changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/conv_layers/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
+ *    Copyright 2010 Trinity College Dublin
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+/// TODO:
+/// - send/receipt of >1 bundle in one LTP block
+/// - add LTP configuration file support with good defaults
+/// - figure out if anything leaks between LTPlib and DTN2
+/// - maybe try speed up UDP packet sending in LTPlib, probably a bit slow now 
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <oasys/io/NetUtils.h>
+#include <oasys/thread/Timer.h>
+#include <oasys/util/OptParser.h>
+#include <oasys/util/StringBuffer.h>
+#include "LTPConvergenceLayer.h"
+#include "bundling/Bundle.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleEvent.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleList.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleProtocol.h"
+#include "contacts/ContactManager.h"
+namespace dtn{
+struct LTPConvergenceLayer::Params LTPConvergenceLayer::defaults_;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::Params::serialize(oasys::SerializeAction *a)
+    a->process("local_addr", oasys::InAddrPtr(&local_addr_));
+    a->process("remote_addr", oasys::InAddrPtr(&remote_addr_));
+    a->process("local_port", &local_port_);
+    a->process("remote_port", &remote_port_);
+	a->process("mtu",&mtu_);
+LTPConvergenceLayer::LTPConvergenceLayer() : IPConvergenceLayer("LTPConvergenceLayer", "ltp")
+    defaults_.local_addr_               = INADDR_ANY;
+    defaults_.local_port_               = LTPCL_DEFAULT_PORT;
+    defaults_.remote_addr_              = INADDR_NONE;
+    defaults_.remote_port_              = 0;
+    defaults_.mtu_              = 0;
+	ltp_inited=false;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::parse_params(Params* params,
+                                  int argc, const char** argv,
+                                  const char** invalidp)
+    oasys::OptParser p;
+    p.addopt(new oasys::InAddrOpt("local_addr", &params->local_addr_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::UInt16Opt("local_port", &params->local_port_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::InAddrOpt("remote_addr", &params->remote_addr_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::UInt16Opt("remote_port", &params->remote_port_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::UInt16Opt("mtu", &params->mtu_));
+    if (! p.parse(argc, argv, invalidp)) {
+        return false;
+    }
+	// initialise LTPlib
+	if (!ltp_inited) {
+		int rv=ltp_init();
+		if (rv) {
+			log_err("LTP initialisation error: %d\n",rv);
+		} else {
+			log_debug("LTP initialised.\n");
+			ltp_inited=true;
+		}
+	}
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::interface_up(Interface* iface,
+                                  int argc, const char* argv[])
+    log_debug("LTP adding interface %s", iface->name().c_str());
+	iface_  = iface;
+	// initialise LTPlib
+	if (!ltp_inited) {
+		int rv=ltp_init();
+		if (rv) {
+			log_err("LTP initialisation error: %d\n",rv);
+		} else {
+			log_debug("LTP initialised.\n");
+			ltp_inited=true;
+		}
+	}
+    // parse options (including overrides for the local_addr and
+    // local_port settings from the defaults)
+    Params params = LTPConvergenceLayer::defaults_;
+    const char* invalid;
+    if (!parse_params(&params, argc, argv, &invalid)) {
+        log_err("LTP error parsing interface options: invalid option '%s'",
+                invalid);
+        return false;
+    }
+    // check that the local interface / port are valid
+    if (params.local_addr_ == INADDR_NONE) {
+        log_err("LTP invalid local address setting of 0");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (params.local_port_ == 0) {
+        log_err("LTP invalid local port setting of 0");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // create a new server socket for the requested interface
+    Receiver* receiver = new Receiver(&params);
+    receiver->logpathf("%s/iface/%s", logpath_, iface->name().c_str());
+	str2ltpaddr((char*)intoa(params.local_addr_),&receiver->listener);
+	receiver->listener.sock.sin_port=params.local_port_;
+	receiver->start();
+    // store the new listener object in the cl specific portion of the
+    // interface
+    iface->set_cl_info(receiver);
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::interface_down(Interface* iface)
+    // grab the listener object, set a flag for the thread to stop and
+    // then close the socket out from under it, which should cause the
+    // thread to break out of the blocking call to accept() and
+    // terminate itself
+    Receiver* receiver = (Receiver*)iface->cl_info();
+    receiver->set_should_stop();
+    delete receiver;
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::dump_interface(Interface* iface,
+                                    oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    Params* params = &((Receiver*)iface->cl_info())->params_;
+    buf->appendf("\tlocal_addr: %s local_port: %d\n",
+                 intoa(params->local_addr_), params->local_port_);
+    if (params->remote_addr_ != INADDR_NONE) {
+        buf->appendf("\tconnected remote_addr: %s remote_port: %d\n",
+                     intoa(params->remote_addr_), params->remote_port_);
+    } else {
+        buf->appendf("\tnot connected\n");
+    }
+LTPConvergenceLayer::init_link(const LinkRef& link,
+                               int argc, const char* argv[])
+    in_addr_t addr;
+    u_int16_t port = 0;
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() == NULL);
+    log_info("LTP adding %s link %s", link->type_str(), link->nexthop());
+	int lmtu=link->params().mtu_;
+	// initialise LTPlib
+	if (!ltp_inited) {
+		int rv=ltp_init();
+		if (rv) {
+			log_err("LTP initialisation error: %d\n",rv);
+		} else {
+			log_debug("LTP initialised.\n");
+			ltp_inited=true;
+		}
+	}
+    // Parse the nexthop address but don't bail if the parsing fails,
+    // since the remote host may not be resolvable at initialization
+    // time and we retry in open_contact
+    parse_nexthop(link->nexthop(), &addr, &port);
+    // Create a new parameters structure, parse the options, and store
+    // them in the link's cl info slot
+    Params* params = new Params(defaults_);
+    params->local_addr_ = INADDR_NONE;
+    params->local_port_ = 0;
+    params->mtu_ = lmtu;
+    const char* invalid;
+    if (! parse_params(params, argc, argv, &invalid)) {
+        log_err("LTP error parsing link options: invalid option '%s'", invalid);
+        delete params;
+        return false;
+    }
+    link->set_cl_info(params);
+    log_debug("LTP Link init'd, local: %s:%d, remote: %s:%d",
+		intoa(params->local_addr_),params->local_port_,
+		intoa(params->remote_addr_),params->remote_port_);
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::delete_link(const LinkRef& link)
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    log_debug("LTP LTPConvergenceLayer::delete_link: "
+              "deleting link %s", link->name());
+    delete link->cl_info();
+    link->set_cl_info(NULL);
+LTPConvergenceLayer::dump_link(const LinkRef& link, oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    Params* params = (Params*)link->cl_info();
+    buf->appendf("\tlocal_addr: %s local_port: %d\n",
+                 intoa(params->local_addr_), params->local_port_);
+    buf->appendf("\tremote_addr: %s remote_port: %d\n",
+                 intoa(params->remote_addr_), params->remote_port_);
+LTPConvergenceLayer::open_contact(const ContactRef& contact)
+    in_addr_t addr;
+    u_int16_t port;
+    LinkRef link = contact->link();
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    log_info("LTP opening contact for link *%p", link.object());
+    // parse out the address / port from the nexthop address
+    if (! parse_nexthop(link->nexthop(), &addr, &port)) {
+        log_err("LTP invalid next hop address '%s'", link->nexthop());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // make sure it's really a valid address
+    if (addr == INADDR_ANY || addr == INADDR_NONE) {
+        log_err("LTP can't lookup hostname in next hop address '%s'",
+                link->nexthop());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // if the port wasn't specified, use the default
+    if (port == 0) {
+        port = LTPCL_DEFAULT_PORT;
+    }
+    Params* params = (Params*)link->cl_info();
+    // create a new sender structure
+    Sender* sender = new Sender(link->contact());
+    if (!sender->init(params, addr, port)) {
+        log_err("LTP error initializing contact");
+        BundleDaemon::post(
+            new LinkStateChangeRequest(link, Link::UNAVAILABLE,
+                                       ContactEvent::NO_INFO));
+        delete sender;
+        return false;
+    }
+    contact->set_cl_info(sender);
+    BundleDaemon::post(new ContactUpEvent(link->contact()));
+    // XXX/demmer should this assert that there's nothing on the link
+    // queue??
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::close_contact(const ContactRef& contact)
+    Sender* sender = (Sender*)contact->cl_info();
+    log_info("LTP: close_contact *%p", contact.object());
+    if (sender) {
+        delete sender;
+        contact->set_cl_info(NULL);
+    }
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::bundle_queued(const LinkRef& link, const BundleRef& bundle)
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    const ContactRef& contact = link->contact();
+    Sender* sender = (Sender*)contact->cl_info();
+    if (!sender) {
+        log_crit("LTP send_bundles called on contact *%p with no Sender!!",
+                 contact.object());
+        return;
+    }
+    ASSERT(contact == sender->contact_);
+    int len = sender->send_bundle(bundle);
+    if (len > 0) {
+        link->del_from_queue(bundle, len);
+        link->add_to_inflight(bundle, len);
+        BundleDaemon::post(
+            new BundleTransmittedEvent(bundle.object(), contact, link, len, 0));
+    }
+LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::Receiver(LTPConvergenceLayer::Params *params)
+    : Logger("LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver",
+             "/dtn/cl/ltp/receiver/%p", this),
+      Thread("LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver")
+    logfd_  = false;
+    params_ = *params;
+    should_stop_ = false;
+    s_sock = 0;
+	lmtu = params->mtu_;
+    // start our thread
+void LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::set_should_stop() {
+	should_stop_ = true;
+bool LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::should_stop() {
+	return should_stop_;
+void LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::set_sock(int sockval) {
+	s_sock = sockval;
+int LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::get_sock() {
+	return s_sock;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::Sender::Sender(const ContactRef& contact)
+    : Logger("LTPConvergenceLayer::Sender",
+             "/dtn/cl/ltp/sender/%p", this),
+      contact_(contact.object(), "LTPConvergenceLayer::Sender")
+LTPConvergenceLayer::Sender::init(Params* params,
+                                  in_addr_t addr, u_int16_t port)
+	params_ = params;
+	/// set the source
+	str2ltpaddr((char*)intoa(params->local_addr_),&source);
+	source.sock.sin_port=params->local_port_;
+	// set the destination 
+	str2ltpaddr((char*)intoa(addr),&dest);
+	dest.sock.sin_port=port;
+	lmtu=params->mtu_;
+	char *sstr=strdup(ltpaddr2str(&source));
+	char *dstr=strdup(ltpaddr2str(&dest));
+	log_debug("LTP Sender src: %s, dest: %s\n",sstr,dstr);
+	free(sstr);free(dstr);
+    return true;
+LTPConvergenceLayer::Sender::send_bundle(const BundleRef& bundle)
+    BlockInfoVec* blocks = bundle->xmit_blocks()->find_blocks(contact_->link());
+    ASSERT(blocks != NULL);
+    bool complete = false;
+	//this is creating the bundle and returning the length
+    size_t total_len = BundleProtocol::total_length(blocks);
+	u_char *inbuf=(u_char*)calloc (sizeof(char),total_len+1);
+	if ( !inbuf) return(-1);
+	total_len = BundleProtocol::produce(bundle.object(), blocks,
+                                               inbuf, 0, total_len,
+                                               &complete);
+	log_debug("LTP send_bundle, sending %d bytes to %s",
+			total_len,ltpaddr2str(&dest));
+	///code below is a simple test to check ltplib api calls
+	size_t rv;
+	/// unused value in the sendto function?
+	static int flags = 0;
+	sock = ltp_socket(AF_LTP,SOCK_LTP_SESSION,0);
+	log_debug("LTP Socket: %d",sock);
+	// need to set the LTP_SO_LINGER sockopt, (its default is false)
+	// we know we can tx the data segments (since the LTPCL link is 
+	// only up when that's true), but we don't know if reports can 
+	// be done in time and we don't want the ltp_close to result 
+	// in sending cancel segments
+	int foo=1; // sockopt parameter
+	rv=ltp_setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,LTP_SO_LINGER,&foo,sizeof(foo));
+	if (rv) { 
+		log_err("LTP ltp_setsockopt for SO_LINGER failed.\n");
+		free(inbuf);
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	// if the params mtu is set to other than zero then pass it on
+	if (lmtu > 0 ) {
+		log_debug("LTP Tx: setting LTP mtu to %d",lmtu);
+		rv=ltp_setsockopt(sock,SOL_SOCKET,LTP_SO_L2MTU,&lmtu,sizeof(lmtu));
+		if (rv) {
+			log_err("LTP ltp_setsockopt for SO_L2MTU failed.\n");
+			free(inbuf);
+			return(-1);
+		}
+	} else {
+		log_debug("LTP Tx: not setting LTP mtu 'cause its %d",lmtu);
+	}
+	///bind
+	rv = ltp_bind(sock,(ltpaddr*)&source,sizeof(source));
+	if (rv) { 
+		log_err("LTP ltp_bind failed.\n");
+		free(inbuf);
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	// set local idea of who I am
+	rv=ltp_set_whoiam(&source);
+	if (rv) { 
+		log_err("LTP ltp_set_whoiam failed.\n");
+		free(inbuf);
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	rv = ltp_sendto(sock,inbuf,total_len,flags,(ltpaddr*)&dest,sizeof(dest));
+	if (rv!=total_len) {
+		log_err("LTP ltp_sendto failed: %d\n",rv);
+		free(inbuf);
+		return(-1);
+	}
+	ltp_close(sock);
+	free(inbuf);
+	log_debug("LTP sent bundle apparently ok");
+	return(total_len);
+void LTPConvergenceLayer::Receiver::run() 
+    int ret;
+	int rv;
+    int s_sock=ltp_socket(AF_LTP,SOCK_LTP_SESSION,0);
+    if (!s_sock) {
+    	return;
+	}
+	// if the params mtu is set to other than zero then pass it on
+	if (lmtu > 0 ) {
+		log_debug("LTP Rx: setting LTP mtu to %d",lmtu);
+		rv=ltp_setsockopt(s_sock,SOL_SOCKET,LTP_SO_L2MTU,&lmtu,sizeof(lmtu));
+		if (rv) {
+			log_err("LTP ltp_setsockopt for SO_L2MTU failed.\n");
+			return;
+		}
+	} else {
+		log_debug("LTP Rx: not setting LTP mtu 'cause its %d",lmtu);
+	}
+	rv=ltp_bind(s_sock,&listener,sizeof(ltpaddr));
+	if (rv) { 
+		ltp_close(s_sock); 
+    	return;
+	} 
+/// TODO: make this a parameter
+	ltpaddr listeners[MAXLTPLISTENERS];
+	int nlisteners;
+	int lastlisteners=-1;
+#define START_INPUTBUNDLE 0x10000
+    size_t rxbufsize = START_INPUTBUNDLE;
+	bool buf2free=true;
+    u_char *buf;
+	buf=(u_char*) calloc(sizeof(u_char),START_INPUTBUNDLE);
+	if (!buf) {
+		log_err("LTP Receiver::calloc failed\n");
+		ltp_close(s_sock);
+		return;
+	}
+    while (1) {
+        if (should_stop()) {
+			log_info("LTP Receiver::run done\n");
+            break;
+		}
+		// who's listening now?
+		nlisteners=MAXLTPLISTENERS;
+		rv=ltp_whos_listening_now(&nlisteners,listeners);
+		if (rv) { 
+			log_err("LTP ltp_whos_listening_now error: %d\n",rv);
+			break;
+		}
+		// don't want crazy logging so just when there's a change
+		if (lastlisteners!=nlisteners) {
+			log_info("LTP who's listening now says %d listeners (was %d)\n",nlisteners,lastlisteners);
+			for (int j=0;j!=nlisteners;j++) {
+				log_debug("LTP \tListener %d %s\n",j,ltpaddr2str(&listeners[j]));
+			}
+		}
+		// if we're in "opportunistic mode"
+		// check if I should change link state, depends on who's
+		// listening and linkpeer;
+		// note that whos_listening can return wildcard type 
+		// ltpaddr's (privately formatted) to handle cases where
+		// LTP has no config. ltpaddr_cmp knows how to handle 
+		// that and can do wildcard matches as needed
+		ContactManager *cm = BundleDaemon::instance()->contactmgr();
+		oasys::ScopeLock cmlock(cm->lock(), "LTPCL::whoslistening");
+		const LinkSet* links=cm->links();
+		for (LinkSet::const_iterator i=links->begin();
+							i != links->end(); ++i) {
+			// other states (e.g. OPENING) exist that we ignore
+			bool linkopen=(*i)->state()==Link::OPEN;
+			bool linkclosed=(
+				(*i)->state()==Link::UNAVAILABLE || 
+				(*i)->state()==Link::AVAILABLE );
+			ltpaddr linkpeer;
+			// might want to use (*i)->nexthop() instead params
+			str2ltpaddr((char*)(*i)->nexthop(),&linkpeer);
+			if (lastlisteners!=nlisteners) {
+				log_debug("LTP linkpeer: %s\n",ltpaddr2str(&linkpeer));
+				log_debug("LTP link state: %s, link cl name: %s\n",
+					Link::state_to_str((*i)->state()),
+					(*i)->clayer()->name());
+			}
+			if ( ( (*i)->clayer()->name() == (char*) "ltp" ) &&
+				(*i)->type()==Link::OPPORTUNISTIC) {
+				if (linkclosed) {
+					// if the linkpeer is a listener then open it
+					bool ispresent=false;
+					for (int j=0;j!=nlisteners && !ispresent;j++) {
+						if (!ltpaddr_cmp(&linkpeer,&listeners[j],sizeof(linkpeer))) {
+							// mark link open!!!
+        					BundleDaemon::post(new LinkStateChangeRequest((*i), Link::OPEN, ContactEvent::NO_INFO));
+							ispresent=true;
+							log_debug("LTP changing link %s to OPEN\n",(*i)->name());
+						}
+					}
+				} else if (linkopen) {
+					// if the linkpeer is not a listener then close it
+					bool ispresent=false;
+					int listenermatch=-1;
+					for (int j=0;j!=nlisteners && !ispresent;j++) {
+						if (!ltpaddr_cmp(&linkpeer,&listeners[j],sizeof(linkpeer))) {
+							ispresent=true;
+							listenermatch=j;
+						}
+					}
+					if (!ispresent) {
+						// close that link
+        				BundleDaemon::post(new LinkStateChangeRequest((*i), Link::CLOSED, ContactEvent::NO_INFO));
+						log_debug("LTP changing link %s to CLOSED\n",(*i)->name());
+					}
+				} // do nothing for other states for now
+			}
+		}
+		cmlock.unlock();
+		// don't log stuff next time 'round
+		lastlisteners=nlisteners;
+		// now check if something's arrived for me
+		int flags;
+		ltpaddr from;
+		ltpaddr_len fromlen;
+		ret=ltp_recvfrom(s_sock,buf,rxbufsize,flags,(ltpaddr*)&from,(ltpaddr_len*)&fromlen);
+		if (ret==0) {
+			struct timespec	ts,ts1;
+			memset(&ts,0,sizeof(ts));
+			memset(&ts1,0,sizeof(ts));
+			ts.tv_nsec=1000*1000*20;  // 20ms
+			nanosleep(&ts,&ts1);
+		} else if (ret < 0) {
+            if (errno == EINTR) {
+				struct timespec	ts,ts1;
+				memset(&ts,0,sizeof(ts));
+				memset(&ts1,0,sizeof(ts));
+				ts.tv_nsec=1000*1000*20;  // 20ms
+				nanosleep(&ts,&ts1);
+                continue;
+          	}
+			if (ret == -1 ) { // special case - close the socket and get another
+				struct timespec	ts,ts1;
+				memset(&ts,0,sizeof(ts));
+				memset(&ts1,0,sizeof(ts));
+				ts.tv_nsec=1000*1000*20;  // 20ms
+				nanosleep(&ts,&ts1);
+				log_info("LTP Rx: closing/opening socket - returned from ltp_recvfrom()");
+				ltp_close(s_sock);
+				s_sock=ltp_socket(AF_LTP,SOCK_LTP_SESSION,0);
+				if (!s_sock) {
+					return;
+				}
+				// if the params mtu is set to other than zero then pass it on
+				if (lmtu > 0 ) {
+					log_debug("LTP Rx: setting LTP mtu to %d",lmtu);
+					rv=ltp_setsockopt(s_sock,SOL_SOCKET,LTP_SO_L2MTU,&lmtu,sizeof(lmtu));
+					if (rv) {
+						log_err("LTP ltp_setsockopt for SO_L2MTU failed.\n");
+						return;
+					}
+				} else {
+					log_debug("LTP Rx: not setting LTP mtu 'cause its %d",lmtu);
+				}
+				rv=ltp_bind(s_sock,&listener,sizeof(ltpaddr));
+				if (rv) { 
+					ltp_close(s_sock); 
+					return;
+				} 
+				continue;
+			}
+			size_t nbsz=(-1*ret);
+			if (ret < -1 &&  nbsz > rxbufsize) {
+				// try allocate more and go again
+				buf2free=false;
+				free(buf);
+				buf=(u_char*) calloc(sizeof(u_char),nbsz+100);
+				if (!buf) {
+					log_err("LTP Receiver::calloc failed when biggering\n");
+					break;
+				}
+				buf2free=true;
+				rxbufsize=nbsz+100;
+				continue;
+			} else {
+				break;  // dunno how we'd get here! should't happen
+			}
+            break;
+        } else if (ret>0) {
+			log_info("LTP ltp_recvfrom returned %d byte block\n",ret);
+    		// TODO: allow >1 bundle on receipt
+			// get it off the stack - gotta hope the Bundle code
+			// properly manages the memory - TODO - check that out
+			// I might need to free it
+    		// the payload should contain a full bundle
+    		Bundle* bundle = new Bundle();
+    		bool complete = false;
+    		int cc = BundleProtocol::consume(bundle, buf, ret, &complete);
+    		if (cc < 0 || !complete) {
+        		delete bundle;
+    		} else {
+				BundleDaemon::post(new BundleReceivedEvent(bundle, EVENTSRC_PEER, ret, EndpointID::NULL_EID()));
+			}
+			// need to close that socket since its now bound to that
+			// sender within LTPlib (its no longer an "emptylistener")
+			// TODO: have two sockets (at least) so I don't miss out on
+			// something when I'm in the middle of doing this close()/open()
+			// sequence
+    		ltp_close(s_sock);
+			s_sock=ltp_socket(AF_LTP,SOCK_LTP_SESSION,0);
+			if (!s_sock) {
+				return;
+			}
+			rv=ltp_bind(s_sock,&listener,sizeof(ltpaddr));
+			if (rv) { 
+				ltp_close(s_sock); 
+				return;
+			} 
+		}
+    }
+    ltp_close(s_sock);
+	if (buf2free) free(buf);
+    return;