--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/unit_tests/prophet-tlv-test.cc Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+#include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <oasys/util/UnitTest.h>
+#include <oasys/util/ScratchBuffer.h>
+#include <oasys/util/StringBuffer.h>
+# include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "naming/EndpointID.h"
+#include "prophet/Dictionary.h"
+#include "prophet/HelloTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/RIBDTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/RIBTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/BundleTLVEntryList.h"
+#include "prophet/OfferTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/ResponseTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/ProphetTLV.h"
+#include "prophet/BundleCore.h"
+#include "prophet/Table.h"
+using namespace oasys;
+using namespace dtn;
+ScratchBuffer<u_char*,1024> buf;
+u_char* bp = buf.buf(1024);
+const int COUNT = 10;
+prophet::HelloTLV* hello;
+prophet::RIBDTLV* ribd;
+prophet::RIBTLV* rib;
+prophet::OfferTLV* btlv;
+#define CHECK_TLV(a,b,fn) CHECK_EQUAL((a)->fn(),(b)->fn())
+ EndpointID eid("dtn://tlvtest");
+ hello = new prophet::HelloTLV(prophet::HelloTLV::SYN,100,eid.c_str());
+ CHECK(hello->length() > 0);
+ // serialize
+ size_t tlvsz = hello->serialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK_GT(tlvsz,prophet::HelloTLV::HelloTLVHeaderSize);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz,hello->length());
+ printf("TLV Typecode: 0x%x\n",hello->typecode());
+ printf("TLV Flags: 0x%x\n",hello->flags());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(prophet::HelloTLV::SYN,hello->hf());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(100,hello->timer());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(hello->sender().compare(eid.str()),0);
+ //deserialize
+ prophet::HelloTLV *ht =
+ prophet::TLVFactory<prophet::HelloTLV>::deserialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK(ht != NULL);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,ht,typecode);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,ht,flags);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,ht,length);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,ht,hf);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,ht,timer);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(hello->sender().compare(ht->sender()),0);
+ delete ht;
+ std::string sender("dtn://local");
+ std::string receiver("dtn://remote");
+ prophet::Dictionary pd(sender,receiver);
+ CHECK(pd.assign(std::string("dtn://test"),2));
+ // fill in some RIBD
+ for (size_t i=0; i < COUNT-2; i++) {
+ oasys::StringBuffer str(128,"dtn://node-");
+ str.appendf("%zu/test",i);
+ pd.assign(str.c_str(),i+3);
+ }
+ ribd = new prophet::RIBDTLV(pd);
+ CHECK( ribd->length() > 0 );
+ prophet::Dictionary clone(ribd->ribd(sender,receiver));
+ for(prophet::Dictionary::const_iterator i = clone.begin();
+ i != clone.end(); i++)
+ {
+ printf("SID %4u, dest_id %20s\n",(*i).first,(*i).second.c_str());
+ }
+ // serialize
+ size_t tlvsz = ribd->serialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK_GT(tlvsz,prophet::RIBDTLV::RIBDTLVHeaderSize);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz,ribd->length());
+ printf("TLV Typecode: 0x%x\n",ribd->typecode());
+ printf("TLV Flags: 0x%x\n",ribd->flags());
+ // deserialize
+ prophet::RIBDTLV* rd =
+ prophet::TLVFactory<prophet::RIBDTLV>::deserialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK(rd != NULL);
+ CHECK_TLV(ribd,rd,typecode);
+ CHECK_TLV(ribd,rd,flags);
+ CHECK_TLV(ribd,rd,length);
+ prophet::Dictionary pd2(rd->ribd(sender,receiver));
+ printf("pd2 %zu pd %zu\n",pd2.size(),pd.size());
+ CHECK(pd2.size() == pd.size());
+ for(prophet::Dictionary::const_iterator i = pd2.begin();
+ i != pd2.end();
+ i++)
+ {
+ u_int16_t sid = (*i).first;
+ std::string dest_id = (*i).second;
+ CHECK_EQUAL(sid,pd.find(dest_id));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(dest_id.c_str(),pd.find(sid).c_str());
+ }
+ delete rd;
+ prophet::Dictionary pd(std::string("dtn://local"),
+ std::string("dtn://remote"));
+ prophet::RIBNodeList nodes;
+ // fill in some RIBD
+ for (size_t i=0; i < COUNT-2; i++) {
+ oasys::StringBuffer str(128,"dtn://node-");
+ str.appendf("%zu",i);
+ prophet::Node n(str.c_str(),i % 3 == 1,i % 3 == 2, i % 3 == 0);
+ u_int16_t sid = pd.insert(str.c_str());
+ CHECK(sid != prophet::Dictionary::INVALID_SID);
+ prophet::RIBNode* node = new prophet::RIBNode(&n,sid);
+ node->update_pvalue();
+ node->update_pvalue();
+ nodes.push_back(node);
+ }
+ rib = new prophet::RIBTLV(nodes,true,false,false);
+ CHECK( rib->length() > 0 );
+ // serialize
+ size_t tlvsz = rib->serialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz,rib->length());
+ prophet::RIBNodeList nl = rib->nodes();
+ CHECK_EQUAL(nl.size(),nodes.size());
+ for(prophet::RIBTLV::iterator i1 = nl.begin(), i2 = nodes.begin();
+ i1 != nl.end() && i2 != nodes.end();
+ i1++,i2++)
+ {
+ prophet::RIBNode *j = *i1;
+ prophet::RIBNode *k = *i2;
+ char jbuf[10], kbuf[10];
+ sprintf(jbuf,"%0.2f",j->p_value());
+ sprintf(kbuf,"%0.2f",k->p_value());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR( jbuf, kbuf );
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,relay);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,custody);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,internet_gw);
+ }
+ // deserialize
+ prophet::RIBTLV* rt =
+ prophet::TLVFactory<prophet::RIBTLV>::deserialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK(rt != NULL);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz,rt->length());
+ nl = rt->nodes();
+ CHECK_EQUAL(nl.size(),nodes.size());
+ for(prophet::RIBTLV::iterator i1 = nl.begin(), i2 = nodes.begin();
+ i1 != nl.end() && i2 != nodes.end();
+ i1++,i2++)
+ {
+ prophet::RIBNode *j = *i1;
+ prophet::RIBNode *k = *i2;
+ char jbuf[10], kbuf[10];
+ sprintf(jbuf,"%0.2f",j->p_value());
+ sprintf(kbuf,"%0.2f",k->p_value());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR( jbuf, kbuf );
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,relay);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,custody);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,internet_gw);
+ }
+ // test Table::assign
+ prophet::BundleCoreTestImpl core("dtn://local");
+ prophet::Table t(&core,"t");
+ DO(t.assign(rt->nodes(), pd));
+ CHECK( t.size() == rt->nodes().size() );
+ CHECK( t.find(pd.find(3)) != NULL );
+ delete rt;
+ prophet::BundleOfferList bl;
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) COUNT; i++) {
+ CHECK(bl.add_offer((i<<8)+i, i, i, i%2 == 0, i%2 == 1));
+ }
+ btlv = new prophet::OfferTLV(bl);
+ CHECK( btlv->length() > 0 );
+ // serialize
+ size_t tlvsz = btlv->serialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz, btlv->length());
+ prophet::BundleOfferList b2 = btlv->list();
+ CHECK_EQUAL(b2.type(), bl.type());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(b2.size(), bl.size());
+ {
+ for(prophet::BundleOfferList::iterator i = bl.begin(), j = b2.begin();
+ i != bl.end() && j != b2.end();
+ i++, j++)
+ {
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, type );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, creation_ts );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, sid );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, custody );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, accept );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, ack );
+ }
+ }
+ //deserialize
+ prophet::OfferTLV* bt =
+ prophet::TLVFactory<prophet::OfferTLV>::deserialize(bp,1024);
+ CHECK(bt != NULL);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlvsz, bt->length());
+ prophet::BundleOfferList b3 = bt->list();
+ CHECK_EQUAL(b3.type(), bl.type());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(b3.size(), bl.size());
+ {
+ for(prophet::BundleOfferList::iterator i = bl.begin(), j = b3.begin();
+ i != bl.end() && j != b3.end();
+ i++, j++)
+ {
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, type );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, creation_ts );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, sid );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, custody );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, accept );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, ack );
+ }
+ }
+ delete bt;
+ std::string sender("dtn://somehost");
+ std::string receiver("dtn://otherhost");
+ prophet::ProphetTLV tlv(sender,receiver,
+ prophet::ProphetTLV::UnknownResult,8,9,1023);
+ // Add Hello
+ tlv.add_tlv(hello);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(1,tlv.size());
+ size_t buflen = tlv.length();
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buflen,prophet::ProphetTLV::ProphetHeaderSize +
+ hello->length());
+ // Add RIBD
+ tlv.add_tlv(ribd);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(2,tlv.size());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buflen,tlv.length() - ribd->length());
+ buflen = tlv.length();
+ // Add RIB
+ tlv.add_tlv(rib);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(3,tlv.size());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buflen,tlv.length() - rib->length());
+ buflen = tlv.length();
+ // Add BundleTLV
+ tlv.add_tlv(btlv);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(4,tlv.size());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(buflen,tlv.length() - btlv->length());
+ buflen = tlv.length();
+ // write out tlv to buffer
+ CHECK(tlv.serialize(bp,1024) == buflen);
+ // pretend this is a network transfer, instead of memcpy
+ u_char buff[1024];
+ memcpy(&buff[0],bp,1024);
+ // read back tlv from Bundle payload
+ prophet::ProphetTLV* pt = NULL;
+ CHECK((pt = prophet::ProphetTLV::deserialize("dtn://somehost",
+ "dtn://otherhost",&buff[0],1024)) != NULL);
+ CHECK_EQUAL(tlv.length(),pt->length());
+ CHECK_EQUAL(pt->size(),tlv.size());
+ size_t size = pt->size();
+ // Pull off Hello
+ prophet::BaseTLV* b = pt->get_tlv();
+ CHECK(b != NULL);
+ CHECK_LTU(pt->size(),size);
+ CHECK_TLV(b,hello,typecode);
+ prophet::HelloTLV* h2 = (prophet::HelloTLV*) b;
+ CHECK(h2 != hello); // should not point to same memory
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,h2,flags);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,h2,length);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,h2,hf);
+ CHECK_TLV(hello,h2,timer);
+ CHECK(hello->sender().compare(h2->sender()) == 0);
+ //delete hello; //ProphetTLV destructor takes care of this one
+ delete h2;
+ // Pull off RIBD
+ size = pt->size();
+ b = pt->get_tlv();
+ CHECK(b != NULL);
+ CHECK_LTU(pt->size(),size);
+ CHECK_TLV(b,ribd,typecode);
+ prophet::RIBDTLV* ribd2 = (prophet::RIBDTLV*) b;
+ CHECK(ribd2 != ribd);
+ CHECK_TLV(ribd,ribd2,flags);
+ CHECK_TLV(ribd,ribd2,length);
+ prophet::Dictionary pd = ribd->ribd(sender,receiver);
+ prophet::Dictionary pd2 = ribd2->ribd(sender,receiver);
+ CHECK(pd2.size() == pd.size());
+ for(prophet::Dictionary::const_iterator i = pd2.begin();
+ i != pd2.end();
+ i++)
+ {
+ u_int16_t sid = (*i).first;
+ std::string eid = (*i).second;
+ CHECK_EQUAL(sid,pd.find(eid));
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR(eid.c_str(),pd.find(sid).c_str());
+ }
+ //delete ribd; //ProphetTLV destructor takes care of this one
+ delete ribd2;
+ // Pull off RIB
+ size = pt->size();
+ b = pt->get_tlv();
+ CHECK(b != NULL);
+ CHECK_LTU(pt->size(),size);
+ CHECK_TLV(b,rib,typecode);
+ prophet::RIBTLV* rib2 = (prophet::RIBTLV*) b;
+ prophet::RIBNodeList n1 = rib->nodes();
+ prophet::RIBNodeList n2 = rib2->nodes();
+ for(prophet::RIBTLV::iterator i1 = n1.begin(), i2 = n2.begin();
+ i1 != n1.end() && i2 != n2.end();
+ i1++,i2++)
+ {
+ prophet::RIBNode *j = *i1;
+ prophet::RIBNode *k = *i2;
+ char jbuf[10], kbuf[10];
+ sprintf(jbuf,"%0.2f",j->p_value());
+ sprintf(kbuf,"%0.2f",k->p_value());
+ CHECK_EQUALSTR( jbuf, kbuf );
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,relay);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,custody);
+ CHECK_TLV(j,k,internet_gw);
+ }
+ //delete rib; //ProphetTLV destructor takes care of this one
+ delete rib2;
+ // Pull off BundleTLV
+ size = pt->size();
+ b = pt->get_tlv();
+ CHECK(b != NULL);
+ CHECK_LTU(pt->size(),size);
+ CHECK_TLV(b,btlv,typecode);
+ prophet::OfferTLV* btlv2 = (prophet::OfferTLV*) b;
+ prophet::BundleOfferList b1 = btlv->list();
+ prophet::BundleOfferList b2 = btlv2->list();
+ {
+ for(prophet::BundleOfferList::iterator i = b1.begin(), j = b2.begin();
+ i != b1.end() && j != b2.end();
+ i++, j++)
+ {
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, creation_ts );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, sid );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, custody );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, accept );
+ CHECK_TLV( *i, *j, ack );
+ }
+ }
+ //delete btlv; //ProphetTLV destructor takes care of this one
+ delete btlv2;
+ delete pt;
+ ADD_TEST(BundleTLV);
+ ADD_TEST(ProphetTLV);
+DECLARE_TEST_FILE(ProphetTLVTest, "prophet tlv parser test");