changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/bidirectional.tcl	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+#    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+test::name bidirectional
+net::num_nodes 3
+set cl    tcp
+set count 200
+set storage_type filesysdb
+foreach {var val} $opt(opts) {
+    if {$var == "-cl" || $var == "cl"} {
+	set cl $val
+    } elseif {$var == "-count" || $var == "count"} {
+	set count $val
+    } elseif {$var == "-storage_type" } {
+	set storage_type $val
+    } else {
+	testlog error "ERROR: unrecognized test option '$var'"
+	exit 1
+    }
+dtn::config --no_null_link --storage_type $storage_type
+dtn::config_interface $cl
+dtn::config_app_manifest 1
+dtn::config_linear_topology ALWAYSON $cl true
+conf::add dtnd * "param set early_deletion false"
+# XXX/demmer do this test with bigger bundles...
+test::script {
+    set N [net::num_nodes]
+    set last [expr $N - 1]
+    set eid1 dtn://host-0/test
+    set eid2 dtn://host-$last/test
+    set sleep 100
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Test phase 1: continuous connectivity"
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Running dtnds"
+    dtn::run_dtnd *
+    testlog " Waiting for dtnds to start up"
+    dtn::wait_for_dtnd *
+    testlog " Running senders / receivers for $count bundles, sleep $sleep"
+    set rcvpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnrecv "-q -n $count $eid1"]
+    set rcvpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnrecv "-q -n $count $eid2"]
+    set sndpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnsend "-s $eid1 -d $eid2 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    set sndpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnsend "-s $eid2 -d $eid1 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    testlog " Waiting for senders / receivers to complete (up to 5 mins)"
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit 0     $sndpid1 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit $last $sndpid2 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit 0     $rcvpid1 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit $last $rcvpid2 [expr 5 * 60]
+    testlog " Waiting for all events to be processed"
+    dtn::wait_for_daemon_stats 0 {0 pending_events}
+    dtn::wait_for_daemon_stats 1 {0 pending_events}
+    dtn::wait_for_daemon_stats 2 {0 pending_events}
+    foreach node [list 0 $last] {
+	testlog " Checking bundle stats on node $node"
+	dtn::check_bundle_stats $node \
+		$count "delivered" \
+		[expr $count * 2] "received"
+    }
+    for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} {
+	testlog "Node $i: [dtn::tell_dtnd $i bundle stats]"
+    }
+    testlog " Checking link stats"
+    dtn::check_link_stats 0 $cl-link:0-1 1 contacts $count bundles_transmitted
+    dtn::check_link_stats 1 $cl-link:1-0 1 contacts
+    testlog " Stopping dtnds"
+    dtn::stop_dtnd *
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Test phase 2: interrupted links"
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Running dtnds"
+    dtn::run_dtnd *
+    testlog " Waiting for dtnds to start up"
+    dtn::wait_for_dtnd *
+    testlog " Running senders / receivers for $count bundles, sleep $sleep"
+    set rcvpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnrecv "-q -n $count $eid1"]
+    set rcvpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnrecv "-q -n $count $eid2"]
+    set sndpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnsend "-s $eid1 -d $eid2 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    set sndpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnsend "-s $eid2 -d $eid1 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
+	after [expr int(10000 * rand())]
+	testlog " Closing links to/from node 1 ([test::elapsed] seconds elapsed)"
+	tell_dtnd 0 link close $cl-link:0-1
+	tell_dtnd 1 link close $cl-link:1-2
+        dtn::dump_stats
+	after [expr int(5000 * rand())]
+	testlog " Opening links to/from node 1 ([test::elapsed] seconds elapsed)"
+	tell_dtnd 0 link open $cl-link:0-1
+	tell_dtnd 1 link open $cl-link:1-2
+        # if it finishes early, break out of the loop
+        if {[dtn::get_bundle_stats 0 delivered] == $count} { break }
+    }
+    testlog " Done will link closing loop, stats:"
+    for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} {
+	testlog "Node $i: [dtn::tell_dtnd $i bundle stats]"
+    }
+    testlog " Waiting for senders / receivers to complete (up to 5 mins)"
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit 0     $sndpid1 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit $last $sndpid2 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit 0     $rcvpid1 [expr 5 * 60]
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit $last $rcvpid2 [expr 5 * 60]
+    foreach node [list 0 $last] {
+	testlog " Checking bundle stats on node $node"
+	dtn::check_bundle_stats $node \
+		[expr $count * 2] "pending" \
+		$count "transmitted" \
+		$count "delivered"
+    }
+    for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} {
+	testlog "Node $i: [dtn::tell_dtnd $i bundle stats]"
+    }
+    testlog " Stopping dtnds"
+    dtn::stop_dtnd *
+    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Test phase 3: killing node"
+    testlog " "
+    testlog " Running dtnds"
+    for {set i 0} {$i < [net::num_nodes]} {incr i} {
+	set pids($i) [dtn::run_dtnd $i]
+    }
+    testlog " Waiting for dtnds to start up"
+    dtn::wait_for_dtnd *
+    testlog " Running senders / receivers for $count bundles, sleep $sleep"
+    set rcvpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnrecv "-q $eid1"]
+    set rcvpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnrecv "-q $eid2"]
+    set sndpid1 [dtn::run_app 0     dtnsend "-s $eid1 -d $eid2 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    set sndpid2 [dtn::run_app $last dtnsend "-s $eid2 -d $eid1 -t d -z $sleep -n $count"]
+    for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {
+	if {[dtn::test_bundle_stats 0 [list $count "delivered"]] && \
+		[dtn::test_bundle_stats 1 [list $count "delivered"]]} {
+	    break; # all done
+	}
+	set sleep [expr int(5000 * rand())]
+	testlog " Sleeping for $sleep msecs"
+	after $sleep
+	testlog " Killing node 1"
+	run::kill_pid 1 $pids(1) KILL	
+	tell::wait_for_close $net::host(1) [dtn::get_port console 1]
+	set sleep [expr int(5000 * rand())]
+	testlog " Sleeping for $sleep msecs"
+	after $sleep
+	testlog " Starting node 1"
+	set pids(1) [dtn::run_dtnd 1 dtnd ""]
+	dtn::wait_for_dtnd 1
+    }
+    testlog " Done with killing loop.. stats:"
+    for {set i 0} {$i < $N} {incr i} {
+	testlog "Node $i: [tell_dtnd $i bundle stats]"
+    }
+    testlog " Waiting for senders to complete"
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit 0     $sndpid1
+    run::wait_for_pid_exit $last $sndpid2
+    testlog " Killing receivers"
+    run::kill_pid 0     $rcvpid1 TERM
+    run::kill_pid $last $rcvpid2 TERM
+    # all we can really check for is that they all got transmitted,
+    # since some might end up getting lost when the node gets killed,
+    # but after the ack was sent
+    foreach node [list 0 $last] {
+	testlog " Checking bundle stats on node $node"
+	dtn::check_bundle_stats $node $count "transmitted"
+    }
+    testlog " Test success!"
+test::exit_script {
+    testlog " Stopping all dtnds"
+    dtn::stop_dtnd *