changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/conv_layers/StreamConvergenceLayer.h	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+ *    Copyright 2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "ConnectionConvergenceLayer.h"
+#include "CLConnection.h"
+namespace dtn {
+ * Another shared-implementation convergence layer class for use with
+ * reliable, in-order delivery protocols (i.e. TCP, SCTP, and
+ * Bluetooth RFCOMM). The goal is to share as much functionality as
+ * possible between protocols that have in-order, reliable, delivery
+ * semantics.
+ *
+ * For the protocol, bundles are broken up into configurable-sized
+ * segments that are sent sequentially. Only a single bundle is
+ * inflight on the wire at one time (i.e. we don't interleave segments
+ * from different bundles). When segment acknowledgements are enabled
+ * (the default behavior), the receiving node sends an acknowledgement
+ * for each segment of the bundle that was received.
+ *
+ * Keepalive messages are sent back and forth to ensure that the
+ * connection remains open. In the case of on demand links, a
+ * configurable idle timer is maintained to close the link when no
+ * bundle traffic has been sent or received. Links that are expected
+ * to be open but have broken due to underlying network conditions
+ * (i.e. always on and on demand links) are reopened by a timer that
+ * is managed by the contact manager.
+ *
+ * Flow control is managed through the poll callbacks given by the
+ * base class CLConnection. In send_pending_data, we check if there
+ * are any acks that need to be sent, then check if there are bundle
+ * segments to be sent (i.e. acks are given priority). The only
+ * exception to this is that the connection might be write blocked in
+ * the middle of sending a data segment. In that case, we must first
+ * finish transmitting the current segment before sending any other
+ * acks (or the shutdown message), otherwise those messages will be
+ * consumed as part of the payload.
+ *
+ * To make sure that we don't deadlock with the other side, we always
+ * drain any data that is ready on the channel. All incoming messages
+ * mark state in the appropriate data structures (i.e. InFlightList
+ * and IncomingList), then rely on send_pending_data to send the
+ * appropriate responses.
+ *
+ * The InflightBundle is used to record state about bundle
+ * transmissions. To record the segments that have been sent, we fill
+ * in the sent_data_ sparse bitmap with the range of bytes as we send
+ * segments out. As acks arrive, we extend the ack_data_ field to
+ * match. Once the whole bundle is acked, the entry is removed from
+ * the InFlightList.
+ *
+ * The IncomingBundle is used to record state about bundle reception.
+ * The rcvd_data_ bitmap is extended contiguously with the amount of
+ * data that has been received, including partially received segments.
+ * To track segments that we have received but haven't yet acked, we
+ * set a single bit for the offset of the end of the segment in the
+ * ack_data_ bitmap. We also separately record the total range of acks
+ * that have been previously sent in acked_length_. As we send acks
+ * out, we clear away the bits in ack_data_
+ */
+class StreamConvergenceLayer : public ConnectionConvergenceLayer {
+    /**
+     * Constructor
+     */
+    StreamConvergenceLayer(const char* logpath, const char* cl_name,
+                           u_int8_t cl_version);
+    /**
+     * Values for ContactHeader flags.
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        SEGMENT_ACK_ENABLED   = 1 << 0,	///< segment acks requested
+        REACTIVE_FRAG_ENABLED = 1 << 1,	///< reactive fragmentation enabled
+        NEGATIVE_ACK_ENABLED  = 1 << 2,	///< refuse bundle enabled
+    } contact_header_flags_t;
+    /**
+     * Contact initiation header. Sent at the beginning of a contact. 
+     */
+    struct ContactHeader {
+        u_int32_t magic;		///< magic word (MAGIC: "dtn!")
+        u_int8_t  version;		///< cl protocol version
+        u_int8_t  flags;		///< connection flags (see above)
+        u_int16_t keepalive_interval;	///< seconds between keepalive packets
+        // SDNV   local_eid_length           local eid length
+        // byte[] local_eid                  local eid data
+    } __attribute__((packed));
+    /**
+     * Valid type codes for the protocol messages, shifted into the
+     * high-order four bits of the byte. The lower four bits are used
+     * for per-message flags, defined below.
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        DATA_SEGMENT	= 0x1 << 4,	///< a segment of bundle data
+                                        ///< (followed by a SDNV segment length)
+        ACK_SEGMENT	= 0x2 << 4,	///< acknowledgement of a segment
+                                        ///< (followed by a SDNV ack length)
+        REFUSE_BUNDLE	= 0x3 << 4,	///< reject reception of current bundle
+        KEEPALIVE	= 0x4 << 4,	///< keepalive packet
+        SHUTDOWN	= 0x5 << 4,	///< about to shutdown
+    } msg_type_t;
+    /**
+     * Valid flags for the DATA_SEGMENT message.
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        BUNDLE_START	= 0x1 << 1,	///< First segment of a bundle
+        BUNDLE_END	= 0x1 << 0,	///< Last segment of a bundle
+    } data_segment_flags_t;
+    /**
+     * Valid flags for the SHUTDOWN message.
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        SHUTDOWN_HAS_REASON = 0x1 << 1,	///< Has reason code
+        SHUTDOWN_HAS_DELAY  = 0x1 << 0,	///< Has reconnect delay
+    } shutdown_flags_t;
+    /**
+     * Values for the SHUTDOWN reason codes
+     */
+    typedef enum {
+        SHUTDOWN_NO_REASON	  = 0xff, ///< no reason code (never sent)
+        SHUTDOWN_IDLE_TIMEOUT 	  = 0x0,  ///< idle connection
+        SHUTDOWN_VERSION_MISMATCH = 0x1,  ///< version mismatch
+        SHUTDOWN_BUSY  		  = 0x2,  ///< node is busy
+    } shutdown_reason_t;
+    /**
+     * Convert a reason code to a string.
+     */
+    static const char* shutdown_reason_to_str(shutdown_reason_t reason)
+    {
+        switch (reason) {
+        case SHUTDOWN_NO_REASON: 	return "no reason";
+        case SHUTDOWN_IDLE_TIMEOUT: 	return "idle connection";
+        case SHUTDOWN_VERSION_MISMATCH: return "version mismatch";
+        case SHUTDOWN_BUSY: 		return "node is busy";
+        }
+        NOTREACHED;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Link parameters shared among all stream based convergence layers.
+     */
+    class StreamLinkParams : public ConnectionConvergenceLayer::LinkParams {
+    public:
+        bool  segment_ack_enabled_;	///< Use per-segment acks
+        bool  negative_ack_enabled_;	///< Enable negative acks
+        u_int keepalive_interval_;	///< Seconds between keepalive packets
+        u_int segment_length_;		///< Maximum size of transmitted segments
+    protected:
+        // See comment in LinkParams for why this should be protected
+        StreamLinkParams(bool init_defaults);
+    };
+    /**
+     * Version of the actual CL protocol.
+     */
+    u_int8_t cl_version_;
+    /**
+     * Stream connection class.
+     */
+    class Connection : public CLConnection {
+    public:
+        /**
+         * Constructor.
+         */
+        Connection(const char* classname,
+                   const char* logpath,
+                   StreamConvergenceLayer* cl,
+                   StreamLinkParams* params,
+                   bool active_connector);
+        /// @{ virtual from CLConnection
+        bool send_pending_data();
+        void handle_bundles_queued();
+        void handle_cancel_bundle(Bundle* bundle);
+        void handle_poll_timeout();
+        void break_contact(ContactEvent::reason_t reason);
+        /// @}
+    protected:
+        /**
+         * Hook used to tell the derived CL class to drain data out of
+         * the send buffer.
+         */
+        virtual void send_data() = 0;
+        /// @{ utility functions used by derived classes
+        void initiate_contact();
+        void process_data();
+        void check_keepalive();
+        /// @}
+    private:
+        /// @{ utility functions used internally in this class
+        void note_data_rcvd();
+        void note_data_sent();
+        bool send_pending_acks();
+        bool start_next_bundle();
+        bool send_next_segment(InFlightBundle* inflight);
+        bool send_data_todo(InFlightBundle* inflight);
+        bool finish_bundle(InFlightBundle* inflight);
+        void check_completed(InFlightBundle* inflight);
+        void send_keepalive();
+        void handle_contact_initiation();
+        bool handle_data_segment(u_int8_t flags);
+        bool handle_data_todo();
+        bool handle_ack_segment(u_int8_t flags);
+        bool handle_refuse_bundle(u_int8_t flags);
+        bool handle_keepalive(u_int8_t flags);
+        bool handle_shutdown(u_int8_t flags);
+        void check_completed(IncomingBundle* incoming);
+        /// @}
+        /**
+         * Utility function to downcast the params_ pointer that's
+         * stored in the CLConnection parent class.
+         */
+        StreamLinkParams* stream_lparams()
+        {
+            StreamLinkParams* ret = dynamic_cast<StreamLinkParams*>(params_);
+            ASSERT(ret != NULL);
+            return ret;
+        }
+    protected:
+        InFlightBundle* current_inflight_; ///< Current bundle that's in flight 
+        size_t send_segment_todo_; 	///< Bytes left to send of current segment
+        size_t recv_segment_todo_; 	///< Bytes left to recv of current segment
+        struct timeval data_rcvd_;	///< Timestamp for idle/keepalive timer
+        struct timeval data_sent_;	///< Timestamp for idle timer
+        struct timeval keepalive_sent_;	///< Timestamp for keepalive timer
+        bool breaking_contact_;		///< Bit to catch multiple calls to
+                                        ///< break_contact 
+        bool contact_initiated_; //< bit to prevent certain actions before
+    	                             //< contact is initiated
+    };
+    /// For some gcc variants, this typedef seems to be needed
+    typedef ConnectionConvergenceLayer::LinkParams LinkParams;
+    /// @{ Virtual from ConvergenceLayer
+    void dump_link(const LinkRef& link, oasys::StringBuffer* buf);
+    /// @}
+    /// @{ Virtual from ConnectionConvergenceLayer
+    bool parse_link_params(LinkParams* params,
+                           int argc, const char** argv,
+                           const char** invalidp);
+    bool finish_init_link(const LinkRef& link, LinkParams* params);
+    /// @}
+} // namespace dtn