--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/unit_tests/route-multigraph-test.cc Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * Copyright 2007 Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+# include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <oasys/util/UnitTest.h>
+#include "routing/MultiGraph.h"
+using namespace oasys;
+using namespace dtn;
+ MultiGraph<int, int> g;
+ MultiGraph<int, int>::Node *a, *b, *c;
+ CHECK(g.find_node("foo") == NULL);
+ DO(a = g.add_node("a", 1));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a") == a);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a")->info() == 1);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n");
+ DO(b = g.add_node("b", 2));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b") == b);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b")->info() == 2);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n" "b ->\n");
+ DO(c = g.add_node("c", 3));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c") == c);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c")->info() == 3);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n" "b ->\n" "c ->\n");
+ CHECK(g.del_node("b"));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a") == a);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b") == NULL);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c") == c);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n" "c ->\n");
+ CHECK(! g.del_node("b"));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a") == a);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b") == NULL);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c") == c);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n" "c ->\n");
+ CHECK(g.del_node("c"));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a") == a);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b") == NULL);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c") == NULL);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n");
+ DO(c = g.add_node("c", 3));
+ CHECK(g.find_node("a") == a);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("b") == NULL);
+ CHECK(g.find_node("c") == c);
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "a ->\n" "c ->\n");
+ DO(g.clear());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "");
+ MultiGraph<int, int> g;
+ MultiGraph<int, int>::Node *a, *b, *c;
+ MultiGraph<int, int>::Edge *ab, *ba, *bc, *cb, *ca, *ca2;
+ DO(a = g.add_node("a", 1));
+ DO(b = g.add_node("b", 2));
+ DO(c = g.add_node("c", 3));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(),
+ "a ->\n"
+ "b ->\n"
+ "c ->\n");
+ DO(ab = g.add_edge(a, b, 0));
+ DO(ba = g.add_edge(b, a, 1));
+ DO(bc = g.add_edge(b, c, 2));
+ DO(cb = g.add_edge(c, b, 3));
+ DO(ca = g.add_edge(c, a, 4));
+ DO(ca2 = g.add_edge(c, a, 5));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(),
+ "a -> b(0)\n"
+ "b -> a(1) c(2)\n"
+ "c -> b(3) a(4) a(5)\n");
+ CHECK(g.del_edge(a, ab));
+ CHECK(!g.del_edge(a, ab));
+ CHECK(g.del_edge(b, bc));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(),
+ "a ->\n"
+ "b -> a(1)\n"
+ "c -> b(3) a(4) a(5)\n");
+ DO(ab = g.add_edge(a, b, 0));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(),
+ "a -> b(0)\n"
+ "b -> a(1)\n"
+ "c -> b(3) a(4) a(5)\n");
+ DO(g.clear());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(g.dump(), "");
+struct HopCountFn : public MultiGraph<int, int>::WeightFn {
+ u_int32_t operator()(const MultiGraph<int, int>::SearchInfo&,
+ const MultiGraph<int, int>::Edge* edge)
+ {
+ (void)edge;
+ return 1;
+ };
+struct EvenOddFn : public MultiGraph<int, int>::WeightFn {
+ u_int32_t operator()(const MultiGraph<int, int>::SearchInfo&,
+ const MultiGraph<int, int>::Edge* edge)
+ {
+ // even nodes like even links and odd nodes like odd links
+ if ((edge->source()->info() % 2) == (edge->info())) {
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ return 10000;
+ }
+ };
+struct HopWeightFn : public MultiGraph<int, int>::WeightFn {
+ u_int32_t operator()(const MultiGraph<int, int>::SearchInfo&,
+ const MultiGraph<int, int>::Edge* edge)
+ {
+ return edge->info();
+ };
+struct InfiniteWeightFn : public MultiGraph<int, int>::WeightFn {
+ u_int32_t operator()(const MultiGraph<int, int>::SearchInfo&,
+ const MultiGraph<int, int>::Edge* edge)
+ {
+ // to properly test this, we assume that the first step has a
+ // valid weight, otherwise everything is just infinite
+ if (edge->source()->info() == 0 &&
+ edge->dest()->info() == 1) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0xffffffff;
+ };
+DECLARE_TEST(ShortestPath) {
+ MultiGraph<int, int> g;
+ MultiGraph<int, int>::Node* nodes[16];
+ MultiGraph<int, int>::EdgeVector path;
+ char name[256];
+ // Add all the nodes
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%d", i);
+ nodes[i] = g.add_node(name, i);
+ }
+ // Set up a simple ring
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ g.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[(i + 1) % 16], 0);
+ }
+ HopCountFn hop_count_fn;
+ EvenOddFn even_odd_fn;
+ HopWeightFn hop_weight_fn;
+ InfiniteWeightFn infinite_fn;
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[4], &path, &hop_count_fn));
+ std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(path.dump(), "[0 -> 1(0)] [1 -> 2(0)] [2 -> 3(0)] [3 -> 4(0)]");
+ // Add a parallel ring, see that nothing changes
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ g.add_edge(nodes[i], nodes[(i + 1) % 16], 1);
+ }
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[4], &path, &hop_count_fn));
+ std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(path.dump(), "[0 -> 1(0)] [1 -> 2(0)] [2 -> 3(0)] [3 -> 4(0)]");
+ // Now use a funky even/odd weight function to see that it
+ // correctly selects the parallel loop some of the time
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[4], &path, &even_odd_fn));
+ std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(path.dump(), "[0 -> 1(0)] [1 -> 2(1)] [2 -> 3(0)] [3 -> 4(1)]");
+ // Remove links, disconnecting node 0
+ CHECK(g.del_edge(nodes[0], nodes[0]->out_edges()[0]));
+ CHECK(g.del_edge(nodes[0], nodes[0]->out_edges()[0]));
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[4], &path, &hop_count_fn));
+ CHECK_EQUAL(path.size(), 0);
+ // Add a link back, then add backwards links with higher "cost"
+ DO(g.add_edge(nodes[0], nodes[1], 0));
+ for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
+ g.add_edge(nodes[(i + 1) % 16], nodes[i], 100);
+ }
+ // Check that these backwards links are used when we're using the
+ // hop count weight fn, but not when we use the cost based one
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[10], &path, &hop_count_fn));
+ std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(path.dump(),
+ "[0 -> 15(100)] [15 -> 14(100)] [14 -> 13(100)] "
+ "[13 -> 12(100)] [12 -> 11(100)] [11 -> 10(100)]");
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[10], &path, &hop_weight_fn));
+ std::reverse(path.begin(), path.end());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(path.dump(),
+ "[0 -> 1(0)] [1 -> 2(0)] [2 -> 3(0)] [3 -> 4(0)] [4 -> 5(0)] "
+ "[5 -> 6(0)] [6 -> 7(0)] [7 -> 8(0)] [8 -> 9(0)] [9 -> 10(0)]");
+ // Finally, check that there's no path to any node if we use the
+ // infinite weight fn.
+ for (int i = 2; i < 16; ++i) {
+ DO(g.shortest_path(nodes[0], nodes[i], &path, &infinite_fn));
+ CHECK_EQUAL(path.size(), 0);
+ }
+ g.clear();
+DECLARE_TESTER(RouteMultiGraphTest) {
+ ADD_TEST(NodeOps);
+ ADD_TEST(EdgeOps);
+ ADD_TEST(ShortestPath);
+DECLARE_TEST_FILE(RouteMultiGraphTest, "route multigraph test");