changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/gcm/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Copyright (c) 1998-2006, Brian Gladman, Worcester, UK. All rights reserved.
+ The free distribution and use of this software in both source and binary
+ form is allowed (with or without changes) provided that:
+   1. distributions of this source code include the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+   2. distributions in binary form include the above copyright
+      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+      in the documentation and/or other associated materials;
+   3. the copyright holder's name is not used to endorse products
+      built using this software without specific written permission.
+ ALTERNATIVELY, provided that this notice is retained in full, this product
+ may be distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL),
+ in which case the provisions of the GPL apply INSTEAD OF those given above.
+ This software is provided 'as is' with no explicit or implied warranties
+ in respect of its properties, including, but not limited to, correctness
+ and/or fitness for purpose.
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Issue Date: 13/06/2006
+ My thanks to John Viega and David McGrew for their support in developing
+ this code and to David for testing it on a big-endain system.
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "gcm.h"
+#include "mode_hdr.h"
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C"
+#define BLOCK_SIZE      GCM_BLOCK_SIZE      /* block length                 */
+#define BLK_ADR_MASK    (BLOCK_SIZE - 1)    /* mask for 'in block' address  */
+#define CTR_POS         12
+#define inc_ctr(x)  \
+    {   int i = BLOCK_SIZE; while(i-- > CTR_POS && !++(ui8_ptr(x)[i])) ; }
+ret_type gcm_init_and_key(                      /* initialise mode and set key  */
+            const unsigned char key[],          /* the key value                */
+            unsigned long key_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+    memset(ctx->ghash_h, 0, sizeof(ctx->ghash_h));
+    /* set the AES key                          */
+    aes_encrypt_key(key, key_len, ctx->aes);
+    /* compute E(0) (for the hash function)     */
+    aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ctx->aes);
+#if defined( TABLES_64K )
+    init_64k_table(ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ctx->gf_t64k);
+#elif defined( TABLES_8K )
+    init_8k_table(ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ctx->gf_t8k);
+#elif defined( TABLES_4K )
+    init_4k_table(ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ctx->gf_t4k);
+#elif defined( TABLES_256 )
+    init_256_table(ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h), ctx->gf_t256);
+    return RETURN_OK;
+#if defined( TABLES_64K )
+#define gf_mul_hh(a, ctx, scr)  gf_mul_64k(a, ctx->gf_t64k, scr)
+#elif defined( TABLES_8K )
+#define gf_mul_hh(a, ctx, scr)  gf_mul_8k(a, ctx->gf_t8k, scr)
+#elif defined( TABLES_4K )
+#define gf_mul_hh(a, ctx, scr)  gf_mul_4k(a, ctx->gf_t4k, scr)
+#elif defined( TABLES_256 )
+#define gf_mul_hh(a, ctx, scr)  gf_mul_256(a, ctx->gf_t256, scr)
+#define gf_mul_hh(a, ctx, scr)  gf_mul(a, ui8_ptr(ctx->ghash_h))
+ret_type gcm_init_message(                      /* initialise a new message     */
+            const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
+            unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_32t i, n_pos = 0, scratch[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
+    uint_8t *p;
+    memset(ctx->ctr_val, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
+    if(iv_len == CTR_POS)
+    {
+        memcpy(ctx->ctr_val, iv, CTR_POS); ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val)[15] = 0x01;
+    }
+    else
+    {   n_pos = iv_len;
+        while(n_pos >= BLOCK_SIZE)
+        {
+            xor_block_aligned(ctx->ctr_val, iv);
+            n_pos -= BLOCK_SIZE;
+            iv += BLOCK_SIZE;
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ctx, scratch);
+        }
+        if(n_pos)
+        {
+            p = ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val);
+            while(n_pos-- > 0)
+                *p++ ^= *iv++;
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ctx, scratch);
+        }
+        n_pos = (iv_len << 3);
+        for(i = BLOCK_SIZE - 1; n_pos; --i, n_pos >>= 8)
+            ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val)[i] ^= (unsigned char)n_pos;
+        gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ctx, scratch);
+    }
+    ctx->y0_val = *ui32_ptr(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val) + CTR_POS);
+    inc_ctr(ctx->ctr_val);
+    memset(ctx->hdr_ghv, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
+    memset(ctx->txt_ghv, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
+    ctx->hdr_cnt = 0;
+    ctx->txt_ccnt = ctx->txt_acnt = 0;
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_auth_header(                       /* authenticate the header      */
+            const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
+            unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_32t cnt = 0, b_pos = (uint_32t)ctx->hdr_cnt & BLK_ADR_MASK;
+    uint_32t scratch[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
+    if(!hdr_len)
+        return RETURN_OK;
+    if(ctx->hdr_cnt && b_pos == 0)
+        gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+    while(cnt < hdr_len && (b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK))
+        ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= hdr[cnt++];
+    if(!(b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK) && !((hdr + cnt - ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)) & BUF_ADRMASK))
+    {
+        while(cnt + BUF_INC <= hdr_len && b_pos <= BLOCK_SIZE - BUF_INC)
+        {
+            *unit_ptr(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv) + b_pos) ^= *unit_ptr(hdr + cnt);
+            cnt += BUF_INC; b_pos += BUF_INC;
+        }
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= hdr_len)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            xor_block_aligned(ctx->hdr_ghv, hdr + cnt);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        while(cnt < hdr_len && b_pos < BLOCK_SIZE)
+            ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= hdr[cnt++];
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= hdr_len)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            xor_block(ctx->hdr_ghv, hdr + cnt);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    while(cnt < hdr_len)
+    {
+        if(b_pos == BLOCK_SIZE)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            b_pos = 0;
+        }
+        ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= hdr[cnt++];
+    }
+    ctx->hdr_cnt += cnt;
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_auth_data(                         /* authenticate ciphertext data */
+            const unsigned char data[],         /* the data buffer              */
+            unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_32t cnt = 0, b_pos = (uint_32t)(ctx->txt_acnt & BLK_ADR_MASK);
+    uint_32t scratch[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
+    if(!data_len)
+        return RETURN_OK;
+    if(ctx->txt_acnt && b_pos == 0)
+        gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+    while(cnt < data_len && (b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK))
+        ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= data[cnt++];
+    if(!(b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK) && !((data + cnt - ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv)) & BUF_ADRMASK))
+    {
+        while(cnt + BUF_INC <= data_len && b_pos <= BLOCK_SIZE - BUF_INC)
+        {
+            *unit_ptr(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv) + b_pos) ^= *unit_ptr(data + cnt);
+            cnt += BUF_INC; b_pos += BUF_INC;
+        }
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= data_len)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            xor_block_aligned(ctx->txt_ghv, data + cnt);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        while(cnt < data_len && b_pos < BLOCK_SIZE)
+            ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= data[cnt++];
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= data_len)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            xor_block(ctx->txt_ghv, data + cnt);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    while(cnt < data_len)
+    {
+        if(b_pos == BLOCK_SIZE)
+        {
+            gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+            b_pos = 0;
+        }
+        ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv)[b_pos++] ^= data[cnt++];
+    }
+    ctx->txt_acnt += cnt;
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_crypt_data(                        /* encrypt or decrypt data      */
+            unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
+            unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_32t cnt = 0, b_pos = (uint_32t)(ctx->txt_ccnt & BLK_ADR_MASK);
+    if(!data_len)
+        return RETURN_OK;
+    if(b_pos == 0)
+    {
+        aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr), ctx->aes);
+        inc_ctr(ctx->ctr_val);
+    }
+    while(cnt < data_len && (b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK))
+        data[cnt++] ^= ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr)[b_pos++];
+    if(!(b_pos & BUF_ADRMASK) && !((data + cnt - ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr)) & BUF_ADRMASK))
+    {
+        while(cnt + BUF_INC <= data_len && b_pos <= BLOCK_SIZE - BUF_INC)
+        {
+            *unit_ptr(data + cnt) ^= *unit_ptr(ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr) + b_pos);
+            cnt += BUF_INC; b_pos += BUF_INC;
+        }
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= data_len)
+        {
+            aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr), ctx->aes);
+            inc_ctr(ctx->ctr_val);
+            xor_block_aligned(data + cnt, ctx->enc_ctr);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        while(cnt < data_len && b_pos < BLOCK_SIZE)
+            data[cnt++] ^= ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr)[b_pos++];
+        while(cnt + BLOCK_SIZE <= data_len)
+        {
+            aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr), ctx->aes);
+            inc_ctr(ctx->ctr_val);
+            xor_block(data + cnt, ctx->enc_ctr);
+            cnt += BLOCK_SIZE;
+        }
+    }
+    while(cnt < data_len)
+    {
+        if(b_pos == BLOCK_SIZE)
+        {
+            aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr), ctx->aes);
+            inc_ctr(ctx->ctr_val);
+            b_pos = 0;
+        }
+        data[cnt++] ^= ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr)[b_pos++];
+    }
+    ctx->txt_ccnt += cnt;
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_compute_tag(                       /* compute authentication tag   */
+            unsigned char tag[],                /* the buffer for the tag       */
+            unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_32t i, ln, scratch[GF_BYTE_LEN >> 2];
+    uint_8t tbuf[BLOCK_SIZE];
+    if(ctx->txt_acnt != ctx->txt_ccnt && ctx->txt_ccnt > 0)
+        return RETURN_ERROR;
+    gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+    gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+#if 1   /* alternative versions of the exponentiation operation */
+    if(ctx->hdr_cnt && (ln = (uint_32t)((ctx->txt_acnt + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE)))
+    {
+        memcpy(tbuf, ctx->ghash_h, BLOCK_SIZE);
+        for( ; ; )
+        {
+            if(ln & 1) gf_mul(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), tbuf);
+            if(!(ln >>= 1)) break;
+            gf_mul(tbuf, tbuf);
+        }
+    }
+#else   /* this one seems slower on x86 and x86_64 :-( */
+    if(ctx->hdr_cnt && (ln = (uint_32t)((ctx->txt_acnt + BLOCK_SIZE - 1) / BLOCK_SIZE)))
+    {
+        i = ln | ln >> 1; i |= i >> 2; i |= i >> 4;
+        i |= i >> 8; i |= i >> 16; i = i & ~(i >> 1);
+        memset(tbuf, 0, BLOCK_SIZE);
+        tbuf[0] = 0x80;
+        while(i)
+        {
+            gf_mul(tbuf, tbuf);
+            if(i & ln)
+                gf_mul_hh(tbuf, ctx, scratch);
+            i >>= 1;
+        }
+        gf_mul(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), tbuf);
+    }
+    i = BLOCK_SIZE; ln = (uint_32t)(ctx->txt_acnt << 3);
+    while(i-- > 0)
+    {
+        ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)[i] ^= ui8_ptr(ctx->txt_ghv)[i] ^ (unsigned char)ln;
+        ln = (i == 8 ? (uint_32t)(ctx->hdr_cnt << 3) : ln >> 8);
+    }
+    gf_mul_hh(ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv), ctx, scratch);
+    *ui32_ptr(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val) + CTR_POS) = ctx->y0_val;
+    aes_encrypt(ui8_ptr(ctx->ctr_val), ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr), ctx->aes);
+    for(i = 0; i < (unsigned int)tag_len; ++i)
+        tag[i] = ui8_ptr(ctx->hdr_ghv)[i] ^ ui8_ptr(ctx->enc_ctr)[i];
+    return (ctx->txt_ccnt == ctx->txt_acnt ? RETURN_OK : RETURN_WARN);
+ret_type gcm_end(                               /* clean up and end operation   */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+    memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(gcm_ctx));
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_encrypt(                           /* encrypt & authenticate data  */
+            unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
+            unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+    gcm_crypt_data(data, data_len, ctx);
+    gcm_auth_data(data, data_len, ctx);
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_decrypt(                           /* authenticate & decrypt data  */
+            unsigned char data[],               /* the data buffer              */
+            unsigned long data_len,             /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+    gcm_auth_data(data, data_len, ctx);
+    gcm_crypt_data(data, data_len, ctx);
+    return RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_encrypt_message(                   /* encrypt an entire message    */
+            const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
+            unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
+            const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
+            unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            unsigned char msg[],                /* the message buffer           */
+            unsigned long msg_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            unsigned char tag[],                /* the buffer for the tag       */
+            unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+    gcm_init_message(iv, iv_len, ctx);
+    gcm_auth_header(hdr, hdr_len, ctx);
+    gcm_encrypt(msg, msg_len, ctx);
+    return gcm_compute_tag(tag, tag_len, ctx) ? RETURN_ERROR : RETURN_OK;
+ret_type gcm_decrypt_message(                   /* decrypt an entire message    */
+            const unsigned char iv[],           /* the initialisation vector    */
+            unsigned long iv_len,               /* and its length in bytes      */
+            const unsigned char hdr[],          /* the header buffer            */
+            unsigned long hdr_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            unsigned char msg[],                /* the message buffer           */
+            unsigned long msg_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            const unsigned char tag[],          /* the buffer for the tag       */
+            unsigned long tag_len,              /* and its length in bytes      */
+            gcm_ctx ctx[1])                     /* the mode context             */
+{   uint_8t local_tag[BLOCK_SIZE];
+    ret_type rr;
+    gcm_init_message(iv, iv_len, ctx);
+    gcm_auth_header(hdr, hdr_len, ctx);
+    gcm_decrypt(msg, msg_len, ctx);
+    rr = gcm_compute_tag(local_tag, tag_len, ctx);
+    return (rr != RETURN_OK || memcmp(tag, local_tag, tag_len)) ? RETURN_ERROR : RETURN_OK;
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+#endif /* BSP_ENABLED */