changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sim/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+ *    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <queue>
+#include <oasys/util/OptParser.h>
+#include <oasys/util/StringBuffer.h>
+#include <oasys/util/TokenBucket.h>
+#include "SimConvergenceLayer.h"
+#include "Connectivity.h"
+#include "Node.h"
+#include "Simulator.h"
+#include "Topology.h"
+#include "bundling/Bundle.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleEvent.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleList.h"
+#include "contacts/ContactManager.h"
+namespace dtnsim {
+class InFlightBundle;
+class SimLink : public CLInfo,
+                public oasys::Logger {
+    struct Params;
+    SimLink(const LinkRef& link,
+            const SimLink::Params& params)
+        : Logger("SimLink", "/dtn/cl/sim/%s", link->name()),
+          link_(link.object(), "SimLink"),
+          params_(params),
+          tb_(((std::string)logpath_ + "/tb").c_str(),
+              params_.capacity_,
+              0xffffffff  /* unlimited rate -- overridden by Connectivity */),
+          inflight_timer_(this, PendingEventTimer::INFLIGHT),
+          arrival_timer_(this, PendingEventTimer::ARRIVAL),
+          transmitted_timer_(this, PendingEventTimer::TRANSMITTED)
+    {
+    }
+    ~SimLink() {};
+    void start_next_bundle();
+    void timeout(const oasys::Time& now);
+    void handle_pending_inflight(const oasys::Time& now);
+    void handle_arrival_events(const oasys::Time& now);
+    void handle_transmitted_events(const oasys::Time& now);
+    void reschedule_timers();
+    /// The dtn Link
+    LinkRef link_;
+    struct Params {
+        /// if contact closes in the middle of a transmission, deliver
+        /// the partially received bytes to the router.
+        bool deliver_partial_;
+        /// for bundles sent over the link, signal to the router
+        /// whether or not they were delivered reliably by the
+        /// convergence layer
+        bool reliable_;
+        /// burst capacity of the link (default 0)
+        u_int capacity_;
+        /// automatically infer the remote eid when the link connects
+        bool set_remote_eid_;
+        /// set the previous hop when bundles arrive
+        bool set_prevhop_;
+    } params_;
+    /// The receiving node
+    Node* peer_node_;	
+    /// Token bucket to track the link rate
+    oasys::TokenBucket tb_;
+    /// Temp buffer
+    u_char buf_[65536];
+    /// Helper class to track bundle transmission or reception events
+    /// that need to be delivered in the future
+    struct PendingEvent {
+        PendingEvent(Bundle*            bundle,
+                     size_t             total_len,
+                     const oasys::Time& time)
+            : bundle_(bundle, "SimCL::PendingEvent"),
+              total_len_(total_len),
+              time_(time) {}
+        BundleRef   bundle_;
+        size_t      total_len_;
+        oasys::Time time_;
+    };
+    /// Pending event (at most one) to put the next bundle in flight
+    PendingEvent* pending_inflight_;
+    /// Pending bundle arrival events
+    std::queue<PendingEvent*> arrival_events_;
+    /// Pending bundle transmitted events
+    std::queue<PendingEvent*> transmitted_events_;
+    /// Timer class to manage pending events
+    class PendingEventTimer : public oasys::Timer {
+    public:
+        typedef enum { INFLIGHT, ARRIVAL, TRANSMITTED } type_t;
+        PendingEventTimer(SimLink* link, type_t type)
+            : link_(link), type_(type) {}
+        void timeout(const timeval& now);
+    protected:
+        SimLink* link_;
+        type_t   type_;
+    };
+    /// @{ Three timer instances to independently schedule the timers,
+    /// though each class can itself be managed with a FIFO queue.
+    PendingEventTimer inflight_timer_;
+    PendingEventTimer arrival_timer_;
+    PendingEventTimer transmitted_timer_;
+    /// @}
+    ASSERT(!link_->queue()->empty());
+    ASSERT(pending_inflight_ == NULL);
+    Node* src_node = Node::active_node();
+    ASSERT(src_node != peer_node_);
+    const ConnState* cs = Connectivity::instance()->lookup(src_node, peer_node_);
+    ASSERT(cs);
+    BundleRef src_bundle("SimLink::start_next_bundle");
+    src_bundle = link_->queue()->front();
+    BlockInfoVec* blocks = src_bundle->xmit_blocks()->find_blocks(link_);
+    ASSERT(blocks != NULL);
+    // since we don't really have any payload to send, we find the
+    // payload block and overwrite the data_length to be zero, then
+    // adjust the payload_ on the new bundle
+    if (src_bundle->payload().location() == BundlePayload::NODATA) {
+        BlockInfo* payload = const_cast<BlockInfo*>(
+            blocks->find_block(BundleProtocol::PAYLOAD_BLOCK));
+        ASSERT(payload != NULL);
+        payload->set_data_length(0);
+    }
+    bool complete = false;
+    size_t len = BundleProtocol::produce(src_bundle.object(), blocks,
+                                         buf_, 0, sizeof(buf_),
+                                         &complete);
+    ASSERTF(complete, "BundleProtocol non-payload blocks must fit in "
+            "65 K buffer size");
+    size_t total_len = len;
+    if (src_bundle->payload().location() == BundlePayload::NODATA)
+        total_len += src_bundle->payload().length();
+    complete = false;
+    Bundle* dst_bundle = new Bundle(src_bundle->payload().location());
+    int cc = BundleProtocol::consume(dst_bundle, buf_, len, &complete);
+    ASSERT(cc == (int)len);
+    ASSERT(complete);
+    if (src_bundle->payload().location() == BundlePayload::NODATA) {
+        dst_bundle->mutable_payload()->set_length(src_bundle->payload().length());
+    }
+    tb_.drain(total_len * 8);
+    oasys::Time bw_delay = tb_.time_to_level(0);
+    oasys::Time inflight_time = oasys::Time(Simulator::time()) + bw_delay;
+    oasys::Time arrival_time = inflight_time + cs->latency_;
+    oasys::Time transmitted_time;
+    // the transmitted event either occurs after the "ack" comes back
+    // (when in reliable mode) or immediately after we send the bundle
+    if (params_.reliable_) {
+        transmitted_time = inflight_time + (cs->latency_ * 2);
+    } else {
+        transmitted_time = inflight_time;
+    }
+    log_debug("send_bundle src %d dst %d: total len %zu, "
+              "inflight_time %u.%u arrival_time %u.%u transmitted_time %u.%u",
+              src_bundle->bundleid(), dst_bundle->bundleid(), total_len,
+              inflight_time.sec_, inflight_time.usec_,
+              arrival_time.sec_, arrival_time.usec_,
+              transmitted_time.sec_, transmitted_time.usec_);
+    pending_inflight_ = new PendingEvent(src_bundle.object(), total_len, inflight_time);
+    arrival_events_.push(new PendingEvent(dst_bundle, total_len, arrival_time));
+    transmitted_events_.push(new PendingEvent(src_bundle.object(), total_len, transmitted_time));
+    reschedule_timers();
+    // if the timer is already pending, there's no need to reschedule
+    // since the channel is FIFO and latency changes don't take effect
+    // mid-flight
+    if (! inflight_timer_.pending() && pending_inflight_ != NULL)
+    {
+        inflight_timer_.schedule_at(pending_inflight_->time_);
+    }
+    if (! arrival_timer_.pending() && !arrival_events_.empty())
+    {
+        arrival_timer_.schedule_at(arrival_events_.front()->time_);
+    }
+    if (! transmitted_timer_.pending() && !transmitted_events_.empty())
+    {
+        transmitted_timer_.schedule_at(transmitted_events_.front()->time_);
+    }
+SimLink::PendingEventTimer::timeout(const timeval& tv)
+    oasys::Time now(tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
+    switch (type_) {
+    case INFLIGHT:
+        link_->handle_pending_inflight(now);
+        break;
+    case ARRIVAL:
+        link_->handle_arrival_events(now);
+        break;
+    case TRANSMITTED:
+        link_->handle_transmitted_events(now);
+        break;
+    default:
+        NOTREACHED;
+    }
+SimLink::handle_pending_inflight(const oasys::Time& now)
+    ASSERT(pending_inflight_ != NULL);
+    // deliver any bundles that have arrived
+    if (pending_inflight_->time_ <= now) {
+        const BundleRef& bundle = pending_inflight_->bundle_;
+        log_debug("putting *%p in flight", bundle.object());
+        link_->add_to_inflight(bundle, pending_inflight_->total_len_);
+        link_->del_from_queue(bundle, pending_inflight_->total_len_);
+        // XXX/demmer maybe there should be an event for this??
+        delete pending_inflight_;
+        pending_inflight_ = NULL;
+        if (! link_->queue()->empty()) {
+            start_next_bundle();
+        }
+    }
+    reschedule_timers();
+SimLink::handle_arrival_events(const oasys::Time& now)
+    ASSERT(! arrival_events_.empty());
+    // deliver any bundles that have arrived
+    while (! arrival_events_.empty()) {
+        PendingEvent* next = arrival_events_.front();
+        if (next->time_ <= now) {
+            const BundleRef& bundle = next->bundle_;
+            arrival_events_.pop();
+            log_debug("*%p arrived", bundle.object());
+            BundleReceivedEvent* rcv_event =
+                new BundleReceivedEvent(bundle.object(),
+                                        EVENTSRC_PEER,
+                                        next->total_len_,
+                                        params_.set_prevhop_ ?
+                                        Node::active_node()->local_eid() :
+                                        EndpointID::NULL_EID());
+            peer_node_->post_event(rcv_event);
+            delete next;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    reschedule_timers();
+SimLink::handle_transmitted_events(const oasys::Time& now)
+    ASSERT(! transmitted_events_.empty());
+    // deliver any bundles that have arrived
+    while (! transmitted_events_.empty()) {
+        PendingEvent* next = transmitted_events_.front();
+        if (next->time_ <= now) {
+            const BundleRef& bundle = next->bundle_;
+            transmitted_events_.pop();
+            log_debug("*%p transmitted", bundle.object());
+            ASSERT(link_->contact() != NULL);
+            BundleTransmittedEvent* xmit_event =
+                new BundleTransmittedEvent(bundle.object(), link_->contact(), link_,
+                                           next->total_len_,
+                                           params_.reliable_ ? next->total_len_ : 0);
+            BundleDaemon::post(xmit_event);
+            delete next;
+        } else {
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    reschedule_timers();
+SimConvergenceLayer* SimConvergenceLayer::instance_;
+    : ConvergenceLayer("SimConvergenceLayer", "sim")
+SimConvergenceLayer::init_link(const LinkRef& link,
+                               int argc, const char* argv[])
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() == NULL);
+    oasys::OptParser p;
+    SimLink::Params params;
+    params.deliver_partial_ = true;
+    params.reliable_        = true;
+    params.capacity_        = 0;
+    params.set_remote_eid_  = true;
+    params.set_prevhop_     = true;
+    p.addopt(new oasys::BoolOpt("deliver_partial", &params.deliver_partial_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::BoolOpt("reliable", &params.reliable_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::UIntOpt("capacity", &params.capacity_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::BoolOpt("set_remote_eid", &params.set_remote_eid_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::BoolOpt("set_prevhop", &params.set_prevhop_));
+    const char* invalid;
+    if (! p.parse(argc, argv, &invalid)) {
+        log_err("error parsing link options: invalid option %s", invalid);
+        return false;
+    }
+    SimLink* sl = new SimLink(link, params);
+    sl->peer_node_ = Topology::find_node(link->nexthop());
+    ASSERT(sl->peer_node_);
+    link->set_cl_info(sl);
+    return true;
+SimConvergenceLayer::delete_link(const LinkRef& link)
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    log_debug("SimConvergenceLayer::delete_link: "
+              "deleting link %s", link->name());
+    delete link->cl_info();
+    link->set_cl_info(NULL);
+SimConvergenceLayer::open_contact(const ContactRef& contact)
+    log_debug("opening contact for link [*%p]", contact.object());
+    SimLink* sl = (SimLink*)contact->link()->cl_info();
+    ASSERT(sl);
+    const ConnState* cs = Connectivity::instance()->
+                          lookup(Node::active_node(), sl->peer_node_);
+    if (cs != NULL && cs->open_) {
+        log_debug("opening contact");
+        if (sl->params_.set_remote_eid_) {
+            contact->link()->set_remote_eid(sl->peer_node_->local_eid());
+        }
+        update_connectivity(Node::active_node(), sl->peer_node_, *cs);
+        BundleDaemon::post(new ContactUpEvent(contact));
+        // if there is a queued bundle on the link, start sending it
+        if (! contact->link()->queue()->empty()) {
+            sl->start_next_bundle();
+        }
+    } else {
+        log_debug("connectivity is down when trying to open contact");
+        BundleDaemon::post(
+            new LinkStateChangeRequest(contact->link(),
+                                       Link::CLOSED,
+                                       ContactEvent::BROKEN));
+    }
+    return true;
+SimConvergenceLayer::bundle_queued(const LinkRef& link, const BundleRef& bundle)
+    (void)bundle;
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    log_debug("bundle_queued *%p on link *%p", bundle.object(), link.object());
+    SimLink* sl = (SimLink*)link->cl_info();
+    ASSERT(sl);
+    if (link->isopen() && (sl->pending_inflight_ == NULL)) {
+        sl->start_next_bundle();
+    }
+SimConvergenceLayer::update_connectivity(Node* n1, Node* n2, const ConnState& cs)
+    ASSERT(n1 != NULL);
+    ASSERT(n2 != NULL);
+    n1->set_active();
+    ContactManager* cm = n1->contactmgr();;
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(cm->lock(), "SimConvergenceLayer::update_connectivity");
+    const LinkSet* links = cm->links();
+    for (LinkSet::iterator iter = links->begin();
+         iter != links->end();
+         ++iter)
+    {
+        LinkRef link = *iter;
+        SimLink* sl = (SimLink*)link->cl_info();
+        ASSERT(sl);
+        // update the token bucket
+        sl->tb_.set_rate(cs.bw_);
+        if (sl->peer_node_ != n2)
+            continue;
+        log_debug("update_connectivity: checking node %s link %s",
+                  n1->name(), link->name());
+        if (cs.open_ == false && link->state() == Link::OPEN) {
+            log_debug("update_connectivity: closing link %s", link->name());
+            n1->post_event(
+                new LinkStateChangeRequest(link, Link::CLOSED,
+                                           ContactEvent::BROKEN));
+        }
+    }
+} // namespace dtnsim