changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/routing/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+ *    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "LinkScheduleEstimator.h"
+namespace dtn {
+// dist holds a temporary distance array for the dynamic programming algorithm
+unsigned int **dist;
+    : Logger("LinkScheduleEstimator", "/dtn/route/linkstate/estimator")
+ *  compute the distance between two log entries.
+ *  a_offset, b_offset is used for comparing subsequences
+ *  at different places in the log.
+ *
+ *  Distances larger than the window size are given the cost of the
+ *  minimum duration smaller distances just use the actual distance.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::entry_dist(Log &a, unsigned int a_index, unsigned int a_offset,
+                                  Log &b, unsigned int b_index, unsigned int b_offset,
+                                  unsigned int warping_window)
+    unsigned int diff=absdiff(a[a_index].start-a_offset,b[b_index].start-b_offset);
+    unsigned int minduration=oasys::min(a[a_index].duration, b[b_index].duration);
+    if(diff > warping_window)
+        return minduration;
+    else return oasys::min(diff, minduration);
+ *  Recursive internal function of log_dist.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::log_dist_r(Log &a, unsigned int a_index, unsigned int a_offset,
+                                  Log &b, unsigned int b_index, unsigned int b_offset,
+                                  unsigned int warping_window)
+    unsigned int mindist;
+    // can't compute values outside the boundaries.
+    //XXX/jakob - why did we get here anyway?
+    // XXX/demmer this is a bogus compariosn
+    //if(a_index<0 || b_index<0) return MAX_DIST;
+    // if we've already computed the dist, return it
+    if(dist[a_index][b_index]<MAX_DIST)
+        return dist[a_index][b_index];
+    // no use going outside boundaries
+    else if(a_index==0)
+        mindist=log_dist_r(a,a_index,a_offset,
+                           b,b_index-1,b_offset,
+                           warping_window);
+    // no use going outside boundaries
+    else if(b_index==0)
+        mindist=log_dist_r(a,a_index-1,a_offset,
+                           b,b_index,b_offset,
+                           warping_window);
+    // find the minimum cost neighboring cell
+    else {
+        mindist = oasys::min(oasys::min(log_dist_r(a,a_index-1,a_offset,
+                                                   b,b_index-1,b_offset,warping_window),
+                                        log_dist_r(a,a_index-1,a_offset,
+                                                   b,b_index,b_offset,warping_window)),
+                             log_dist_r(a,a_index,a_offset,
+                                        b,b_index-1,b_offset,warping_window));
+    }
+    unsigned int entrydist=entry_dist(a,a_index,a_offset,
+                             b,b_index,b_offset,
+                             warping_window);
+    dist[a_index][b_index]=entrydist+mindist;
+    return dist[a_index][b_index];
+ *  determines the distance between logs a and b using dynamic programming.
+ *
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::log_dist(Log &a, unsigned int a_offset,
+                                Log &b, unsigned int b_offset,
+                                unsigned int warping_window, int print_table)
+    /*
+     * Initialize a cost matrix for the DP algorithm
+     */
+    dist=(unsigned int**)malloc(a.size()*sizeof(unsigned int));
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
+    {
+        dist[i]=(unsigned int*)malloc(b.size()*sizeof(unsigned int));
+        for(unsigned int j=0;j<b.size();j++)
+            dist[i][j]=MAX_DIST;
+    }
+    dist[0][0]=entry_dist(a,0,a_offset,b,0,b_offset,warping_window);
+    /*
+     * Call inner function for progressively larger parts of the array.
+     * Goes from 0,0 to n,n along the diagonal.
+     */
+    unsigned int d;
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<oasys::min(a.size(),b.size());i++)
+        d=log_dist_r(a,i,a_offset,b,i,b_offset,warping_window);
+    // compute the actual distance with a final call
+    d=log_dist_r(a,a.size()-1,a_offset,
+                 b,b.size()-1,b_offset,
+                 warping_window);
+    if(print_table)
+    {
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<a.size();i++)
+        {
+            log_debug("%d\t| ",a[a.size()-i-1].start-a_offset);
+            for(unsigned int j=0;j<b.size();j++)
+            {
+                log_debug("%d\t",dist[a.size()-i-1][j]);
+            }
+            log_debug("\n");
+        }
+        log_debug("---------------------------------------------------\n\t ");
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<b.size();i++)
+            log_debug("%d\t| ",b[i].start-b_offset);
+        log_debug("\n\t ");
+        for(unsigned int i=0;i<b.size();i++)
+            log_debug("%d\t| ",b[i].duration);
+        log_debug("\n\n");
+    }
+    free(dist);
+    return d;
+ * Computes the distance between l and l shifted phase time
+ * steps. This is actually the inverse autocorrelation function...
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::autocorrelation(Log &log, unsigned int phase, int print_table)
+    Log clone(log.size());
+    for(unsigned int i=phase;i<log.size();i++) {
+        clone[i-phase].start=log[i].start-log[phase].start;
+        clone[i-phase].duration=log[i].duration;
+    }
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<phase;i++) {
+        clone[i+(log.size()-phase)].start=
+            log[i].start+log[log.size()-1].start-log[phase-1].start;
+        clone[i+(log.size()-phase)].duration=log[i].duration;
+    }
+    unsigned int d = log_dist(log, log[0].start, // a_offset
+                     clone, clone[0].start,
+                     (int)((log[log.size()].start+
+                            log[log.size()].duration)*WARPING_WINDOW),
+                              print_table);
+    return d;
+LinkScheduleEstimator::print_log(Log &log, int relative_dates)
+    unsigned int offset=0;
+    if(relative_dates)
+        offset=log[0].start;
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<log.size();i++) {
+        log_debug("(%d, %d)",log[i].start-offset,log[i].duration);
+        if(i<log.size()-1)
+            log_debug(", ");
+    }
+    log_debug("\n");
+ *  Generates a randomized periodic log given a schedule and a jitter level.
+ *
+ */
+LinkScheduleEstimator::Log* LinkScheduleEstimator::generate_samples(Log &schedule,
+                                        unsigned int log_size,
+                                        unsigned int start_jitter,
+                                        double duration_jitter)
+    Log *output = new Log(log_size);
+    unsigned int schedule_index = 0;
+    unsigned int start_time_offset = 0;
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<log_size;i++)
+    {
+        /*
+         * The last schedule entry is assumed to be identical to the
+         * first entry
+         */
+        if(schedule_index == schedule.size() - 1) {
+            start_time_offset = start_time_offset +
+                                schedule[schedule.size()-1].start +
+                                schedule[schedule.size()-1].duration;
+            schedule_index = 0;
+        }
+        (*output)[i].start = (unsigned int) oasys::max((unsigned int)0,(start_time_offset +
+                                                          schedule[schedule_index].start -
+                                                          start_jitter / 2 +
+                                                          (unsigned int)(random() % start_jitter)));
+        unsigned int duration_jitter_abs = (int)(duration_jitter*
+                                        schedule[schedule_index].duration);
+        (*output)[i].duration=schedule[schedule_index].duration -
+                              duration_jitter_abs / 2 +
+                              random() % duration_jitter_abs;
+        schedule_index++;
+    }
+    return output;
+ * Calculate the (inverse) autocorrelation function for the log, then
+ * look for the deepest valley.  If there second smallest value is
+ * 2*period away, we have found our period.
+ *
+ * This is a pretty simple heuristic, should be possible to do better.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::estimate_period(Log &log)
+    int* autoc=(int*)malloc(log.size()*sizeof(int));
+    for(unsigned int i=1;i<log.size();i++) {
+        autoc[i]=autocorrelation(log,i,0);
+    }
+    // first find the best autocorrelation period
+    unsigned int candidate=1;
+    for(unsigned int i=1;i<log.size();i++)
+        if(autoc[i]<autoc[candidate])
+            candidate=i;
+    unsigned int candidate2=1;
+    for(unsigned int i=1;i<log.size();i++)
+        if(i!=candidate && autoc[i]<autoc[candidate2])
+            candidate2=i;
+    double should_be_2=log[candidate2].start/(double)log[candidate].start;
+    if(absdiff(should_be_2,2)<2*PERIOD_TOLERANCE)
+        return (int)(log[candidate2].start+log[candidate].start)/3;
+    else
+        return 0;
+ * return the index of the closest log entry at or before the given date.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::seek_to_before_date(Log &log, unsigned int date)
+    for( unsigned int i=0 ; i < log.size() ; i++ )
+        if( log[i].start > date )
+            return (unsigned int)oasys::max(0,(int)i-1);
+    return 0;
+ * return the index of the closest log entry to the given date
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::closest_entry_to_date(Log &log, unsigned int date)
+    unsigned int i=seek_to_before_date(log, date);
+    if(absdiff(log[i].start,date)<absdiff(log[i+1].start,date))
+        return i;
+    else
+        return i+1;
+    return 0;
+LinkScheduleEstimator::clone_subsequence(Log &log, unsigned int start, unsigned int len)
+    Log *out = new Log(len);
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<len;i++) {
+        (*out)[i].start=log[i+start].start;
+        (*out)[i].duration=log[i+start].duration;
+    }
+    return out;
+ * Match the pattern against the log, one pattern_len at a time.
+ * returns the sum of the distances.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::badness_of_match(Log &pattern,
+                                        Log &log,
+                                        unsigned int warping_window, 
+                                        unsigned int period)
+    unsigned int badness=0;
+    for(unsigned int date=0; date<log[log.size()-pattern.size()].start; date+=period)
+    {
+        unsigned int start = closest_entry_to_date(log,date);
+        Log* subsequence = clone_subsequence(log, start,
+                                             closest_entry_to_date(log,date) -
+                                             start+1);
+        unsigned int change=log_dist(pattern,
+                            pattern[0].start,
+                            *subsequence,
+                            date,
+                            warping_window,
+                            0);
+        delete subsequence;
+        badness+=change;
+    }
+    return badness;
+ *  Given a period estimate, determine the schedule that best fits the
+ *  provided log.
+ */
+LinkScheduleEstimator::extract_schedule(Log &log, unsigned int period_estimate)
+    Log* best_pattern=0;
+    unsigned int best_pattern_badness=100000000;
+    /*
+       First find a canonical schedule approximation - the period that
+       best matches all the other periods in this log. Once we have
+       that, refine the period length and the schedule using all the
+       other periods that match exactly.
+    */
+    // find the period that best matches the rest of the log
+    for(unsigned int date=0;
+        date<=(log[log.size()-1].start-period_estimate);
+        date+=period_estimate)
+    {
+        unsigned int pattern_index=closest_entry_to_date(log,date);
+        unsigned int pattern_len = closest_entry_to_date(log,date+period_estimate) -
+                          pattern_index+1;
+        Log* pattern = clone_subsequence(log, pattern_index, pattern_len);
+        unsigned int badness=badness_of_match(*pattern,
+                                     log,
+                                     (int)(period_estimate*WARPING_WINDOW),
+                                     period_estimate);
+        if(badness < best_pattern_badness)
+        {
+            if(best_pattern)
+                delete best_pattern;
+            best_pattern = pattern;
+            best_pattern_badness = badness;
+        }
+        else delete pattern;
+    }
+    log_debug("And the best pattern is (%d): \n",best_pattern_badness);
+    print_log(*best_pattern, 1);
+    return new Log(*best_pattern);
+      // This part computes an average schedule based on all the
+      // subsequences matching the pattern.  apparently, it isn't
+      // working as well as the "best pattern" thing is right now, so
+      // it's commented until we can improve it.
+    unsigned int dist;
+    unsigned int count=0;
+    for ( unsigned int date=0 ;
+          date<=(log[log.size()-1].start-period_estimate);
+          date+=period_estimate )
+    {
+        unsigned int pattern_index=closest_entry_to_date(l,log.size(),date);
+        unsigned int pattern_len =
+            closest_entry_to_date(l,log.size(),date+period_estimate) -
+            pattern_index;
+        if((pattern_len == best_pattern_len) &&
+           !(dist=log_dist(best_pattern,,best_pattern_len,best_pattern[0].start,
+                           &(log[pattern_index]), pattern_len, date,
+                           (int)(period_estimate*WARPING_WINDOW),
+                           0)))
+        {
+            log_debug("log at %d is good\n", date);
+            count++;
+            for(unsigned int i=0;i<pattern_len;i++) {
+                schedule[i].start+=log[pattern_index+i].start-date;
+                schedule[i].duration+=log[pattern_index+i].duration;
+            }
+        }
+        else
+            log_debug("tried date %d (%d-%d): %d\n",
+                   date, pattern_index,pattern_len, dist);
+    }
+    for(unsigned int i=0;i<best_pattern_len;i++) {
+        schedule[i].start/=count;
+        schedule[i].duration/=count;
+    }
+    log_debug("Extracted schedule is\n");
+    print_log(schedule,best_pattern_len,1);
+ *  Given a period estimate, improve the estimate by fitting it
+ *  against the entire log data.
+ *
+ *  XXX/jakob - if the last scheduled event doesn't occur in any given
+ *  period, the refined period will be way off!  should check if the
+ *  data makes sense before using it.
+ */
+unsigned int 
+LinkScheduleEstimator::refine_period(LinkScheduleEstimator::Log &log, 
+                                     unsigned int period_estimate)
+    unsigned int sum=0;
+    int count=-1;
+    int count2=0;
+    for(unsigned int date=0 ; 
+        date<=(log[log.size()-1].start-period_estimate) ; 
+        date+=period_estimate)
+    {
+        unsigned int pattern_index=closest_entry_to_date(log,date);
+        sum+=log[pattern_index].start;
+        count++;
+        count2+=count;
+    }
+    return sum/count2;
+ *  This is the function to be called from the outside.
+ **/
+LinkScheduleEstimator::find_schedule(LinkScheduleEstimator::Log &log)
+    // find a first estimate of the period. If there is a period, this
+    // will return a non-zero value.
+    unsigned int period = estimate_period(log);
+    if(period) {
+        // now try to fit this period to the full log as closely as possible
+        period = refine_period(log, period);
+        // and then compute the best schedule for the given log and period
+        return extract_schedule(log, period);
+    }
+    else return 0;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+    Log f2(5);
+    f2[0].start=0;
+    f2[0].duration=1000;
+    f2[1].start=4000;
+    f2[1].duration=500;
+    f2[2].start=9000;
+    f2[2].duration=1000;
+    f2[3].start=14000;
+    f2[3].duration=2000;
+    f2[4].start=19000;
+    f2[4].duration=1000;
+//    log f1[]={CONTACT(0,1023),
+//              CONTACT(5006,1040),
+//             CONTACT(10150,1002),
+//              CONTACT(20040, 956),
+//              CONTACT(25200, 896),
+//              CONTACT(26150, 350),
+//              CONTACT(29682, 1098),
+//              CONTACT(39780, 1035),
+//              CONTACT(45000, 987),
+//              CONTACT(50045, 907),
+//              CONTACT(60340, 1055),
+//              CONTACT(65000, 987),
+//              CONTACT(70045, 907),
+//              CONTACT(80340, 1055)};
+    Log* best_schedule=0;
+    int  best_schedule_len;
+    Log* schedule;
+    int schedule_len;
+    int log_len=100;
+    Log *full_log=generate_samples(f2,log_len,1000,.1);
+    int best_period=0;
+    int best_cost=1000000;
+    for(int current_event=1;current_event<log_len;current_event++)
+    {
+        Log *log=clone_subsequence(*full_log, 0, current_event+1);
+        int period=estimate_period((*log));
+        if(period)
+        {
+            log_debug("At time %d (%d), estimated period is %d.\n",
+                   current_event,
+                   (*log)[current_event-1].start,
+                   period);
+            period = refine_period((*log), period);
+            log_debug("Period after refinement is %d\n",period);
+            schedule=extract_schedule((*log), period);
+            // XXX/jakob - this isn't fair. we're comparing the cost
+            // of matching to a short interval to the cost of matching
+            // to a long interval
+            int cost=badness_of_match(*schedule,
+                                      *log,
+                                      (int)(period*WARPING_WINDOW),
+                                      period);
+            if(cost<best_cost) {
+                log_debug("Found a new best period %d and schedule at time %d, cost is %d.\n",
+                       period,
+                       (*log)[current_event].start,
+                       cost);
+                       if(best_schedule)
+                       delete best_schedule;
+                best_schedule=schedule;
+                best_schedule_len=schedule_len;
+                best_period=period;
+                best_cost=cost;
+            }
+            else
+                delete schedule;
+        }
+        delete log;
+    }
+    log_debug("Best period %d, cost %d, schedule: ",best_period,best_cost);
+    print_log(*best_schedule, 1);
+    delete full_log;