changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/gcm/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2006, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
+ The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
+ form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
+   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
+   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
+      built using this software without specific written permission.
+ ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
+ may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
+ in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
+ This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
+ in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
+ and/or fitness for purpose.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Issue 31/01/2006
+ This file provides fast multiplication in GF(128) as required by several
+ cryptographic authentication modes
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "brg_types.h"
+#include "brg_endian.h"
+#include "gf128mul.h"
+#define gf_dat(q) {\
+    q(0x00), q(0x01), q(0x02), q(0x03), q(0x04), q(0x05), q(0x06), q(0x07),\
+    q(0x08), q(0x09), q(0x0a), q(0x0b), q(0x0c), q(0x0d), q(0x0e), q(0x0f),\
+    q(0x10), q(0x11), q(0x12), q(0x13), q(0x14), q(0x15), q(0x16), q(0x17),\
+    q(0x18), q(0x19), q(0x1a), q(0x1b), q(0x1c), q(0x1d), q(0x1e), q(0x1f),\
+    q(0x20), q(0x21), q(0x22), q(0x23), q(0x24), q(0x25), q(0x26), q(0x27),\
+    q(0x28), q(0x29), q(0x2a), q(0x2b), q(0x2c), q(0x2d), q(0x2e), q(0x2f),\
+    q(0x30), q(0x31), q(0x32), q(0x33), q(0x34), q(0x35), q(0x36), q(0x37),\
+    q(0x38), q(0x39), q(0x3a), q(0x3b), q(0x3c), q(0x3d), q(0x3e), q(0x3f),\
+    q(0x40), q(0x41), q(0x42), q(0x43), q(0x44), q(0x45), q(0x46), q(0x47),\
+    q(0x48), q(0x49), q(0x4a), q(0x4b), q(0x4c), q(0x4d), q(0x4e), q(0x4f),\
+    q(0x50), q(0x51), q(0x52), q(0x53), q(0x54), q(0x55), q(0x56), q(0x57),\
+    q(0x58), q(0x59), q(0x5a), q(0x5b), q(0x5c), q(0x5d), q(0x5e), q(0x5f),\
+    q(0x60), q(0x61), q(0x62), q(0x63), q(0x64), q(0x65), q(0x66), q(0x67),\
+    q(0x68), q(0x69), q(0x6a), q(0x6b), q(0x6c), q(0x6d), q(0x6e), q(0x6f),\
+    q(0x70), q(0x71), q(0x72), q(0x73), q(0x74), q(0x75), q(0x76), q(0x77),\
+    q(0x78), q(0x79), q(0x7a), q(0x7b), q(0x7c), q(0x7d), q(0x7e), q(0x7f),\
+    q(0x80), q(0x81), q(0x82), q(0x83), q(0x84), q(0x85), q(0x86), q(0x87),\
+    q(0x88), q(0x89), q(0x8a), q(0x8b), q(0x8c), q(0x8d), q(0x8e), q(0x8f),\
+    q(0x90), q(0x91), q(0x92), q(0x93), q(0x94), q(0x95), q(0x96), q(0x97),\
+    q(0x98), q(0x99), q(0x9a), q(0x9b), q(0x9c), q(0x9d), q(0x9e), q(0x9f),\
+    q(0xa0), q(0xa1), q(0xa2), q(0xa3), q(0xa4), q(0xa5), q(0xa6), q(0xa7),\
+    q(0xa8), q(0xa9), q(0xaa), q(0xab), q(0xac), q(0xad), q(0xae), q(0xaf),\
+    q(0xb0), q(0xb1), q(0xb2), q(0xb3), q(0xb4), q(0xb5), q(0xb6), q(0xb7),\
+    q(0xb8), q(0xb9), q(0xba), q(0xbb), q(0xbc), q(0xbd), q(0xbe), q(0xbf),\
+    q(0xc0), q(0xc1), q(0xc2), q(0xc3), q(0xc4), q(0xc5), q(0xc6), q(0xc7),\
+    q(0xc8), q(0xc9), q(0xca), q(0xcb), q(0xcc), q(0xcd), q(0xce), q(0xcf),\
+    q(0xd0), q(0xd1), q(0xd2), q(0xd3), q(0xd4), q(0xd5), q(0xd6), q(0xd7),\
+    q(0xd8), q(0xd9), q(0xda), q(0xdb), q(0xdc), q(0xdd), q(0xde), q(0xdf),\
+    q(0xe0), q(0xe1), q(0xe2), q(0xe3), q(0xe4), q(0xe5), q(0xe6), q(0xe7),\
+    q(0xe8), q(0xe9), q(0xea), q(0xeb), q(0xec), q(0xed), q(0xee), q(0xef),\
+    q(0xf0), q(0xf1), q(0xf2), q(0xf3), q(0xf4), q(0xf5), q(0xf6), q(0xf7),\
+    q(0xf8), q(0xf9), q(0xfa), q(0xfb), q(0xfc), q(0xfd), q(0xfe), q(0xff) }
+/*  Given the value i in 0..255 as the byte overflow when a field element
+    in GHASH is multipled by x^8, this function will return the values that
+    are generated in the lo 16-bit word of the field value by applying the
+    modular polynomial. The values lo_byte and hi_byte are returned via the
+    macro xp_fun(lo_byte, hi_byte) so that the values can be assembled into
+    memory as required by a suitable definition of this macro operating on
+    the table above
+#  define xx(p,q)   0x##q##p    /* assemble in little endian order */
+#  define xx(p,q)   0x##p##q    /* assemble in big endian order    */
+#define xda(i) (                                              \
+    (i & 0x80 ? xx(e1,00) : 0) ^ (i & 0x40 ? xx(70,80) : 0) ^ \
+    (i & 0x20 ? xx(38,40) : 0) ^ (i & 0x10 ? xx(1c,20) : 0) ^ \
+    (i & 0x08 ? xx(0e,10) : 0) ^ (i & 0x04 ? xx(07,08) : 0) ^ \
+    (i & 0x02 ? xx(03,84) : 0) ^ (i & 0x01 ? xx(01,c2) : 0) )
+const unsigned short gf_tab[256] = gf_dat(xda);
+void gf_mul(void *a, const void* b)
+{   uint_32t r[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2], p[8][GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
+    int i;
+    move_block_aligned(p[0], b);
+    for(i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
+        mul_x(p[i + 1], p[i]);
+    memset(r, 0, GF_BYTE_LEN);
+    for(i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
+    {   unsigned char ch = ((unsigned char*)a)[15 - i];
+        if(i) mul_x8(r);
+        if(ch & 0x80)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[0]);
+        if(ch & 0x40)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[1]);
+        if(ch & 0x20)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[2]);
+        if(ch & 0x10)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[3]);
+        if(ch & 0x08)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[4]);
+        if(ch & 0x04)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[5]);
+        if(ch & 0x02)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[6]);
+        if(ch & 0x01)
+            xor_block_aligned(r, p[7]);
+    }
+    move_block_aligned(a, r);
+#if defined( TABLES_64K )
+void init_64k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
+{   int i, j, k;
+    memset(t, 0, 16 * 256 * 16);
+    for(i = 0; i < GF_BYTE_LEN; ++i)
+    {
+        if(!i)
+        {
+            memcpy(tab64k(t)[0][128], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
+            for(j = 64; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+                mul_x(tab64k(t)[0][j], tab64k(t)[0][j + j]);
+        }
+        else
+            for(j = 128; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+            {
+                memcpy(tab64k(t)[i][j], tab64k(t)[i - 1][j], GF_BYTE_LEN);
+                mul_x8(tab64k(t)[i][j]);
+            }
+        for(j = 2; j < 256; j += j)
+            for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
+            {
+                tab64k(t)[i][j + k][0] = tab64k(t)[i][j][0] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][0];
+                tab64k(t)[i][j + k][1] = tab64k(t)[i][j][1] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][1];
+                tab64k(t)[i][j + k][2] = tab64k(t)[i][j][2] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][2];
+                tab64k(t)[i][j + k][3] = tab64k(t)[i][j][3] ^ tab64k(t)[i][k][3];
+            }
+    }
+#if defined( TABLES_8K )
+void init_8k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
+{   int i, j, k;
+    memset(tab8k(t), 0, 32 * 16 * 16);
+    for(i = 0; i < 2 * GF_BYTE_LEN; ++i)
+    {
+        if(i == 0)
+        {
+            memcpy(tab8k(t)[1][8], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
+            for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+                mul_x(tab8k(t)[1][j], tab8k(t)[1][j + j]);
+            mul_x(tab8k(t)[0][8], tab8k(t)[1][1]);
+            for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+                mul_x(tab8k(t)[0][j], tab8k(t)[0][j + j]);
+        }
+        else if(i > 1)
+            for(j = 8; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+            {
+                memcpy(tab8k(t)[i][j], tab8k(t)[i - 2][j], GF_BYTE_LEN);
+                mul_x8(tab8k(t)[i][j]);
+            }
+        for(j = 2; j < 16; j += j)
+            for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
+            {
+                tab8k(t)[i][j + k][0] = tab8k(t)[i][j][0] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][0];
+                tab8k(t)[i][j + k][1] = tab8k(t)[i][j][1] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][1];
+                tab8k(t)[i][j + k][2] = tab8k(t)[i][j][2] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][2];
+                tab8k(t)[i][j + k][3] = tab8k(t)[i][j][3] ^ tab8k(t)[i][k][3];
+            }
+    }
+#if defined( TABLES_4K )
+void init_4k_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
+{   int j, k;
+    memset(tab4k(t), 0, 256 * 16);
+    memcpy(tab4k(t)[128], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
+    for(j = 64; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+    {
+        mul_x(tab4k(t)[j], tab4k(t)[j + j]);
+    }
+    for(j = 2; j < 256; j += j)
+        for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
+        {
+            tab4k(t)[j + k][0] = tab4k(t)[j][0] ^ tab4k(t)[k][0];
+            tab4k(t)[j + k][1] = tab4k(t)[j][1] ^ tab4k(t)[k][1];
+            tab4k(t)[j + k][2] = tab4k(t)[j][2] ^ tab4k(t)[k][2];
+            tab4k(t)[j + k][3] = tab4k(t)[j][3] ^ tab4k(t)[k][3];
+        }
+#if defined( TABLES_256 )
+void init_256_table(unsigned char g[], void *t)
+{   int j, k;
+    memset(tab256(t), 0, 16 * 16);
+    memcpy(tab256(t)[8], g, GF_BYTE_LEN);
+    for(j = 4; j > 0; j >>= 1)
+    {
+        mul_x(tab256(t)[j], tab256(t)[j + j]);
+    }
+    for(j = 2; j < 16; j += j)
+        for(k = 1; k < j; ++k)
+        {
+            tab256(t)[j + k][0] = tab256(t)[j][0] ^ tab256(t)[k][0];
+            tab256(t)[j + k][1] = tab256(t)[j][1] ^ tab256(t)[k][1];
+            tab256(t)[j + k][2] = tab256(t)[j][2] ^ tab256(t)[k][2];
+            tab256(t)[j + k][3] = tab256(t)[j][3] ^ tab256(t)[k][3];
+        }
+#endif /* BSP_ENABLED */