changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/reactive-fragmentation.tcl	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+#    Copyright 2006 Intel Corporation
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+test::name reactive-fragmentation
+net::num_nodes 2
+dtn::config_interface tcp
+dtn::config_linear_topology ALWAYSON tcp true \
+	"test_write_delay=1000 segment_length=512"
+test::script {
+    testlog "Running dtnds"
+    dtn::run_dtnd *
+    testlog "Waiting for dtnds to start up"
+    dtn::wait_for_dtnd *
+    dtn::tell_dtnd 1 tcl_registration dtn://host-1/test
+    testlog "Waiting for links to open"
+    dtn::wait_for_link_state 0 tcp-link:0-1 OPEN
+    dtn::wait_for_link_state 1 tcp-link:1-0 OPEN
+    testlog "Sending bundle"
+    set timestamp [dtn::tell_dtnd 0 sendbundle \
+	    dtn://host-0/test dtn://host-1/test length=8096 expiration=3600]
+    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
+	set wait [expr 2000 + int(2500 * rand())]
+	testlog "Waiting [expr $wait / 1000] seconds"
+	after $wait
+	testlog "Interrupting the link"
+	dtn::tell_dtnd 0 link close tcp-link:0-1 
+	dtn::wait_for_link_state 0 tcp-link:0-1 UNAVAILABLE
+	dtn::tell_dtnd 0 link open tcp-link:0-1
+	dtn::wait_for_link_state 0 tcp-link:0-1 OPEN
+    }
+    testlog "Waiting for the bundle to arrive and to be reassembled"
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle 1 "dtn://host-0/test,$timestamp" 30
+    testlog "Checking that no bundles are pending"
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle_stats 0 {0 pending}
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle_stats 1 {0 pending 1 delivered}
+    testlog "Checking that it really did fragment"
+    set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd 1 bundle stats]
+    regexp {(\d+) received} $stats match received
+    if {$received == 1} {
+	error "only one bundle received"
+    }
+    testlog "$received fragments received"
+    testlog "Resetting stats"
+    tell_dtnd 0 bundle reset_stats
+    tell_dtnd 1 bundle reset_stats
+    testlog "Disabling reactive fragmentation on node 1"
+    tell_dtnd 0 link reconfigure tcp-link:0-1 reactive_frag_enabled=0
+    testlog "Sending another bundle"
+    set timestamp [dtn::tell_dtnd 0 sendbundle \
+	    dtn://host-0/test dtn://host-1/test length=8096 expiration=3600]
+    for {set i 0} {$i < 5} {incr i} {
+	set wait [expr 2000 + int(2500 * rand())]
+	testlog "Waiting [expr $wait / 1000] seconds"
+	after $wait
+	testlog "Interrupting the link"
+	dtn::tell_dtnd 0 link close tcp-link:0-1 
+	dtn::wait_for_link_state 0 tcp-link:0-1 UNAVAILABLE
+	dtn::tell_dtnd 0 link open tcp-link:0-1
+	dtn::wait_for_link_state 0 tcp-link:0-1 OPEN
+    }
+    testlog "Waiting for the bundle to arrive and to be reassembled"
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle 1 "dtn://host-0/test,$timestamp" 30
+    testlog "Checking that no bundles are pending"
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle_stats 0 {0 pending}
+    dtn::wait_for_bundle_stats 1 {0 pending 1 delivered}
+    testlog "Checking that it really did fragment"
+    set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd 1 bundle stats]
+    regexp {(\d+) received} $stats match received
+    if {$received == 1} {
+	error "only one bundle received"
+    }
+    testlog "$received fragments received"
+    testlog "Test success!"
+test::exit_script {
+    testlog "Stopping all dtnds"
+    dtn::stop_dtnd *