changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test-utils/dtn-test-lib.tcl	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,710 @@
+#    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+import "dtn-config.tcl"
+import "dtn-topology.tcl"
+# procedure naming conventions:
+# test_*     - returns true/false for a given check
+# check_*    - errors out if the check fails
+# wait_for_* - errors out if the check never succeeds within a timeout
+proc tell_dtnd {id args} {
+    return [eval dtn::tell_dtnd $id $args]
+proc tell_dtntest {id args} {
+    return [eval dtn::tell_dtntest $id $args]
+namespace eval dtn {
+    proc run_dtnd { id {exec_file "dtnd"} {other_opts "-t"} } {
+	global opt net::portbase test::testname
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    set pids ""
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		lappend pids [run_dtnd $id $exec_file $other_opts]
+	    }
+	    return $pids
+	}
+	set exec_opts "-i $id -c $test::testname.conf --seed $opt(seed)"
+	append exec_opts " $other_opts"
+	return [run::run $id dtnd $exec_opts $test::testname.conf \
+		    [conf::get dtnd $id] "" $exec_file]
+    }
+    proc run_dtntest { id {other_opts ""}} {
+	global opt net::listen_addr net::portbase test::testname
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    set pids ""
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		lappend pids [run_dtntest $id $other_opts]
+	    }
+	    return $pids
+	}
+	set confname "$test::testname.dtntest.conf"
+	set exec_opts "-c $confname"
+	append exec_opts " $other_opts"
+	lappend exec_env DTNAPI_ADDR $net::listen_addr($id)
+	lappend exec_env DTNAPI_PORT [dtn::get_port api $id]
+	return [run::run $id "dtntest" $exec_opts \
+		$confname [conf::get dtntest $id] $exec_env]
+    }
+    proc stop_dtnd {id} {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		stop_dtnd $id
+	    }
+	    return
+	}
+	if [catch {
+	    tell_dtnd $id shutdown
+	    after 500
+	} err] {
+	    puts "ERROR: error in shutdown of dtnd id $id: $err"
+	}
+	catch {
+	    tell::wait_for_close $net::host($id) [dtn::get_port console $id]
+	}
+    }
+    proc stop_dtntest {id} {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		stop_dtntest $id
+	    }
+	    return
+	}
+	if [catch {
+	    tell_dtntest $id shutdown
+	} err] {
+	    puts "ERROR: error in shutdown of dtnd id $id"
+	}
+	catch {
+	    tell::close_socket $net::host($id) [dtn::get_port dtntest $id]
+	}
+    }
+    proc app_env {id} {
+        global net::listen_addr
+        set exec_env {}
+	lappend exec_env DTNAPI_ADDR $net::listen_addr($id)
+	lappend exec_env DTNAPI_PORT [dtn::get_port api $id]
+        return $exec_env
+    }
+    proc run_app { id app_name {exec_args ""} {exec_name ""}} {
+	global opt net::listen_addr net::portbase test::testname
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    set pids ""
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		lappend pids [run_app $id $app_name $exec_args $exec_name]
+	    }
+	    return $pids
+	}
+        set exec_env [app_env $id]
+	return [run::run $id "$app_name" $exec_args \
+		    $test::testname-$app_name.conf \
+		    [conf::get $app_name $id] $exec_env $exec_name]
+    }
+    proc run_app_and_wait { id app_name {exec_args ""} } {
+        set pid [run_app $id $app_name $exec_args]
+        run::wait_for_pid_exit $id $pid
+    }
+    proc wait_for_dtnd {id} {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		wait_for_dtnd $id
+	    }
+	}
+	tell::wait $net::host($id) [dtn::get_port console $id]
+    }
+    proc wait_for_dtntest {id} {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		wait_for_dtnd $id
+	    }
+	}
+	tell::wait $net::host($id) [dtn::get_port dtntest $id]
+    }
+    proc tell_dtnd { id args } {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		eval tell_dtnd $id $args
+	    }
+	    return
+	}
+	return [eval "tell::tell $net::host($id) \
+		[dtn::get_port console $id] $args"]
+    }
+    proc tell_dtntest { id args } {
+	global net::host
+	if {$id == "*"} {
+	    foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+		eval tell_dtntest $id $args
+	    }
+	    return
+	}
+	return [eval "tell::tell $net::host($id) \
+		[dtn::get_port dtntest $id] $args"]
+    }
+    # generic checker function
+    proc check {args} {
+	set orig_args $args
+	set expected 1
+	if {[lindex $args 0] == "!"} {
+	    set expected 0
+	    set args [lrange $args 1 end]
+	}
+	set result [eval $args]
+ 	if {$result != $expected} {
+	    error "check '$orig_args' failed"
+	}
+    }
+    # generic checker function
+    proc check_equal {result expected} {
+ 	if {$result != $expected} {
+	    error "check result '$result' != expected '$expected'"
+	}
+    }
+    # dtn bundle data functions
+    proc check_bundle_arrived {id bundle_guid} {
+	if {![dtn::tell_dtnd $id "info exists bundle_info($bundle_guid)"]} {
+	    error "check for bundle arrival failed: \
+	        node $id bundle $bundle_guid"
+	}
+    }
+    proc wait_for_bundle {id bundle_guid {timeout 30}} {
+	do_until "wait_for_bundle $bundle_guid" $timeout {
+	    if {![catch {check_bundle_arrived $id $bundle_guid}]} {
+		break
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # this gets bundle data either through the tcl registration (in
+    # which case it's in a global array bundle_info and bundle_guid is
+    # a source,timestamp pair, or by calling the bundle dump_tcl
+    # command if it's in the pending list, in in which case bundle_guid
+    # should be of the form "bundleid-XXX"
+    proc get_bundle_data {id bundle_guid} {
+	if [regexp -- {bundleid-([0-9]+)} $bundle_guid match bundle_id] {
+	    return [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle dump_tcl $bundle_id"]
+	} else {
+	    return [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "set bundle_info($bundle_guid)"]
+	}
+    }
+    proc check_bundle_data {id bundle_guid {args}} {
+	array set bundle_data [get_bundle_data $id $bundle_guid]
+	foreach {var val} $args {
+	    if {$bundle_data($var) != $val} {
+		error "check_bundle_data: bundle $bundle_guid \
+			$var $bundle_data($var) != expected $val"
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # dtn status report bundle data functions
+    proc check_sr_arrived {id sr_guid} {
+	if {![dtn::tell_dtnd $id "info exists bundle_sr_info($sr_guid)"]} {
+	    error "check for SR arrival failed: node $id SR $sr_guid"
+	}
+    }
+    proc wait_for_sr {id sr_guid {timeout 30}} {
+	do_until "wait_for_sr $sr_guid" $timeout {
+	    if {![catch {check_sr_arrived $id $sr_guid}]} {
+		break
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    proc get_sr_data {id sr_guid} {
+	return [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "set bundle_sr_info($sr_guid)"]
+    }
+    proc check_sr_data {id sr_guid {args}} {
+	array set sr_data [get_sr_data $id $sr_guid]
+	foreach {var val} $args {
+	    if {$sr_data($var) != $val} {
+		error "check_sr_data: SR $sr_guid \
+			$var $sr_data($var) != expected $val"
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    proc check_sr_fields {id sr_guid {args}} {
+	array set sr_data [get_sr_data $id $sr_guid]
+	foreach field $args {
+	    if {![info exists sr_data($field)]} {
+		error "check_sr_fields: SR \"$sr_guid\" field $field not found"
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # registration functions
+    proc test_reg_exists {id regid} {
+	if [catch {
+	    tell_dtnd $id registration dump_tcl $regid
+	} err] {
+	    return 0
+	}
+	return 1
+    }
+    proc check_reg_data {id regid {args}} {
+	array set reg_data [tell_dtnd $id registration dump_tcl $regid]
+	foreach {var val} $args {
+	    if {$reg_data($var) != $val} {
+		error "check_reg_data: registration $regid \
+			$var $reg_data($var) != expected $val"
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # dtnd "bundle stats" functions
+    proc get_bundle_stat {id name} {
+        if {$id == "*"} {
+            set ret ""
+            foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+                append ret "$id: [get_bundle_stat $id $name]\n"
+            }
+            return $ret
+        }
+        if {$name == "all"} {
+            return [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle stats"]
+        }
+        set stats [regsub -all -- {--} [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle stats"] ""]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $stats {
+	    if {$stat_type == $name} {
+		return $val
+	    }
+	}
+	error "unknown stat $name"
+    }
+    proc get_bundle_stats {id name} {
+        return [get_bundle_stat $id $name]
+    }
+    proc check_bundle_stats {id args} {
+        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+            set args [lindex $args 0]
+        }
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle stats"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		error "node $id stat check for $stat_type failed \
+		       expected $val but stats=\"$stats\""
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    proc test_bundle_stats {id args} {
+        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+            set args [lindex $args 0]
+        }
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle stats"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		return false
+	    }
+	}
+	return true
+    }
+    proc wait_for_bundle_stat {id val stat_type {timeout 30}} {
+	do_until "in wait for node $id's stat $stat_type = $val" $timeout {
+	    if {[test_bundle_stats $id $val $stat_type]} {
+		break
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # separate procedure because this one requires an explicit list
+    # argument to allow for optional timeout argument
+    proc wait_for_bundle_stats {id stat_list {timeout 30}} {
+	foreach {val stat_type} $stat_list {
+	    do_until "in wait for node $id's stat $stat_type = $val" $timeout {
+		if {[test_bundle_stats $id $val $stat_type]} {
+		    break
+		}
+		after 500
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # daemon stat functions
+    proc get_daemon_stats {id} {
+        if {$id == "*"} {
+            set ret ""
+            foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+                append ret "$id: [get_daemon_stats $id]\n"
+            }
+            return $ret
+        }
+        return [tell_dtnd $id bundle daemon_stats]
+    }
+    proc check_daemon_stats {id args} {
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle daemon_stats"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		error "node $id stat check for $stat_type failed \
+		       expected $val but stats=\"$stats\""
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    proc test_daemon_stats {id args} {
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "bundle daemon_stats"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		return false
+	    }
+	}
+	return true
+    }
+    proc wait_for_daemon_stat {id val stat_type {timeout 30}} {
+	do_until "in wait for node $id's daemon stat $stat_type = $val" $timeout {
+	    if {[test_daemon_stats $id $val $stat_type]} {
+		break
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # separate procedure because this one requires an explicit list
+    # argument to allow for optional timeout argument
+    proc wait_for_daemon_stats {id stat_list {timeout 30}} {
+	foreach {val stat_type} $stat_list {
+	    do_until "in wait for node $id's daemon stat $stat_type = $val" $timeout {
+		if {[test_daemon_stats $id $val $stat_type]} {
+		    break
+		}
+		after 500
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    # dtnd "link state" functions
+    proc check_link_state { id link state } {
+	set result [tell_dtnd $id "link state $link"]
+	if {$result != $state} {
+	    error "ERROR: check_link_state: \
+		id $id expected state $state, got $result"
+	}
+    }
+    proc wait_for_link_state { id link states {timeout 30} } {
+	do_until "waiting for link state $states" $timeout {
+	    foreach state $states {
+		if {![catch {check_link_state $id $link $state}]} {
+		    return
+		}
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # utility function to wait until no bundles are queued for
+    # transmission or in flight
+    proc wait_for_state_on_all_links {id state {timeout 30}} {
+        do_until "wait_for_state_on_all_links $id $state" $timeout {
+            if {$id == "*"} {
+                set ids [net::nodelist]
+            } else {
+                set ids $id
+            }
+            # to make sure that all links meet the criteria, we use
+            # wait_for_link_state so that any error includes the
+            # link that failed to match
+            if [catch {
+                foreach id $ids {
+                    foreach l [tell_dtnd $id link names] {
+                        wait_for_link_state $id $l $state 1
+                    }
+                }
+            } err] {
+                if {[do_timeout_remaining] == 0} {
+                    error $err
+                } else {
+                    continue
+                }
+            }
+            break
+        }
+    }
+    # dtnd "link stats" functions
+    proc get_link_stat {id link {name "all"} } {
+        if {$id == "*"} {
+            set ret ""
+            foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+                append ret [get_link_stat $id $link $name]
+            }
+            return $ret
+        }
+	if {$link == "*"} {
+	    set links [dtn::tell_dtnd $id link dump]
+	    foreach line [split $links "\n"] {
+		set link [lindex [split $line] 0]
+                if {$link == ""} {
+                    continue
+                }
+		append ret "$id $link: [get_link_stat $id $link $name]\n"
+	    }
+            return $ret
+	}
+	if {$name == "all"} {
+	    return [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "link stats $link"]
+	}
+        set stats [regsub -all -- {--} [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "link stats $link"] ""]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $stats {
+	    if {$stat_type == $name} {
+		return $val
+	    }
+	}
+	error "unknown stat $name"
+    }
+    proc check_link_stats {id link args} {
+        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+            set args [lindex $args 0]
+        }
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "link stats $link"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		error "node $id link $link stat check for ${stat_type} failed \
+		       expected $val but stats=\"$stats\""
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    proc test_link_stats {id link args} {
+        if {[llength $args] == 1} {
+            set args [lindex $args 0]
+        }
+        set stats [dtn::tell_dtnd $id "link stats $link"]
+	foreach {val stat_type} $args {
+	    if {![string match "*$val ${stat_type}*" $stats]} {
+		return false
+	    }
+	}
+	return true
+    }
+    proc wait_for_link_stat {id link val stat_type {timeout 30}} {
+	do_until "wait for node $id's link $link stat $stat_type = $val" \
+		$timeout {
+	    if {[test_link_stats $id $link $val $stat_type]} {
+		break
+	    }
+	    after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # separate procedure because this one requires an explicit list
+    # argument to allow for optional timeout argument
+    proc wait_for_link_stats {id link stat_list {timeout 30}} {
+        do_until "wait for node $id's link $link stats $stat_list" $timeout {
+            set ok 1
+            foreach {val stat_type} $stat_list {
+		if {! [test_link_stats $id $link $val $stat_type]} {
+		    set ok false
+                    break
+		}
+	    }
+            if {$ok} {
+                return
+            }
+            after 500
+	}
+    }
+    # utility function to wait until no bundles are queued for
+    # transmission or in flight
+    proc wait_for_stats_on_all_links {id stat_list {timeout 30}} {
+        do_until "wait_for_stats_on_all_links $id $stat_list" $timeout {
+            if {$id == "*"} {
+                set ids [net::nodelist]
+            } else {
+                set ids $id
+            }
+            # to make sure that all links meet the criteria, we use
+            # wait_for_link_stats so that any error includes the
+            # specific link/stat pair that failed to match
+            if [catch {
+                foreach id $ids {
+                    foreach l [tell_dtnd $id link names] {
+                        wait_for_link_stats $id $l $stat_list 1
+                    }
+                }
+            } err] {
+                if {[do_timeout_remaining] == 0} {
+                    error $err
+                } else {
+                    continue
+                }
+            }
+            break
+        }
+    }
+    # route state functions
+    proc test_route {id dest link params} {
+        set routes [tell_dtnd $id route dump_tcl]
+        foreach route $routes {
+            set d [lindex $route 0]
+            set l [lindex $route 1]
+            if {$dest == $d && $link == $l} {
+                # XXX/demmer check args
+                return true;
+            }
+        }
+        return false
+    }
+    proc check_route {id dest link params} {
+        if {![test_route $id $dest $link $params]} {
+            error "ERROR: check_route: expected route on $id \
+                    to $dest ($link $params)"
+        }
+    }
+    proc test_no_route {id dest} {
+        set routes [tell_dtnd $id route dump_tcl]
+        foreach route $routes {
+            set d [lindex $route 0]
+            set l [lindex $route 1]
+            if {$dest == $d} {
+                return false
+            }
+        }
+        return true
+    }
+    proc check_no_route {id dest} {
+        if {![test_no_route $id $dest]} {
+            error "ERROR: check_route: expected no route on $id to $dest"
+        }
+    }
+    proc wait_for_route {id dest link params {timeout 30}} {
+        do_until "wait for node $id's route to $dest: link $link $params" \
+                $timeout {
+            if {[test_route $id $dest $link $params ]} {
+                break
+            }
+            after 500
+        }
+    }
+    proc dump_stats {} {
+        global errorInfo
+        puts "============================================================"
+        foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+            puts "Statistics for dtnd $id:"
+            if [catch {
+                puts [tell_dtnd $id bundle stats]
+                foreach l [tell_dtnd $id link names] {
+                    puts "Link stats for $l: [tell_dtnd $id link stats $l]"
+                }
+            } err] {
+                puts "$err\n$errorInfo"
+            }
+            puts "============================================================"
+        }
+    }
+    proc dump_routes {} {
+        global errorInfo
+        puts "============================================================"
+        foreach id [net::nodelist] {
+            puts "Route table for dtnd $id:"
+            if [catch {puts [tell_dtnd $id route dump]} err] {
+                puts "$err\n$errorInfo"
+            }
+            puts "============================================================"
+        }
+    }