changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/ftp.tcl	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+#    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+# Simple client/server code that scans a directory for new data and sends
+# that data to a remote host.
+# usage: simple_ftp server <dir> <logfile>
+# usage: simple_ftp client <dir> <logfile> <host>
+# after 1000
+# set y [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+# set f [expr $y - $x]
+set port 17600
+set period 1000
+set blocksz 8192
+set debugging 1
+proc logdebug {name} {
+    if {$debugging} {
+	puts $name
+    }
+proc time {} {
+     global starttime
+    return " [clock seconds] ::  [expr [clock clicks -milliseconds] - $starttime] :: "
+proc timef {} {
+    return [clock format [clock seconds]]
+proc scan_dir {host dir} {
+    global period
+    global begin_time
+    puts "scanning dir $dir..."
+    set files [glob -nocomplain -- "$dir/*"]
+    set begin_time "[time]"
+    foreach file $files {
+	file stat $file file_stat
+	if {$file_stat(type) != "file"} {
+	    continue
+	}
+	set len $file_stat(size)
+	if {$len == 0} {
+	    continue
+	}
+	set sent_file 0
+	while {$sent_file != 1} {
+	    set sent_file [send_file $host $file]
+	    if {$sent_file != 1} { after 2000 }
+	}
+	file delete -force $file
+    }
+    after $period scan_dir $host $dir
+proc ack_arrived {sock} {
+    global got_ack ack_timer
+    after cancel $ack_timer
+    set got_ack 1
+    if {[catch {
+	set ack [gets $sock]
+    }]} {
+	puts " [time] ack arrived but cant read on socket!"
+	set got_ack 0
+	fileevent $sock readable ""
+	catch {close $sock}
+	return 
+    }
+    if [eof $sock] {
+	puts " [time] EOF arrived instead of ack!"
+	set got_ack 0
+	fileevent $sock readable ""
+	catch {close $sock}
+	return
+    }
+    if {$ack != "ACK"} {
+	puts "[time] ERROR in ack_arrived: got '$ack', expected ACK"
+	set got_ack 0
+	fileevent $sock readable ""
+	return
+    }
+proc ack_timeout {} {
+    global got_ack
+    set got_ack 0
+    puts " [time] ack_timeout"
+proc send_file {host file} {
+    global port
+    global logfd
+    global blocksz
+    global got_ack
+    global ack_timer
+    global sock
+    global begin_time
+    set fd [open $file]
+    puts "[time] trying to send  file $file size [file size $file]"
+    set start_send_time "[time]"
+    if {! [info exists sock]} {
+	while  { [  catch {socket $host $port } sock] } {
+	    puts "[time] Trying failed, will try again after  2 seconds "
+	    after 2000
+	puts "[time] Trying again "
+	}
+	puts "[time] Successfull new connection "
+	fconfigure $sock -translation binary
+	fconfigure $sock -encoding binary
+	if [catch {
+	    puts $sock "SYN"
+	    flush $sock
+	}] {
+	    catch { close $sock } 
+	    unset sock
+	    close $fd
+	    return -1
+	}
+	## Send SYN
+	puts "[time] sending handshake ack"
+	# read the handshake ack
+	fconfigure $sock -blocking 0
+	set got_ack -1
+	fileevent $sock readable "ack_arrived $sock"
+	set ack_timer [after 20000 ack_timeout]
+	vwait got_ack
+	if {!$got_ack} {
+	    puts "[time] timeout waiting for handshake ack"
+	    close $fd
+	    catch { close $sock } 
+	    unset sock
+	    return -1
+	}	else {
+	    puts "[time] got handshake ack"
+	}
+    }
+    fconfigure $sock -blocking 1
+    ## Send the filename and size
+    if [catch {
+	puts $sock "[file tail $file] [file size $file]"
+	flush $sock
+    }] {
+	catch { close $sock } 
+	unset sock
+	close $fd
+	return -1
+    }
+    set index 0 
+    ## Send the payload
+    while {![eof $fd]} {
+	if {[catch {
+	    set payload [read $fd $blocksz]
+	    #puts "[time] $index sending [string length $payload] byte chunk"
+	    puts -nonewline $sock $payload
+	    flush $sock
+            incr index
+	} ]} {
+	    catch { close $sock } 
+	    unset sock
+	    close $fd
+	    return -1
+	}
+    }	
+    close $fd
+    # wait for an ack or timeout
+    puts "[time] sent whole file, waiting for ack"
+    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0
+    set got_ack -1
+    fileevent $sock readable "ack_arrived $sock"
+    set ack_timer [after 55000 ack_timeout]
+    vwait got_ack
+    if {$got_ack} {
+	puts "[time] :: file  actually sent $file"
+	puts $logfd "$start_send_time $begin_time :: file actually sent [file tail $file]   " 
+	flush $logfd
+	return 1
+    } else {
+	puts "[time] :: file sent but not acked"
+	catch { close $sock } 
+	unset sock
+	return -1
+    }
+proc recv_files {dest_dir} {
+    global port
+    global conns
+    puts "[time] waiting for files:  $dest_dir"
+    set conns(main) [socket -server "new_client $dest_dir" $port]
+proc new_client {dest_dir sock addr port} {
+    global conns
+    puts " Accept $sock from $addr port $port"
+    # Used for debugging
+    set conns(addr,$sock) [list $addr $port]
+    fconfigure $sock -translation binary
+    fconfigure $sock -encoding binary
+    fconfigure $sock -blocking 0 
+    fileevent $sock readable "syn_arrived $dest_dir $sock"
+proc syn_arrived {dest_dir sock} {
+    global length_remaining
+    global conns
+    if {[eof $sock]} {
+	puts "[time] Close $conns(addr,$sock) EOF SYN received"
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return 
+    }
+    if {[catch {
+	set L [gets $sock]
+    }]} {
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return 
+    }
+    while {$L == ""} {
+	puts "[time] partial syn received... waiting for more"
+	after 20
+	if {[catch {
+	    set L [gets $sock]
+	}]} {
+	    catch { close $sock } 	
+	    unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	    return 
+	}
+    }
+    # Check if this is really a SYN
+    puts "[time] got SYN"
+    puts $sock "ACK"
+    flush $sock
+    fileevent $sock readable "header_arrived $dest_dir $sock"
+proc header_arrived {dest_dir sock} {
+    global length_remaining
+    global conns
+    puts "[time] header arrived"
+    if {[catch {
+	set L [gets $sock]
+    }]} {
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return 
+    }
+    if {[eof $sock]} {
+	puts "[time] Close $conns(addr,$sock) EOF received"
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return 
+    }
+    while {$L == ""} {
+	if {[eof $sock]} { puts "Unexpected EOF reached, check check"  }
+	puts "[time] partial header line received... waiting for more "
+	after 20
+	 if {[catch {
+	     set L [gets $sock]
+	 }]} {
+	     catch { close $sock } 	
+	     unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	     return 
+	 }
+    }
+    foreach {filename length} $L {}
+    puts "[time] getting file $filename length is: $length"
+    set to_fd [open "$dest_dir/$filename" w]
+    set length_remaining($sock) $length
+    fileevent $sock readable "file_arrived $filename $to_fd $dest_dir $sock"
+proc file_arrived {file to_fd dest_dir sock} {
+    global logfd
+    global conns
+    global length_remaining
+    if {[eof $sock]} {
+	puts "[time] Close $conns(addr,$sock) EOF received"
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return
+    } 
+    if {[catch {
+	set payload [read $sock $length_remaining($sock)]
+    }]} {
+	catch { close $sock } 	
+	unset conns(addr,$sock)
+	return 
+    }
+    puts -nonewline $to_fd $payload
+    set got [string length $payload]
+    set todo [expr $length_remaining($sock) - $got]
+    # puts "got $got byte chunk ($todo to go)"
+    if {$todo < 0} {
+	error "negative todo"
+    }
+    if {$todo == 0} {
+	puts $sock "ACK"
+	flush $sock
+	puts "[time] sending ack for file $file"
+	fileevent $sock readable "header_arrived $dest_dir $sock"
+	puts $logfd "[time] :: got file [file tail $file]  at [timef]" 
+	close $to_fd
+	flush $logfd
+    }
+    set length_remaining($sock) $todo
+# Define a bgerror proc to print the error stack when errors occur in
+# event handlers
+proc bgerror {err} {
+    global errorInfo
+    puts "tcl error: $err\n$errorInfo"
+proc usage {} {
+    puts "usage: simple_ftp server <dir> <logfile>"
+    puts "usage: simple_ftp client <dir> <logfile> <host>"
+    exit -1
+set argc [llength $argv]
+if {$argc < 3} {
+    usage
+set mode [lindex $argv 0]
+set dir  [lindex $argv 1]
+set logfile  [lindex $argv 2]
+set logfd [open $logfile w]
+set starttime [clock clicks -milliseconds]
+puts "Starting in $mode, dir is $dir at [timef]" 
+if {$mode == "server"} {
+    recv_files $dir
+} elseif {$mode == "client"} {
+    set host [lindex $argv 3]
+    scan_dir $host $dir
+} else {
+    error "unknown mode $mode"
+vwait forever