changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/prophet/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1059 @@
+ *    Copyright 2007 Baylor University
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "BundleCore.h"
+#include "HelloTLV.h"
+#include "RIBDTLV.h"
+#include "RIBTLV.h"
+#include "OfferTLV.h"
+#include "ResponseTLV.h"
+#include "TLVCreator.h"
+#include "Encounter.h"
+#define NEXT_TID (++next_tid_ == 0) ? ++next_tid_ : next_tid_
+#define PROPHET_TLV(_tlv, _result, _tid) do { \
+    _tlv = new ProphetTLV(                    \
+            oracle_->core()->prophet_id(),    \
+            oracle_->core()->prophet_id(next_hop_), \
+            _result,                          \
+            local_instance_,                  \
+            remote_instance_,                 \
+            (_tid == 0) ? NEXT_TID : _tid); \
+    } while (0)
+#define SEND_ACK(_tid) send_hello(HelloTLV::ACK, \
+                                  ProphetTLV::NoSuccessAck,_tid)
+#define SEND_SYN(_tid) send_hello(HelloTLV::SYN, \
+                                  ProphetTLV::NoSuccessAck,_tid)
+#define SEND_SYNACK(_tid) send_hello(HelloTLV::SYNACK, \
+                                     ProphetTLV::NoSuccessAck,_tid)
+#define SEND_RSTACK(_tid) send_hello(HelloTLV::RSTACK,\
+                                     ProphetTLV::Failure,_tid)
+#define LOG(_level, _args...) oracle_->core()->print_log( \
+        name_.c_str(), BundleCore::_level,  _args )
+#define SET_STATE(_new) do { LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "state_ %s -> %s %s:%d", \
+        state_to_str(state_), state_to_str(_new), __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+        state_ = _new; \
+    } while (0)
+#define UPDATE_PEER_VERIFIER(_sender_instance) do {     \
+        remote_instance_ = _sender_instance;            \
+        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "update peer verifier %d",       \
+                       (_sender_instance)); } while (0) \
+#define ASSIGN_ROLES(_s,_r) do { \
+        if (synsender_) { \
+            _s = oracle_->core()->local_eid(); \
+            _r = next_hop_->remote_eid(); } \
+        else { \
+            _s = next_hop_->remote_eid(); \
+            _r = oracle_->core()->local_eid(); }\
+    } while (0) 
+namespace prophet
+Encounter::Encounter(const Link* nexthop,
+                     Oracle* oracle,
+                     u_int16_t instance)
+    : ExpirationHandler(),
+      oracle_(oracle),
+      local_instance_(instance),
+      remote_instance_(0),
+      tid_(0),
+      next_tid_(0),
+      timeout_(oracle_->params()->hello_interval() * 100),
+      next_hop_(nexthop),
+      tlv_(NULL),
+      synsender_(oracle_->core()->local_eid().compare(
+                  next_hop_->remote_eid()) < 0),
+      state_(WAIT_NB),
+      synsent_(false),
+      estab_(false),
+      neighbor_gone_(false),
+      remote_nodes_(oracle_->core(),"remote",false),
+      hello_rate_(0),
+      data_sent_(time(0)),
+      data_rcvd_(time(0)),
+      alarm_(NULL)
+    std::string name("encounter-");
+    char buff[10] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
+    size_t len = snprintf(buff,10,"%d",instance);
+    name.append(buff,len);
+    ExpirationHandler::set_name(name.c_str());
+    if (synsender_)
+        if (send_hello(HelloTLV::SYN))
+            SET_STATE(SYNSENT);
+    // set up reminder for timeout_ milliseconds
+    alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,timeout_);
+    if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"constructor(%s,%u)",nexthop->remote_eid(),instance);
+Encounter::Encounter(const Encounter& e)
+    : ExpirationHandler(e),
+      oracle_(e.oracle_),
+      local_instance_(e.local_instance_),
+      remote_instance_(e.remote_instance_),
+      tid_(e.tid_),
+      timeout_(e.timeout_),
+      next_hop_(e.next_hop_),
+      tlv_(e.tlv_),
+      synsender_(e.synsender_),
+      state_(e.state_),
+      synsent_(e.synsent_),
+      estab_(e.estab_),
+      neighbor_gone_(e.neighbor_gone_),
+      local_ribd_(e.local_ribd_),
+      remote_ribd_(e.remote_ribd_),
+      remote_offers_(e.remote_offers_),
+      local_response_(e.local_response_),
+      remote_nodes_(e.remote_nodes_),
+      hello_rate_(e.hello_rate_),
+      data_sent_(e.data_sent_),
+      data_rcvd_(e.data_rcvd_),
+      alarm_(NULL)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"copy constructor(%u)",local_instance_);
+    alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,e.alarm_->time_remaining());
+    if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    if (alarm_ != NULL && alarm_->pending())
+        alarm_->cancel();
+    if (neighbor_gone_) return;
+    // nothing to do if it's the same value
+    u_int timeout = oracle_->params()->hello_interval() * 100;
+    if (timeout == timeout_) return;
+    // nothing to do for alarm_ unless it is pending
+    if (alarm_->pending()) 
+    {
+        if (alarm_->time_remaining() == 0)
+            // no change, let timeout handler catch it
+            goto set_timeout;
+        // grab the difference from old to new
+        u_int diff;
+        u_int new_alarm;
+        if (timeout_ > timeout) 
+        {
+            // new timeout is shorter than old
+            diff = timeout_ - timeout;
+            new_alarm = alarm_->time_remaining() < diff ? 
+                        0 : alarm_->time_remaining() - diff;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            // new timeout is longer than old
+            diff = timeout - timeout_;
+            new_alarm = alarm_->time_remaining() + diff;
+        }
+        // take the old timeout value off the schedule
+        alarm_->cancel();
+        // write new timeout value to alarm
+        alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,new_alarm);
+        // give up on error
+        if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    }
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"hello_interval changed (%u -> %u)", timeout_,timeout);
+    // store the new timeout
+    timeout_ = timeout;
+Encounter::receive_tlv(ProphetTLV* tlv)
+    if (neighbor_gone_) return false;
+    if (tlv == NULL)
+        return false;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"receive_tlv");
+    // update member pointer
+    tlv_ = tlv;
+    // update timestamp
+    data_rcvd_ = time(0);
+    // disarm
+    if (alarm_->pending())
+        alarm_->cancel();
+    // capture transaction id
+    tid_ = tlv_->transaction_id();
+    BaseTLV* bt = NULL; 
+    bool ok = true;
+    // distribute the individual TLVs to the correct handler
+    while ( (bt = tlv_->get_tlv()) != NULL && ok )
+    {
+        ok = dispatch_tlv(bt);
+        delete bt;
+    }
+    // clean up memory
+    delete tlv_;
+    tlv_ = NULL;
+    if (ok)
+    {
+        // clean up old alarm: host implementation cleans up cancelled
+        // alarms, else we clean up our own spent alarms
+        if (alarm_->pending())
+            alarm_->cancel();
+        else
+            delete alarm_;
+        // reschedule the timeout handler
+        alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,timeout_,true);
+        // give up on error
+        if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    } 
+    else
+        // fail out on error
+        neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    return ok;
+Encounter::dispatch_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"dispatch_tlv");
+    bool ok = false;
+    bool pre_dispatch = estab_;
+    switch (tlv->typecode())
+    {
+        case BaseTLV::HELLO_TLV:
+            ok = handle_hello_tlv(tlv);
+            if (ok && !pre_dispatch && estab_)
+            {
+                // Hello procedure just completed ... move from ESTAB to 
+                // either CREATE_DR (synsender_) or WAIT_DICT (!synsender_)
+                if (synsender_)
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(CREATE_DR);
+                    bool ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+                    if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+                    return ok;
+                }
+                else
+                    SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+            }
+            return ok;
+        case BaseTLV::RIBD_TLV:
+            if (! estab_) break;
+            return handle_ribd_tlv(tlv);
+        case BaseTLV::RIB_TLV:
+            if (! estab_) break;
+            return handle_rib_tlv(tlv);
+        case BaseTLV::OFFER_TLV:
+            if (! estab_) break;
+            ok = handle_offer_tlv(tlv);
+            if (ok && synsender_ && state_ == WAIT_INFO)
+            {
+                // finished Initiator phase, now switch to Listener
+                SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+            }
+            return ok;
+        case BaseTLV::RESPONSE_TLV:
+            if (! estab_) break;
+            ok = handle_response_tlv(tlv);
+            if (ok && !synsender_ && state_ == WAIT_INFO)
+            {
+                // finished Listener phase, now switch to Initiator
+                SET_STATE(CREATE_DR);
+                ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+                if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+            }
+            return ok;
+        case BaseTLV::ERROR_TLV:
+        case BaseTLV::UNKNOWN_TLV:
+        default:
+            return false;
+    }
+    // not reached unless !estab && tlv->typecode() != HELLO_TLV
+    hello_rate_ = 2;
+    if (state_ == SYNSENT)
+        return SEND_SYN(NEXT_TID);
+    else if (state_ == SYNRCVD)
+        return SEND_SYNACK(tid_);
+    // unless ERROR or UNKNOWN, do not fail out of this peering session
+    return true;
+Encounter::handle_bundle_received(const Bundle* b)
+    if (state_ != REQUEST) return;
+    if (b == NULL) return;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_bundle_received: "
+            "%s %u:%u",b->destination_id().c_str(),
+            b->creation_ts(), b->sequence_num());
+    // reduce dest id to node id
+    std::string eid = oracle_->core()->get_route(b->destination_id());
+    // translate node id to sid
+    u_int sid = local_ribd_.find(eid);
+    // check for dictionary error
+    if (sid == Dictionary::INVALID_SID) return;
+    // reduce list of responses by this one
+    local_response_.remove_entry(
+            b->creation_ts(),
+            b->sequence_num(),
+            sid);
+    // clean up previous alarm: host implementation cleans up cancelled
+    // alarms, else we clean up our own spent alarms
+    if (alarm_->pending())
+        alarm_->cancel();
+    else
+        delete alarm_;
+    // set up reminder for timeout_ milliseconds
+    alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,timeout_,true);
+    // give up on error
+    if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_timeout");
+    if (neighbor_gone_) return;
+    bool ok = false;
+    switch (state_)
+    {
+        case WAIT_NB:
+            ok = true;
+            SET_STATE(WAIT_NB);
+            break;
+        case SYNSENT:
+            ok = SEND_SYN(NEXT_TID);
+            SET_STATE(SYNSENT);
+            break;
+        case SYNRCVD:
+            ok = SEND_SYNACK(tid_);
+            SET_STATE(SYNRCVD);
+            break;
+        case ESTAB:
+            // should not be reached
+            ok = false;
+            break;
+        case WAIT_DICT:
+            ok = SEND_ACK(tid_);
+            SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+            break;
+        case WAIT_RIB:
+            ok = SEND_ACK(tid_);
+            SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+            break;
+        case OFFER:
+            ok = send_offer();
+            SET_STATE(OFFER);
+            break;
+        case SEND_DR:
+            ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+            if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+            break;
+        case REQUEST:
+            ok = send_response();
+            break;
+        case WAIT_INFO:
+            // if time_diff(now,data_sent) > hello_dead/2 
+            // start InfoExch again
+            if (time(0) - data_rcvd_ >
+                (oracle_->params()->hello_dead() *
+                 oracle_->params()->hello_interval() / 20))
+            {
+                if (synsender_)
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(CREATE_DR);
+                    ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+                    if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+                    ok = true;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+                ok = true;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    // if error sending message, or if silence exceeds max, then
+    // signal session death and fail out
+    if (!ok ||
+        (time(0) - data_rcvd_) >
+        (oracle_->params()->hello_dead() *
+                            /* convert 100's of ms to seconds */
+         oracle_->params()->hello_interval() / 10))
+    {
+        neighbor_gone_ = true;
+        return;
+    }
+    // clean up previous alarm: host implementation cleans up cancelled
+    // alarms, else we clean up our own spent alarms
+    if (alarm_->pending())
+        alarm_->cancel();
+    else
+        delete alarm_;
+    // set up reminder for timeout_ milliseconds
+    alarm_ = oracle_->core()->create_alarm(this,timeout_,true);
+    // give up on error
+    if (alarm_ == NULL) neighbor_gone_ = true;
+Encounter::handle_hello_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    if (tlv_ == NULL) return false;
+    HelloTLV* hello = static_cast<HelloTLV*>(tlv);
+    if (hello == NULL || hello->typecode() != BaseTLV::HELLO_TLV)
+        return false;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_hello_tlv(%s,%u) from %s",
+            hello->hf_str(),hello->timer(),hello->sender().c_str());
+    // build out truth table as laid out in Section 5.2
+    bool hello_a = (remote_instance_ == tlv_->sender_instance());
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"hello_a %s remote_instance_ %u tlv %u",
+            hello_a ? "true" : "false", remote_instance_,
+            tlv_->sender_instance());
+    bool hello_b = hello_a &&
+        (oracle_->core()->prophet_id(next_hop_) == tlv_->source());
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"hello_b %s next_hop_ %s tlv %s",
+            hello_b ? "true" : "false", 
+            oracle_->core()->prophet_id(next_hop_).c_str(),
+            tlv_->source().c_str());
+    bool hello_c = (local_instance_ == tlv_->receiver_instance());
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"hello_c %s local_instance_ %u tlv %u",
+            hello_c ? "true" : "false",
+            local_instance_, tlv_->receiver_instance());
+    // negotiate a common timeout by choosing minimum
+    u_int timeout = std::min((u_int)oracle_->params()->hello_interval(),
+                             (u_int)hello->timer(), std::less<u_int>());
+    if (!estab_ && (timeout * 100) != timeout_)
+    {
+        LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"timeout_ %u -> %u (line %d)",
+                timeout_, timeout, __LINE__);
+        // convert to milliseconds
+        timeout_ = timeout * 100;
+    }
+    bool ok = true;
+    switch (hello->hf())
+    {
+    case HelloTLV::SYN:
+        if (estab_)
+        {
+            // note 2, 5.2.1
+            hello_rate_ = 2;
+            ok = SEND_ACK(tid_);
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == SYNSENT ||
+            state_ == SYNRCVD ||
+            state_ == WAIT_NB)
+        {
+            UPDATE_PEER_VERIFIER(tlv_->sender_instance());
+            LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_hello_tlv(SYN): state_ %s remote_instance_ %u",
+                    state_to_str(state_),remote_instance_);
+            ok = SEND_SYNACK(tid_);
+            SET_STATE(SYNRCVD);
+        }
+        break;
+    case HelloTLV::SYNACK:
+        if (estab_)
+        {
+            // note 2, 5.2.1
+            hello_rate_ = 2;
+            ok = SEND_ACK(tid_);
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == SYNSENT)
+        {
+            if ( hello_c)
+            {
+                hello_rate_ = 0;
+                UPDATE_PEER_VERIFIER(tlv_->sender_instance());
+                if ((ok = SEND_ACK(tid_)) != 0)
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(ESTAB);
+                    estab_ = true;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ok = SEND_RSTACK(tid_);
+                SET_STATE(SYNSENT);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == SYNRCVD)
+        {
+            if (hello_c)
+            {
+                hello_rate_ = 0;
+                UPDATE_PEER_VERIFIER(tlv_->sender_instance());
+                if ((ok = SEND_ACK(tid_)) != 0)
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(ESTAB);
+                    estab_ = true;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                ok = SEND_RSTACK(tid_);
+                SET_STATE(SYNRCVD);
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case HelloTLV::ACK:
+        if (estab_ && !(hello_b && hello_c))
+        {
+            ok = SEND_RSTACK(tid_);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (state_ == SYNSENT)
+        {
+            ok = SEND_RSTACK(tid_);
+            SET_STATE(SYNSENT);
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == SYNRCVD)
+        {
+            if (hello_b && hello_c)
+            {
+                SET_STATE(ESTAB);
+                estab_ = true;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_hello_tlv(ACK): state_ SYNRCVD "
+                        "remote_instance_ %u tlv instance %u",
+                        remote_instance_,tlv_->sender_instance());
+                ok = SEND_RSTACK(tid_);
+                SET_STATE(SYNRCVD);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == WAIT_RIB || state_ == OFFER)
+        {
+            SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == REQUEST)
+        {
+            SET_STATE(CREATE_DR);
+            ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+            if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+        }
+        else
+        if (state_ == WAIT_INFO)
+        {
+            // remote says "What up?" so we wake up and move on
+            if (time(0) - data_sent_ > oracle_->params()->hello_interval())
+            {
+                if (synsender_)
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(CREATE_DR);
+                    bool ok = send_dictionary_rib();
+                    if (ok) SET_STATE(SEND_DR);
+                    return ok;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    case HelloTLV::RSTACK:
+        if (hello_a && hello_c && !synsent_)
+        {
+            // signal end of session
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+    case HelloTLV::HF_UNKNOWN:
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return ok;
+Encounter::handle_ribd_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_ribd_tlv");
+    RIBDTLV* ribd = static_cast<RIBDTLV*>(tlv);
+    if (ribd == NULL)
+        return false;
+    // figure out which one of us is sender and which is receiver
+    std::string sender, receiver;
+    ASSIGN_ROLES(sender,receiver);
+    switch (state_)
+    {
+    case WAIT_INFO:
+        // remote says "What up?" so we wake up and move on
+        if (time(0) - data_sent_ > oracle_->params()->hello_interval())
+        {
+            if (synsender_)
+                return false;
+            else
+                SET_STATE(WAIT_DICT);
+        }
+    case WAIT_DICT:
+    case WAIT_RIB:
+        remote_ribd_ = ribd->ribd(sender,receiver);
+        remote_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+        return true;
+    case OFFER:
+        SET_STATE(OFFER);
+        return send_offer();
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    return false;
+Encounter::handle_rib_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_rib_tlv");
+    RIBTLV* rib = static_cast<RIBTLV*>(tlv);
+    if (rib == NULL)
+        return false;
+    remote_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+    Table* nodes = oracle_->nodes();
+    if (state_ == WAIT_RIB)
+    {
+        // update p for remote peer
+        nodes->update_route(next_hop_->remote_eid(),
+                            rib->relay(),
+                            rib->custody(),
+                            rib->internet());
+        // then update p for each RIB entry
+        nodes->update_transitive(next_hop_->remote_eid(),
+                                 rib->nodes(),
+                                 remote_ribd_);
+        // keep a local copy of remote's RIB
+        remote_nodes_.assign(rib->nodes(),
+                             remote_ribd_);
+        SET_STATE(OFFER);
+        return send_offer();
+    } 
+    return false;
+Encounter::handle_offer_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_offer_tlv");
+    OfferTLV* offer = static_cast<OfferTLV*>(tlv);
+    if (offer == NULL)
+    {
+        LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"failed to downcast tlv");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (state_ == SEND_DR || state_ == REQUEST)
+    {
+        remote_offers_ = offer->list();
+        LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"received %zu offers",remote_offers_.size()); 
+        return send_response();
+    }
+    else if (state_ == WAIT_INFO)
+    {
+        // ignore
+        return true;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LOG(LOG_ERR,"received offer tlv when state_ == %s",state_str());
+    }
+    return false;
+Encounter::handle_response_tlv(BaseTLV* tlv)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"handle_response_tlv");
+    ResponseTLV* response = static_cast<ResponseTLV*>(tlv);
+    if (response == NULL)
+        return false;
+    switch (state_)
+    {
+    case WAIT_RIB:
+        return SEND_ACK(tid_);
+    case OFFER:
+        // empty request signals state change
+        if (response->list().empty())
+        {
+            LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"received empty request");
+            SET_STATE(WAIT_INFO);
+            return true;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"received %zu requests",response->list().size());
+            // enumerate bundle list from repository
+            BundleList bundles = oracle_->core()->bundles();
+            // dump the dictionary 
+            remote_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+            // walk the list of requests
+            for(BundleResponseList::const_iterator i =
+                    response->list().begin();
+                i != response->list().end();
+                i++)
+            {
+                // look up the requested bundle
+                std::string eid = remote_ribd_.find((*i)->sid());
+                const Bundle* b = oracle_->core()->find(bundles,
+                        eid,(*i)->creation_ts(),(*i)->seqno());
+                // ignore failure (after logging)
+                if (b == NULL) 
+                {
+                    LOG(LOG_ERR,"failed to locate bundle for request "
+                        "%u -> %s, %u, %u", (*i)->sid(),
+                        remote_ribd_.find((*i)->sid()).c_str(),
+                        (*i)->creation_ts(),(*i)->seqno());
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // skip if send fails, try again next timeout
+                if (!oracle_->core()->send_bundle(b,next_hop_))
+                {
+                    LOG(LOG_ERR,"failed to send bundle for request "
+                        "%s, %u, %u", remote_ribd_.find((*i)->sid()).c_str(),
+                        (*i)->creation_ts(),(*i)->seqno());
+                    continue;
+                }
+                // update timestamp on outbound data
+                data_sent_ = time(0);
+            }
+            SET_STATE(OFFER);
+            return true;
+        }
+    default:
+        LOG(LOG_ERR,"received response when state_ == %s",
+                state_to_str(state_));
+        break;
+    }
+    return false;
+Encounter::send_hello(HelloTLV::hello_hf_t hf,
+                      ProphetTLV::header_result_t hr,
+                      u_int32_t tid)
+    // Impose a simple flow control; hello_rate_ is set by the constructor
+    // and by handle_hello_tlv
+    if ((state_ != WAIT_NB) &&
+            (hello_rate_ > 0) &&
+            (hf != HelloTLV::RSTACK) &&
+            (time(0) - data_sent_ < timeout_ / hello_rate_) )
+        return true; // don't kill the Encounter, but neither do we
+                     // send this Hello message
+    // Create Hello TLV with hello function hf
+    HelloTLV* ht = new HelloTLV(hf,
+                                oracle_->params()->hello_interval(),
+                                oracle_->core()->local_eid());
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"send_hello(%s,%u)",
+            ht->hf_str(),ht->timer());
+    // Create outbound TLV
+    ProphetTLV* tlv = NULL;
+    PROPHET_TLV(tlv,hr,tid);
+    if (tlv == NULL)
+    {
+        delete ht;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Attach the Hello TLV
+    if (!tlv->add_tlv(ht))
+    {
+        delete ht;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Submit TLV as a bundle to the host bundle core
+    bool ok = send_tlv(tlv);
+    // set flag on SYN sent 
+    if (ok && (hf == HelloTLV::SYN || hf == HelloTLV::SYNACK))
+        synsent_ = true;
+    return ok;
+Encounter::send_dictionary_rib(ProphetTLV::header_result_t hr,
+                               u_int32_t tid)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"send_dictionary_rib");
+    if (state_ != CREATE_DR && state_ != SEND_DR)
+        return false;
+    // figure out which one of us is sender and which is receiver
+    std::string sender, receiver;
+    ASSIGN_ROLES(sender,receiver);
+    // Create the dictionary TLV
+    RIBDTLV* ribdtlv = TLVCreator::ribd(oracle_->core(),
+                                        oracle_->nodes(),
+                                        sender, receiver);
+    if (ribdtlv == NULL) return false;
+    // hold on to that dictionary, for creating RIB and Offer
+    local_ribd_ = ribdtlv->ribd(sender,receiver);
+    local_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+    // Create outbound TLV
+    ProphetTLV* tlv = NULL;
+    PROPHET_TLV(tlv,hr,tid);
+    if (tlv == NULL)
+    {
+        delete ribdtlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Attach the RIBD TLV
+    if (!tlv->add_tlv(ribdtlv))
+    {
+        delete ribdtlv;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    RIBTLV* rib = TLVCreator::rib(oracle_,
+                                  local_ribd_,
+                                  oracle_->params()->relay_node(),
+                                  oracle_->core()->custody_accepted(),
+                                  oracle_->params()->internet_gw());
+    if (rib == NULL)
+    {
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Attach the RIB TLV
+    if (!tlv->add_tlv(rib))
+    {
+        delete rib;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Submit TLV as a bundle to the host bundle core
+    return send_tlv(tlv);
+Encounter::send_offer(ProphetTLV::header_result_t hr,
+                      u_int32_t tid)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"send_offer");
+    remote_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+    // remote nodes is filled in by handle_rib_tlv
+    OfferTLV* offer = TLVCreator::offer(oracle_,
+                                        next_hop_,
+                                        remote_ribd_,
+                                        remote_nodes_);
+    if (offer == NULL) return false;
+    // Create outbound TLV
+    ProphetTLV* tlv = NULL;
+    PROPHET_TLV(tlv,hr,tid);
+    if (tlv == NULL)
+    {
+        delete offer;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Attach the RIBD TLV
+    if (!tlv->add_tlv(offer))
+    {
+        delete offer;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Submit TLV as a bundle to the host bundle core
+    return send_tlv(tlv);
+Encounter::send_response(ProphetTLV::header_result_t hr,
+                         u_int32_t tid)
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"send_response");
+    local_ribd_.dump(oracle_->core(),__FILE__,__LINE__);
+    ResponseTLV* response = TLVCreator::response(oracle_,
+                                                 remote_offers_,
+                                                 local_response_,
+                                                 local_ribd_);
+    if (response == NULL) return false;
+    // Create outbound TLV
+    ProphetTLV* tlv = NULL;
+    PROPHET_TLV(tlv,hr,tid);
+    if (tlv == NULL) 
+    {
+        delete response;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // Attach the RIBD TLV
+    if (!tlv->add_tlv(response)) 
+    {
+        delete response;
+        delete tlv;
+        return false;
+    }
+    // empty response means state change
+    bool wait_info = local_response_.empty();
+    // Submit TLV as a bundle to the host bundle core
+    bool ok = send_tlv(tlv);
+    if (wait_info && ok)
+    return ok;
+Encounter::send_tlv(ProphetTLV* tlv)
+    // weed out the oddball
+    if (tlv == NULL) return false;
+    LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"send_tlv(%u) with %zu TLVs",tid_,tlv->size());
+    // create a new facade bundle with src and dst
+    // expire after HELLO_DEAD interval seconds
+    // (convert from 100's of ms)
+    Bundle* b = oracle_->core()->create_bundle(
+                       tlv->source(),tlv->destination(),
+                       oracle_->params()->hello_dead() *
+                       oracle_->params()->hello_interval() / 10);
+    // create a buffer to move data between Prophet and bundle host, with
+    // some slush factor
+    u_char* buf = new u_char[tlv->length() + 512];
+    size_t len = tlv->serialize(buf,tlv->length() + 512);
+    bool ok = oracle_->core()->write_bundle(b,buf,len);
+    // clean up memory
+    delete [] buf;
+    delete tlv;
+    if (ok)
+    {
+        ok = oracle_->core()->send_bundle(b, next_hop_);
+        if (ok)
+        {
+            // update timestamp
+            data_sent_ = time(0);
+        }
+        else
+            LOG(LOG_ERR,"failed to send TLV");
+    }
+    return ok;
+}; // namespace prophet