changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/routing/MultiGraph.tcc	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+ *    Copyright 2007 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "MultiGraph.h"
+#include <oasys/util/StringAppender.h>
+#include <oasys/util/UpdatablePriorityQueue.h>
+namespace dtn {
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>
+    : Logger("MultiGraph", "/dtn/route/graph")
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline class MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::Node*
+::add_node(const std::string& id, const _NodeInfo& info)
+    Node* n = new Node(id, info);
+    this->nodes_.push_back(n);
+    return n;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline class MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::Node*
+::find_node(const std::string& id) const
+    typename NodeVector::const_iterator iter;
+    for (iter = this->nodes_.begin(); iter != this->nodes_.end(); ++iter) {
+        if ((*iter)->id_ == id) {
+            return *iter;
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline bool
+::del_node(const std::string& id)
+    class NodeVector::iterator iter;
+    for (iter = this->nodes_.begin(); iter != this->nodes_.end(); ++iter) {
+        if ((*iter)->id_ == id) {
+            delete (*iter);
+            this->nodes_.erase(iter);
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline void
+    class NodeVector::iterator iter;
+    for (iter = this->nodes_.begin(); iter != this->nodes_.end(); ++iter) {
+        delete (*iter);
+    }
+    this->nodes_.clear();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline class MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::Edge*
+::add_edge(Node* a, Node* b, const _EdgeInfo& info)
+    Edge* e = new Edge(a, b, info);
+    a->out_edges_.push_back(e);
+    b->in_edges_.push_back(e);
+    return e;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline class MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::Edge*
+::find_edge(const Node* a, const Node* b, const _EdgeInfo& info)
+    typename EdgeVector::const_iterator iter;
+    for (iter = a->out_edges_.begin(); iter != a->out_edges_.end(); ++iter) {
+        const Edge* edge = *iter;
+        if ((edge->dest() == b) && (edge->info() == info))
+        {
+            return *iter;
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline bool
+::del_edge(Node* node, Edge* edge)
+    return node->del_edge(edge);
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+    while (! this->out_edges_.empty()) {
+        this->del_edge(*this->out_edges_.begin());
+    }
+    while (! this->in_edges_.empty()) {
+        Edge* edge = *this->in_edges_.begin();
+        edge->source()->del_edge(edge);
+    }
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline bool
+::Node::del_edge(Edge* edge)
+    typename EdgeVector::iterator ei, ei2;
+    for (ei = this->out_edges_.begin();
+         ei != this->out_edges_.end(); ++ei)
+    {
+        if (*ei == edge)
+        {
+            // delete the corresponding in_edge pointer, which must
+            // exist or else there's some internal inconsistency
+            ei2 = edge->dest()->in_edges_.begin();
+            while (1) {
+                ASSERTF(ei2 != edge->dest()->in_edges_.end(),
+                        "out_edge / in_edge mismatch!!");
+                if (*ei2 == edge)
+                    break;
+                ++ei2;
+            }
+            this->out_edges_.erase(ei);
+            edge->dest()->in_edges_.erase(ei2);
+            delete edge;
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+::SearchInfo::SearchInfo(Bundle* bundle)
+    : bundle_(bundle)
+    now_.get_time();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline bool
+::get_reverse_path(const Node* a, const Node* b, EdgeVector* path)
+    const Node* cur = b;
+    do {
+        ASSERT(cur->prev_->dest() == cur);
+        ASSERT(cur->prev_->source() != cur);
+        path->push_back(cur->prev_);
+        cur = cur->prev_->source();
+    } while (cur != a);
+    return true;
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline void
+::shortest_path(const Node* a, const Node* b,
+                EdgeVector* path, WeightFn* weight_fn,
+                Bundle* bundle)
+    log_debug("calculating shortest path from %s -> %s",
+              a->id_.c_str(), b->id_.c_str());
+    ASSERT(a != NULL);
+    ASSERT(b != NULL);
+    ASSERT(path != NULL);
+    ASSERT(a != b);
+    path->clear();
+    // cons up the search info
+    SearchInfo info(bundle);
+    // first clear the existing distances
+    for (typename NodeVector::iterator i = this->nodes_.begin();
+         i != this->nodes_.end(); ++i)
+    {
+        (*i)->distance_ = 0xffffffff;
+        (*i)->color_    = Node::WHITE;
+        (*i)->prev_     = NULL;
+    }
+    // compute dijkstra distances
+    oasys::UpdatablePriorityQueue<const Node*,
+        std::vector<const Node*>,
+        DijkstraCompare> q;
+    a->distance_ = 0;
+    q.push(a);
+    do {
+        const Node* cur =;
+        q.pop();
+        for (typename EdgeVector::const_iterator ei = cur->out_edges_.begin();
+             ei != cur->out_edges_.end(); ++ei)
+        {
+            Edge* edge = *ei;
+            Node* peer = edge->dest();
+            ASSERT(edge->source() == cur);
+            ASSERT(peer != cur); // no loops
+            u_int32_t weight = (*weight_fn)(info, edge);
+            log_debug("examining edge id %s (weight %u) "
+                      "from %s (distance %u) -> %s (distance %u)",
+                      EdgeFormatter().format(edge->info()),
+                      weight, cur->id_.c_str(), cur->distance_,
+                      peer->id_.c_str(), peer->distance_);
+            if (weight != 0xffffffff &&
+                peer->distance_ > cur->distance_ + weight)
+            {
+                if (peer->color_ == Node::BLACK)
+                {
+                    log_crit("revisiting black node when "
+                             "calculating shortest path from %s -> %s!!!",
+                             a->id_.c_str(), b->id_.c_str());
+                    log_crit("cur %s: distance %u edge %s weight %u "
+                             "prev edge %s from %s",
+                             cur->id_.c_str(), cur->distance_,
+                             EdgeFormatter().format(edge->info()),
+                             weight,
+                             cur->prev_
+                               ? EdgeFormatter().format(cur->prev_->info())
+                               : "NULL!",
+                             cur->prev_ ?
+                             cur->prev_->source()->id_.c_str() : "");
+                    log_crit("peer %s: distance %u, prev edge %s from %s",
+                             peer->id_.c_str(), peer->distance_,
+                             peer->prev_
+                               ? EdgeFormatter().format(peer->prev_->info())
+                               : "NULL!",
+                             peer->prev_ ?
+                               peer->prev_->source()->id_.c_str() : "");
+                    continue;
+                }
+                peer->distance_ = cur->distance_ + weight;
+                peer->prev_     = edge;
+                if (peer->color_ == Node::WHITE)
+                {
+                    log_debug("pushing node %s (distance %u) onto queue",
+                              peer->id_.c_str(), peer->distance_);
+                    peer->color_ = Node::GRAY;
+                    q.push(peer);
+                }
+                else if (peer->color_ == Node::GRAY)
+                {
+                    log_debug("updating node %s in queue", peer->id_.c_str());
+                    q.update(peer);
+                }
+                else {
+                    NOTREACHED;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        cur->color_ = Node::BLACK;
+        // safe to bail once we reach the destination
+        if (cur == b) {
+            break;
+        }
+    } while (!q.empty());
+    if (b->distance_ == 0xffffffff) {
+        log_debug("no path found from %s -> %s",
+                  a->id_.c_str(), b->id_.c_str());
+        return; // no path
+    }
+    get_reverse_path(a, b, path);
+    size_t len = path->size();
+    log_debug("found path of length %zu from %s -> %s",
+              len, a->id_.c_str(), b->id_.c_str());
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
+        Edge* e = (*path)[len - i - 1];
+        (void)e;
+        log_debug("hop %zu: %s -> %s %s", i,
+                  e->source()->id_.c_str(), e->dest()->id_.c_str(), 
+                  EdgeFormatter().format(e->info()));
+    }
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline class MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::Edge*
+::best_next_hop(const Node* a, const Node* b, WeightFn* weight_fn,
+                Bundle* bundle)
+    EdgeVector path;
+    shortest_path(a, b, &path, weight_fn, bundle);
+    if (path.empty()) {
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ASSERT(path.back()->source() == a); // sanity
+    return path.back();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline int
+::format(char* buf, size_t sz) const
+    oasys::StringAppender sa(buf, sz);
+    typename NodeVector::const_iterator ni;
+    typename EdgeVector::const_iterator ei;
+    for (ni = this->nodes_.begin(); ni != this->nodes_.end(); ++ni)
+    {
+        sa.appendf("%s ->", (*ni)->id_.c_str());
+        for (ei = (*ni)->out_edges_.begin();
+             ei != (*ni)->out_edges_.end(); ++ei)
+        {
+            sa.appendf(" %s(%s)", 
+                       (*ei)->dest()->id_.c_str(),
+                       EdgeFormatter().format((*ei)->info()));
+        }
+        sa.append("\n");
+    }
+    return sa.desired_length();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline int
+::NodeVector::format(char* buf, size_t sz) const
+    oasys::StringAppender sa(buf, sz);
+    typename NodeVector::const_iterator i;
+    for (i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i)
+    {
+        sa.appendf("%s%s",
+                   i == this->begin() ? "" : " ",
+                   (*i)->id().c_str());
+    }
+    return sa.desired_length();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline int
+::EdgeVector::format(char* buf, size_t sz) const
+    oasys::StringAppender sa(buf, sz);
+    typename EdgeVector::const_iterator i;
+    for (i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i)
+    {
+        sa.appendf("%s[%s -> %s(%s)]",
+                   i == this->begin() ? "" : " ",
+                   (*i)->source()->id().c_str(),
+                   (*i)->dest()->id().c_str(),
+                   EdgeFormatter().format((*i)->info()));
+    }
+    return sa.desired_length();
+template <typename _NodeInfo, typename _EdgeInfo>
+inline void
+::EdgeVector::debug_format(oasys::StringBuffer* buf) const
+    typename EdgeVector::const_iterator i;
+    for (i = this->begin(); i != this->end(); ++i)
+    {
+        buf->appendf("\t%s -> %s (%s) (distance %u)\n",
+                     (*i)->source()->id().c_str(),
+                     (*i)->dest()->id().c_str(),
+                     EdgeFormatter().format((*i)->info()),
+                     MultiGraph<_NodeInfo,_EdgeInfo>::NodeDistance((*i)->dest()));
+    }
+} // namespace dtn