changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/reg/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+ *    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <climits>
+#include <oasys/serialize/TclListSerialize.h>
+#include <oasys/util/ScratchBuffer.h>
+#include "TclRegistration.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleEvent.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleList.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleStatusReport.h"
+#include "bundling/CustodySignal.h"
+#include "storage/GlobalStore.h"
+namespace dtn {
+TclRegistration::TclRegistration(const EndpointIDPattern& endpoint,
+                                 Tcl_Interp* interp)
+    : Registration(GlobalStore::instance()->next_regid(),
+                   endpoint, Registration::DEFER, 0, 0) // XXX/demmer expiration??
+    (void)interp;
+    logpathf("/dtn/registration/tcl/%d", regid_);
+    set_active(true);
+    log_info("new tcl registration on endpoint %s", endpoint.c_str());
+    bundle_list_ = new BlockingBundleList(logpath_);
+    int fd = bundle_list_->notifier()->read_fd();
+    notifier_channel_ = oasys::TclCommandInterp::instance()->
+                        register_file_channel((ClientData)fd, TCL_READABLE);
+    log_debug("notifier_channel_ is %p", notifier_channel_);
+TclRegistration::deliver_bundle(Bundle* bundle)
+    bundle_list_->push_back(bundle);
+TclRegistration::exec(int argc, const char** argv, Tcl_Interp* interp)
+    oasys::TclCommandInterp* cmdinterp = oasys::TclCommandInterp::instance();
+    if (argc < 1) {
+        cmdinterp->wrong_num_args(argc, argv, 0, 1, INT_MAX);
+        return TCL_ERROR;
+    }
+    const char* op = argv[0];
+    if (strcmp(op, "get_list_channel") == 0)
+    {
+        return get_list_channel(interp);
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(op, "get_bundle_data") == 0)
+    {
+        return get_bundle_data(interp);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        cmdinterp->resultf("invalid operation '%s'", op);
+        return TCL_ERROR;
+    }
+TclRegistration::get_list_channel(Tcl_Interp* interp)
+    (void)interp;
+    oasys::TclCommandInterp* cmdinterp = oasys::TclCommandInterp::instance();
+    cmdinterp->set_result(Tcl_GetChannelName(notifier_channel_));
+    return TCL_OK;
+TclRegistration::get_bundle_data(Tcl_Interp* interp)
+    oasys::TclCommandInterp* cmdinterp = oasys::TclCommandInterp::instance();
+    BundleRef b("TclRegistration::get_bundle_data temporary");
+    b = bundle_list_->pop_front();
+    if (b == NULL) {
+        cmdinterp->set_objresult(Tcl_NewListObj(0, 0));
+        return TCL_OK; // empty list
+    }
+    Tcl_Obj* result;
+    int ok = parse_bundle_data(interp, b, &result);
+    cmdinterp->set_objresult(result);
+    if (ok != TCL_OK) {
+        return ok;
+    }
+    BundleDaemon::post(new BundleDeliveredEvent(b.object(), this));
+    return TCL_OK;
+ * Return a Tcl list key-value pairs detailing bundle contents to a
+ * registered procedure each time a bundle arrives. The returned TCL
+ * list is suitable for assigning to an array, e.g.
+ *     array set b $bundle_info
+ *
+ * Using the TclListSerialize class, all fields that are serialized in
+ * Bundle::serialize will be present in the returned tcl list.
+ *
+ *
+ * admin_type       : the Admin Type (the following pairs are only defined
+ *                    if the admin_type = "Stauts Report")
+ * reason_code      : Reason Code string
+ * orig_creation_ts : creation timestamp of original bundle
+ * orig_source      : EID of the original bundle's source
+ *
+ *
+ * orig_frag_offset : Offset of fragment
+ * orig_frag_length : Length of original bundle
+ *
+ *
+ * (Note that the presence of timestamp keys implies a corresponding
+ * flag has been set true. For example if forwarded_time is returned
+ * the Bundle Forwarded status flag was set; if frag_offset and
+ * frag_length are returned the ACK'ed bundle was fragmented.)
+ *
+ * sr_reason                  : status report reason code
+ * sr_received_time           : bundle reception timestamp
+ * sr_custody_time            : bundle custody transfer timestamp
+ * sr_forwarded_time          : bundle forwarding timestamp
+ * sr_delivered_time          : bundle delivery timestamp
+ * sr_deletion_time           : bundle deletion timestamp
+ *
+ *
+ * custody_succeeded          : boolean if custody transfer succeeded
+ * custody_reason             : reason information
+ * custody_signal_time        : custody transfer time
+ */
+TclRegistration::parse_bundle_data(Tcl_Interp* interp,
+                                   const BundleRef& b,
+                                   Tcl_Obj** result)
+    // Using the tcl based serializer, grab all the serialized
+    // metadata fields into a new list object
+    Tcl_Obj* objv = Tcl_NewListObj(0, 0);
+    oasys::TclListSerialize s(interp, objv,
+                              oasys::Serialize::CONTEXT_LOCAL,
+                              0);
+    b->serialize(&s);
+    // read in all the payload data (XXX/demmer this will not be nice
+    // for big bundles)
+    size_t payload_len = b->payload().length();
+    oasys::ScratchBuffer<u_char*> payload_buf;
+    const u_char* payload_data = (const u_char*)"";
+    if (payload_len != 0) {
+        payload_data = b->payload().read_data(0, payload_len, 
+                                              payload_buf.buf(payload_len));
+    }
+    char tmp_buf[128];              // used for sprintf strings
+#define addElement(e)                                                      \
+    if (Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, objv, (e)) != TCL_OK) {           \
+        *result = Tcl_NewStringObj("Tcl_ListObjAppendElement failed", -1); \
+        return TCL_ERROR;                                                  \
+    }
+    // stick in the payload
+    addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("payload_len", -1));
+    addElement(Tcl_NewIntObj(payload_len));
+    addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("payload_data", -1));
+    addElement(Tcl_NewByteArrayObj(const_cast<u_char*>(payload_data), 
+                                   payload_len));
+    // and a pretty formatted creation timestamp
+    addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("creation_ts", -1));
+    sprintf(tmp_buf, "%llu.%llu", b->creation_ts().seconds_, b->creation_ts().seqno_);
+    addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+    // If we're not an admin bundle, we're done
+    if (!b->is_admin()) {
+        goto done;
+    }
+    // Admin Type:
+    addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("admin_type", -1));
+    BundleProtocol::admin_record_type_t admin_type;
+    if (!BundleProtocol::get_admin_type(b.object(), &admin_type)) {
+        goto done;
+    }
+    // Now for each type of admin bundle, first append the string to
+    // define that type, then all the relevant fields of the type
+    switch (admin_type) {
+    case BundleProtocol::ADMIN_STATUS_REPORT:
+    {
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Status Report", -1));
+        BundleStatusReport::data_t sr;
+        if (!BundleStatusReport::parse_status_report(&sr, payload_data,
+                                                     payload_len)) {
+            *result =
+                Tcl_NewStringObj("Admin Bundle Status Report parsing failed", -1);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        // Fragment fields
+        if (sr.admin_flags_ & BundleProtocol::ADMIN_IS_FRAGMENT) {
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_frag_offset", -1));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewLongObj(sr.orig_frag_offset_));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_frag_length", -1));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewLongObj(sr.orig_frag_length_));
+        }
+        // Status fields with timestamps:
+#define APPEND_TIMESTAMP(_flag, _what, _field)                          \
+        if (sr.status_flags_ & BundleStatusReport::_flag) {             \
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(_what, -1));                    \
+            sprintf(tmp_buf, "%llu.%llu",                               \
+                    sr._field.seconds_, sr._field.seqno_);              \
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));                  \
+        }
+                         "sr_received_time", receipt_tv_);
+                         "sr_custody_time",      custody_tv_);
+                         "sr_forwarded_time",    forwarding_tv_);
+                         "sr_delivered_time",    delivery_tv_);
+                         "sr_deleted_time",      deletion_tv_);
+                         "sr_acked_by_app_time", ack_by_app_tv_);
+        // Reason Code:
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("sr_reason", -1));
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(BundleStatusReport::reason_to_str(sr.reason_code_), -1));
+        // Bundle creation timestamp
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_creation_ts", -1));
+        sprintf(tmp_buf, "%llu.%llu",
+                sr.orig_creation_tv_.seconds_,
+                sr.orig_creation_tv_.seqno_);
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+        // Status Report's Source EID:
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_source", -1));
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(,
+                                    sr.orig_source_eid_.length()));
+        break;
+    }
+    //-------------------------------------------
+    case BundleProtocol::ADMIN_CUSTODY_SIGNAL:
+    {
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Custody Signal", -1));
+        CustodySignal::data_t cs;
+        if (!CustodySignal::parse_custody_signal(&cs, payload_data,
+                                                 payload_len))
+        {
+            *result = Tcl_NewStringObj("Admin Custody Signal parsing failed", -1);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        // Fragment fields
+        if (cs.admin_flags_ & BundleProtocol::ADMIN_IS_FRAGMENT) {
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_frag_offset", -1));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewLongObj(cs.orig_frag_offset_));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_frag_length", -1));
+            addElement(Tcl_NewLongObj(cs.orig_frag_length_));
+        }
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("custody_succeeded", -1));
+        addElement(Tcl_NewBooleanObj(cs.succeeded_));
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("custody_reason", -1));
+        switch(cs.reason_) {
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_NO_ADDTL_INFO:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("No additional information.", -1));
+            break;
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_REDUNDANT_RECEPTION:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Redundant bundle reception.", -1));
+            break;
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_DEPLETED_STORAGE:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Depleted Storage.", -1));
+            break;
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Destination endpoint ID unintelligible.", -1));
+            break;
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_NO_ROUTE_TO_DEST:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("No known route to destination from here", -1));
+            break;
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_NO_TIMELY_CONTACT:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("No timely contact with next node en route.", -1));
+            break;
+        case BundleProtocol::CUSTODY_BLOCK_UNINTELLIGIBLE:
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("Block unintelligible.", -1));
+            break;
+        default:
+            sprintf(tmp_buf, "Error: Unknown Custody Signal Reason Code 0x%x",
+                    cs.reason_);
+            addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+            break;
+        }
+        // Custody signal timestamp
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("custody_signal_time", -1));
+        sprintf(tmp_buf, "%llu.%llu",
+                cs.custody_signal_tv_.seconds_,
+                cs.custody_signal_tv_.seqno_);
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+        // Bundle creation timestamp
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_creation_ts", -1));
+        sprintf(tmp_buf, "%llu.%llu",
+                cs.orig_creation_tv_.seconds_,
+                cs.orig_creation_tv_.seqno_);
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+        // Original source eid
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj("orig_source", -1));
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(,
+                                    cs.orig_source_eid_.length()));
+        break;
+    }
+    //-------------------------------------------
+    default:
+        sprintf(tmp_buf,
+                "Error: Unknown Status Report Type 0x%x", admin_type);
+        addElement(Tcl_NewStringObj(tmp_buf, -1));
+        break;
+    }
+    // all done
+ done:
+    *result = objv;
+    return TCL_OK;
+} // namespace dtn