changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/routing/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1358 @@
+ *    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "TableBasedRouter.h"
+#include "RouteTable.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleActions.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include "bundling/TempBundle.h"
+#include "contacts/Contact.h"
+#include "contacts/ContactManager.h"
+#include "contacts/Link.h"
+#include "reg/Registration.h"
+#include "session/Session.h"
+namespace dtn {
+TableBasedRouter::TableBasedRouter(const char* classname,
+                                   const std::string& name)
+    : BundleRouter(classname, name),
+      reception_cache_(std::string(logpath()) + "/reception_cache",
+                       1024) // XXX/demmer configurable??
+    route_table_ = new RouteTable(name);
+    delete route_table_;
+TableBasedRouter::add_route(RouteEntry *entry)
+    route_table_->add_entry(entry);
+    handle_changed_routes();
+TableBasedRouter::del_route(const EndpointIDPattern& dest)
+    route_table_->del_entries(dest);
+    // clear the reception cache when the routes change since we might
+    // want to send a bundle back where it came from
+    reception_cache_.evict_all();
+    // XXX/demmer this should really call handle_changed_routes...
+    // clear the reception cache when the routes change since we might
+    // want to send a bundle back where it came from
+    reception_cache_.evict_all();
+    reroute_all_bundles();
+    reroute_all_sessions();
+TableBasedRouter::handle_event(BundleEvent* event)
+    dispatch_event(event);
+TableBasedRouter::get_session_for_bundle(Bundle* bundle)
+    if (bundle->session_flags() != 0)
+    {
+        log_debug("get_session_for_bundle: bundle id %d is a subscription msg",
+                  bundle->bundleid());
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (bundle->sequence_id().empty()  &&
+        bundle->obsoletes_id().empty() &&
+        bundle->session_eid().length() == 0)
+    {
+        log_debug("get_session_for_bundle: bundle id %u not a session bundle",
+                  bundle->bundleid());
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    EndpointID session_eid = bundle->session_eid();
+    if (session_eid.length() == 0)
+    {
+        session_eid.assign(std::string("dtn-unicast-session:") +
+                           bundle->source().str() +
+                           "," +
+                           bundle->dest().str());
+        ASSERT(session_eid.valid());
+    }
+    Session* session = sessions_.get_session(session_eid);
+    log_debug("get_session_for_bundle: *%p *%p", bundle, session);
+    return session;
+TableBasedRouter::add_bundle_to_session(Bundle* bundle, Session* session)
+    // XXX/demmer is this the right deletion reason for obsoletes??
+    static BundleProtocol::status_report_reason_t deletion_reason =
+        BundleProtocol::REASON_DEPLETED_STORAGE;
+    log_debug("adding *%p to *%p", bundle, session);
+    if (! bundle->sequence_id().empty())
+    {
+        oasys::ScopeLock l(session->bundles()->lock(),
+                           "TableBasedRouter::add_subscriber");
+        BundleList::iterator iter = session->bundles()->begin();
+        while (iter != session->bundles()->end())
+        {
+            Bundle* old_bundle = *iter;
+            ++iter; // in case we remove the bundle from the list
+            // make sure the old bundle has a sequence id
+            if (old_bundle->sequence_id().empty()) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            // first check if the newly arriving bundle causes an old one
+            // to be obsolete
+            if (bundle->obsoletes_id() >= old_bundle->sequence_id())
+            {
+                log_debug("*%p obsoletes *%p... removing old bundle",
+                          bundle, old_bundle);
+                bool ok = session->bundles()->erase(old_bundle);
+                ASSERT(ok);
+                BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+                    new BundleDeleteRequest(old_bundle, deletion_reason));
+                continue;
+            }
+            // next check if the existing bundle obsoletes this one
+            if (old_bundle->obsoletes_id() >= bundle->sequence_id())
+            {
+                log_debug("*%p obsoletes *%p... ignoring new arrival",
+                          old_bundle, bundle);
+                BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+                    new BundleDeleteRequest(bundle, deletion_reason));
+                return false;
+            }
+            // now check if the new and existing bundles have the same
+            // sequence id, in which case we discard the new arrival as
+            // well
+            if (bundle->sequence_id() == old_bundle->sequence_id())
+            {
+                log_debug("*%p and *%p have same sequence id... "
+                          "ignoring new arrival",
+                          old_bundle, bundle);
+                BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+                    new BundleDeleteRequest(bundle, deletion_reason));
+                return false;
+            }
+            log_debug("compared *%p and *%p, nothing is obsoleted",
+                      old_bundle, bundle);
+        }
+    }
+    session->bundles()->push_back(bundle);
+    session->sequence_id()->update(bundle->sequence_id());
+    return true;
+TableBasedRouter::handle_bundle_received(BundleReceivedEvent* event)
+    bool should_route = true;
+    Bundle* bundle = event->bundleref_.object();
+    log_debug("handle bundle received: *%p", bundle);
+    EndpointID remote_eid(EndpointID::NULL_EID());
+    if (event->link_ != NULL) {
+        remote_eid = event->link_->remote_eid();
+    }
+    if (! reception_cache_.add_entry(bundle, remote_eid))
+    {
+        log_info("ignoring duplicate bundle: *%p", bundle);
+        BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+            new BundleDeleteRequest(bundle, BundleProtocol::REASON_NO_ADDTL_INFO));
+        return;
+    }
+    // check if the bundle is part of a session, either because it has
+    // a sequence id and/or obsoletes id, or because it has an
+    // explicit session eid. if it is part of the session, add it to
+    // the session list
+    Session* session = get_session_for_bundle(bundle);
+    if (session != NULL)
+    {
+        // add the bundle to the session list, which checks whether 
+        // it obsoletes any existing bundles on the session, as well
+        // as whether the bundle itself is obsolete on arrival.
+        should_route = add_bundle_to_session(bundle, session);
+        if (! should_route) {
+            log_debug("session bundle %u is DOA", bundle->bundleid());
+            return; // don't route it 
+        }
+    }
+    // check if the bundle is a session subscription management bundle
+    // XXX/demmer maybe use a registration instead??
+    if (bundle->session_flags() != 0) {
+        should_route = handle_session_bundle(event);
+    }
+    if (should_route) {
+        route_bundle(bundle);
+    } else {
+        BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+            new BundleDeleteRequest(bundle, BundleProtocol::REASON_NO_ADDTL_INFO));
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::remove_from_deferred(const BundleRef& bundle, int actions)
+    ContactManager* cm = BundleDaemon::instance()->contactmgr();
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(cm->lock(), "TableBasedRouter::remove_from_deferred");
+    const LinkSet* links = cm->links();
+    LinkSet::const_iterator iter;
+    for (iter = links->begin(); iter != links->end(); ++iter) {
+        const LinkRef& link = *iter;
+        // a bundle might be deleted immediately after being loaded
+        // from storage, meaning that remove_from_deferred is called
+        // before the deferred list is created (since the link isn't
+        // fully set up yet). so just skip the link if there's no
+        // router info, and therefore no deferred list
+        if (link->router_info() == NULL) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        DeferredList* deferred = deferred_list(link);
+        ForwardingInfo info;
+        if (deferred->find(bundle, &info))
+        {
+            if (info.action() & actions) {
+                log_debug("removing bundle *%p from link *%p deferred list",
+                          bundle.object(), (*iter).object());
+                deferred->del(bundle);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::handle_bundle_transmitted(BundleTransmittedEvent* event)
+    const BundleRef& bundle = event->bundleref_;
+    log_debug("handle bundle transmitted: *%p", bundle.object());
+    // if the bundle has a deferred single-copy transmission for
+    // forwarding on any links, then remove the forwarding log entries
+    remove_from_deferred(bundle, ForwardingInfo::FORWARD_ACTION);
+    // check if the transmission means that we can send another bundle
+    // on the link
+    const LinkRef& link = event->contact_->link();
+    check_next_hop(link);
+TableBasedRouter::can_delete_bundle(const BundleRef& bundle)
+    log_debug("TableBasedRouter::can_delete_bundle: checking if we can delete *%p",
+              bundle.object());
+    // check if we haven't yet done anything with this bundle
+    if (bundle->fwdlog()->get_count(ForwardingInfo::TRANSMITTED |
+                                    ForwardingInfo::DELIVERED) == 0)
+    {
+        log_debug("TableBasedRouter::can_delete_bundle(%u): "
+                  "not yet transmitted or delivered",
+                  bundle->bundleid());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // check if we have local custody
+    if (bundle->local_custody()) {
+        log_debug("TableBasedRouter::can_delete_bundle(%u): "
+                  "not deleting because we have custody",
+                  bundle->bundleid());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // check if the bundle is part of a session with subscribers
+    Session* session = get_session_for_bundle(bundle.object());
+    if (session && !session->subscribers().empty())
+    {
+        log_debug("TableBasedRouter::can_delete_bundle(%u): "
+                  "session has subscribers",
+                  bundle->bundleid());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+TableBasedRouter::delete_bundle(const BundleRef& bundle)
+    log_debug("delete *%p", bundle.object());
+    remove_from_deferred(bundle, ForwardingInfo::ANY_ACTION);
+    Session* session = get_session_for_bundle(bundle.object());
+    if (session)
+    {
+        bool ok = session->bundles()->erase(bundle);
+        (void)ok;
+        log_debug("delete_bundle: removing *%p from *%p: %s",
+                  bundle.object(), session, ok ? "success" : "not in session list");
+        // XXX/demmer adjust sequence id for session??
+    }
+    // XXX/demmer clean up empty sessions?
+TableBasedRouter::handle_bundle_cancelled(BundleSendCancelledEvent* event)
+    Bundle* bundle = event->bundleref_.object();
+    log_debug("handle bundle cancelled: *%p", bundle);
+    // if the bundle has expired, we don't want to reroute it.
+    // XXX/demmer this might warrant a more general handling instead?
+    if (!bundle->expired()) {
+        route_bundle(bundle);
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::handle_route_add(RouteAddEvent* event)
+    add_route(event->entry_);
+TableBasedRouter::handle_route_del(RouteDelEvent* event)
+    del_route(event->dest_);
+TableBasedRouter::add_nexthop_route(const LinkRef& link)
+    // If we're configured to do so, create a route entry for the eid
+    // specified by the link when it connected, using the
+    // scheme-specific code to transform the URI to wildcard
+    // the service part
+    EndpointID eid = link->remote_eid();
+    if (config_.add_nexthop_routes_ && eid != EndpointID::NULL_EID())
+    { 
+        EndpointIDPattern eid_pattern(link->remote_eid());
+        // attempt to build a route pattern from link's remote_eid
+        if (!eid_pattern.append_service_wildcard())
+            // else assign remote_eid as-is
+            eid_pattern.assign(link->remote_eid());
+        // XXX/demmer this shouldn't call get_matching but instead
+        // there should be a RouteTable::lookup or contains() method
+        // to find the entry
+        RouteEntryVec ignored;
+        if (route_table_->get_matching(eid_pattern, link, &ignored) == 0) {
+            RouteEntry *entry = new RouteEntry(eid_pattern, link);
+            entry->set_action(ForwardingInfo::FORWARD_ACTION);
+            add_route(entry);
+        }
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::should_fwd(const Bundle* bundle, RouteEntry* route)
+    if (route == NULL)
+        return false;
+    // simple RPF check -- if the bundle was received from the given
+    // node, then don't send it back as long as the entry is still in
+    // the reception cache (meaning our routes haven't changed).
+    EndpointID prevhop;
+    if (reception_cache_.lookup(bundle, &prevhop))
+    {
+        if (prevhop == route->link()->remote_eid() &&
+            prevhop != EndpointID::NULL_EID())
+        {
+            log_debug("should_fwd bundle %d: "
+                      "skip %s since bundle arrived from the same node",
+                      bundle->bundleid(), route->link()->name());
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return BundleRouter::should_fwd(bundle, route->link(), route->action());
+TableBasedRouter::handle_contact_up(ContactUpEvent* event)
+    LinkRef link = event->contact_->link();
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    if (! link->isopen()) {
+        log_err("contact up(*%p): event delivered but link not open",
+                link.object());
+    }
+    add_nexthop_route(link);
+    check_next_hop(link);
+    // check if there's a pending reroute timer on the link, and if
+    // so, cancel it.
+    // 
+    // note that there's a possibility that a link just bounces
+    // between up and down states but can't ever really send a bundle
+    // (or part of one), which we don't handle here since we can't
+    // distinguish that case from one in which the CL is actually
+    // sending data, just taking a long time to do so.
+    RerouteTimerMap::iterator iter = reroute_timers_.find(link->name_str());
+    if (iter != reroute_timers_.end()) {
+        log_debug("link %s reopened, cancelling reroute timer", link->name());
+        RerouteTimer* t = iter->second;
+        reroute_timers_.erase(iter);
+        t->cancel();
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::handle_contact_down(ContactDownEvent* event)
+    LinkRef link = event->contact_->link();
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    // if there are any bundles queued on the link when it goes down,
+    // schedule a timer to cancel those transmissions and reroute the
+    // bundles in case the link takes too long to come back up
+    size_t num_queued = link->queue()->size();
+    if (num_queued != 0) {
+        RerouteTimerMap::iterator iter = reroute_timers_.find(link->name_str());
+        if (iter == reroute_timers_.end()) {
+            log_debug("link %s went down with %zu bundles queued, "
+                      "scheduling reroute timer in %u seconds",
+                      link->name(), num_queued,
+                      link->params().potential_downtime_);
+            RerouteTimer* t = new RerouteTimer(this, link);
+            t->schedule_in(link->params().potential_downtime_ * 1000);
+            reroute_timers_[link->name_str()] = t;
+        }
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::RerouteTimer::timeout(const struct timeval& now)
+    (void)now;
+    router_->reroute_bundles(link_);
+TableBasedRouter::reroute_bundles(const LinkRef& link)
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    // if the reroute timer fires, the link should be down and there
+    // should be at least one bundle queued on it.
+    if (link->state() != Link::UNAVAILABLE) {
+        log_warn("reroute timer fired but link *%p state is %s, not UNAVAILABLE",
+                 link.object(), Link::state_to_str(link->state()));
+        return;
+    }
+    log_debug("reroute timer fired -- cancelling %zu bundles on link *%p",
+              link->queue()->size(), link.object());
+    // cancel the queued transmissions and rely on the
+    // BundleSendCancelledEvent handler to actually reroute the
+    // bundles, being careful when iterating through the lists to
+    // avoid STL memory clobbering since cancel_bundle removes from
+    // the list
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(link->queue()->lock(),
+                       "TableBasedRouter::reroute_bundles");
+    BundleRef bundle("TableBasedRouter::reroute_bundles");
+    while (! link->queue()->empty()) {
+        bundle = link->queue()->front();
+        actions_->cancel_bundle(bundle.object(), link);
+        ASSERT(! bundle->is_queued_on(link->queue()));
+    }
+    // there should never have been any in flight since the link is
+    // unavailable
+    ASSERT(link->inflight()->empty());
+TableBasedRouter::handle_link_available(LinkAvailableEvent* event)
+    LinkRef link = event->link_;
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    // if it is a discovered link, we typically open it
+    if (config_.open_discovered_links_ &&
+        !link->isopen() &&
+        link->type() == Link::OPPORTUNISTIC &&
+        event->reason_ == ContactEvent::DISCOVERY)
+    {
+        actions_->open_link(link);
+    }
+    // check if there's anything to be forwarded to the link
+    check_next_hop(link);
+TableBasedRouter::handle_link_created(LinkCreatedEvent* event)
+    LinkRef link = event->link_;
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    link->set_router_info(new DeferredList(logpath(), link));
+    add_nexthop_route(link);
+    handle_changed_routes();
+TableBasedRouter::handle_link_deleted(LinkDeletedEvent* event)
+    LinkRef link = event->link_;
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    route_table_->del_entries_for_nexthop(link);
+    RerouteTimerMap::iterator iter = reroute_timers_.find(link->name_str());
+    if (iter != reroute_timers_.end()) {
+        log_debug("link %s deleted, cancelling reroute timer", link->name());
+        RerouteTimer* t = iter->second;
+        reroute_timers_.erase(iter);
+        t->cancel();
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::handle_custody_timeout(CustodyTimeoutEvent* event)
+    // the bundle daemon should have recorded a new entry in the
+    // forwarding log for the given link to note that custody transfer
+    // timed out, and of course the bundle should still be in the
+    // pending list.
+    //
+    // therefore, trying again to forward the bundle should match
+    // either the previous link or any other route
+    route_bundle(event->bundle_.object());
+TableBasedRouter::get_routing_state(oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    buf->appendf("Route table for %s router:\n\n", name_.c_str());
+    route_table_->dump(buf);
+    if (!sessions_.empty())
+    {
+        buf->appendf("Session table (%zu sessions):\n", sessions_.size());
+        sessions_.dump(buf);
+        buf->appendf("\n");
+    }
+    if (!session_custodians_.empty())
+    {
+        buf->appendf("Session custodians (%zu registrations):\n",
+                     session_custodians_.size());
+        for (RegistrationList::iterator iter = session_custodians_.begin();
+             iter != session_custodians_.end(); ++iter)
+        {
+            buf->appendf("    *%p\n", *iter);
+        }
+        buf->appendf("\n");
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::tcl_dump_state(oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(route_table_->lock(),
+                       "TableBasedRouter::tcl_dump_state");
+    RouteEntryVec::const_iterator iter;
+    for (iter = route_table_->route_table()->begin();
+         iter != route_table_->route_table()->end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        const RouteEntry* e = *iter;
+        buf->appendf(" {%s %s source_eid %s priority %d} ",
+                     e->dest_pattern().c_str(),
+                     e->next_hop_str().c_str(),
+                     e->source_pattern().c_str(),
+                     e->priority());
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::fwd_to_nexthop(Bundle* bundle, RouteEntry* route)
+    const LinkRef& link = route->link();
+    // if the link is available and not open, open it
+    if (link->isavailable() && (!link->isopen()) && (!link->isopening())) {
+        log_debug("opening *%p because a message is intended for it",
+                  link.object());
+        actions_->open_link(link);
+    }
+    // XXX/demmer maybe this should queue_bundle immediately instead
+    // of waiting for the first contact_up event??
+    // if the link is open and has space in the queue, then queue the
+    // bundle for transmission there
+    if (link->isopen() && !link->queue_is_full()) {
+        log_debug("queuing *%p on *%p", bundle, link.object());
+        actions_->queue_bundle(bundle, link, route->action(),
+                               route->custody_spec());
+        return true;
+    }
+    // otherwise we can't send the bundle now, so put it on the link's
+    // deferred list and log reason why we can't forward it
+    DeferredList* deferred = deferred_list(link);
+    if (! bundle->is_queued_on(deferred->list())) {
+        BundleRef bref(bundle, "TableBasedRouter::fwd_to_nexthop");
+        ForwardingInfo info(ForwardingInfo::NONE,
+                            route->action(),
+                            link->name_str(),
+                            0xffffffff,
+                            link->remote_eid(),
+                            route->custody_spec());
+        deferred->add(bref, info);
+    } else {
+        log_warn("bundle *%p already exists on deferred list of link *%p",
+                 bundle, link.object());
+    }
+    if (!link->isavailable()) {
+        log_debug("can't forward *%p to *%p because link not available",
+                  bundle, link.object());
+    } else if (! link->isopen()) {
+        log_debug("can't forward *%p to *%p because link not open",
+                  bundle, link.object());
+    } else if (link->queue_is_full()) {
+        log_debug("can't forward *%p to *%p because link queue is full",
+                  bundle, link.object());
+    } else {
+        log_debug("can't forward *%p to *%p", bundle, link.object());
+    }
+    return false;
+TableBasedRouter::route_bundle(Bundle* bundle)
+    RouteEntryVec matches;
+    RouteEntryVec::iterator iter;
+    log_debug("route_bundle: checking bundle %d", bundle->bundleid());
+    // check to see if forwarding is suppressed to all nodes
+    if (bundle->fwdlog()->get_count(EndpointIDPattern::WILDCARD_EID(),
+                                    ForwardingInfo::SUPPRESSED) > 0)
+    {
+        log_info("route_bundle: "
+                 "ignoring bundle %d since forwarding is suppressed",
+                 bundle->bundleid());
+        return 0;
+    }
+    LinkRef null_link("TableBasedRouter::route_bundle");
+    route_table_->get_matching(bundle->dest(), null_link, &matches);
+    // sort the matching routes by priority, allowing subclasses to
+    // override the way in which the sorting occurs
+    sort_routes(bundle, &matches);
+    log_debug("route_bundle bundle id %d: checking %zu route entry matches",
+              bundle->bundleid(), matches.size());
+    unsigned int count = 0;
+    for (iter = matches.begin(); iter != matches.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        RouteEntry* route = *iter;
+        log_debug("checking route entry %p link %s (%p)",
+                  *iter, route->link()->name(), route->link().object());
+        if (! should_fwd(bundle, *iter)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        DeferredList* dl = deferred_list(route->link());
+        if (dl == 0)
+          continue;
+        if (dl->list()->contains(bundle)) {
+            log_debug("route_bundle bundle %d: "
+                      "ignoring link *%p since already deferred",
+                      bundle->bundleid(), route->link().object());
+            continue;
+        }
+        // because there may be bundles that already have deferred
+        // transmission on the link, we first call check_next_hop to
+        // get them into the queue before trying to route the new
+        // arrival, otherwise it might leapfrog the other deferred
+        // bundles
+        check_next_hop(route->link());
+        if (!fwd_to_nexthop(bundle, *iter)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        ++count;
+    }
+    log_debug("route_bundle bundle id %d: forwarded on %u links",
+              bundle->bundleid(), count);
+    return count;
+TableBasedRouter::sort_routes(Bundle* bundle, RouteEntryVec* routes)
+    (void)bundle;
+    std::sort(routes->begin(), routes->end(), RoutePrioritySort());
+TableBasedRouter::check_next_hop(const LinkRef& next_hop)
+    // if the link isn't open, there's nothing to do now
+    if (! next_hop->isopen()) {
+        log_debug("check_next_hop %s -> %s: link not open...",
+                  next_hop->name(), next_hop->nexthop());
+        return;
+    }
+    // if the link queue doesn't have space (based on the low water
+    // mark) don't do anything
+    if (! next_hop->queue_has_space()) {
+        log_debug("check_next_hop %s -> %s: no space in queue...",
+                  next_hop->name(), next_hop->nexthop());
+        return;
+    }
+    log_debug("check_next_hop %s -> %s: checking deferred bundle list...",
+              next_hop->name(), next_hop->nexthop());
+    // because the loop below will remove the current bundle from
+    // the deferred list, invalidating any iterators pointing to its
+    // position, make sure to advance the iterator before processing
+    // the current bundle
+    DeferredList* deferred = deferred_list(next_hop);
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(deferred->list()->lock(), 
+                       "TableBasedRouter::check_next_hop");
+    BundleList::iterator iter = deferred->list()->begin();
+    while (iter != deferred->list()->end())
+    {
+        if (next_hop->queue_is_full()) {
+            log_debug("check_next_hop %s: link queue is full, stopping loop",
+                      next_hop->name());
+            break;
+        }
+        BundleRef bundle("TableBasedRouter::check_next_hop");
+        bundle = *iter;
+        ++iter;
+        ForwardingInfo info = deferred->info(bundle);
+        // if should_fwd returns false, then the bundle was either
+        // already transmitted or is in flight on another node. since
+        // it's possible that one of the other transmissions will
+        // fail, we leave it on the deferred list for now, relying on
+        // the transmitted handlers to clean up the state
+        if (! BundleRouter::should_fwd(bundle.object(), next_hop,
+                                       info.action()))
+        {
+            log_debug("check_next_hop: not forwarding to link %s",
+                      next_hop->name());
+            continue;
+        }
+        // if the link is available and not open, open it
+        if (next_hop->isavailable() &&
+            (!next_hop->isopen()) && (!next_hop->isopening()))
+        {
+            log_debug("check_next_hop: "
+                      "opening *%p because a message is intended for it",
+                      next_hop.object());
+            actions_->open_link(next_hop);
+        }
+        // remove the bundle from the deferred list
+        deferred->del(bundle);
+        log_debug("check_next_hop: sending *%p to *%p",
+                  bundle.object(), next_hop.object());
+        actions_->queue_bundle(bundle.object() , next_hop,
+                               info.action(), info.custody_spec());
+    }
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(pending_bundles_->lock(), 
+                       "TableBasedRouter::reroute_all_bundles");
+    log_debug("reroute_all_bundles... %zu bundles on pending list",
+              pending_bundles_->size());
+    // XXX/demmer this should cancel previous scheduled transmissions
+    // if any decisions have changed
+    BundleList::iterator iter;
+    for (iter = pending_bundles_->begin();
+         iter != pending_bundles_->end();
+         ++iter)
+    {
+        route_bundle(*iter);
+    }
+    reroute_all_bundles();
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::DeferredList(const char* logpath,
+                                             const LinkRef& link)
+    : RouterInfo(),
+      Logger("%s/deferred/%s", logpath, link->name()),
+      list_(link->name_str() + ":deferred"),
+      count_(0)
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::dump_stats(oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    buf->appendf(" -- %zu bundles_deferred", count_);
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::find(const BundleRef& bundle,
+                                     ForwardingInfo* info)
+    InfoMap::const_iterator iter = info_.find(bundle->bundleid());
+    if (iter == info_.end()) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    *info = iter->second;
+    return true;
+const ForwardingInfo&
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::info(const BundleRef& bundle)
+    InfoMap::const_iterator iter = info_.find(bundle->bundleid());
+    ASSERT(iter != info_.end());
+    return iter->second;
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::add(const BundleRef&      bundle,
+                                    const ForwardingInfo& info)
+    if (list_.contains(bundle)) {
+        log_err("bundle *%p already in deferred list!",
+                bundle.object());
+        return false;
+    }
+    log_debug("adding *%p to deferred (length %zu)",
+              bundle.object(), count_);
+    count_++;
+    list_.push_back(bundle);
+    info_.insert(InfoMap::value_type(bundle->bundleid(), info));
+    return true;
+TableBasedRouter::DeferredList::del(const BundleRef& bundle)
+    if (! list_.erase(bundle)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    ASSERT(count_ > 0);
+    count_--;
+    log_debug("removed *%p from deferred (length %zu)",
+              bundle.object(), count_);
+    size_t n = info_.erase(bundle->bundleid());
+    ASSERT(n == 1);
+    return true;
+TableBasedRouter::deferred_list(const LinkRef& link)
+    DeferredList* dq = dynamic_cast<DeferredList*>(link->router_info());
+#if 0
+    ASSERT(dq != NULL);
+    return dq;
+TableBasedRouter::handle_registration_added(RegistrationAddedEvent* event)
+    Registration* reg = event->registration_;
+    if (reg == NULL || reg->session_flags() == 0) {
+        return;
+    }
+    log_debug("got new session registration %u", reg->regid());
+    if (reg->session_flags() & Session::CUSTODY) {
+        log_debug("session custodian registration %u", reg->regid());
+        session_custodians_.push_back(reg);
+    }
+    else if (reg->session_flags() & Session::SUBSCRIBE) {
+        log_debug("session subscription registration %u", reg->regid());
+        Session* session = sessions_.get_session(reg->endpoint());
+        session->add_subscriber(Subscriber(reg));
+        subscribe_to_session(Session::SUBSCRIBE, session);
+    }
+    else if (reg->session_flags() & Session::PUBLISH) {
+        log_debug("session publish registration %u", reg->regid());
+        Session* session = sessions_.get_session(reg->endpoint());
+        if (session->upstream().is_null()) {
+            log_debug("unknown upstream for publish registration... "
+                      "trying to find one");
+            find_session_upstream(session);
+        }
+        // XXX/demmer do something about publish
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::subscribe_to_session(int mode, Session* session)
+    if (! session->upstream().is_local()) {
+        // XXX/demmer should set replyto to handle upstream nodes that
+        // don't understand the session block
+        Bundle* bundle = new TempBundle();
+        bundle->set_do_not_fragment(1);
+        bundle->mutable_source()->assign(BundleDaemon::instance()->local_eid());
+        bundle->mutable_dest()->assign("dtn-session:" + session->eid().str());
+        bundle->mutable_replyto()->assign(EndpointID::NULL_EID());
+        bundle->mutable_custodian()->assign(EndpointID::NULL_EID());
+        bundle->set_expiration(config_.subscription_timeout_);
+        bundle->set_singleton_dest(true);
+        bundle->mutable_session_eid()->assign(session->eid());
+        bundle->set_session_flags(mode);
+        bundle->mutable_sequence_id()->assign(*session->sequence_id());
+        log_debug("sending subscribe bundle to session %s (timeout %u seconds)",
+                  session->eid().c_str(), config_.subscription_timeout_);
+        BundleDaemon::post_at_head(
+            new BundleReceivedEvent(bundle, EVENTSRC_ROUTER));
+        if (session->resubscribe_timer() != NULL) {
+            log_debug("cancelling old resubscribe timer");
+            session->resubscribe_timer()->cancel();
+        }
+        u_int resubscribe_timeout = config_.subscription_timeout_ * 1000 / 2;
+        log_debug("scheduling resubscribe timer in %u msecs",
+                  resubscribe_timeout);
+        ResubscribeTimer* timer = new ResubscribeTimer(this, session);
+        timer->schedule_in(resubscribe_timeout);
+        session->set_resubscribe_timer(timer);
+    } else {
+        // XXX/demmer todo
+        log_debug("local upstream source: notifying registration");
+    }
+    return true;
+TableBasedRouter::ResubscribeTimer::ResubscribeTimer(TableBasedRouter* router,
+                                                     Session* session)
+    : router_(router), session_(session)
+TableBasedRouter::ResubscribeTimer::timeout(const struct timeval& now)
+    (void)now;
+    router_->logf(oasys::LOG_DEBUG, "resubscribe timer fired for session *%p",
+                  session_);
+    router_->subscribe_to_session(Session::RESUBSCRIBE, session_);
+    session_->set_resubscribe_timer(NULL);
+    delete this;
+TableBasedRouter::handle_session_bundle(BundleReceivedEvent* event)
+    Bundle* bundle = event->bundleref_.object();
+    ASSERT(bundle->session_flags() != 0);
+    ASSERT(bundle->session_eid() != EndpointID::NULL_EID());
+    Session* session = sessions_.get_session(bundle->session_eid());
+    log_debug("handle_session_bundle: got bundle *%p for session %d",
+              bundle, session->id());
+    // XXX/demmer handle reload from db...
+    if (event->source_ == EVENTSRC_STORE) {
+        log_err("handle_session_bundle: can't handle reload from db yet");
+        return false;
+    }
+    bool should_route = true;
+    switch (bundle->session_flags()) {
+    case Session::SUBSCRIBE:
+    case Session::RESUBSCRIBE:
+    {
+        // look for whether we have an upstream route yet. if not,
+        // keep the bundle in queue to forward onwards towards the
+        // session root
+        if (session->upstream().is_null()) {
+            log_debug("handle_session_bundle: "
+                      "unknown upstream... trying to find one");
+            if (find_session_upstream(session))
+            {
+                ASSERT(!session->upstream().is_null());
+                const Subscriber& upstream = session->upstream();
+                if (upstream.is_local())
+                {
+                    log_debug("handle_session_bundle: "
+                              "forwarding %s bundle to upstream registration",
+                              Session::flag_str(bundle->session_flags()));
+                    upstream.reg()->session_notify(bundle);
+                    should_route = false;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    log_debug("handle_session_bundle: "
+                              "found upstream *%p... routing bundle",
+                              &upstream);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // XXX/demmer what to do here? maybe if we add
+                // something to ack the subscription then this should
+                // defer the ack?
+                log_info("can't find an upstream for session %s... "
+                         "waiting until route arrives",
+                         session->eid().c_str());
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            const Subscriber& upstream = session->upstream();
+            log_debug("handle_session_bundle: "
+                      "already subscribed to session through upstream *%p... "
+                      "suppressing subscription bundle %u",
+                      &upstream, bundle->bundleid());
+            bundle->fwdlog()->add_entry(EndpointIDPattern::WILDCARD_EID(),
+                                        ForwardingInfo::FORWARD_ACTION,
+                                        ForwardingInfo::SUPPRESSED);
+            should_route = false;
+        }
+        // add the new subscriber to the session. if the downstream is
+        // already subscribed, then add_subscriber doesn't do
+        // anything. XXX/demmer it should reset the stale subscription
+        // timer...
+        if (event->source_ == EVENTSRC_PEER)
+        {
+            if (bundle->prevhop().str() != "" &&
+                bundle->prevhop()       != EndpointID::NULL_EID())
+            {
+                log_debug("handle_session_bundle: "
+                          "adding downstream subscriber %s (seqid *%p)",
+                          bundle->prevhop().c_str(), &bundle->sequence_id());
+                add_subscriber(session, bundle->prevhop(), bundle->sequence_id());
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                // XXX/demmer what to do here??
+                log_err("handle_session_bundle: "
+                        "downstream subscriber with no prevhop!!!!");
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+        log_err("session flags %x not implemented", bundle->session_flags());
+    }
+    }
+    return should_route;
+    log_debug("reroute_all_bundles... %zu sessions",
+              sessions_.size());
+    for (SessionTable::iterator iter = sessions_.begin();
+         iter != sessions_.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        find_session_upstream(iter->second);
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::find_session_upstream(Session* session)
+    // first look for a local custody registration
+    for (RegistrationList::iterator iter = session_custodians_.begin();
+         iter != session_custodians_.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        Registration* reg = *iter;
+        if (reg->endpoint().match(session->eid())) {
+            Subscriber new_upstream(reg);
+            if (session->upstream() == new_upstream) {
+                log_debug("find_session_upstream: "
+                          "session %s upstream custody registration %d unchanged",
+                          session->eid().c_str(), reg->regid());
+            } else {
+                log_debug("find_session_upstream: "
+                          "session %s found new custody registration %d",
+                          session->eid().c_str(), reg->regid());
+                session->set_upstream(new_upstream);
+            }
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    // XXX/demmer for now this just looks up the route for the
+    // bundle destination (which should be in the dtn-session: scheme)
+    // and extracts the next hop from that
+    RouteEntryVec matches;
+    RouteEntryVec::iterator iter;
+    EndpointID subscribe_eid("dtn-session:" + session->eid().str());
+    route_table_->get_matching(subscribe_eid, &matches);
+    // XXX/demmer do something about this...
+    // sort_routes(bundle, &matches);
+    for (iter = matches.begin(); iter != matches.end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        const LinkRef& link = (*iter)->link();
+        if (link->remote_eid().str() == "" ||
+            link->remote_eid() == EndpointID::NULL_EID())
+        {
+            log_warn("find_session_upstream: "
+                     "got route match with no remote eid");
+            // XXX/demmer uh...
+            continue;
+        }
+        Subscriber new_upstream(link->remote_eid());
+        if (session->upstream() == new_upstream) {
+            log_debug("find_session_upstream: "
+                      "session %s found existing upstream %s",
+                      session->eid().c_str(), link->remote_eid().c_str());
+        } else {
+            log_debug("find_session_upstream: session %s new upstream %s",
+                      session->eid().c_str(), link->remote_eid().c_str());
+            session->set_upstream(Subscriber(link->remote_eid()));
+            add_subscriber(session, link->remote_eid(), SequenceID());
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    log_warn("find_session_upstream: can't find upstream for session %s",
+             session->eid().c_str());
+    return false;
+TableBasedRouter::add_subscriber(Session*          session,
+                                 const EndpointID& peer,
+                                 const SequenceID& known_seqid)
+    log_debug("adding new subscriber for session %s -> %s",
+              session->eid().c_str(), peer.c_str());
+    session->add_subscriber(Subscriber(peer));
+    // XXX/demmer check for duplicates?
+    RouteEntry *entry = new RouteEntry(session->eid(), peer);
+    entry->set_action(ForwardingInfo::COPY_ACTION);
+    route_table_->add_entry(entry);
+    log_debug("routing %zu session bundles", session->bundles()->size());
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(session->bundles()->lock(),
+                       "TableBasedRouter::add_subscriber");
+    for (BundleList::iterator iter = session->bundles()->begin();
+         iter != session->bundles()->end(); ++iter)
+    {
+        Bundle* bundle = *iter;
+        if (! bundle->sequence_id().empty() &&
+            bundle->sequence_id() <= known_seqid)
+        {
+            log_debug("suppressing transmission of bundle %u (seqid *%p) "
+                      "to subscriber %s since covered by seqid *%p",
+                      bundle->bundleid(), &bundle->sequence_id(),
+                      peer.c_str(), &known_seqid);
+            bundle->fwdlog()->add_entry(peer, ForwardingInfo::COPY_ACTION,
+                                        ForwardingInfo::SUPPRESSED);
+            continue;
+        }
+        route_bundle(*iter);
+    }
+TableBasedRouter::handle_registration_removed(RegistrationRemovedEvent* event)
+    (void)event;
+TableBasedRouter::handle_registration_expired(RegistrationExpiredEvent* event)
+    // XXX/demmer lookup session and remove reg from subscribers
+    // and/or remove the whole session if reg is the custodian
+    (void)event;
+} // namespace dtn