changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/routing/router.h	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,11045 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Code Synthesis Tools CC
+// This program was generated by XML Schema Definition Compiler (XSD)
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+// In addition, as a special exception, Code Synthesis Tools CC gives
+// permission to link this program with the Xerces-C++ library (or with
+// modified versions of Xerces-C++ that use the same license as Xerces-C++),
+// and distribute linked combinations including the two. You must obey
+// the GNU General Public License version 2 in all respects for all of
+// the code used other than Xerces-C++. If you modify this copy of the
+// program, you may extend this exception to your version of the program,
+// but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to do so, delete
+// this exception statement from your version.
+// Furthermore, Code Synthesis Tools CC makes a special exception for
+// the Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) which is described
+// in the accompanying FLOSSE file.
+#ifndef ROUTER_H
+#define ROUTER_H
+#include <xsd/cxx/version.hxx>
+#if (XSD_INT_VERSION != 2030100L)
+#error XSD runtime version mismatch
+// Begin prologue.
+// End prologue.
+#include <xsd/cxx/pre.hxx>
+#ifndef XSD_USE_CHAR
+#define XSD_USE_CHAR
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/types.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/error-handler.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/parsing.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/serialization.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/namespace-infomap.hxx>
+namespace xml_schema
+  // anyType and anySimpleType.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::type type;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::simple_type<type> simple_type;
+  // 8-bit
+  //
+  typedef signed char byte;
+  typedef unsigned char unsigned_byte;
+  // 16-bit
+  //
+  typedef short short_;
+  typedef unsigned short unsigned_short;
+  // 32-bit
+  //
+  typedef int int_;
+  typedef unsigned int unsigned_int;
+  // 64-bit
+  //
+  typedef long long long_;
+  typedef unsigned long long unsigned_long;
+  // Supposed to be arbitrary-length integral types.
+  //
+  typedef long long integer;
+  typedef integer non_positive_integer;
+  typedef integer non_negative_integer;
+  typedef integer positive_integer;
+  typedef integer negative_integer;
+  // Boolean.
+  //
+  typedef bool boolean;
+  // Floating-point types.
+  //
+  typedef float float_;
+  typedef double double_;
+  typedef long double decimal;
+  // String types.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::string< char, simple_type > string;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::normalized_string< char, string > normalized_string;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::token< char, normalized_string > token;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::name< char, token > name;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtoken< char, token > nmtoken;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::nmtokens< char, simple_type, nmtoken> nmtokens;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::ncname< char, name > ncname;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::language< char, token > language;
+  // ID/IDREF.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::id< char, ncname > id;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idref< type, char, ncname > idref;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::idrefs< char, simple_type, idref > idrefs;
+  // URI.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::uri< char, simple_type > uri;
+  // Qualified name.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::qname< char, simple_type, uri, ncname > qname;
+  // Binary.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::buffer< char > buffer;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::base64_binary< char, simple_type > base64_binary;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::hex_binary< char, simple_type > hex_binary;
+  // Date/time.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date< char, simple_type > date;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::date_time< char, simple_type > date_time;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duration< char, simple_type > duration;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::day< char, simple_type > day;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::month< char, simple_type > month;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::month_day< char, simple_type > month_day;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::year< char, simple_type > year;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::year_month< char, simple_type > year_month;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::time< char, simple_type > time;
+  // Entity.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entity< char, ncname > entity;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::entities< char, simple_type, entity > entities;
+  // Exceptions.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::exception< char > exception;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::parsing< char > parsing;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_element< char > expected_element;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_element< char > unexpected_element;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_attribute< char > expected_attribute;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::unexpected_enumerator< char > unexpected_enumerator;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::expected_text_content< char > expected_text_content;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_type_info< char > no_type_info;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::not_derived< char > not_derived;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::duplicate_id< char > duplicate_id;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::serialization< char > serialization;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_namespace_mapping< char > no_namespace_mapping;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::no_prefix_mapping< char > no_prefix_mapping;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::xsi_already_in_use< char > xsi_already_in_use;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::bounds< char > bounds;
+  // Parsing/serialization error.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::error< char > error;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::errors< char > errors;
+  // Error handler interface.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char > error_handler;
+  // Namespace information. Used in serialization functions.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_info < char > namespace_info;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap < char > namespace_infomap;
+  // Flags and properties.
+  //
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::flags flags;
+  typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > properties;
+  // DOM user data key for back pointers to tree nodes.
+  //
+  const XMLCh* const tree_node_key = ::xsd::cxx::tree::user_data_keys::node;
+// Forward declarations.
+namespace dtn
+  namespace rtrmessage
+  {
+    class dtnStatusType;
+    class bundlePriorityType;
+    class eventSourceType;
+    class bundleForwardActionType;
+    class contactReasonType;
+    class linkTypeType;
+    class linkStateType;
+    class eidTypeType;
+    class percentType;
+    class failureActionType;
+    class bundleLocationType;
+    class eidType_base;
+    class eidType;
+    class gbofIdType_base;
+    class gbofIdType;
+    class bundleType_base;
+    class bundleType;
+    class contactType_base;
+    class contactType;
+    class clInfoType;
+    class linkType_base;
+    class linkType;
+    class routeEntryType_base;
+    class routeEntryType;
+    class custodySignalType;
+    class registrationType_base;
+    class registrationType;
+    class linkConfigType;
+    class key_value_pair_base;
+    class key_value_pair;
+    class bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType;
+    class bundleMetaBlockQueryType;
+    class bundleAttributesQueryType;
+    class metadataBlockType;
+    class bundleAttributesReportType;
+    class bundle_received_event;
+    class data_transmitted_event;
+    class bundle_delivered_event;
+    class bundle_delivery_event;
+    class bundle_send_cancelled_event;
+    class bundle_expired_event;
+    class bundle_injected_event;
+    class link_opened_event;
+    class link_closed_event;
+    class link_created_event;
+    class link_deleted_event;
+    class link_available_event;
+    class link_unavailable_event;
+    class link_attribute_changed_event;
+    class contact_attribute_changed_event;
+    class link_busy_event;
+    class eid_reachable_event;
+    class route_add_event;
+    class route_delete_event;
+    class custody_signal_event;
+    class custody_timeout_event;
+    class intentional_name_resolved_event;
+    class registration_added_event;
+    class registration_removed_event;
+    class registration_expired_event;
+    class open_link_request;
+    class close_link_request;
+    class add_link_request;
+    class delete_link_request;
+    class reconfigure_link_request;
+    class send_bundle_request;
+    class send_bundle_broadcast_request;
+    class cancel_bundle_request;
+    class inject_bundle_request;
+    class delete_bundle_request;
+    class set_cl_params_request;
+    class intentional_name_resolution_request;
+    class deliver_bundle_to_app_request;
+    class link_report;
+    class link_attributes_query;
+    class link_attributes_report;
+    class contact_report;
+    class route_report;
+    class bundle_report;
+    class bundle_attributes_query;
+    class bundle_attributes_report;
+    class bpa;
+  }
+#include <memory>    // std::auto_ptr
+#include <algorithm> // std::binary_search
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/elements.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/containers.hxx>
+#include <xsd/cxx/tree/list.hxx>
+namespace dtn
+  namespace rtrmessage
+  {
+    class dtnStatusType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_dtnStatusType
+      {
+        justBooted,
+        shuttingDown
+      };
+      dtnStatusType ();
+      dtnStatusType (_xsd_dtnStatusType);
+      dtnStatusType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      dtnStatusType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      dtnStatusType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      dtnStatusType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                     const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      dtnStatusType (const dtnStatusType&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual dtnStatusType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      dtnStatusType&
+      operator= (_xsd_dtnStatusType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_dtnStatusType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_dtnStatusType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_dtnStatusType
+      _xsd_dtnStatusType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_dtnStatusType_literals_[2];
+      static const _xsd_dtnStatusType _xsd_dtnStatusType_indexes_[2];
+    };
+    class bundlePriorityType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_bundlePriorityType
+      {
+        bulk,
+        normal,
+        expedited,
+        _unknown_priority_
+      };
+      bundlePriorityType ();
+      bundlePriorityType (_xsd_bundlePriorityType);
+      bundlePriorityType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      bundlePriorityType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundlePriorityType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundlePriorityType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                          const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundlePriorityType (const bundlePriorityType&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundlePriorityType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      bundlePriorityType&
+      operator= (_xsd_bundlePriorityType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_bundlePriorityType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_bundlePriorityType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_bundlePriorityType
+      _xsd_bundlePriorityType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_bundlePriorityType_literals_[4];
+      static const _xsd_bundlePriorityType _xsd_bundlePriorityType_indexes_[4];
+    };
+    class eventSourceType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_eventSourceType
+      {
+        peer,
+        application,
+        dataStore,
+        admin,
+        fragmentation
+      };
+      eventSourceType ();
+      eventSourceType (_xsd_eventSourceType);
+      eventSourceType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      eventSourceType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eventSourceType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eventSourceType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                       const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eventSourceType (const eventSourceType&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual eventSourceType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      eventSourceType&
+      operator= (_xsd_eventSourceType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_eventSourceType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_eventSourceType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_eventSourceType
+      _xsd_eventSourceType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_eventSourceType_literals_[5];
+      static const _xsd_eventSourceType _xsd_eventSourceType_indexes_[5];
+    };
+    class bundleForwardActionType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_bundleForwardActionType
+      {
+        forward,
+        copy
+      };
+      bundleForwardActionType ();
+      bundleForwardActionType (_xsd_bundleForwardActionType);
+      bundleForwardActionType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      bundleForwardActionType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleForwardActionType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleForwardActionType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                               const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleForwardActionType (const bundleForwardActionType&,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleForwardActionType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      bundleForwardActionType&
+      operator= (_xsd_bundleForwardActionType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_bundleForwardActionType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_bundleForwardActionType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_bundleForwardActionType
+      _xsd_bundleForwardActionType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_bundleForwardActionType_literals_[2];
+      static const _xsd_bundleForwardActionType _xsd_bundleForwardActionType_indexes_[2];
+    };
+    class contactReasonType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_contactReasonType
+      {
+        no_info,
+        user,
+        broken,
+        cl_error,
+        cl_version,
+        shutdown,
+        reconnect,
+        idle,
+        timeout,
+        blocked,
+        unblocked
+      };
+      contactReasonType ();
+      contactReasonType (_xsd_contactReasonType);
+      contactReasonType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      contactReasonType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contactReasonType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contactReasonType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                         const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contactReasonType (const contactReasonType&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual contactReasonType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      contactReasonType&
+      operator= (_xsd_contactReasonType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_contactReasonType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_contactReasonType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_contactReasonType
+      _xsd_contactReasonType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_contactReasonType_literals_[11];
+      static const _xsd_contactReasonType _xsd_contactReasonType_indexes_[11];
+    };
+    class linkTypeType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_linkTypeType
+      {
+        alwayson,
+        ondemand,
+        scheduled,
+        opportunistic
+      };
+      linkTypeType ();
+      linkTypeType (_xsd_linkTypeType);
+      linkTypeType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      linkTypeType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkTypeType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkTypeType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                    const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkTypeType (const linkTypeType&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual linkTypeType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      linkTypeType&
+      operator= (_xsd_linkTypeType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_linkTypeType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_linkTypeType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_linkTypeType
+      _xsd_linkTypeType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_linkTypeType_literals_[4];
+      static const _xsd_linkTypeType _xsd_linkTypeType_indexes_[4];
+    };
+    class linkStateType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_linkStateType
+      {
+        unavailable,
+        available,
+        opening,
+        open,
+        busy
+      };
+      linkStateType ();
+      linkStateType (_xsd_linkStateType);
+      linkStateType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      linkStateType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkStateType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkStateType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                     const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkStateType (const linkStateType&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual linkStateType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      linkStateType&
+      operator= (_xsd_linkStateType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_linkStateType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_linkStateType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_linkStateType
+      _xsd_linkStateType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_linkStateType_literals_[5];
+      static const _xsd_linkStateType _xsd_linkStateType_indexes_[5];
+    };
+    class eidTypeType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      eidTypeType ();
+      eidTypeType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&);
+      eidTypeType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eidTypeType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eidTypeType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                   const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eidTypeType (const eidTypeType&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual eidTypeType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+    };
+    class percentType: public ::xsd::cxx::tree::fundamental_base< ::xml_schema::integer, char, ::xml_schema::simple_type >
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_percentType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::integer base_;
+      };
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      percentType ();
+      percentType (const _xsd_percentType::base_& );
+      percentType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      percentType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      percentType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                   const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      percentType (const percentType&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual percentType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+    };
+    class failureActionType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_failureActionType
+      {
+        drop,
+        defer,
+        exec
+      };
+      failureActionType ();
+      failureActionType (_xsd_failureActionType);
+      failureActionType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      failureActionType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      failureActionType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      failureActionType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                         const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      failureActionType (const failureActionType&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual failureActionType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      failureActionType&
+      operator= (_xsd_failureActionType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_failureActionType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_failureActionType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_failureActionType
+      _xsd_failureActionType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_failureActionType_literals_[3];
+      static const _xsd_failureActionType _xsd_failureActionType_indexes_[3];
+    };
+    class bundleLocationType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_bundleLocationType
+      {
+        memory,
+        disk,
+        nodata
+      };
+      bundleLocationType ();
+      bundleLocationType (_xsd_bundleLocationType);
+      bundleLocationType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      bundleLocationType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleLocationType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleLocationType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                          const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleLocationType (const bundleLocationType&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleLocationType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      bundleLocationType&
+      operator= (_xsd_bundleLocationType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_bundleLocationType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_bundleLocationType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_bundleLocationType
+      _xsd_bundleLocationType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_bundleLocationType_literals_[3];
+      static const _xsd_bundleLocationType _xsd_bundleLocationType_indexes_[3];
+    };
+    class eidType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_eidType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // uri
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct uri
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidTypeType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const uri::type&
+      uri () const;
+      uri::type&
+      uri ();
+      void
+      uri (const uri::type&);
+      void
+      uri (::std::auto_ptr< uri::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      eidType_base ();
+      eidType_base (const uri::type&);
+      eidType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eidType_base (const eidType_base&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual eidType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< uri::type > _xsd_uri_;
+    };
+    class gbofIdType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_gbofIdType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // source
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct source
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const source::type&
+      source () const;
+      source::type&
+      source ();
+      void
+      source (const source::type&);
+      void
+      source (::std::auto_ptr< source::type >);
+      // creation_ts
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct creation_ts
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const creation_ts::type&
+      creation_ts () const;
+      creation_ts::type&
+      creation_ts ();
+      void
+      creation_ts (const creation_ts::type&);
+      // is_fragment
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_fragment
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const is_fragment::type&
+      is_fragment () const;
+      is_fragment::type&
+      is_fragment ();
+      void
+      is_fragment (const is_fragment::type&);
+      // frag_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const frag_length::type&
+      frag_length () const;
+      frag_length::type&
+      frag_length ();
+      void
+      frag_length (const frag_length::type&);
+      // frag_offset
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_offset
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const frag_offset::type&
+      frag_offset () const;
+      frag_offset::type&
+      frag_offset ();
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      gbofIdType_base ();
+      gbofIdType_base (const source::type&,
+                       const creation_ts::type&,
+                       const is_fragment::type&,
+                       const frag_length::type&,
+                       const frag_offset::type&);
+      gbofIdType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      gbofIdType_base (const gbofIdType_base&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual gbofIdType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< source::type > _xsd_source_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< creation_ts::type > _xsd_creation_ts_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< is_fragment::type > _xsd_is_fragment_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< frag_length::type > _xsd_frag_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< frag_offset::type > _xsd_frag_offset_;
+    };
+    class bundleType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundleType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // source
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct source
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const source::type&
+      source () const;
+      source::type&
+      source ();
+      void
+      source (const source::type&);
+      void
+      source (::std::auto_ptr< source::type >);
+      // dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const dest::type&
+      dest () const;
+      dest::type&
+      dest ();
+      void
+      dest (const dest::type&);
+      void
+      dest (::std::auto_ptr< dest::type >);
+      // custodian
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custodian
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custodian::type&
+      custodian () const;
+      custodian::type&
+      custodian ();
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::type&);
+      void
+      custodian (::std::auto_ptr< custodian::type >);
+      // replyto
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct replyto
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const replyto::type&
+      replyto () const;
+      replyto::type&
+      replyto ();
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::type&);
+      void
+      replyto (::std::auto_ptr< replyto::type >);
+      // prevhop
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct prevhop
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const prevhop::type&
+      prevhop () const;
+      prevhop::type&
+      prevhop ();
+      void
+      prevhop (const prevhop::type&);
+      void
+      prevhop (::std::auto_ptr< prevhop::type >);
+      // length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const length::type&
+      length () const;
+      length::type&
+      length ();
+      void
+      length (const length::type&);
+      // location
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct location
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleLocationType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const location::type&
+      location () const;
+      location::type&
+      location ();
+      void
+      location (const location::type&);
+      void
+      location (::std::auto_ptr< location::type >);
+      // payload_file
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct payload_file
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const payload_file::container&
+      payload_file () const;
+      payload_file::container&
+      payload_file ();
+      void
+      payload_file (const payload_file::type&);
+      void
+      payload_file (const payload_file::container&);
+      void
+      payload_file (::std::auto_ptr< payload_file::type >);
+      // bundleid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundleid
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const bundleid::type&
+      bundleid () const;
+      bundleid::type&
+      bundleid ();
+      void
+      bundleid (const bundleid::type&);
+      // is_fragment
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_fragment
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const is_fragment::type&
+      is_fragment () const;
+      is_fragment::type&
+      is_fragment ();
+      void
+      is_fragment (const is_fragment::type&);
+      // is_admin
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_admin
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const is_admin::type&
+      is_admin () const;
+      is_admin::type&
+      is_admin ();
+      void
+      is_admin (const is_admin::type&);
+      // do_not_fragment
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct do_not_fragment
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const do_not_fragment::type&
+      do_not_fragment () const;
+      do_not_fragment::type&
+      do_not_fragment ();
+      void
+      do_not_fragment (const do_not_fragment::type&);
+      // priority
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct priority
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundlePriorityType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const priority::type&
+      priority () const;
+      priority::type&
+      priority ();
+      void
+      priority (const priority::type&);
+      void
+      priority (::std::auto_ptr< priority::type >);
+      // custody_requested
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_requested
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custody_requested::type&
+      custody_requested () const;
+      custody_requested::type&
+      custody_requested ();
+      void
+      custody_requested (const custody_requested::type&);
+      // local_custody
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_custody
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_custody::type&
+      local_custody () const;
+      local_custody::type&
+      local_custody ();
+      void
+      local_custody (const local_custody::type&);
+      // singleton_dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct singleton_dest
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const singleton_dest::type&
+      singleton_dest () const;
+      singleton_dest::type&
+      singleton_dest ();
+      void
+      singleton_dest (const singleton_dest::type&);
+      // custody_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custody_rcpt::type&
+      custody_rcpt () const;
+      custody_rcpt::type&
+      custody_rcpt ();
+      void
+      custody_rcpt (const custody_rcpt::type&);
+      // receive_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct receive_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const receive_rcpt::type&
+      receive_rcpt () const;
+      receive_rcpt::type&
+      receive_rcpt ();
+      void
+      receive_rcpt (const receive_rcpt::type&);
+      // forward_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct forward_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const forward_rcpt::type&
+      forward_rcpt () const;
+      forward_rcpt::type&
+      forward_rcpt ();
+      void
+      forward_rcpt (const forward_rcpt::type&);
+      // delivery_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct delivery_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const delivery_rcpt::type&
+      delivery_rcpt () const;
+      delivery_rcpt::type&
+      delivery_rcpt ();
+      void
+      delivery_rcpt (const delivery_rcpt::type&);
+      // deletion_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct deletion_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const deletion_rcpt::type&
+      deletion_rcpt () const;
+      deletion_rcpt::type&
+      deletion_rcpt ();
+      void
+      deletion_rcpt (const deletion_rcpt::type&);
+      // app_acked_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct app_acked_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const app_acked_rcpt::type&
+      app_acked_rcpt () const;
+      app_acked_rcpt::type&
+      app_acked_rcpt ();
+      void
+      app_acked_rcpt (const app_acked_rcpt::type&);
+      // creation_ts_seconds
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct creation_ts_seconds
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const creation_ts_seconds::type&
+      creation_ts_seconds () const;
+      creation_ts_seconds::type&
+      creation_ts_seconds ();
+      void
+      creation_ts_seconds (const creation_ts_seconds::type&);
+      // creation_ts_seqno
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct creation_ts_seqno
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const creation_ts_seqno::type&
+      creation_ts_seqno () const;
+      creation_ts_seqno::type&
+      creation_ts_seqno ();
+      void
+      creation_ts_seqno (const creation_ts_seqno::type&);
+      // expiration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct expiration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const expiration::type&
+      expiration () const;
+      expiration::type&
+      expiration ();
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::type&);
+      // orig_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const orig_length::type&
+      orig_length () const;
+      orig_length::type&
+      orig_length ();
+      void
+      orig_length (const orig_length::type&);
+      // frag_offset
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_offset
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const frag_offset::type&
+      frag_offset () const;
+      frag_offset::type&
+      frag_offset ();
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::type&);
+      // owner
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct owner
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const owner::type&
+      owner () const;
+      owner::type&
+      owner ();
+      void
+      owner (const owner::type&);
+      void
+      owner (::std::auto_ptr< owner::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundleType_base ();
+      bundleType_base (const source::type&,
+                       const dest::type&,
+                       const custodian::type&,
+                       const replyto::type&,
+                       const prevhop::type&,
+                       const length::type&,
+                       const location::type&,
+                       const bundleid::type&,
+                       const is_fragment::type&,
+                       const is_admin::type&,
+                       const do_not_fragment::type&,
+                       const priority::type&,
+                       const custody_requested::type&,
+                       const local_custody::type&,
+                       const singleton_dest::type&,
+                       const custody_rcpt::type&,
+                       const receive_rcpt::type&,
+                       const forward_rcpt::type&,
+                       const delivery_rcpt::type&,
+                       const deletion_rcpt::type&,
+                       const app_acked_rcpt::type&,
+                       const creation_ts_seconds::type&,
+                       const creation_ts_seqno::type&,
+                       const expiration::type&,
+                       const orig_length::type&,
+                       const frag_offset::type&,
+                       const owner::type&);
+      bundleType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleType_base (const bundleType_base&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< source::type > _xsd_source_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< dest::type > _xsd_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custodian::type > _xsd_custodian_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< replyto::type > _xsd_replyto_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< prevhop::type > _xsd_prevhop_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< length::type > _xsd_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< location::type > _xsd_location_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< payload_file::type > _xsd_payload_file_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< bundleid::type > _xsd_bundleid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< is_fragment::type > _xsd_is_fragment_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< is_admin::type > _xsd_is_admin_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< do_not_fragment::type > _xsd_do_not_fragment_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< priority::type > _xsd_priority_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custody_requested::type > _xsd_custody_requested_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_custody::type > _xsd_local_custody_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< singleton_dest::type > _xsd_singleton_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custody_rcpt::type > _xsd_custody_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< receive_rcpt::type > _xsd_receive_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< forward_rcpt::type > _xsd_forward_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< delivery_rcpt::type > _xsd_delivery_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< deletion_rcpt::type > _xsd_deletion_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< app_acked_rcpt::type > _xsd_app_acked_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< creation_ts_seconds::type > _xsd_creation_ts_seconds_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< creation_ts_seqno::type > _xsd_creation_ts_seqno_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< expiration::type > _xsd_expiration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< orig_length::type > _xsd_orig_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< frag_offset::type > _xsd_frag_offset_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< owner::type > _xsd_owner_;
+    };
+    class contactType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_contactType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_attr::type&
+      link_attr () const;
+      link_attr::type&
+      link_attr ();
+      void
+      link_attr (const link_attr::type&);
+      void
+      link_attr (::std::auto_ptr< link_attr::type >);
+      // start_time_sec
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct start_time_sec
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const start_time_sec::type&
+      start_time_sec () const;
+      start_time_sec::type&
+      start_time_sec ();
+      void
+      start_time_sec (const start_time_sec::type&);
+      // start_time_usec
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct start_time_usec
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const start_time_usec::type&
+      start_time_usec () const;
+      start_time_usec::type&
+      start_time_usec ();
+      void
+      start_time_usec (const start_time_usec::type&);
+      // duration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct duration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const duration::type&
+      duration () const;
+      duration::type&
+      duration ();
+      void
+      duration (const duration::type&);
+      // bps
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bps
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const bps::type&
+      bps () const;
+      bps::type&
+      bps ();
+      void
+      bps (const bps::type&);
+      // latency
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct latency
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const latency::type&
+      latency () const;
+      latency::type&
+      latency ();
+      void
+      latency (const latency::type&);
+      // pkt_loss_prob
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct pkt_loss_prob
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::percentType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const pkt_loss_prob::type&
+      pkt_loss_prob () const;
+      pkt_loss_prob::type&
+      pkt_loss_prob ();
+      void
+      pkt_loss_prob (const pkt_loss_prob::type&);
+      void
+      pkt_loss_prob (::std::auto_ptr< pkt_loss_prob::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      contactType_base ();
+      contactType_base (const link_attr::type&,
+                        const start_time_sec::type&,
+                        const start_time_usec::type&,
+                        const duration::type&,
+                        const bps::type&,
+                        const latency::type&,
+                        const pkt_loss_prob::type&);
+      contactType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                        ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                        ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contactType_base (const contactType_base&,
+                        ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                        ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual contactType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_attr::type > _xsd_link_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< start_time_sec::type > _xsd_start_time_sec_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< start_time_usec::type > _xsd_start_time_usec_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< duration::type > _xsd_duration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< bps::type > _xsd_bps_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< latency::type > _xsd_latency_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< pkt_loss_prob::type > _xsd_pkt_loss_prob_;
+    };
+    class clInfoType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_clInfoType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // local_addr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_addr
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const local_addr::container&
+      local_addr () const;
+      local_addr::container&
+      local_addr ();
+      void
+      local_addr (const local_addr::type&);
+      void
+      local_addr (const local_addr::container&);
+      void
+      local_addr (::std::auto_ptr< local_addr::type >);
+      // remote_addr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct remote_addr
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const remote_addr::container&
+      remote_addr () const;
+      remote_addr::container&
+      remote_addr ();
+      void
+      remote_addr (const remote_addr::type&);
+      void
+      remote_addr (const remote_addr::container&);
+      void
+      remote_addr (::std::auto_ptr< remote_addr::type >);
+      // local_port
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_port
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_short type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const local_port::container&
+      local_port () const;
+      local_port::container&
+      local_port ();
+      void
+      local_port (const local_port::type&);
+      void
+      local_port (const local_port::container&);
+      // remote_port
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct remote_port
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_short type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const remote_port::container&
+      remote_port () const;
+      remote_port::container&
+      remote_port ();
+      void
+      remote_port (const remote_port::type&);
+      void
+      remote_port (const remote_port::container&);
+      // segment_ack_enabled
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct segment_ack_enabled
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const segment_ack_enabled::container&
+      segment_ack_enabled () const;
+      segment_ack_enabled::container&
+      segment_ack_enabled ();
+      void
+      segment_ack_enabled (const segment_ack_enabled::type&);
+      void
+      segment_ack_enabled (const segment_ack_enabled::container&);
+      // negative_ack_enabled
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct negative_ack_enabled
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const negative_ack_enabled::container&
+      negative_ack_enabled () const;
+      negative_ack_enabled::container&
+      negative_ack_enabled ();
+      void
+      negative_ack_enabled (const negative_ack_enabled::type&);
+      void
+      negative_ack_enabled (const negative_ack_enabled::container&);
+      // keepalive_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct keepalive_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const keepalive_interval::container&
+      keepalive_interval () const;
+      keepalive_interval::container&
+      keepalive_interval ();
+      void
+      keepalive_interval (const keepalive_interval::type&);
+      void
+      keepalive_interval (const keepalive_interval::container&);
+      // segment_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct segment_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const segment_length::container&
+      segment_length () const;
+      segment_length::container&
+      segment_length ();
+      void
+      segment_length (const segment_length::type&);
+      void
+      segment_length (const segment_length::container&);
+      // busy_queue_depth
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct busy_queue_depth
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const busy_queue_depth::container&
+      busy_queue_depth () const;
+      busy_queue_depth::container&
+      busy_queue_depth ();
+      void
+      busy_queue_depth (const busy_queue_depth::type&);
+      void
+      busy_queue_depth (const busy_queue_depth::container&);
+      // reactive_frag_enabled
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reactive_frag_enabled
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const reactive_frag_enabled::container&
+      reactive_frag_enabled () const;
+      reactive_frag_enabled::container&
+      reactive_frag_enabled ();
+      void
+      reactive_frag_enabled (const reactive_frag_enabled::type&);
+      void
+      reactive_frag_enabled (const reactive_frag_enabled::container&);
+      // sendbuf_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct sendbuf_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const sendbuf_length::container&
+      sendbuf_length () const;
+      sendbuf_length::container&
+      sendbuf_length ();
+      void
+      sendbuf_length (const sendbuf_length::type&);
+      void
+      sendbuf_length (const sendbuf_length::container&);
+      // recvbuf_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct recvbuf_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const recvbuf_length::container&
+      recvbuf_length () const;
+      recvbuf_length::container&
+      recvbuf_length ();
+      void
+      recvbuf_length (const recvbuf_length::type&);
+      void
+      recvbuf_length (const recvbuf_length::container&);
+      // data_timeout
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct data_timeout
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const data_timeout::container&
+      data_timeout () const;
+      data_timeout::container&
+      data_timeout ();
+      void
+      data_timeout (const data_timeout::type&);
+      void
+      data_timeout (const data_timeout::container&);
+      // rate
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct rate
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_byte type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const rate::container&
+      rate () const;
+      rate::container&
+      rate ();
+      void
+      rate (const rate::type&);
+      void
+      rate (const rate::container&);
+      // bucket_depth
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bucket_depth
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bucket_depth::container&
+      bucket_depth () const;
+      bucket_depth::container&
+      bucket_depth ();
+      void
+      bucket_depth (const bucket_depth::type&);
+      void
+      bucket_depth (const bucket_depth::container&);
+      // channel
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct channel
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const channel::container&
+      channel () const;
+      channel::container&
+      channel ();
+      void
+      channel (const channel::type&);
+      void
+      channel (const channel::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      clInfoType ();
+      clInfoType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      clInfoType (const clInfoType&,
+                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual clInfoType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< local_addr::type > _xsd_local_addr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< remote_addr::type > _xsd_remote_addr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< local_port::type > _xsd_local_port_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< remote_port::type > _xsd_remote_port_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< segment_ack_enabled::type > _xsd_segment_ack_enabled_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< negative_ack_enabled::type > _xsd_negative_ack_enabled_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< keepalive_interval::type > _xsd_keepalive_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< segment_length::type > _xsd_segment_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< busy_queue_depth::type > _xsd_busy_queue_depth_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< reactive_frag_enabled::type > _xsd_reactive_frag_enabled_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< sendbuf_length::type > _xsd_sendbuf_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< recvbuf_length::type > _xsd_recvbuf_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< data_timeout::type > _xsd_data_timeout_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< rate::type > _xsd_rate_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bucket_depth::type > _xsd_bucket_depth_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< channel::type > _xsd_channel_;
+    };
+    class linkType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_linkType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // Workaround for g++ bug# 23206.
+      //
+      public:
+      struct type;
+      // clinfo
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct clinfo
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::clInfoType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const clinfo::container&
+      clinfo () const;
+      clinfo::container&
+      clinfo ();
+      void
+      clinfo (const clinfo::type&);
+      void
+      clinfo (const clinfo::container&);
+      void
+      clinfo (::std::auto_ptr< clinfo::type >);
+      // remote_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct remote_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const remote_eid::type&
+      remote_eid () const;
+      remote_eid::type&
+      remote_eid ();
+      void
+      remote_eid (const remote_eid::type&);
+      void
+      remote_eid (::std::auto_ptr< remote_eid::type >);
+      // type
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct type
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkTypeType type_;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type_, char > traits;
+      };
+      const type::type_&
+      type () const;
+      type::type_&
+      type ();
+      void
+      type (const type::type_&);
+      void
+      type (::std::auto_ptr< type::type_ >);
+      // nexthop
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct nexthop
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const nexthop::type&
+      nexthop () const;
+      nexthop::type&
+      nexthop ();
+      void
+      nexthop (const nexthop::type&);
+      void
+      nexthop (::std::auto_ptr< nexthop::type >);
+      // state
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct state
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkStateType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const state::type&
+      state () const;
+      state::type&
+      state ();
+      void
+      state (const state::type&);
+      void
+      state (::std::auto_ptr< state::type >);
+      // is_reachable
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_reachable
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const is_reachable::type&
+      is_reachable () const;
+      is_reachable::type&
+      is_reachable ();
+      void
+      is_reachable (const is_reachable::type&);
+      // is_usable
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_usable
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const is_usable::type&
+      is_usable () const;
+      is_usable::type&
+      is_usable ();
+      void
+      is_usable (const is_usable::type&);
+      // how_reliable
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct how_reliable
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::percentType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const how_reliable::type&
+      how_reliable () const;
+      how_reliable::type&
+      how_reliable ();
+      void
+      how_reliable (const how_reliable::type&);
+      void
+      how_reliable (::std::auto_ptr< how_reliable::type >);
+      // how_available
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct how_available
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::percentType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const how_available::type&
+      how_available () const;
+      how_available::type&
+      how_available ();
+      void
+      how_available (const how_available::type&);
+      void
+      how_available (::std::auto_ptr< how_available::type >);
+      // clayer
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct clayer
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const clayer::type&
+      clayer () const;
+      clayer::type&
+      clayer ();
+      void
+      clayer (const clayer::type&);
+      void
+      clayer (::std::auto_ptr< clayer::type >);
+      // min_retry_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct min_retry_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const min_retry_interval::type&
+      min_retry_interval () const;
+      min_retry_interval::type&
+      min_retry_interval ();
+      void
+      min_retry_interval (const min_retry_interval::type&);
+      // max_retry_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct max_retry_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const max_retry_interval::type&
+      max_retry_interval () const;
+      max_retry_interval::type&
+      max_retry_interval ();
+      void
+      max_retry_interval (const max_retry_interval::type&);
+      // idle_close_time
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct idle_close_time
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const idle_close_time::type&
+      idle_close_time () const;
+      idle_close_time::type&
+      idle_close_time ();
+      void
+      idle_close_time (const idle_close_time::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      linkType_base ();
+      linkType_base (const remote_eid::type&,
+                     const type::type_&,
+                     const nexthop::type&,
+                     const state::type&,
+                     const is_reachable::type&,
+                     const is_usable::type&,
+                     const how_reliable::type&,
+                     const how_available::type&,
+                     const clayer::type&,
+                     const min_retry_interval::type&,
+                     const max_retry_interval::type&,
+                     const idle_close_time::type&);
+      linkType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkType_base (const linkType_base&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual linkType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< clinfo::type > _xsd_clinfo_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< remote_eid::type > _xsd_remote_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< type::type_ > _xsd_type_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< nexthop::type > _xsd_nexthop_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< state::type > _xsd_state_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< is_reachable::type > _xsd_is_reachable_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< is_usable::type > _xsd_is_usable_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< how_reliable::type > _xsd_how_reliable_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< how_available::type > _xsd_how_available_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< clayer::type > _xsd_clayer_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< min_retry_interval::type > _xsd_min_retry_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< max_retry_interval::type > _xsd_max_retry_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< idle_close_time::type > _xsd_idle_close_time_;
+    };
+    class routeEntryType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_routeEntryType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // dest_pattern
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest_pattern
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const dest_pattern::type&
+      dest_pattern () const;
+      dest_pattern::type&
+      dest_pattern ();
+      void
+      dest_pattern (const dest_pattern::type&);
+      void
+      dest_pattern (::std::auto_ptr< dest_pattern::type >);
+      // source_pattern
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct source_pattern
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const source_pattern::type&
+      source_pattern () const;
+      source_pattern::type&
+      source_pattern ();
+      void
+      source_pattern (const source_pattern::type&);
+      void
+      source_pattern (::std::auto_ptr< source_pattern::type >);
+      // route_priority
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_priority
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::integer type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const route_priority::type&
+      route_priority () const;
+      route_priority::type&
+      route_priority ();
+      void
+      route_priority (const route_priority::type&);
+      // action
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct action
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleForwardActionType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const action::type&
+      action () const;
+      action::type&
+      action ();
+      void
+      action (const action::type&);
+      void
+      action (::std::auto_ptr< action::type >);
+      // link
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link::type&
+      link () const;
+      link::type&
+      link ();
+      void
+      link (const link::type&);
+      void
+      link (::std::auto_ptr< link::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      routeEntryType_base ();
+      routeEntryType_base (const dest_pattern::type&,
+                           const source_pattern::type&,
+                           const route_priority::type&,
+                           const action::type&,
+                           const link::type&);
+      routeEntryType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      routeEntryType_base (const routeEntryType_base&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual routeEntryType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< dest_pattern::type > _xsd_dest_pattern_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< source_pattern::type > _xsd_source_pattern_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< route_priority::type > _xsd_route_priority_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< action::type > _xsd_action_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link::type > _xsd_link_;
+    };
+    class custodySignalType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_custodySignalType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // admin_type
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct admin_type
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_byte type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const admin_type::type&
+      admin_type () const;
+      admin_type::type&
+      admin_type ();
+      void
+      admin_type (const admin_type::type&);
+      // admin_flags
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct admin_flags
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_byte type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const admin_flags::type&
+      admin_flags () const;
+      admin_flags::type&
+      admin_flags ();
+      void
+      admin_flags (const admin_flags::type&);
+      // succeeded
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct succeeded
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const succeeded::type&
+      succeeded () const;
+      succeeded::type&
+      succeeded ();
+      void
+      succeeded (const succeeded::type&);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_byte type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      // orig_frag_offset
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_frag_offset
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const orig_frag_offset::type&
+      orig_frag_offset () const;
+      orig_frag_offset::type&
+      orig_frag_offset ();
+      void
+      orig_frag_offset (const orig_frag_offset::type&);
+      // orig_frag_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_frag_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const orig_frag_length::type&
+      orig_frag_length () const;
+      orig_frag_length::type&
+      orig_frag_length ();
+      void
+      orig_frag_length (const orig_frag_length::type&);
+      // custody_signal_seconds
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_signal_seconds
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custody_signal_seconds::type&
+      custody_signal_seconds () const;
+      custody_signal_seconds::type&
+      custody_signal_seconds ();
+      void
+      custody_signal_seconds (const custody_signal_seconds::type&);
+      // custody_signal_seqno
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_signal_seqno
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custody_signal_seqno::type&
+      custody_signal_seqno () const;
+      custody_signal_seqno::type&
+      custody_signal_seqno ();
+      void
+      custody_signal_seqno (const custody_signal_seqno::type&);
+      // orig_creation_seconds
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_creation_seconds
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const orig_creation_seconds::type&
+      orig_creation_seconds () const;
+      orig_creation_seconds::type&
+      orig_creation_seconds ();
+      void
+      orig_creation_seconds (const orig_creation_seconds::type&);
+      // orig_creation_seqno
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_creation_seqno
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const orig_creation_seqno::type&
+      orig_creation_seqno () const;
+      orig_creation_seqno::type&
+      orig_creation_seqno ();
+      void
+      orig_creation_seqno (const orig_creation_seqno::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      custodySignalType ();
+      custodySignalType (const admin_type::type&,
+                         const admin_flags::type&,
+                         const succeeded::type&,
+                         const reason::type&,
+                         const orig_frag_offset::type&,
+                         const orig_frag_length::type&,
+                         const custody_signal_seconds::type&,
+                         const custody_signal_seqno::type&,
+                         const orig_creation_seconds::type&,
+                         const orig_creation_seqno::type&);
+      custodySignalType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      custodySignalType (const custodySignalType&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual custodySignalType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< admin_type::type > _xsd_admin_type_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< admin_flags::type > _xsd_admin_flags_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< succeeded::type > _xsd_succeeded_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< orig_frag_offset::type > _xsd_orig_frag_offset_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< orig_frag_length::type > _xsd_orig_frag_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custody_signal_seconds::type > _xsd_custody_signal_seconds_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custody_signal_seqno::type > _xsd_custody_signal_seqno_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< orig_creation_seconds::type > _xsd_orig_creation_seconds_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< orig_creation_seqno::type > _xsd_orig_creation_seqno_;
+    };
+    class registrationType_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_registrationType_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // endpoint
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct endpoint
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const endpoint::type&
+      endpoint () const;
+      endpoint::type&
+      endpoint ();
+      void
+      endpoint (const endpoint::type&);
+      void
+      endpoint (::std::auto_ptr< endpoint::type >);
+      // regid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct regid
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const regid::type&
+      regid () const;
+      regid::type&
+      regid ();
+      void
+      regid (const regid::type&);
+      // action
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct action
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::failureActionType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const action::type&
+      action () const;
+      action::type&
+      action ();
+      void
+      action (const action::type&);
+      void
+      action (::std::auto_ptr< action::type >);
+      // script
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct script
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const script::type&
+      script () const;
+      script::type&
+      script ();
+      void
+      script (const script::type&);
+      void
+      script (::std::auto_ptr< script::type >);
+      // expiration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct expiration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const expiration::type&
+      expiration () const;
+      expiration::type&
+      expiration ();
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      registrationType_base ();
+      registrationType_base (const endpoint::type&,
+                             const regid::type&,
+                             const action::type&,
+                             const script::type&,
+                             const expiration::type&);
+      registrationType_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      registrationType_base (const registrationType_base&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual registrationType_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< endpoint::type > _xsd_endpoint_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< regid::type > _xsd_regid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< action::type > _xsd_action_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< script::type > _xsd_script_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< expiration::type > _xsd_expiration_;
+    };
+    class linkConfigType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_linkConfigType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // cl_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct cl_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::key_value_pair type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const cl_params::container&
+      cl_params () const;
+      cl_params::container&
+      cl_params ();
+      void
+      cl_params (const cl_params::container&);
+      // is_usable
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_usable
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const is_usable::container&
+      is_usable () const;
+      is_usable::container&
+      is_usable ();
+      void
+      is_usable (const is_usable::type&);
+      void
+      is_usable (const is_usable::container&);
+      // reactive_frag_enabled
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reactive_frag_enabled
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const reactive_frag_enabled::container&
+      reactive_frag_enabled () const;
+      reactive_frag_enabled::container&
+      reactive_frag_enabled ();
+      void
+      reactive_frag_enabled (const reactive_frag_enabled::type&);
+      void
+      reactive_frag_enabled (const reactive_frag_enabled::container&);
+      // nexthop
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct nexthop
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const nexthop::container&
+      nexthop () const;
+      nexthop::container&
+      nexthop ();
+      void
+      nexthop (const nexthop::type&);
+      void
+      nexthop (const nexthop::container&);
+      void
+      nexthop (::std::auto_ptr< nexthop::type >);
+      // min_retry_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct min_retry_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const min_retry_interval::container&
+      min_retry_interval () const;
+      min_retry_interval::container&
+      min_retry_interval ();
+      void
+      min_retry_interval (const min_retry_interval::type&);
+      void
+      min_retry_interval (const min_retry_interval::container&);
+      // max_retry_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct max_retry_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const max_retry_interval::container&
+      max_retry_interval () const;
+      max_retry_interval::container&
+      max_retry_interval ();
+      void
+      max_retry_interval (const max_retry_interval::type&);
+      void
+      max_retry_interval (const max_retry_interval::container&);
+      // idle_close_time
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct idle_close_time
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const idle_close_time::container&
+      idle_close_time () const;
+      idle_close_time::container&
+      idle_close_time ();
+      void
+      idle_close_time (const idle_close_time::type&);
+      void
+      idle_close_time (const idle_close_time::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      linkConfigType ();
+      linkConfigType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                      ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                      ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      linkConfigType (const linkConfigType&,
+                      ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                      ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual linkConfigType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< cl_params::type > _xsd_cl_params_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< is_usable::type > _xsd_is_usable_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< reactive_frag_enabled::type > _xsd_reactive_frag_enabled_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< nexthop::type > _xsd_nexthop_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< min_retry_interval::type > _xsd_min_retry_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< max_retry_interval::type > _xsd_max_retry_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< idle_close_time::type > _xsd_idle_close_time_;
+    };
+    class key_value_pair_base: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_key_value_pair_base
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // name
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct name
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const name::type&
+      name () const;
+      name::type&
+      name ();
+      void
+      name (const name::type&);
+      void
+      name (::std::auto_ptr< name::type >);
+      // bool_value
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bool_value
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bool_value::container&
+      bool_value () const;
+      bool_value::container&
+      bool_value ();
+      void
+      bool_value (const bool_value::type&);
+      void
+      bool_value (const bool_value::container&);
+      // u_int_value
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct u_int_value
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const u_int_value::container&
+      u_int_value () const;
+      u_int_value::container&
+      u_int_value ();
+      void
+      u_int_value (const u_int_value::type&);
+      void
+      u_int_value (const u_int_value::container&);
+      // int_value
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct int_value
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::int_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const int_value::container&
+      int_value () const;
+      int_value::container&
+      int_value ();
+      void
+      int_value (const int_value::type&);
+      void
+      int_value (const int_value::container&);
+      // str_value
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct str_value
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const str_value::container&
+      str_value () const;
+      str_value::container&
+      str_value ();
+      void
+      str_value (const str_value::type&);
+      void
+      str_value (const str_value::container&);
+      void
+      str_value (::std::auto_ptr< str_value::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      key_value_pair_base ();
+      key_value_pair_base (const name::type&);
+      key_value_pair_base (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      key_value_pair_base (const key_value_pair_base&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual key_value_pair_base*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< name::type > _xsd_name_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bool_value::type > _xsd_bool_value_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< u_int_value::type > _xsd_u_int_value_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< int_value::type > _xsd_int_value_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< str_value::type > _xsd_str_value_;
+    };
+    class bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType: public ::xml_schema::string
+    {
+      public:
+      enum _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType
+      {
+        bundleid,
+        is_admin,
+        do_not_fragment,
+        priority,
+        custody_requested,
+        local_custody,
+        singleton_dest,
+        custody_rcpt,
+        receive_rcpt,
+        forward_rcpt,
+        delivery_rcpt,
+        deletion_rcpt,
+        app_acked_rcpt,
+        expiration,
+        orig_length,
+        owner,
+        source,
+        dest,
+        custodian,
+        replyto,
+        prevhop,
+        location,
+        payload_file,
+        meta_block_list
+      };
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType ();
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (_xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType);
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (const ::xml_schema::string&);
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (const ::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+                                       const ::xercesc::DOMElement*,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType (const bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType&
+      operator= (_xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType);
+      virtual
+      operator _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType () const
+      {
+        return _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType_convert ();
+      }
+      protected:
+      _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType
+      _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType_convert () const;
+      public:
+      static const char* const _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType_literals_[24];
+      static const _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType _xsd_bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType_indexes_[24];
+    };
+    class bundleMetaBlockQueryType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundleMetaBlockQueryType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // Workaround for g++ bug# 23206.
+      //
+      public:
+      struct type;
+      // type
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct type
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type_;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type_, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type_ > container;
+      };
+      const type::container&
+      type () const;
+      type::container&
+      type ();
+      void
+      type (const type::type_&);
+      void
+      type (const type::container&);
+      // identifier
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct identifier
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const identifier::container&
+      identifier () const;
+      identifier::container&
+      identifier ();
+      void
+      identifier (const identifier::type&);
+      void
+      identifier (const identifier::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundleMetaBlockQueryType ();
+      bundleMetaBlockQueryType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleMetaBlockQueryType (const bundleMetaBlockQueryType&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleMetaBlockQueryType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type::type_ > _xsd_type_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< identifier::type > _xsd_identifier_;
+    };
+    class bundleAttributesQueryType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundleAttributesQueryType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const query::container&
+      query () const;
+      query::container&
+      query ();
+      void
+      query (const query::type&);
+      void
+      query (const query::container&);
+      void
+      query (::std::auto_ptr< query::type >);
+      // meta_blocks
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct meta_blocks
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleMetaBlockQueryType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const meta_blocks::container&
+      meta_blocks () const;
+      meta_blocks::container&
+      meta_blocks ();
+      void
+      meta_blocks (const meta_blocks::type&);
+      void
+      meta_blocks (const meta_blocks::container&);
+      void
+      meta_blocks (::std::auto_ptr< meta_blocks::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundleAttributesQueryType ();
+      bundleAttributesQueryType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                 ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                 ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleAttributesQueryType (const bundleAttributesQueryType&,
+                                 ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                 ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleAttributesQueryType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< query::type > _xsd_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< meta_blocks::type > _xsd_meta_blocks_;
+    };
+    class metadataBlockType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_metadataBlockType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // Workaround for g++ bug# 23206.
+      //
+      public:
+      struct type;
+      // identifier
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct identifier
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const identifier::type&
+      identifier () const;
+      identifier::type&
+      identifier ();
+      void
+      identifier (const identifier::type&);
+      // generated
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct generated
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const generated::type&
+      generated () const;
+      generated::type&
+      generated ();
+      void
+      generated (const generated::type&);
+      // type
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct type
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type_;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type_, char > traits;
+      };
+      const type::type_&
+      type () const;
+      type::type_&
+      type ();
+      void
+      type (const type::type_&);
+      // contents
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contents
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::base64_binary type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const contents::type&
+      contents () const;
+      contents::type&
+      contents ();
+      void
+      contents (const contents::type&);
+      void
+      contents (::std::auto_ptr< contents::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      metadataBlockType ();
+      metadataBlockType (const identifier::type&,
+                         const generated::type&,
+                         const type::type_&,
+                         const contents::type&);
+      metadataBlockType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      metadataBlockType (const metadataBlockType&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual metadataBlockType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< identifier::type > _xsd_identifier_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< generated::type > _xsd_generated_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< type::type_ > _xsd_type_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< contents::type > _xsd_contents_;
+    };
+    class bundleAttributesReportType: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundleAttributesReportType
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const dest::container&
+      dest () const;
+      dest::container&
+      dest ();
+      void
+      dest (const dest::type&);
+      void
+      dest (const dest::container&);
+      void
+      dest (::std::auto_ptr< dest::type >);
+      // custodian
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custodian
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custodian::container&
+      custodian () const;
+      custodian::container&
+      custodian ();
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::type&);
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::container&);
+      void
+      custodian (::std::auto_ptr< custodian::type >);
+      // replyto
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct replyto
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const replyto::container&
+      replyto () const;
+      replyto::container&
+      replyto ();
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::type&);
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::container&);
+      void
+      replyto (::std::auto_ptr< replyto::type >);
+      // prevhop
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct prevhop
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const prevhop::container&
+      prevhop () const;
+      prevhop::container&
+      prevhop ();
+      void
+      prevhop (const prevhop::type&);
+      void
+      prevhop (const prevhop::container&);
+      void
+      prevhop (::std::auto_ptr< prevhop::type >);
+      // meta_blocks
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct meta_blocks
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::metadataBlockType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const meta_blocks::container&
+      meta_blocks () const;
+      meta_blocks::container&
+      meta_blocks ();
+      void
+      meta_blocks (const meta_blocks::container&);
+      // bundleid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundleid
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundleid::container&
+      bundleid () const;
+      bundleid::container&
+      bundleid ();
+      void
+      bundleid (const bundleid::type&);
+      void
+      bundleid (const bundleid::container&);
+      // is_admin
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct is_admin
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const is_admin::container&
+      is_admin () const;
+      is_admin::container&
+      is_admin ();
+      void
+      is_admin (const is_admin::type&);
+      void
+      is_admin (const is_admin::container&);
+      // do_not_fragment
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct do_not_fragment
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const do_not_fragment::container&
+      do_not_fragment () const;
+      do_not_fragment::container&
+      do_not_fragment ();
+      void
+      do_not_fragment (const do_not_fragment::type&);
+      void
+      do_not_fragment (const do_not_fragment::container&);
+      // priority
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct priority
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundlePriorityType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const priority::container&
+      priority () const;
+      priority::container&
+      priority ();
+      void
+      priority (const priority::type&);
+      void
+      priority (const priority::container&);
+      void
+      priority (::std::auto_ptr< priority::type >);
+      // custody_requested
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_requested
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custody_requested::container&
+      custody_requested () const;
+      custody_requested::container&
+      custody_requested ();
+      void
+      custody_requested (const custody_requested::type&);
+      void
+      custody_requested (const custody_requested::container&);
+      // local_custody
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_custody
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const local_custody::container&
+      local_custody () const;
+      local_custody::container&
+      local_custody ();
+      void
+      local_custody (const local_custody::type&);
+      void
+      local_custody (const local_custody::container&);
+      // singleton_dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct singleton_dest
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const singleton_dest::container&
+      singleton_dest () const;
+      singleton_dest::container&
+      singleton_dest ();
+      void
+      singleton_dest (const singleton_dest::type&);
+      void
+      singleton_dest (const singleton_dest::container&);
+      // custody_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custody_rcpt::container&
+      custody_rcpt () const;
+      custody_rcpt::container&
+      custody_rcpt ();
+      void
+      custody_rcpt (const custody_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      custody_rcpt (const custody_rcpt::container&);
+      // receive_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct receive_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const receive_rcpt::container&
+      receive_rcpt () const;
+      receive_rcpt::container&
+      receive_rcpt ();
+      void
+      receive_rcpt (const receive_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      receive_rcpt (const receive_rcpt::container&);
+      // forward_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct forward_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const forward_rcpt::container&
+      forward_rcpt () const;
+      forward_rcpt::container&
+      forward_rcpt ();
+      void
+      forward_rcpt (const forward_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      forward_rcpt (const forward_rcpt::container&);
+      // delivery_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct delivery_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const delivery_rcpt::container&
+      delivery_rcpt () const;
+      delivery_rcpt::container&
+      delivery_rcpt ();
+      void
+      delivery_rcpt (const delivery_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      delivery_rcpt (const delivery_rcpt::container&);
+      // deletion_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct deletion_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const deletion_rcpt::container&
+      deletion_rcpt () const;
+      deletion_rcpt::container&
+      deletion_rcpt ();
+      void
+      deletion_rcpt (const deletion_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      deletion_rcpt (const deletion_rcpt::container&);
+      // app_acked_rcpt
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct app_acked_rcpt
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::boolean type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const app_acked_rcpt::container&
+      app_acked_rcpt () const;
+      app_acked_rcpt::container&
+      app_acked_rcpt ();
+      void
+      app_acked_rcpt (const app_acked_rcpt::type&);
+      void
+      app_acked_rcpt (const app_acked_rcpt::container&);
+      // expiration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct expiration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const expiration::container&
+      expiration () const;
+      expiration::container&
+      expiration ();
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::type&);
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::container&);
+      // orig_length
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct orig_length
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const orig_length::container&
+      orig_length () const;
+      orig_length::container&
+      orig_length ();
+      void
+      orig_length (const orig_length::type&);
+      void
+      orig_length (const orig_length::container&);
+      // owner
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct owner
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const owner::container&
+      owner () const;
+      owner::container&
+      owner ();
+      void
+      owner (const owner::type&);
+      void
+      owner (const owner::container&);
+      void
+      owner (::std::auto_ptr< owner::type >);
+      // location
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct location
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleLocationType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const location::container&
+      location () const;
+      location::container&
+      location ();
+      void
+      location (const location::type&);
+      void
+      location (const location::container&);
+      void
+      location (::std::auto_ptr< location::type >);
+      // payload_file
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct payload_file
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const payload_file::container&
+      payload_file () const;
+      payload_file::container&
+      payload_file ();
+      void
+      payload_file (const payload_file::type&);
+      void
+      payload_file (const payload_file::container&);
+      void
+      payload_file (::std::auto_ptr< payload_file::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundleAttributesReportType ();
+      bundleAttributesReportType (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundleAttributesReportType (const bundleAttributesReportType&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundleAttributesReportType*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< dest::type > _xsd_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custodian::type > _xsd_custodian_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< replyto::type > _xsd_replyto_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< prevhop::type > _xsd_prevhop_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< meta_blocks::type > _xsd_meta_blocks_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundleid::type > _xsd_bundleid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< is_admin::type > _xsd_is_admin_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< do_not_fragment::type > _xsd_do_not_fragment_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< priority::type > _xsd_priority_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custody_requested::type > _xsd_custody_requested_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< local_custody::type > _xsd_local_custody_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< singleton_dest::type > _xsd_singleton_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custody_rcpt::type > _xsd_custody_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< receive_rcpt::type > _xsd_receive_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< forward_rcpt::type > _xsd_forward_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< delivery_rcpt::type > _xsd_delivery_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< deletion_rcpt::type > _xsd_deletion_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< app_acked_rcpt::type > _xsd_app_acked_rcpt_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< expiration::type > _xsd_expiration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< orig_length::type > _xsd_orig_length_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< owner::type > _xsd_owner_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< location::type > _xsd_location_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< payload_file::type > _xsd_payload_file_;
+    };
+    class bundle_received_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_received_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const dest::type&
+      dest () const;
+      dest::type&
+      dest ();
+      void
+      dest (const dest::type&);
+      void
+      dest (::std::auto_ptr< dest::type >);
+      // custodian
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custodian
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custodian::type&
+      custodian () const;
+      custodian::type&
+      custodian ();
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::type&);
+      void
+      custodian (::std::auto_ptr< custodian::type >);
+      // replyto
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct replyto
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const replyto::type&
+      replyto () const;
+      replyto::type&
+      replyto ();
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::type&);
+      void
+      replyto (::std::auto_ptr< replyto::type >);
+      // prevhop
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct prevhop
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const prevhop::container&
+      prevhop () const;
+      prevhop::container&
+      prevhop ();
+      void
+      prevhop (const prevhop::type&);
+      void
+      prevhop (const prevhop::container&);
+      void
+      prevhop (::std::auto_ptr< prevhop::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // expiration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct expiration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const expiration::type&
+      expiration () const;
+      expiration::type&
+      expiration ();
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::type&);
+      // bytes_received
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bytes_received
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const bytes_received::type&
+      bytes_received () const;
+      bytes_received::type&
+      bytes_received ();
+      void
+      bytes_received (const bytes_received::type&);
+      // num_meta_blocks
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct num_meta_blocks
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const num_meta_blocks::container&
+      num_meta_blocks () const;
+      num_meta_blocks::container&
+      num_meta_blocks ();
+      void
+      num_meta_blocks (const num_meta_blocks::type&);
+      void
+      num_meta_blocks (const num_meta_blocks::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_received_event ();
+      bundle_received_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const dest::type&,
+                             const custodian::type&,
+                             const replyto::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&,
+                             const expiration::type&,
+                             const bytes_received::type&);
+      bundle_received_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_received_event (const bundle_received_event&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_received_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< dest::type > _xsd_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custodian::type > _xsd_custodian_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< replyto::type > _xsd_replyto_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< prevhop::type > _xsd_prevhop_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< expiration::type > _xsd_expiration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< bytes_received::type > _xsd_bytes_received_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< num_meta_blocks::type > _xsd_num_meta_blocks_;
+    };
+    class data_transmitted_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_data_transmitted_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // bytes_sent
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bytes_sent
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const bytes_sent::type&
+      bytes_sent () const;
+      bytes_sent::type&
+      bytes_sent ();
+      void
+      bytes_sent (const bytes_sent::type&);
+      // reliably_sent
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reliably_sent
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reliably_sent::type&
+      reliably_sent () const;
+      reliably_sent::type&
+      reliably_sent ();
+      void
+      reliably_sent (const reliably_sent::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      data_transmitted_event ();
+      data_transmitted_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                              const local_id::type&,
+                              const link_id::type&,
+                              const bytes_sent::type&,
+                              const reliably_sent::type&);
+      data_transmitted_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      data_transmitted_event (const data_transmitted_event&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual data_transmitted_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< bytes_sent::type > _xsd_bytes_sent_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reliably_sent::type > _xsd_reliably_sent_;
+    };
+    class bundle_delivered_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_delivered_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_delivered_event ();
+      bundle_delivered_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                              const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_delivered_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_delivered_event (const bundle_delivered_event&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_delivered_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class bundle_delivery_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_delivery_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // bundle
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const bundle::type&
+      bundle () const;
+      bundle::type&
+      bundle ();
+      void
+      bundle (const bundle::type&);
+      void
+      bundle (::std::auto_ptr< bundle::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_delivery_event ();
+      bundle_delivery_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const bundle::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_delivery_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_delivery_event (const bundle_delivery_event&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_delivery_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< bundle::type > _xsd_bundle_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class bundle_send_cancelled_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_send_cancelled_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event ();
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                                   const link_id::type&,
+                                   const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (const bundle_send_cancelled_event&,
+                                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_send_cancelled_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class bundle_expired_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_expired_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_expired_event ();
+      bundle_expired_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                            const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_expired_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_expired_event (const bundle_expired_event&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_expired_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class bundle_injected_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_injected_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // request_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct request_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const request_id::type&
+      request_id () const;
+      request_id::type&
+      request_id ();
+      void
+      request_id (const request_id::type&);
+      void
+      request_id (::std::auto_ptr< request_id::type >);
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_injected_event ();
+      bundle_injected_event (const request_id::type&,
+                             const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_injected_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_injected_event (const bundle_injected_event&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_injected_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< request_id::type > _xsd_request_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class link_opened_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_opened_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // contact_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr () const;
+      contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr ();
+      void
+      contact_attr (const contact_attr::type&);
+      void
+      contact_attr (::std::auto_ptr< contact_attr::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_opened_event ();
+      link_opened_event (const contact_attr::type&,
+                         const link_id::type&);
+      link_opened_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_opened_event (const link_opened_event&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_opened_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< contact_attr::type > _xsd_contact_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class link_closed_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_closed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // contact_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr () const;
+      contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr ();
+      void
+      contact_attr (const contact_attr::type&);
+      void
+      contact_attr (::std::auto_ptr< contact_attr::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_closed_event ();
+      link_closed_event (const contact_attr::type&,
+                         const link_id::type&,
+                         const reason::type&);
+      link_closed_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_closed_event (const link_closed_event&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_closed_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< contact_attr::type > _xsd_contact_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_created_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_created_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_attr::type&
+      link_attr () const;
+      link_attr::type&
+      link_attr ();
+      void
+      link_attr (const link_attr::type&);
+      void
+      link_attr (::std::auto_ptr< link_attr::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_created_event ();
+      link_created_event (const link_attr::type&,
+                          const link_id::type&,
+                          const reason::type&);
+      link_created_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_created_event (const link_created_event&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_created_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_attr::type > _xsd_link_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_deleted_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_deleted_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_deleted_event ();
+      link_deleted_event (const link_id::type&,
+                          const reason::type&);
+      link_deleted_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_deleted_event (const link_deleted_event&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_deleted_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_available_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_available_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_available_event ();
+      link_available_event (const link_id::type&,
+                            const reason::type&);
+      link_available_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_available_event (const link_available_event&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_available_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_unavailable_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_unavailable_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_unavailable_event ();
+      link_unavailable_event (const link_id::type&,
+                              const reason::type&);
+      link_unavailable_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_unavailable_event (const link_unavailable_event&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_unavailable_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_attribute_changed_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_attribute_changed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_attr::type&
+      link_attr () const;
+      link_attr::type&
+      link_attr ();
+      void
+      link_attr (const link_attr::type&);
+      void
+      link_attr (::std::auto_ptr< link_attr::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_attribute_changed_event ();
+      link_attribute_changed_event (const link_attr::type&,
+                                    const link_id::type&,
+                                    const reason::type&);
+      link_attribute_changed_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_attribute_changed_event (const link_attribute_changed_event&,
+                                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_attribute_changed_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_attr::type > _xsd_link_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class contact_attribute_changed_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_contact_attribute_changed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // contact_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const contact_eid::type&
+      contact_eid () const;
+      contact_eid::type&
+      contact_eid ();
+      void
+      contact_eid (const contact_eid::type&);
+      void
+      contact_eid (::std::auto_ptr< contact_eid::type >);
+      // contact_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr () const;
+      contact_attr::type&
+      contact_attr ();
+      void
+      contact_attr (const contact_attr::type&);
+      void
+      contact_attr (::std::auto_ptr< contact_attr::type >);
+      // reason
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reason
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactReasonType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const reason::type&
+      reason () const;
+      reason::type&
+      reason ();
+      void
+      reason (const reason::type&);
+      void
+      reason (::std::auto_ptr< reason::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      contact_attribute_changed_event ();
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (const contact_eid::type&,
+                                       const contact_attr::type&,
+                                       const reason::type&);
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (const contact_attribute_changed_event&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual contact_attribute_changed_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< contact_eid::type > _xsd_contact_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< contact_attr::type > _xsd_contact_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< reason::type > _xsd_reason_;
+    };
+    class link_busy_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_busy_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link::type&
+      link () const;
+      link::type&
+      link ();
+      void
+      link (const link::type&);
+      void
+      link (::std::auto_ptr< link::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_busy_event ();
+      link_busy_event (const link::type&);
+      link_busy_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_busy_event (const link_busy_event&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_busy_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link::type > _xsd_link_;
+    };
+    class eid_reachable_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_eid_reachable_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // peer_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct peer_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const peer_eid::type&
+      peer_eid () const;
+      peer_eid::type&
+      peer_eid ();
+      void
+      peer_eid (const peer_eid::type&);
+      void
+      peer_eid (::std::auto_ptr< peer_eid::type >);
+      // interface_name
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct interface_name
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const interface_name::type&
+      interface_name () const;
+      interface_name::type&
+      interface_name ();
+      void
+      interface_name (const interface_name::type&);
+      void
+      interface_name (::std::auto_ptr< interface_name::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      eid_reachable_event ();
+      eid_reachable_event (const peer_eid::type&,
+                           const interface_name::type&);
+      eid_reachable_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      eid_reachable_event (const eid_reachable_event&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual eid_reachable_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< peer_eid::type > _xsd_peer_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< interface_name::type > _xsd_interface_name_;
+    };
+    class route_add_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_route_add_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // route_entry
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_entry
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::routeEntryType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const route_entry::type&
+      route_entry () const;
+      route_entry::type&
+      route_entry ();
+      void
+      route_entry (const route_entry::type&);
+      void
+      route_entry (::std::auto_ptr< route_entry::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      route_add_event ();
+      route_add_event (const route_entry::type&);
+      route_add_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      route_add_event (const route_add_event&,
+                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual route_add_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< route_entry::type > _xsd_route_entry_;
+    };
+    class route_delete_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_route_delete_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const dest::type&
+      dest () const;
+      dest::type&
+      dest ();
+      void
+      dest (const dest::type&);
+      void
+      dest (::std::auto_ptr< dest::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      route_delete_event ();
+      route_delete_event (const dest::type&);
+      route_delete_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      route_delete_event (const route_delete_event&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual route_delete_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< dest::type > _xsd_dest_;
+    };
+    class custody_signal_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_custody_signal_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // custody_signal_attr
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_signal_attr
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::custodySignalType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const custody_signal_attr::type&
+      custody_signal_attr () const;
+      custody_signal_attr::type&
+      custody_signal_attr ();
+      void
+      custody_signal_attr (const custody_signal_attr::type&);
+      void
+      custody_signal_attr (::std::auto_ptr< custody_signal_attr::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      custody_signal_event ();
+      custody_signal_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                            const custody_signal_attr::type&,
+                            const local_id::type&);
+      custody_signal_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      custody_signal_event (const custody_signal_event&,
+                            ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                            ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual custody_signal_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< custody_signal_attr::type > _xsd_custody_signal_attr_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class custody_timeout_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_custody_timeout_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      custody_timeout_event ();
+      custody_timeout_event (const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&);
+      custody_timeout_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      custody_timeout_event (const custody_timeout_event&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual custody_timeout_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class intentional_name_resolved_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_intentional_name_resolved_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // request_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct request_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const request_id::type&
+      request_id () const;
+      request_id::type&
+      request_id ();
+      void
+      request_id (const request_id::type&);
+      void
+      request_id (::std::auto_ptr< request_id::type >);
+      // response_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct response_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const response_id::type&
+      response_id () const;
+      response_id::type&
+      response_id ();
+      void
+      response_id (const response_id::type&);
+      void
+      response_id (::std::auto_ptr< response_id::type >);
+      // router_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct router_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const router_eid::type&
+      router_eid () const;
+      router_eid::type&
+      router_eid ();
+      void
+      router_eid (const router_eid::type&);
+      void
+      router_eid (::std::auto_ptr< router_eid::type >);
+      // lb_dp_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct lb_dp_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const lb_dp_eid::container&
+      lb_dp_eid () const;
+      lb_dp_eid::container&
+      lb_dp_eid ();
+      void
+      lb_dp_eid (const lb_dp_eid::type&);
+      void
+      lb_dp_eid (const lb_dp_eid::container&);
+      void
+      lb_dp_eid (::std::auto_ptr< lb_dp_eid::type >);
+      // intentional_name
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct intentional_name
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const intentional_name::type&
+      intentional_name () const;
+      intentional_name::type&
+      intentional_name ();
+      void
+      intentional_name (const intentional_name::type&);
+      void
+      intentional_name (::std::auto_ptr< intentional_name::type >);
+      // grain_state
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct grain_state
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const grain_state::type&
+      grain_state () const;
+      grain_state::type&
+      grain_state ();
+      void
+      grain_state (const grain_state::type&);
+      void
+      grain_state (::std::auto_ptr< grain_state::type >);
+      // canonical_eids
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct canonical_eids
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const canonical_eids::container&
+      canonical_eids () const;
+      canonical_eids::container&
+      canonical_eids ();
+      void
+      canonical_eids (const canonical_eids::container&);
+      // app_eids
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct app_eids
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const app_eids::container&
+      app_eids () const;
+      app_eids::container&
+      app_eids ();
+      void
+      app_eids (const app_eids::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      intentional_name_resolved_event ();
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (const request_id::type&,
+                                       const response_id::type&,
+                                       const router_eid::type&,
+                                       const intentional_name::type&,
+                                       const grain_state::type&);
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (const intentional_name_resolved_event&,
+                                       ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                       ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual intentional_name_resolved_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< request_id::type > _xsd_request_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< response_id::type > _xsd_response_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< router_eid::type > _xsd_router_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< lb_dp_eid::type > _xsd_lb_dp_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< intentional_name::type > _xsd_intentional_name_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< grain_state::type > _xsd_grain_state_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< canonical_eids::type > _xsd_canonical_eids_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< app_eids::type > _xsd_app_eids_;
+    };
+    class registration_added_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_registration_added_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // registration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct registration
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::registrationType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const registration::type&
+      registration () const;
+      registration::type&
+      registration ();
+      void
+      registration (const registration::type&);
+      void
+      registration (::std::auto_ptr< registration::type >);
+      // source
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct source
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eventSourceType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const source::type&
+      source () const;
+      source::type&
+      source ();
+      void
+      source (const source::type&);
+      void
+      source (::std::auto_ptr< source::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      registration_added_event ();
+      registration_added_event (const registration::type&,
+                                const source::type&);
+      registration_added_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      registration_added_event (const registration_added_event&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual registration_added_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< registration::type > _xsd_registration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< source::type > _xsd_source_;
+    };
+    class registration_removed_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_registration_removed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // registration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct registration
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::registrationType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const registration::type&
+      registration () const;
+      registration::type&
+      registration ();
+      void
+      registration (const registration::type&);
+      void
+      registration (::std::auto_ptr< registration::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      registration_removed_event ();
+      registration_removed_event (const registration::type&);
+      registration_removed_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      registration_removed_event (const registration_removed_event&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual registration_removed_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< registration::type > _xsd_registration_;
+    };
+    class registration_expired_event: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_registration_expired_event
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // regid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct regid
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const regid::type&
+      regid () const;
+      regid::type&
+      regid ();
+      void
+      regid (const regid::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      registration_expired_event ();
+      registration_expired_event (const regid::type&);
+      registration_expired_event (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      registration_expired_event (const registration_expired_event&,
+                                  ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                  ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual registration_expired_event*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< regid::type > _xsd_regid_;
+    };
+    class open_link_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_open_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      open_link_request ();
+      open_link_request (const link_id::type&);
+      open_link_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      open_link_request (const open_link_request&,
+                         ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                         ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual open_link_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class close_link_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_close_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      close_link_request ();
+      close_link_request (const link_id::type&);
+      close_link_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      close_link_request (const close_link_request&,
+                          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                          ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual close_link_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class add_link_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_add_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_config_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_config_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkConfigType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_config_params::container&
+      link_config_params () const;
+      link_config_params::container&
+      link_config_params ();
+      void
+      link_config_params (const link_config_params::type&);
+      void
+      link_config_params (const link_config_params::container&);
+      void
+      link_config_params (::std::auto_ptr< link_config_params::type >);
+      // remote_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct remote_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const remote_eid::type&
+      remote_eid () const;
+      remote_eid::type&
+      remote_eid ();
+      void
+      remote_eid (const remote_eid::type&);
+      void
+      remote_eid (::std::auto_ptr< remote_eid::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // link_type
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_type
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkTypeType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_type::type&
+      link_type () const;
+      link_type::type&
+      link_type ();
+      void
+      link_type (const link_type::type&);
+      void
+      link_type (::std::auto_ptr< link_type::type >);
+      // clayer
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct clayer
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const clayer::type&
+      clayer () const;
+      clayer::type&
+      clayer ();
+      void
+      clayer (const clayer::type&);
+      void
+      clayer (::std::auto_ptr< clayer::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      add_link_request ();
+      add_link_request (const remote_eid::type&,
+                        const link_id::type&,
+                        const link_type::type&,
+                        const clayer::type&);
+      add_link_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                        ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                        ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      add_link_request (const add_link_request&,
+                        ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                        ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual add_link_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_config_params::type > _xsd_link_config_params_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< remote_eid::type > _xsd_remote_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_type::type > _xsd_link_type_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< clayer::type > _xsd_clayer_;
+    };
+    class delete_link_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_delete_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      delete_link_request ();
+      delete_link_request (const link_id::type&);
+      delete_link_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      delete_link_request (const delete_link_request&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual delete_link_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class reconfigure_link_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_reconfigure_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link_config_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_config_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkConfigType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_config_params::type&
+      link_config_params () const;
+      link_config_params::type&
+      link_config_params ();
+      void
+      link_config_params (const link_config_params::type&);
+      void
+      link_config_params (::std::auto_ptr< link_config_params::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      reconfigure_link_request ();
+      reconfigure_link_request (const link_config_params::type&,
+                                const link_id::type&);
+      reconfigure_link_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      reconfigure_link_request (const reconfigure_link_request&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual reconfigure_link_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_config_params::type > _xsd_link_config_params_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class send_bundle_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_send_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // metadata_block
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct metadata_block
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::metadataBlockType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const metadata_block::container&
+      metadata_block () const;
+      metadata_block::container&
+      metadata_block ();
+      void
+      metadata_block (const metadata_block::container&);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // fwd_action
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct fwd_action
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleForwardActionType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const fwd_action::type&
+      fwd_action () const;
+      fwd_action::type&
+      fwd_action ();
+      void
+      fwd_action (const fwd_action::type&);
+      void
+      fwd_action (::std::auto_ptr< fwd_action::type >);
+      // frag_size
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_size
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const frag_size::container&
+      frag_size () const;
+      frag_size::container&
+      frag_size ();
+      void
+      frag_size (const frag_size::type&);
+      void
+      frag_size (const frag_size::container&);
+      // frag_offset
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_offset
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const frag_offset::container&
+      frag_offset () const;
+      frag_offset::container&
+      frag_offset ();
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::type&);
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      send_bundle_request ();
+      send_bundle_request (const gbof_id::type&,
+                           const local_id::type&,
+                           const link_id::type&,
+                           const fwd_action::type&);
+      send_bundle_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      send_bundle_request (const send_bundle_request&,
+                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual send_bundle_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< metadata_block::type > _xsd_metadata_block_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< fwd_action::type > _xsd_fwd_action_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< frag_size::type > _xsd_frag_size_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< frag_offset::type > _xsd_frag_offset_;
+    };
+    class send_bundle_broadcast_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_send_bundle_broadcast_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // metadata_block
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct metadata_block
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::metadataBlockType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const metadata_block::container&
+      metadata_block () const;
+      metadata_block::container&
+      metadata_block ();
+      void
+      metadata_block (const metadata_block::container&);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // fwd_action
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct fwd_action
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleForwardActionType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const fwd_action::type&
+      fwd_action () const;
+      fwd_action::type&
+      fwd_action ();
+      void
+      fwd_action (const fwd_action::type&);
+      void
+      fwd_action (::std::auto_ptr< fwd_action::type >);
+      // frag_size
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_size
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const frag_size::container&
+      frag_size () const;
+      frag_size::container&
+      frag_size ();
+      void
+      frag_size (const frag_size::type&);
+      void
+      frag_size (const frag_size::container&);
+      // frag_offset
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct frag_offset
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_long type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const frag_offset::container&
+      frag_offset () const;
+      frag_offset::container&
+      frag_offset ();
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::type&);
+      void
+      frag_offset (const frag_offset::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request ();
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (const gbof_id::type&,
+                                     const local_id::type&,
+                                     const fwd_action::type&);
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (const send_bundle_broadcast_request&,
+                                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual send_bundle_broadcast_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< metadata_block::type > _xsd_metadata_block_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< fwd_action::type > _xsd_fwd_action_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< frag_size::type > _xsd_frag_size_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< frag_offset::type > _xsd_frag_offset_;
+    };
+    class cancel_bundle_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_cancel_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      cancel_bundle_request ();
+      cancel_bundle_request (const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&,
+                             const link_id::type&);
+      cancel_bundle_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      cancel_bundle_request (const cancel_bundle_request&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual cancel_bundle_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+    };
+    class inject_bundle_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_inject_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // source
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct source
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const source::type&
+      source () const;
+      source::type&
+      source ();
+      void
+      source (const source::type&);
+      void
+      source (::std::auto_ptr< source::type >);
+      // dest
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct dest
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const dest::type&
+      dest () const;
+      dest::type&
+      dest ();
+      void
+      dest (const dest::type&);
+      void
+      dest (::std::auto_ptr< dest::type >);
+      // replyto
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct replyto
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const replyto::container&
+      replyto () const;
+      replyto::container&
+      replyto ();
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::type&);
+      void
+      replyto (const replyto::container&);
+      void
+      replyto (::std::auto_ptr< replyto::type >);
+      // custodian
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custodian
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custodian::container&
+      custodian () const;
+      custodian::container&
+      custodian ();
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::type&);
+      void
+      custodian (const custodian::container&);
+      void
+      custodian (::std::auto_ptr< custodian::type >);
+      // request_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct request_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const request_id::type&
+      request_id () const;
+      request_id::type&
+      request_id ();
+      void
+      request_id (const request_id::type&);
+      void
+      request_id (::std::auto_ptr< request_id::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // fwd_action
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct fwd_action
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleForwardActionType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const fwd_action::container&
+      fwd_action () const;
+      fwd_action::container&
+      fwd_action ();
+      void
+      fwd_action (const fwd_action::type&);
+      void
+      fwd_action (const fwd_action::container&);
+      void
+      fwd_action (::std::auto_ptr< fwd_action::type >);
+      // priority
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct priority
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundlePriorityType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const priority::container&
+      priority () const;
+      priority::container&
+      priority ();
+      void
+      priority (const priority::type&);
+      void
+      priority (const priority::container&);
+      void
+      priority (::std::auto_ptr< priority::type >);
+      // expiration
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct expiration
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_int type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const expiration::container&
+      expiration () const;
+      expiration::container&
+      expiration ();
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::type&);
+      void
+      expiration (const expiration::container&);
+      // payload_file
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct payload_file
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const payload_file::type&
+      payload_file () const;
+      payload_file::type&
+      payload_file ();
+      void
+      payload_file (const payload_file::type&);
+      void
+      payload_file (::std::auto_ptr< payload_file::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      inject_bundle_request ();
+      inject_bundle_request (const source::type&,
+                             const dest::type&,
+                             const request_id::type&,
+                             const link_id::type&,
+                             const payload_file::type&);
+      inject_bundle_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      inject_bundle_request (const inject_bundle_request&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual inject_bundle_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< source::type > _xsd_source_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< dest::type > _xsd_dest_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< replyto::type > _xsd_replyto_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custodian::type > _xsd_custodian_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< request_id::type > _xsd_request_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< fwd_action::type > _xsd_fwd_action_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< priority::type > _xsd_priority_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< expiration::type > _xsd_expiration_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< payload_file::type > _xsd_payload_file_;
+    };
+    class delete_bundle_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_delete_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      delete_bundle_request ();
+      delete_bundle_request (const gbof_id::type&,
+                             const local_id::type&);
+      delete_bundle_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      delete_bundle_request (const delete_bundle_request&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual delete_bundle_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class set_cl_params_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_set_cl_params_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // cl_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct cl_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::key_value_pair type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const cl_params::container&
+      cl_params () const;
+      cl_params::container&
+      cl_params ();
+      void
+      cl_params (const cl_params::container&);
+      // clayer
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct clayer
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const clayer::type&
+      clayer () const;
+      clayer::type&
+      clayer ();
+      void
+      clayer (const clayer::type&);
+      void
+      clayer (::std::auto_ptr< clayer::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      set_cl_params_request ();
+      set_cl_params_request (const clayer::type&);
+      set_cl_params_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      set_cl_params_request (const set_cl_params_request&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual set_cl_params_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< cl_params::type > _xsd_cl_params_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< clayer::type > _xsd_clayer_;
+    };
+    class intentional_name_resolution_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_intentional_name_resolution_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // request_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct request_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const request_id::type&
+      request_id () const;
+      request_id::type&
+      request_id ();
+      void
+      request_id (const request_id::type&);
+      void
+      request_id (::std::auto_ptr< request_id::type >);
+      // router_eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct router_eid
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const router_eid::type&
+      router_eid () const;
+      router_eid::type&
+      router_eid ();
+      void
+      router_eid (const router_eid::type&);
+      void
+      router_eid (::std::auto_ptr< router_eid::type >);
+      // intentional_name
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct intentional_name
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const intentional_name::type&
+      intentional_name () const;
+      intentional_name::type&
+      intentional_name ();
+      void
+      intentional_name (const intentional_name::type&);
+      void
+      intentional_name (::std::auto_ptr< intentional_name::type >);
+      // grain_state
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct grain_state
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const grain_state::type&
+      grain_state () const;
+      grain_state::type&
+      grain_state ();
+      void
+      grain_state (const grain_state::type&);
+      void
+      grain_state (::std::auto_ptr< grain_state::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      intentional_name_resolution_request ();
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (const gbof_id::type&,
+                                           const request_id::type&,
+                                           const router_eid::type&,
+                                           const intentional_name::type&,
+                                           const grain_state::type&);
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (const intentional_name_resolution_request&,
+                                           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual intentional_name_resolution_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< request_id::type > _xsd_request_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< router_eid::type > _xsd_router_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< intentional_name::type > _xsd_intentional_name_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< grain_state::type > _xsd_grain_state_;
+    };
+    class deliver_bundle_to_app_request: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_deliver_bundle_to_app_request
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // endpoint
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct endpoint
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eidType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const endpoint::type&
+      endpoint () const;
+      endpoint::type&
+      endpoint ();
+      void
+      endpoint (const endpoint::type&);
+      void
+      endpoint (::std::auto_ptr< endpoint::type >);
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request ();
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (const endpoint::type&,
+                                     const gbof_id::type&,
+                                     const local_id::type&);
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (const deliver_bundle_to_app_request&,
+                                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual deliver_bundle_to_app_request*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< endpoint::type > _xsd_endpoint_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class link_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // link
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::linkType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const link::container&
+      link () const;
+      link::container&
+      link ();
+      void
+      link (const link::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_report ();
+      link_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_report (const link_report&,
+                   ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                   ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< link::type > _xsd_link_;
+    };
+    class link_attributes_query: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_attributes_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // query_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const query_id::type&
+      query_id () const;
+      query_id::type&
+      query_id ();
+      void
+      query_id (const query_id::type&);
+      void
+      query_id (::std::auto_ptr< query_id::type >);
+      // link_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const link_id::type&
+      link_id () const;
+      link_id::type&
+      link_id ();
+      void
+      link_id (const link_id::type&);
+      void
+      link_id (::std::auto_ptr< link_id::type >);
+      // query_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_params
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const query_params::container&
+      query_params () const;
+      query_params::container&
+      query_params ();
+      void
+      query_params (const query_params::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_attributes_query ();
+      link_attributes_query (const query_id::type&,
+                             const link_id::type&);
+      link_attributes_query (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_attributes_query (const link_attributes_query&,
+                             ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                             ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_attributes_query*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< query_id::type > _xsd_query_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< link_id::type > _xsd_link_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< query_params::type > _xsd_query_params_;
+    };
+    class link_attributes_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_link_attributes_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // query_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const query_id::type&
+      query_id () const;
+      query_id::type&
+      query_id ();
+      void
+      query_id (const query_id::type&);
+      void
+      query_id (::std::auto_ptr< query_id::type >);
+      // report_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct report_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::key_value_pair type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const report_params::container&
+      report_params () const;
+      report_params::container&
+      report_params ();
+      void
+      report_params (const report_params::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      link_attributes_report ();
+      link_attributes_report (const query_id::type&);
+      link_attributes_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      link_attributes_report (const link_attributes_report&,
+                              ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                              ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual link_attributes_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< query_id::type > _xsd_query_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< report_params::type > _xsd_report_params_;
+    };
+    class contact_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_contact_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // contact
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contactType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const contact::container&
+      contact () const;
+      contact::container&
+      contact ();
+      void
+      contact (const contact::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      contact_report ();
+      contact_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                      ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                      ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      contact_report (const contact_report&,
+                      ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                      ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual contact_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< contact::type > _xsd_contact_;
+    };
+    class route_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_route_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // route_entry
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_entry
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::routeEntryType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const route_entry::container&
+      route_entry () const;
+      route_entry::container&
+      route_entry ();
+      void
+      route_entry (const route_entry::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      route_report ();
+      route_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      route_report (const route_report&,
+                    ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                    ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual route_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< route_entry::type > _xsd_route_entry_;
+    };
+    class bundle_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // bundle
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const bundle::container&
+      bundle () const;
+      bundle::container&
+      bundle ();
+      void
+      bundle (const bundle::container&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_report ();
+      bundle_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_report (const bundle_report&,
+                     ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                     ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< bundle::type > _xsd_bundle_;
+    };
+    class bundle_attributes_query: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_attributes_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // query_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const query_id::type&
+      query_id () const;
+      query_id::type&
+      query_id ();
+      void
+      query_id (const query_id::type&);
+      void
+      query_id (::std::auto_ptr< query_id::type >);
+      // gbof_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct gbof_id
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::gbofIdType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id () const;
+      gbof_id::type&
+      gbof_id ();
+      void
+      gbof_id (const gbof_id::type&);
+      void
+      gbof_id (::std::auto_ptr< gbof_id::type >);
+      // query_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleAttributesQueryType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< type > container;
+        typedef container::iterator iterator;
+        typedef container::const_iterator const_iterator;
+      };
+      const query_params::container&
+      query_params () const;
+      query_params::container&
+      query_params ();
+      void
+      query_params (const query_params::container&);
+      // local_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct local_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::long_ type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const local_id::type&
+      local_id () const;
+      local_id::type&
+      local_id ();
+      void
+      local_id (const local_id::type&);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_attributes_query ();
+      bundle_attributes_query (const query_id::type&,
+                               const gbof_id::type&,
+                               const local_id::type&);
+      bundle_attributes_query (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_attributes_query (const bundle_attributes_query&,
+                               ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                               ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_attributes_query*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< query_id::type > _xsd_query_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< gbof_id::type > _xsd_gbof_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::sequence< query_params::type > _xsd_query_params_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< local_id::type > _xsd_local_id_;
+    };
+    class bundle_attributes_report: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bundle_attributes_report
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // query_id
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct query_id
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const query_id::type&
+      query_id () const;
+      query_id::type&
+      query_id ();
+      void
+      query_id (const query_id::type&);
+      void
+      query_id (::std::auto_ptr< query_id::type >);
+      // report_params
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct report_params
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundleAttributesReportType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+      };
+      const report_params::type&
+      report_params () const;
+      report_params::type&
+      report_params ();
+      void
+      report_params (const report_params::type&);
+      void
+      report_params (::std::auto_ptr< report_params::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bundle_attributes_report ();
+      bundle_attributes_report (const query_id::type&,
+                                const report_params::type&);
+      bundle_attributes_report (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bundle_attributes_report (const bundle_attributes_report&,
+                                ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+                                ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bundle_attributes_report*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< query_id::type > _xsd_query_id_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::one< report_params::type > _xsd_report_params_;
+    };
+    class bpa: public ::xml_schema::type
+    {
+      public:
+      struct _xsd_bpa
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type base_;
+      };
+      // bundle_received_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_received_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_received_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_received_event::container&
+      bundle_received_event () const;
+      bundle_received_event::container&
+      bundle_received_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_received_event (const bundle_received_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_received_event (const bundle_received_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_received_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_received_event::type >);
+      // data_transmitted_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct data_transmitted_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::data_transmitted_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const data_transmitted_event::container&
+      data_transmitted_event () const;
+      data_transmitted_event::container&
+      data_transmitted_event ();
+      void
+      data_transmitted_event (const data_transmitted_event::type&);
+      void
+      data_transmitted_event (const data_transmitted_event::container&);
+      void
+      data_transmitted_event (::std::auto_ptr< data_transmitted_event::type >);
+      // bundle_delivered_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_delivered_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_delivered_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_delivered_event::container&
+      bundle_delivered_event () const;
+      bundle_delivered_event::container&
+      bundle_delivered_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_delivered_event (const bundle_delivered_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_delivered_event (const bundle_delivered_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_delivered_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_delivered_event::type >);
+      // bundle_delivery_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_delivery_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_delivery_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_delivery_event::container&
+      bundle_delivery_event () const;
+      bundle_delivery_event::container&
+      bundle_delivery_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_delivery_event (const bundle_delivery_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_delivery_event (const bundle_delivery_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_delivery_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_delivery_event::type >);
+      // bundle_expired_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_expired_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_expired_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_expired_event::container&
+      bundle_expired_event () const;
+      bundle_expired_event::container&
+      bundle_expired_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_expired_event (const bundle_expired_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_expired_event (const bundle_expired_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_expired_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_expired_event::type >);
+      // bundle_send_cancelled_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_send_cancelled_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_send_cancelled_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_send_cancelled_event::container&
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event () const;
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event::container&
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (const bundle_send_cancelled_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (const bundle_send_cancelled_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_send_cancelled_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_send_cancelled_event::type >);
+      // bundle_injected_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_injected_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_injected_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_injected_event::container&
+      bundle_injected_event () const;
+      bundle_injected_event::container&
+      bundle_injected_event ();
+      void
+      bundle_injected_event (const bundle_injected_event::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_injected_event (const bundle_injected_event::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_injected_event (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_injected_event::type >);
+      // link_opened_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_opened_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_opened_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_opened_event::container&
+      link_opened_event () const;
+      link_opened_event::container&
+      link_opened_event ();
+      void
+      link_opened_event (const link_opened_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_opened_event (const link_opened_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_opened_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_opened_event::type >);
+      // link_closed_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_closed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_closed_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_closed_event::container&
+      link_closed_event () const;
+      link_closed_event::container&
+      link_closed_event ();
+      void
+      link_closed_event (const link_closed_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_closed_event (const link_closed_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_closed_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_closed_event::type >);
+      // link_created_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_created_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_created_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_created_event::container&
+      link_created_event () const;
+      link_created_event::container&
+      link_created_event ();
+      void
+      link_created_event (const link_created_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_created_event (const link_created_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_created_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_created_event::type >);
+      // link_deleted_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_deleted_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_deleted_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_deleted_event::container&
+      link_deleted_event () const;
+      link_deleted_event::container&
+      link_deleted_event ();
+      void
+      link_deleted_event (const link_deleted_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_deleted_event (const link_deleted_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_deleted_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_deleted_event::type >);
+      // link_available_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_available_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_available_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_available_event::container&
+      link_available_event () const;
+      link_available_event::container&
+      link_available_event ();
+      void
+      link_available_event (const link_available_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_available_event (const link_available_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_available_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_available_event::type >);
+      // link_unavailable_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_unavailable_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_unavailable_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_unavailable_event::container&
+      link_unavailable_event () const;
+      link_unavailable_event::container&
+      link_unavailable_event ();
+      void
+      link_unavailable_event (const link_unavailable_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_unavailable_event (const link_unavailable_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_unavailable_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_unavailable_event::type >);
+      // link_attribute_changed_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attribute_changed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_attribute_changed_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_attribute_changed_event::container&
+      link_attribute_changed_event () const;
+      link_attribute_changed_event::container&
+      link_attribute_changed_event ();
+      void
+      link_attribute_changed_event (const link_attribute_changed_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_attribute_changed_event (const link_attribute_changed_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_attribute_changed_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_attribute_changed_event::type >);
+      // contact_attribute_changed_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_attribute_changed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contact_attribute_changed_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const contact_attribute_changed_event::container&
+      contact_attribute_changed_event () const;
+      contact_attribute_changed_event::container&
+      contact_attribute_changed_event ();
+      void
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (const contact_attribute_changed_event::type&);
+      void
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (const contact_attribute_changed_event::container&);
+      void
+      contact_attribute_changed_event (::std::auto_ptr< contact_attribute_changed_event::type >);
+      // link_busy_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_busy_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_busy_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_busy_event::container&
+      link_busy_event () const;
+      link_busy_event::container&
+      link_busy_event ();
+      void
+      link_busy_event (const link_busy_event::type&);
+      void
+      link_busy_event (const link_busy_event::container&);
+      void
+      link_busy_event (::std::auto_ptr< link_busy_event::type >);
+      // eid_reachable_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct eid_reachable_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::eid_reachable_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const eid_reachable_event::container&
+      eid_reachable_event () const;
+      eid_reachable_event::container&
+      eid_reachable_event ();
+      void
+      eid_reachable_event (const eid_reachable_event::type&);
+      void
+      eid_reachable_event (const eid_reachable_event::container&);
+      void
+      eid_reachable_event (::std::auto_ptr< eid_reachable_event::type >);
+      // route_add_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_add_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::route_add_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const route_add_event::container&
+      route_add_event () const;
+      route_add_event::container&
+      route_add_event ();
+      void
+      route_add_event (const route_add_event::type&);
+      void
+      route_add_event (const route_add_event::container&);
+      void
+      route_add_event (::std::auto_ptr< route_add_event::type >);
+      // route_delete_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_delete_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::route_delete_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const route_delete_event::container&
+      route_delete_event () const;
+      route_delete_event::container&
+      route_delete_event ();
+      void
+      route_delete_event (const route_delete_event::type&);
+      void
+      route_delete_event (const route_delete_event::container&);
+      void
+      route_delete_event (::std::auto_ptr< route_delete_event::type >);
+      // custody_signal_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_signal_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::custody_signal_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custody_signal_event::container&
+      custody_signal_event () const;
+      custody_signal_event::container&
+      custody_signal_event ();
+      void
+      custody_signal_event (const custody_signal_event::type&);
+      void
+      custody_signal_event (const custody_signal_event::container&);
+      void
+      custody_signal_event (::std::auto_ptr< custody_signal_event::type >);
+      // custody_timeout_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct custody_timeout_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::custody_timeout_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const custody_timeout_event::container&
+      custody_timeout_event () const;
+      custody_timeout_event::container&
+      custody_timeout_event ();
+      void
+      custody_timeout_event (const custody_timeout_event::type&);
+      void
+      custody_timeout_event (const custody_timeout_event::container&);
+      void
+      custody_timeout_event (::std::auto_ptr< custody_timeout_event::type >);
+      // intentional_name_resolved_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct intentional_name_resolved_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::intentional_name_resolved_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const intentional_name_resolved_event::container&
+      intentional_name_resolved_event () const;
+      intentional_name_resolved_event::container&
+      intentional_name_resolved_event ();
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (const intentional_name_resolved_event::type&);
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (const intentional_name_resolved_event::container&);
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolved_event (::std::auto_ptr< intentional_name_resolved_event::type >);
+      // registration_added_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct registration_added_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::registration_added_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const registration_added_event::container&
+      registration_added_event () const;
+      registration_added_event::container&
+      registration_added_event ();
+      void
+      registration_added_event (const registration_added_event::type&);
+      void
+      registration_added_event (const registration_added_event::container&);
+      void
+      registration_added_event (::std::auto_ptr< registration_added_event::type >);
+      // registration_removed_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct registration_removed_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::registration_removed_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const registration_removed_event::container&
+      registration_removed_event () const;
+      registration_removed_event::container&
+      registration_removed_event ();
+      void
+      registration_removed_event (const registration_removed_event::type&);
+      void
+      registration_removed_event (const registration_removed_event::container&);
+      void
+      registration_removed_event (::std::auto_ptr< registration_removed_event::type >);
+      // registration_expired_event
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct registration_expired_event
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::registration_expired_event type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const registration_expired_event::container&
+      registration_expired_event () const;
+      registration_expired_event::container&
+      registration_expired_event ();
+      void
+      registration_expired_event (const registration_expired_event::type&);
+      void
+      registration_expired_event (const registration_expired_event::container&);
+      void
+      registration_expired_event (::std::auto_ptr< registration_expired_event::type >);
+      // open_link_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct open_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::open_link_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const open_link_request::container&
+      open_link_request () const;
+      open_link_request::container&
+      open_link_request ();
+      void
+      open_link_request (const open_link_request::type&);
+      void
+      open_link_request (const open_link_request::container&);
+      void
+      open_link_request (::std::auto_ptr< open_link_request::type >);
+      // close_link_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct close_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::close_link_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const close_link_request::container&
+      close_link_request () const;
+      close_link_request::container&
+      close_link_request ();
+      void
+      close_link_request (const close_link_request::type&);
+      void
+      close_link_request (const close_link_request::container&);
+      void
+      close_link_request (::std::auto_ptr< close_link_request::type >);
+      // add_link_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct add_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::add_link_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const add_link_request::container&
+      add_link_request () const;
+      add_link_request::container&
+      add_link_request ();
+      void
+      add_link_request (const add_link_request::type&);
+      void
+      add_link_request (const add_link_request::container&);
+      void
+      add_link_request (::std::auto_ptr< add_link_request::type >);
+      // delete_link_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct delete_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::delete_link_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const delete_link_request::container&
+      delete_link_request () const;
+      delete_link_request::container&
+      delete_link_request ();
+      void
+      delete_link_request (const delete_link_request::type&);
+      void
+      delete_link_request (const delete_link_request::container&);
+      void
+      delete_link_request (::std::auto_ptr< delete_link_request::type >);
+      // reconfigure_link_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct reconfigure_link_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::reconfigure_link_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const reconfigure_link_request::container&
+      reconfigure_link_request () const;
+      reconfigure_link_request::container&
+      reconfigure_link_request ();
+      void
+      reconfigure_link_request (const reconfigure_link_request::type&);
+      void
+      reconfigure_link_request (const reconfigure_link_request::container&);
+      void
+      reconfigure_link_request (::std::auto_ptr< reconfigure_link_request::type >);
+      // send_bundle_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct send_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::send_bundle_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const send_bundle_request::container&
+      send_bundle_request () const;
+      send_bundle_request::container&
+      send_bundle_request ();
+      void
+      send_bundle_request (const send_bundle_request::type&);
+      void
+      send_bundle_request (const send_bundle_request::container&);
+      void
+      send_bundle_request (::std::auto_ptr< send_bundle_request::type >);
+      // send_bundle_broadcast_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct send_bundle_broadcast_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::send_bundle_broadcast_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const send_bundle_broadcast_request::container&
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request () const;
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request::container&
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request ();
+      void
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (const send_bundle_broadcast_request::type&);
+      void
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (const send_bundle_broadcast_request::container&);
+      void
+      send_bundle_broadcast_request (::std::auto_ptr< send_bundle_broadcast_request::type >);
+      // cancel_bundle_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct cancel_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::cancel_bundle_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const cancel_bundle_request::container&
+      cancel_bundle_request () const;
+      cancel_bundle_request::container&
+      cancel_bundle_request ();
+      void
+      cancel_bundle_request (const cancel_bundle_request::type&);
+      void
+      cancel_bundle_request (const cancel_bundle_request::container&);
+      void
+      cancel_bundle_request (::std::auto_ptr< cancel_bundle_request::type >);
+      // inject_bundle_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct inject_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::inject_bundle_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const inject_bundle_request::container&
+      inject_bundle_request () const;
+      inject_bundle_request::container&
+      inject_bundle_request ();
+      void
+      inject_bundle_request (const inject_bundle_request::type&);
+      void
+      inject_bundle_request (const inject_bundle_request::container&);
+      void
+      inject_bundle_request (::std::auto_ptr< inject_bundle_request::type >);
+      // delete_bundle_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct delete_bundle_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::delete_bundle_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const delete_bundle_request::container&
+      delete_bundle_request () const;
+      delete_bundle_request::container&
+      delete_bundle_request ();
+      void
+      delete_bundle_request (const delete_bundle_request::type&);
+      void
+      delete_bundle_request (const delete_bundle_request::container&);
+      void
+      delete_bundle_request (::std::auto_ptr< delete_bundle_request::type >);
+      // set_cl_params_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct set_cl_params_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::set_cl_params_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const set_cl_params_request::container&
+      set_cl_params_request () const;
+      set_cl_params_request::container&
+      set_cl_params_request ();
+      void
+      set_cl_params_request (const set_cl_params_request::type&);
+      void
+      set_cl_params_request (const set_cl_params_request::container&);
+      void
+      set_cl_params_request (::std::auto_ptr< set_cl_params_request::type >);
+      // intentional_name_resolution_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct intentional_name_resolution_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::intentional_name_resolution_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const intentional_name_resolution_request::container&
+      intentional_name_resolution_request () const;
+      intentional_name_resolution_request::container&
+      intentional_name_resolution_request ();
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (const intentional_name_resolution_request::type&);
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (const intentional_name_resolution_request::container&);
+      void
+      intentional_name_resolution_request (::std::auto_ptr< intentional_name_resolution_request::type >);
+      // deliver_bundle_to_app_request
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct deliver_bundle_to_app_request
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::deliver_bundle_to_app_request type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const deliver_bundle_to_app_request::container&
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request () const;
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request::container&
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request ();
+      void
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (const deliver_bundle_to_app_request::type&);
+      void
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (const deliver_bundle_to_app_request::container&);
+      void
+      deliver_bundle_to_app_request (::std::auto_ptr< deliver_bundle_to_app_request::type >);
+      // link_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_query::container&
+      link_query () const;
+      link_query::container&
+      link_query ();
+      void
+      link_query (const link_query::type&);
+      void
+      link_query (const link_query::container&);
+      void
+      link_query (::std::auto_ptr< link_query::type >);
+      // link_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_report::container&
+      link_report () const;
+      link_report::container&
+      link_report ();
+      void
+      link_report (const link_report::type&);
+      void
+      link_report (const link_report::container&);
+      void
+      link_report (::std::auto_ptr< link_report::type >);
+      // link_attributes_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attributes_query
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_attributes_query type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_attributes_query::container&
+      link_attributes_query () const;
+      link_attributes_query::container&
+      link_attributes_query ();
+      void
+      link_attributes_query (const link_attributes_query::type&);
+      void
+      link_attributes_query (const link_attributes_query::container&);
+      void
+      link_attributes_query (::std::auto_ptr< link_attributes_query::type >);
+      // link_attributes_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct link_attributes_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::link_attributes_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const link_attributes_report::container&
+      link_attributes_report () const;
+      link_attributes_report::container&
+      link_attributes_report ();
+      void
+      link_attributes_report (const link_attributes_report::type&);
+      void
+      link_attributes_report (const link_attributes_report::container&);
+      void
+      link_attributes_report (::std::auto_ptr< link_attributes_report::type >);
+      // contact_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const contact_query::container&
+      contact_query () const;
+      contact_query::container&
+      contact_query ();
+      void
+      contact_query (const contact_query::type&);
+      void
+      contact_query (const contact_query::container&);
+      void
+      contact_query (::std::auto_ptr< contact_query::type >);
+      // contact_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct contact_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::contact_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const contact_report::container&
+      contact_report () const;
+      contact_report::container&
+      contact_report ();
+      void
+      contact_report (const contact_report::type&);
+      void
+      contact_report (const contact_report::container&);
+      void
+      contact_report (::std::auto_ptr< contact_report::type >);
+      // route_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const route_query::container&
+      route_query () const;
+      route_query::container&
+      route_query ();
+      void
+      route_query (const route_query::type&);
+      void
+      route_query (const route_query::container&);
+      void
+      route_query (::std::auto_ptr< route_query::type >);
+      // route_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct route_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::route_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const route_report::container&
+      route_report () const;
+      route_report::container&
+      route_report ();
+      void
+      route_report (const route_report::type&);
+      void
+      route_report (const route_report::container&);
+      void
+      route_report (::std::auto_ptr< route_report::type >);
+      // bundle_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_query
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::type type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_query::container&
+      bundle_query () const;
+      bundle_query::container&
+      bundle_query ();
+      void
+      bundle_query (const bundle_query::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_query (const bundle_query::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_query (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_query::type >);
+      // bundle_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_report::container&
+      bundle_report () const;
+      bundle_report::container&
+      bundle_report ();
+      void
+      bundle_report (const bundle_report::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_report (const bundle_report::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_report (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_report::type >);
+      // bundle_attributes_query
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_attributes_query
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_attributes_query type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_attributes_query::container&
+      bundle_attributes_query () const;
+      bundle_attributes_query::container&
+      bundle_attributes_query ();
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_query (const bundle_attributes_query::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_query (const bundle_attributes_query::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_query (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_attributes_query::type >);
+      // bundle_attributes_report
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct bundle_attributes_report
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::bundle_attributes_report type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const bundle_attributes_report::container&
+      bundle_attributes_report () const;
+      bundle_attributes_report::container&
+      bundle_attributes_report ();
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_report (const bundle_attributes_report::type&);
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_report (const bundle_attributes_report::container&);
+      void
+      bundle_attributes_report (::std::auto_ptr< bundle_attributes_report::type >);
+      // eid
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct eid
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::string type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const eid::container&
+      eid () const;
+      eid::container&
+      eid ();
+      void
+      eid (const eid::type&);
+      void
+      eid (const eid::container&);
+      void
+      eid (::std::auto_ptr< eid::type >);
+      // hello_interval
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct hello_interval
+      {
+        typedef ::xml_schema::unsigned_short type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const hello_interval::container&
+      hello_interval () const;
+      hello_interval::container&
+      hello_interval ();
+      void
+      hello_interval (const hello_interval::type&);
+      void
+      hello_interval (const hello_interval::container&);
+      // alert
+      // 
+      public:
+      struct alert
+      {
+        typedef ::dtn::rtrmessage::dtnStatusType type;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::traits< type, char > traits;
+        typedef ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< type > container;
+      };
+      const alert::container&
+      alert () const;
+      alert::container&
+      alert ();
+      void
+      alert (const alert::type&);
+      void
+      alert (const alert::container&);
+      void
+      alert (::std::auto_ptr< alert::type >);
+      // Constructors.
+      //
+      public:
+      bpa ();
+      bpa (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      bpa (const bpa&,
+           ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+           ::xml_schema::type* = 0);
+      virtual bpa*
+      _clone (::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+              ::xml_schema::type* = 0) const;
+      // Implementation.
+      //
+      private:
+      void
+      parse (const ::xercesc::DOMElement&, ::xml_schema::flags);
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_received_event::type > _xsd_bundle_received_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< data_transmitted_event::type > _xsd_data_transmitted_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_delivered_event::type > _xsd_bundle_delivered_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_delivery_event::type > _xsd_bundle_delivery_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_expired_event::type > _xsd_bundle_expired_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_send_cancelled_event::type > _xsd_bundle_send_cancelled_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_injected_event::type > _xsd_bundle_injected_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_opened_event::type > _xsd_link_opened_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_closed_event::type > _xsd_link_closed_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_created_event::type > _xsd_link_created_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_deleted_event::type > _xsd_link_deleted_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_available_event::type > _xsd_link_available_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_unavailable_event::type > _xsd_link_unavailable_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_attribute_changed_event::type > _xsd_link_attribute_changed_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< contact_attribute_changed_event::type > _xsd_contact_attribute_changed_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_busy_event::type > _xsd_link_busy_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< eid_reachable_event::type > _xsd_eid_reachable_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< route_add_event::type > _xsd_route_add_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< route_delete_event::type > _xsd_route_delete_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custody_signal_event::type > _xsd_custody_signal_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< custody_timeout_event::type > _xsd_custody_timeout_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< intentional_name_resolved_event::type > _xsd_intentional_name_resolved_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< registration_added_event::type > _xsd_registration_added_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< registration_removed_event::type > _xsd_registration_removed_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< registration_expired_event::type > _xsd_registration_expired_event_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< open_link_request::type > _xsd_open_link_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< close_link_request::type > _xsd_close_link_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< add_link_request::type > _xsd_add_link_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< delete_link_request::type > _xsd_delete_link_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< reconfigure_link_request::type > _xsd_reconfigure_link_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< send_bundle_request::type > _xsd_send_bundle_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< send_bundle_broadcast_request::type > _xsd_send_bundle_broadcast_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< cancel_bundle_request::type > _xsd_cancel_bundle_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< inject_bundle_request::type > _xsd_inject_bundle_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< delete_bundle_request::type > _xsd_delete_bundle_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< set_cl_params_request::type > _xsd_set_cl_params_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< intentional_name_resolution_request::type > _xsd_intentional_name_resolution_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< deliver_bundle_to_app_request::type > _xsd_deliver_bundle_to_app_request_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_query::type > _xsd_link_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_report::type > _xsd_link_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_attributes_query::type > _xsd_link_attributes_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< link_attributes_report::type > _xsd_link_attributes_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< contact_query::type > _xsd_contact_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< contact_report::type > _xsd_contact_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< route_query::type > _xsd_route_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< route_report::type > _xsd_route_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_query::type > _xsd_bundle_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_report::type > _xsd_bundle_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_attributes_query::type > _xsd_bundle_attributes_query_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< bundle_attributes_report::type > _xsd_bundle_attributes_report_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< eid::type > _xsd_eid_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< hello_interval::type > _xsd_hello_interval_;
+      ::xsd::cxx::tree::optional< alert::type > _xsd_alert_;
+    };
+  }
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMInputSource.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>
+namespace dtn
+  namespace rtrmessage
+  {
+    // Read from a URI or a local file.
+    //
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::std::basic_string< char >&,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    // Read from std::istream.
+    //
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& id,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& id,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (::std::istream&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& id,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    // Read from InputSource.
+    //
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::xercesc::DOMInputSource&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::xercesc::DOMInputSource&,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::xercesc::DOMInputSource&,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+    // Read from DOM.
+    //
+    ::std::auto_ptr< ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa >
+    bpa_ (const ::xercesc::DOMDocument&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0,
+          const ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char >& = ::xsd::cxx::tree::properties< char > ());
+  }
+#include <iosfwd> // std::ostream&
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMDocument.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/dom/DOMErrorHandler.hpp>
+#include <xercesc/framework/XMLFormatter.hpp>
+#include <xsd/cxx/xml/dom/auto-ptr.hxx>
+namespace dtn
+  namespace rtrmessage
+  {
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                dtnStatusType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                dtnStatusType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                dtnStatusType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                bundlePriorityType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                bundlePriorityType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                bundlePriorityType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                eventSourceType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                eventSourceType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                eventSourceType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                bundleForwardActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                bundleForwardActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                bundleForwardActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                contactReasonType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                contactReasonType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                contactReasonType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                linkTypeType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                linkTypeType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                linkTypeType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                linkStateType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                linkStateType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                linkStateType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const eidTypeType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                const eidTypeType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                const eidTypeType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const percentType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                const percentType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                const percentType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                failureActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                failureActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                failureActionType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                bundleLocationType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                bundleLocationType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                bundleLocationType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const eidType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const gbofIdType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundleType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const contactType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const clInfoType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const linkType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const routeEntryType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const custodySignalType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const registrationType_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const linkConfigType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const key_value_pair_base&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMAttr&,
+                bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xsd::cxx::tree::list_stream< char >&,
+                bundleAttributesSimpleQueryType);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundleMetaBlockQueryType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundleAttributesQueryType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const metadataBlockType&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundleAttributesReportType&);
+    // Serialize to an existing DOM instance.
+    //
+    void
+    bpa_ (::xercesc::DOMDocument&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    // Serialize to a new DOM instance.
+    //
+    ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::auto_ptr< ::xercesc::DOMDocument >
+    bpa_ (const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    // Serialize to XMLFormatTarget.
+    //
+    void
+    bpa_ (::xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    void
+    bpa_ (::xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    void
+    bpa_ (::xercesc::XMLFormatTarget&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    // Serialize to std::ostream.
+    //
+    void
+    bpa_ (::std::ostream&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    void
+    bpa_ (::std::ostream&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          ::xsd::cxx::xml::error_handler< char >&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    void
+    bpa_ (::std::ostream&,
+          const ::dtn::rtrmessage::bpa&, 
+          const ::xsd::cxx::xml::dom::namespace_infomap< char >&,
+          ::xercesc::DOMErrorHandler&,
+          const ::std::basic_string< char >& = "UTF-8",
+          ::xml_schema::flags = 0);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_received_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const data_transmitted_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_delivered_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_delivery_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_send_cancelled_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_expired_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_injected_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_opened_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_closed_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_created_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_deleted_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_available_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_unavailable_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_attribute_changed_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const contact_attribute_changed_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_busy_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const eid_reachable_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const route_add_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const route_delete_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const custody_signal_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const custody_timeout_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const intentional_name_resolved_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const registration_added_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const registration_removed_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const registration_expired_event&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const open_link_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const close_link_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const add_link_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const delete_link_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const reconfigure_link_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const send_bundle_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const send_bundle_broadcast_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const cancel_bundle_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const inject_bundle_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const delete_bundle_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const set_cl_params_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const intentional_name_resolution_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const deliver_bundle_to_app_request&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_attributes_query&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const link_attributes_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const contact_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const route_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_attributes_query&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bundle_attributes_report&);
+    void
+    operator<< (::xercesc::DOMElement&,
+                const bpa&);
+  }
+#include <xsd/cxx/post.hxx>
+// Begin epilogue.
+#include "router-custom.h"
+// End epilogue.
+#endif // ROUTER_H