changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-utils/dtnd-test-utils.tcl	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+# dtnd-test-utils.tcl
+# Test utility functions that are sourced by dtnd's config
+# file when run through the testing infrastructure.
+# Callback function that is triggered whenever a bundle is put on the
+# registration's delivery list. Loops until there are no more bundles
+# on the list, calling the delivery callback on each one
+proc tcl_registration_bundle_ready {regid endpoint callback callback_data} {
+    while {1} {
+	set bundle_data [registration tcl $regid get_bundle_data]
+	if {$bundle_data == {}} {
+	    return
+	}
+	if {$callback_data != ""} {
+	    $callback $regid $bundle_data $callback_data
+	} else {
+	    $callback $regid $bundle_data
+	}
+    }
+# Set up a new tcl callback registration
+proc tcl_registration {endpoint {callback default_bundle_arrived} {callback_data ""}} {
+    set regid [registration add tcl $endpoint]
+    set chan [registration tcl $regid get_list_channel]
+    fileevent $chan readable [list tcl_registration_bundle_ready \
+	    $regid $endpoint $callback $callback_data]
+    return $regid
+proc default_bundle_arrived {regid bundle_data} {
+    array set b $bundle_data
+    global bundle_payloads
+    global bundle_info
+    global bundle_sr_info
+    # loop through the key/value pairs in the bundle structure,
+    # printing them out and also dumping them into the bundle_info
+    # array indexed by guid. at the same time, status report bundles
+    # are put into a separate array indexed via a GUID that can be
+    # determined without knowing the SR bundle's creation timestamp
+    # (which we can't easily get because SRs are automatically
+    # generated)
+    log /test notice "bundle arrival"
+    set guid "$b(source),$b(creation_ts)"
+    if { $b(is_admin) && [string match "Status Report" $b(admin_type)] } {
+	set sr_guid "$b(orig_source),$b(orig_creation_ts),$b(source)"
+    }
+    foreach {key val} [array get b] {
+	if {($key == "payload" || $key == "payload_data")} {
+	    continue
+	}
+        if {$key == "recv_blocks"} {
+            # A SerializableVector is serialized as:
+            #   size <size> element <elt1> element <elt2>...
+            set nblocks [lindex $val 1]
+            lappend bundle_info($guid) $key $nblocks
+            log /test notice "recv_blocks: ($nblocks)\n"
+            set isprimary 1
+            foreach {xxx block} [lrange $val 2 end] {
+                array set block_info $block
+                set type [format "0x%x" $block_info(owner_type)]
+                if {$isprimary} {
+                    set type2 primary
+                    binary scan $block_info(contents) cc version flags
+                    set flags [format "0x%x" $flags]
+                    set isprimary 0
+                } else {
+                    binary scan $block_info(contents) cc type2 flags
+                    set type2 [format "0x%x" $type2]
+                    set flags [format "0x%x" $flags]
+                }
+                log /test notice "\t\
+                        type $type ($type2) flags $flags\
+                        length $block_info(length)\
+                        data_length $block_info(data_length)\
+                        data_offset $block_info(data_offset)"
+                set block_type "block,$type2,flags"
+                lappend bundle_info($guid) "block,$type2,flags" $flags
+            }
+            continue
+        }
+	log /test notice "$key:\t $val"
+	lappend bundle_info($guid) $key $val
+	if {[info exists sr_guid]} {
+	    lappend bundle_sr_info($sr_guid) $key $val
+	}
+    }
+    # record the bundle payload separately
+    set bundle_payloads($guid) $b(payload)
+# test proc for sending a bundle
+proc sendbundle {source_eid dest_eid args} {
+    global id
+    # assume args consists of a list of valid "bundle inject" options
+    set length 5000
+    set i [lsearch -glob $args length=*]
+    if {$i != -1} {
+	set length [lindex $args [expr $i + 1]]
+	set length [string map {length= ""} [lindex $args $i]]
+    }
+    set payload ""
+    if {$length != 0} {
+        while {$length - [string length $payload] > 32} {
+            append payload [format "%4d: 0123456789abcdef\n" \
+    		[string length $payload]]
+        }
+        while {$length > [string length $payload]} {
+	    append payload "."
+        }
+    }
+    return [eval [concat {bundle inject $source_eid \
+			      $dest_eid $payload length=$length} $args]]