changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/routing/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+ *    Copyright 2007 Baylor University
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "bundling/BundleProtocol.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include <oasys/thread/Lock.h>
+#include "prophet/QueuePolicy.h"
+#include "ProphetRouter.h"
+namespace dtn
+void prophet_router_shutdown(void*)
+    BundleDaemon::instance()->router()->shutdown();
+prophet::ProphetParams ProphetRouter::params_;
+bool ProphetRouter::is_init_ = false;
+    : BundleRouter("ProphetRouter","prophet"),
+      core_(NULL), oracle_(NULL),
+      lock_(new oasys::SpinLock("ProphetRouter"))
+    delete oracle_;
+    delete core_;
+    delete lock_;
+    ASSERT( is_init_ == false );
+    // create local instance of ProphetBundleCore,
+    // prophet::Repository, and prophet::Controller
+    std::string local_eid(BundleDaemon::instance()->local_eid().str());
+    core_ = new ProphetBundleCore(local_eid,actions_,lock_);
+    oracle_ = new prophet::Controller(core_,core_->bundles(),&params_);
+    // register the global shutdown function
+    BundleDaemon::instance()->set_rtr_shutdown(
+            prophet_router_shutdown, (void *) 0);
+    // deserialize any routes from permanent storage 
+    core_->load_prophet_nodes(oracle_->nodes(),&params_);
+    is_init_ = true;
+    log_info("ProphetRouter initialization complete");
+    log_info("ProphetRouter shutdown");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "shutdown");
+    oracle_->shutdown();
+    core_->shutdown();
+ProphetRouter::handle_event(BundleEvent* e)
+    dispatch_event(e);
+ProphetRouter::get_routing_state(oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter get_routing_state");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "get_routing_state");
+    // summarize current number of routes, misc. statistics
+    buf->appendf("ProphetRouter:\n"
+            "  %zu routes, %zu queued bundles, %zu ACKs, %zu active sessions\n",
+            oracle_->nodes()->size(),
+            core_->bundles()->size(),
+            oracle_->acks()->size(),
+            oracle_->size());
+    // iterate over Encounters and query their status
+    buf->appendf("Active Sessions\n");
+    for (prophet::Controller::List::const_iterator i = oracle_->begin();
+            i != oracle_->end(); i++)
+    {
+        buf->appendf(" %4d: %-30s %s timeout %u\n",
+                (*i)->local_instance(),
+                (*i)->nexthop()->remote_eid(),
+                (*i)->state_str(),
+                (*i)->time_remaining());
+    }
+    buf->appendf("Routes\n");
+    for (prophet::Table::const_iterator i = oracle_->nodes()->begin();
+            i != oracle_->nodes()->end(); i++)
+    {
+        buf->appendf("       %-30s: %.2f %s%s%s %lu s old\n",
+                i->second->dest_id(), i->second->p_value(),
+                i->second->relay() ? "R" : " ",
+                i->second->custody() ? "C" : " ",
+                i->second->internet_gw() ? "I" : " ",
+                (time(0) - i->second->age()));
+    }
+    buf->appendf("\n R - relay   C - custody   I - internet gateway \n\n");
+    //XXX/wilson debug
+    buf->appendf("Bundles:\n");
+    prophet::BundleList bundles = core_->bundles()->get_bundles();
+    for (prophet::BundleList::iterator i = bundles.begin();
+            i != bundles.end(); i++)
+    {
+        buf->appendf("%s -> %s (%u:%u)\n",
+                (*i)->source_id().c_str(),
+                (*i)->destination_id().c_str(),
+                (*i)->creation_ts(),
+                (*i)->sequence_num());
+    }
+ProphetRouter::accept_bundle(Bundle* bundle, int* errp)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter accept_bundle");
+    // first ask base class
+    if (!BundleRouter::accept_bundle(bundle,errp))
+    {
+        log_debug("BundleRouter rejects *%p",bundle);
+        return false;
+    }
+    BundleRef tmp("accept_bundle");
+    tmp = bundle;
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "accept_bundle");
+    // retrieve temp prophet handle to Bundle metadata
+    const prophet::Bundle* b = core_->get_temp_bundle(tmp);
+    if (errp != NULL) errp = (int) BundleProtocol::REASON_NO_ADDTL_INFO;
+    // ask controller's opinion on this bundle
+    bool ok = oracle_->accept_bundle(b);
+    // clean up memory used by temporary wrapper
+    delete b;
+    log_debug("do%saccept bundle *%p", ok ? " " : " not ", bundle);
+    return ok;
+ProphetRouter::handle_bundle_received(BundleReceivedEvent* e)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter handle_bundle_received");
+    // should not be reached, but somehow still is
+    if (e->source_ == EVENTSRC_STORE)
+        return;
+    const prophet::Link* l = NULL;
+    oasys::ScopeLock sl(lock_, "handle_bundle_received");
+    // Locally generated files do not have a link specified either
+    // The ping reflector generates bundles with EVENTSRC_ADMIN
+    // [Note from Elwyn Davies: Maybe using a special link might be useful]
+    if ((e->source_ != EVENTSRC_APP) && (e->source_ != EVENTSRC_ADMIN))
+    {
+	// The external CL does not set this field, which the Prophet
+	// implementation needs. We want to fail quickly if we're
+	// running with the ECL.
+	ASSERT(e->link_ != NULL);
+        // add DTN's Link to BundleCore facade
+        core_->add(e->link_);
+        // retrieve prophet's handle to Link metadata
+        l = core_->get_link(e->link_.object());
+        if (l == NULL) return;
+    }
+    // create temporary prophet handle to Bundle metadata
+    const prophet::Bundle* b = core_->get_temp_bundle(e->bundleref_);
+    if (b == NULL)
+    {
+        log_err("failed to retrieve prophet handle for *%p",
+                e->bundleref_.object());
+        return;
+    }
+    core_->bundles_.add(b);
+    // inform Controller that a new bundle has arrived on this link
+    oracle_->handle_bundle_received(b,l);
+ProphetRouter::handle_bundle_delivered(BundleDeliveredEvent* e)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter handle_bundle_delivered");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "handle_bundle_delivered");
+    Bundle* bundle = e->bundleref_.object();
+    if (bundle == NULL) return;
+    // retrieve prophet's handle to Bundle metadata
+    const prophet::Bundle* b = core_->get_bundle(bundle);
+    if (b == NULL) 
+    {
+        log_err("Failed to convert *%p to prophet object",bundle);
+        return;
+    }
+    // BundleDeliveredEvent means prophet::Ack, which kicks Bundle out of Prophet
+    oracle_->ack(b);
+ProphetRouter::handle_bundle_expired(BundleExpiredEvent* e)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter handle_bundle_expired");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "handle_bundle_expired");
+    const prophet::Bundle* b = NULL;
+    Bundle* bundle = e->bundleref_.object();
+    if (bundle != NULL && ((b = core_->get_bundle(bundle)) != NULL))
+    {
+        // drop Prophet stats on this bundle
+        oracle_->stats()->drop_bundle(b);
+    }
+    core_->del(e->bundleref_);
+ProphetRouter::handle_bundle_transmitted(BundleTransmittedEvent* e)
+    const prophet::Bundle* bundle = core_->get_bundle(e->bundleref_.object());
+    const prophet::Link* link = core_->get_link(e->link_.object());
+    if (bundle != NULL && link != NULL)
+        oracle_->handle_bundle_transmitted(bundle,link);
+ProphetRouter::handle_contact_up(ContactUpEvent* e)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter handle_contact_up");
+    oasys::ScopeLock lk(lock_, "handle_contact_up");
+    Link* link = e->contact_->link().object();
+    if (link == NULL) return;
+    // add DTN's Link to BundleCore facade
+    core_->add(e->contact_->link());
+    // retrieve prophet's handle to Link metadata
+    const prophet::Link* l = core_->get_link(link);
+    if (l == NULL) return;
+    // tell Controller about our new friend
+    oracle_->new_neighbor(l);
+ProphetRouter::handle_contact_down(ContactDownEvent* e)
+    log_info("ProphetRouter handle_contact_down");
+    oasys::ScopeLock lk(lock_, "handle_contact_down");
+    Link* link = e->contact_->link().object();
+    // retrieve prophet's handle to Link metadata
+    const prophet::Link* l = NULL;
+    if (link != NULL &&
+            (l = core_->get_link(e->contact_->link().object())) != NULL)
+        // inform Controller about the loss
+        oracle_->neighbor_gone(l);
+    // drop BundleCore's knowledge about this Link
+    core_->del(e->contact_->link());
+ProphetRouter::handle_link_available(LinkAvailableEvent* e)
+    LinkRef next_hop = e->link_;
+    ASSERT(next_hop != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!next_hop->isdeleted());
+    // Prophet initiates its protocol based on handle_contact_up,
+    // which fires upon success link open ... so poke it and see 
+    // what happens
+    if (!next_hop->isopen())
+    {
+        // request to open link
+        actions_->open_link(next_hop);
+    }
+    log_info("ProphetRouter set_queue_policy");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "set_queue_policy");
+    // tell Controller to reorganize internal bundle policy based on new 
+    // parameters written to params_ by ProphetCommand
+    oracle_->set_queue_policy();
+    log_info("ProphetRouter set_hello_interval");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "set_hello_interval");
+    // tell Controller to change internal protocol timeouts based on new
+    // parameters written to params_ by ProphetCommand
+    oracle_->set_hello_interval();
+    log_info("ProphetRouter set_max_route");
+    oasys::ScopeLock l(lock_, "set_max_route");
+    // tell Controller to change internal limit on number of routes
+    // to retain, based on changes made to params_ by ProphetCommand
+    oracle_->set_max_route();
+}; // namespace dtn