 say, "the final destination is the same place we put it in!". Ok,
   110 you've got a point. But later we'll try something fancier and
   111 with some imagination, you'll be able to pretend you've sent a
   112 bundle all the way to Mars. Before that though, we've got to get our
   113 bundle back out. And for that, we use <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>.
   115 <p>
   116 The usage of <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> is much easier to remember than
   117 that of <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>. You only need to tell it the name of
   118 the endpoint who's bundles you want to pick up. Because
   119 <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> cannot pick up bundles from across the DTN, but only
   120 on the local node, it's options are much simpler.
   122 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnrecv/dtnrecv dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing</font>
   123 dtnrecv (pid 29614) starting up
   124 find registration succeeded, regid 0
   125 register succeeded, regid 13
   126 looping forever to receive bundles
   127 dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing]...
   128 7 bytes from [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me]: transit time=0 ms
   129 0000000 7465 7374 696e 67                       |  testing
   131 dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing]...
   132 <font color=blue>Ctrl-C</font></pre></blockquote>
   134 <p>
   135 As before, there's a couple of things to note here. First, notice
   136 how <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> was able to figure out the local eid for the
   137 local dtnd, and them add the argument onto the end to make the
   138 complete eid. It did that by asking the local server what its
   139 local eid is. The second thing to notice is that the answer 
   140 did indeed come back correctly. The 7 bytes we put into the DTN
   141 with <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> came back out with <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. Finally,
   142 note that <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> stayed running until we killed it with
   143 Ctrl-C. It was waiting for more bundles for that endpoint to arrive.
   145 <p>
   146 Turn your attention to the window where dtnd is running. Type
   147 "bundle list" again and notice that there are no currently
   148 pending bundles. Great! The server did it's job and held the
   149 bundle until an application registered and requested that
   150 bundles for that endpoint get delivered. This is a key difference
   151 between sending data with TCP or UDP and sending data over a DTN.
   152 In a DTN, every part of the network, from the link protocols up
   153 to the applications themselves need to recognize and tolerate
   154 delays and disruptions. Typically applications do this by
   155 operating asynchronously. Another way applications can operate
   156 is by arranging with the DTN bundle router to make a callback
   157 to the application when bundles arrive.
   158 <i>Stay tuned for a future
   159 tutorial showing how that works when I figure it out myself! -jra
   160 </i>
   162 <h3> Other payload types </h3>
   164 <p> In the example above, we used the "-t m" parameter to indicate we
   165 wanted to specify the bundle contents from the command line.  But what
   166 if you wanted to send a movie through a DTN? You'd want to use "-t f"
   167 to indicate you are sending a file, then the argument following "-p"
   168 will be interpreted as a filename. dtnd will open that file and read
   169 it in to fill up the bundle. Be aware that dtnd needs to make a copy
   170 of your file and put it in the bundle directory, even if your file is
   171 quite big. Once dtnd has gotten another server someplace else in the
   172 DTN to take custody of the bundle, it will be deleted from the local
   173 server. (However, custody transfer is not currently implemented in DTN2.)
   175 <p>
   176 The final payload type is "d", for date. When you use this,
   177 you do not need -p. A payload consisting of the date is made up
   178 automatically for you. This is useful for testing, but not for much
   179 else.
   181 <h3> Getting a receipt, waiting for it to arrive </h3>
   183 <i>To fully understand this section, you should quit and restart your
   184 dtnd process, otherwise you will get unexpected results due to state
   185 that is not properly cleaned up from the above tests. -demmer</i>
   187 <p>
   188 If you add the -e and -w options to the <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> command
   189 above, something different happens. The -e argument asks the
   190 far end DTN server (in this case, still our local server) to
   191 make up a receipt and send it via the DTN back to our reply
   192 address. Because we did not use the -r argument to explicitly
   193 set a reply address, the receipt will come to the source eid
   194 we specified with the -s option. The -w argument tells
   195 <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> to wait for incoming messages to the reply
   196 endpoint. So, here's an example of it in action:
   198 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtnsend/dtnsend -e -w -s dtn://dtn-a.dtn/me
   199     -d dtn://dtn-a.dtn/testing
   200     -t m -p "testing"</font>
   201 got 67 byte report from [dtn://dtn-a.dtn]: time=18893.0 ms
   202 </pre></blockquote>
   204 <p>
   205 18.893 seconds?!? What kind of broken network could possibly take
   206 18.893 seconds to deliver a little 7 byte bundle? What's going on here?
   208 <p>
   209 Well, recall that this is a disruption tolerant network, and that
   210 the application on the other end may not have been running at the time
   211 we sent the message. In fact it was not. The 18 seconds was how long
   212 it took me to find another window and run <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a>. (So
   213 I type slow. Sue me.) The dtnd server couldn't create and send a
   214 receipt until it had delivered the bundle to the final destination,
   215 which in this case was the <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> process that I started
   216 a few seconds after I ran <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a>. If I'd had my
   217 <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> up and running before I ran <a href="man_dtnsend.html">dtnsend</a> the
   218 receipt would have arrived in just a few milliseconds.
   220 <h2>dtncp and dtncpd</h2>
   222 <p>
   223 What if you wanted to move a file to another node on the DTN?
   224 You've have to have someone logged into that machine ready to run
   225 <a href="man_dtnrecv.html">dtnrecv</a> on it. And of course, you can't log in to it,
   226 because the other bundle router is on the other side of Mars.
   227 And of course, you can't put your buddy there to run the command,
   228 because, well, it's on the other side of Mars. What to do? If
   229 there was a daemon there listening for bundles arriving on
   230 a certain endpoint, and you had a program that could package up
   231 local files and send them to the endpoint the far side was
   232 waiting on, you could move files!
   234 <p>
   235 That's exactly how <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> and <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> work.
   236 <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> is used to pick up a file from the local
   237 filesystem send it as a bundle.
   238 <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> is the daemon, which would stay running
   239 all the time. It registers with the local bundle router
   240 requesting a notification when a bundle comes in that was sent
   241 by <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a>. It copies the bundle into an "incoming files"
   242 directory. Voila, you've copied a file.
   244 <p>
   245 You need to run a <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> on every node in the
   246 network where you want to be able to copy files. If a node
   247 is only sending out files, it need not have a <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a>
   248 running.
   250 <p>
   251 Note that <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> is not a general purpose file copy
   252 system like <tt>scp</tt>. It can only deposit files into a
   253 specific directory. It was written this way because it is an
   254 example application, and implementing the security-critical
   255 parts of a general file transfer utility were beyond the scope
   256 of the example. Likewise, there's no facility to run remote
   257 commands on the remote node. It would be possible to add
   258 some kind of flag to the bundle contents specifying whether
   259 or not to run the received file (and with which arguments).
   260 These are all possibilities for bundle applications you might
   261 choose to make in the future.
   263 <h3> An example </h3>
   265 <p>
   266 In one window, we get a directory ready for <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a>
   267 to put files into, then start it. <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> registers
   268 on the endpoint <i>/dtncp/recv:*</i>, then waits for incoming
   269 files.
   271 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>mkdir /home/fred/dtn/incoming</font>
   272 $ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtncpd/dtncpd /home/fred/dtn/incoming</font>
   273 opening connection to dtn router...
   274 local_eid [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/dtncp/recv:*]
   275 dtn_register succeeded, regid 0xa
   276 dtn_recv [dtn://dtn-a.dtn/dtncp/recv:*]...
   277 </pre></blockquote>
   279 <p>
   280 In another window, we copy a file:
   282 <blockquote><pre>$ <font color=blue>DTN2/apps/dtncp/dtncp /etc/motd dtn://dtn-a.dtn</font></pre></blockquote>
   284 <p>
   285 And in the first window, <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> says:
   287 <blockquote><pre>======================================
   288  File Received at Sun Mar  6 01:03:24 2005
   290    region : internet
   291    host   : dtn-a
   292    path   :
   293    file   : motd
   294    size   : 960 bytes
   295    loc    : /home/fred/dtn/incoming/dtn-a//passwd</pre></blockquote>
   297 <p>
   298 You may also give <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a> a third argument, which will
   299 be the filename on the far side. The default, if you neglect
   300 to provide this argument, is to make the far side file have the
   301 same name as the local file.
   303 <h3> Wildcard endpoints </h3>
   305 <p>
   306 The DTN2 implementation treats <b>*</b> (asterisk) as a
   307 special character in endpoints. The asterisk denotes
   308 that any endpoint that matches the prefix before the asterix
   309 will match that endpoint. <a href="man_dtncpd.html">dtndcpd</a> uses a wildcard
   310 endpoint to be able to match the endpoints that <a href="man_dtncp.html">dtncp</a>
   311 makes by adding the desired remote filename onto the end of
   312 the first part of the endpoint string, <i>/dtncp/recv:</i>.
   314 </body>
   315 </html>