changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/conv_layers/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+ *    Copyright 2007-2010 Darren Long,
+ *    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include <sys/poll.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+// If ax25 support found at configure time...
+#include <oasys/io/NetUtils.h>
+#include <oasys/util/OptParser.h>
+#include <oasys/util/HexDumpBuffer.h>
+#include <oasys/util/CRC32.h>
+#include "AX25CMConvergenceLayer.h"
+#include "IPConvergenceLayerUtils.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include "contacts/ContactManager.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace dtn {
+                            AX25CMConvergenceLayer::default_link_params_(true);
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::AX25CMLinkParams::AX25CMLinkParams(bool init_defaults)
+    :   SeqpacketLinkParams(init_defaults),
+        hexdump_(false),
+        local_call_("NO_CALL"),
+        remote_call_("NO_CALL"),
+        digipeater_("NO_CALL"),
+        axport_("None")
+    SeqpacketLinkParams::keepalive_interval_=30;
+    : SeqpacketConvergenceLayer("AX25CMConvergenceLayer", "ax25cm", AX25CMCL_VERSION)
+    log_debug("AX25CMConvergenceLayer instantiated. ***");
+    return new AX25CMLinkParams(default_link_params_);
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::parse_link_params(LinkParams* lparams,
+                                        int argc, const char** argv,
+                                        const char** invalidp)
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(lparams);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    oasys::OptParser p;
+    p.addopt(new oasys::BoolOpt("hexdump", &params->hexdump_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("local_call", &params->local_call_));    
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("remote_call", &params->remote_call_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("digipeater", &params->digipeater_));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("axport", &params->axport_));
+    int count = p.parse_and_shift(argc, argv, invalidp);
+    if (count == -1) {
+        return false; // bogus value
+    }
+    argc -= count;
+    if (params->local_call_ == "NO_CALL") {
+        log_err("invalid local callsign setting of NO_CALL");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (params->remote_call_ == "NO_CALL") {
+        log_err("invalid remote callsign setting of NO_CALL");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (params->axport_ == "None") {
+        log_err("invalid local axport setting of None");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // continue up to parse the parent class
+    return SeqpacketConvergenceLayer::parse_link_params(lparams, argc, argv,
+                                                     invalidp);
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::dump_link(const LinkRef& link, oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    ASSERT(link != NULL);
+    ASSERT(!link->isdeleted());
+    ASSERT(link->cl_info() != NULL);
+    SeqpacketConvergenceLayer::dump_link(link, buf);
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(link->cl_info());
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    buf->appendf("local_call: %s\n", params->local_call_.c_str());
+    buf->appendf("remote_call: %s\n", params->remote_call_.c_str());
+    buf->appendf("digipeater: %s\n", params->digipeater_.c_str());
+    buf->appendf("axport: %s\n", params->axport_.c_str());
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::set_link_defaults(int argc, const char* argv[],
+                                       const char** invalidp)
+    return parse_link_params(&default_link_params_, argc, argv, invalidp);
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::parse_nexthop(const LinkRef& link, LinkParams* lparams)
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(lparams);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    if (params->remote_call_ == "NO_CALL" || params->axport_ == "None")
+    {
+        if (! AX25ConvergenceLayerUtils::parse_nexthop(logpath_, link->nexthop(),
+                                                     &params->local_call_,
+                                                     &params->remote_call_,
+                                                     &params->digipeater_,
+                                                     &params->axport_)) {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    //std::cout<<"local_call:"<<params->local_call_<<std::endl;
+    //std::cout<<"axport:"<<params->axport_<<std::endl;
+    //std::cout<<"remote_call:"<<params->remote_call_<<std::endl;   
+    if (params->remote_call_ == "NO_CALL")    {
+        log_warn("can't lookup callsign in next hop address '%s'",
+                 link->nexthop());
+        return false;
+    }
+    // make sure the port was specified
+    if (params->axport_ == "None") {
+        log_err("axport not specified in next hop address '%s'",
+                link->nexthop());
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::new_connection(const LinkRef& link, LinkParams* p)
+    (void)link;
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(p);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    return new Connection(this, params);
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::interface_up(Interface* iface,
+                                  int argc, const char* argv[])
+    log_debug("adding interface %s", iface->name().c_str());
+    std::string local_call = "NO_CALL";
+    std::string axport = "None";
+    oasys::OptParser p;
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("local_call", &local_call));
+    p.addopt(new oasys::StringOpt("axport", &axport));
+    const char* invalid = NULL;
+    if (! p.parse(argc, argv, &invalid)) {
+        log_err("error parsing interface options: invalid option '%s'",
+                invalid);
+        return false;
+    }
+    // check that the local interface / port are valid
+    if (local_call == "NO_CALL") {
+        log_err("invalid local call setting of NO_CALL");
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (axport == "None") {
+        log_err("invalid local axport setting of None");
+        return false;
+    }
+    // create a new server socket for the requested interface
+    Listener* listener = new Listener(this);
+    listener->logpathf("%s/iface/%s", logpath_, iface->name().c_str());
+    int ret = listener->bind(axport, local_call);
+    // be a little forgiving -- if the address is in use, wait for a
+    // bit and try again
+    if (ret != 0 && errno == EADDRINUSE) {
+        listener->logf(oasys::LOG_WARN,
+                        "WARNING: error binding to requested socket: %s",
+                       strerror(errno));
+        listener->logf(oasys::LOG_WARN,
+                        "waiting for 10 seconds then trying again");
+        sleep(10);
+        ret = listener->bind(axport, local_call);    }
+    if (ret != 0) {
+        return false; // error already logged
+    }
+    // start listening and then start the thread to loop calling accept()
+    listener->listen();
+    listener->start();
+    // store the new listener object in the cl specific portion of the
+    // interface
+    iface->set_cl_info(listener);
+    return true;
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::interface_down(Interface* iface)
+    // grab the listener object, set a flag for the thread to stop and
+    // then close the socket out from under it, which should cause the
+    // thread to break out of the blocking call to accept() and
+    // terminate itself
+    Listener* listener = dynamic_cast<Listener*>(iface->cl_info());
+    ASSERT(listener != NULL);
+    listener->stop();
+    delete listener;
+    return true;
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::dump_interface(Interface* iface,
+                                    oasys::StringBuffer* buf)
+    Listener* listener = dynamic_cast<Listener*>(iface->cl_info());
+    ASSERT(listener != NULL);
+    buf->appendf("\tlocal_call: %s axport: %s\n",
+                    listener->local_call().c_str(), listener->axport().c_str());
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Listener::Listener(AX25CMConvergenceLayer* cl)
+    :    AX25ConnectedModeServerThread("AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Listener",
+                        "/dtn/cl/ax25cm/listener"), cl_(cl)
+    logfd_  = false;
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Listener::accepted(int fd, const std::string& addr)
+    log_debug("new connection from %s", addr.c_str());
+    Connection* conn =
+        new Connection(cl_, &AX25CMConvergenceLayer::default_link_params_,
+                       fd, local_call(), addr, axport());
+    conn->start();
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection::Connection(AX25CMConvergenceLayer* cl,
+                                            AX25CMLinkParams* params)
+    : SeqpacketConvergenceLayer::Connection("AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection",
+                                            cl->logpath(), cl, params,
+                                            true /* call connect() */)
+    logpathf("%s/conn/%p", cl->logpath(), this);
+    // set up the base class' nexthop parameter
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss<<params->local_call_<<":"<<params->remote_call_;
+    if(params->digipeater_ != "NO_CALL")
+    {
+        ss<<","<<params->digipeater_;
+    }
+    ss<<":"<<params->axport_<<std::ends;
+    oasys::StringBuffer nexthop("%s", ss.str().c_str());
+    set_nexthop(nexthop.c_str());
+    // the actual socket
+    sock_ = new oasys::AX25ConnectedModeClient(logpath_);
+    // XXX/demmer the basic socket logging emits errors and the like
+    // when connections break. that may not be great since we kinda
+    // expect them to happen... so either we should add some flag as
+    // to the severity of error messages that can be passed into the
+    // IO routines, or just suppress the IO output altogether
+    sock_->logpathf("%s/sock", logpath_);
+    sock_->set_logfd(false);
+    sock_->init_socket();
+    sock_->set_nonblocking(true);
+    // if the parameters specify a local address, do the bind here --
+    // however if it fails, we can't really do anything about it, so
+    // just log and go on
+    if (params->local_call_ != "NO_CALL")
+    {
+        if (sock_->bind(params->axport_, params->local_call_) != 0) {
+            log_err("error binding to %s axport=%s : %s",
+                    params->local_call_.c_str(),params->axport_.c_str(),
+                    strerror(errno));
+        }
+    }
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection::Connection(AX25CMConvergenceLayer* cl,
+                                               AX25CMLinkParams* params,
+                                               int fd, 
+                                               const std::string& local_call,
+                                               const std::string& addr,
+                                               const std::string& axport)
+    : SeqpacketConvergenceLayer::Connection("AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection",
+                                         cl->logpath(), cl, params,
+                                         false /* call accept() */)
+    logpathf("%s/conn/%p", cl->logpath(), this);
+    // set up the base class' nexthop parameter
+    std::stringstream ss;
+    ss<<local_call<<":"<<addr<<":"<<axport<<std::ends;
+    oasys::StringBuffer nexthop("%s", ss.str().c_str());
+    set_nexthop(nexthop.c_str());
+    sock_ = new oasys::AX25ConnectedModeClient(fd, addr, logpath_);
+    sock_->set_logfd(false);
+    sock_->set_nonblocking(true);
+    sock_->shutdown(SHUT_RDWR);
+    delete sock_;
+AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection::serialize(oasys::SerializeAction *a)
+    AX25CMLinkParams *params = ax25cm_lparams();
+    if (! params) return;
+    a->process("hexdump", &params->hexdump_);
+    a->process("local_call", &params->local_call_);
+    a->process("axport", &params->axport_);    
+    a->process("remote_call", &params->remote_call_);
+    // from SeqpacketLinkParams
+    a->process("segment_ack_enabled", &params->segment_ack_enabled_);
+    a->process("negative_ack_enabled", &params->negative_ack_enabled_);
+    a->process("keepalive_interval", &params->keepalive_interval_);
+    a->process("segment_length", &params->segment_length_);
+    // from LinkParams
+    a->process("reactive_frag_enabled", &params->reactive_frag_enabled_);
+    a->process("sendbuf_length", &params->sendbuf_len_);
+    a->process("recvbuf_length", &params->recvbuf_len_);
+    a->process("data_timeout", &params->data_timeout_);
+    sock_pollfd_ = &pollfds_[0];
+    num_pollfds_ = 1;
+    sock_pollfd_->fd     = sock_->fd();
+    sock_pollfd_->events = POLLIN;
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(params_);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    poll_timeout_ = params->data_timeout_;
+    if (params->keepalive_interval_ != 0 &&
+        (params->keepalive_interval_ * 1000) < params->data_timeout_)
+    {
+        poll_timeout_ = params->keepalive_interval_ * 1000;
+    }
+    // the first thing we do is try to parse the next hop address...
+    // if we're unable to do so, the link can't be opened.
+    if (! cl_->parse_nexthop(contact_->link(), params_)) {
+        log_info("can't resolve nexthop address '%s'",
+                 contact_->link()->nexthop());
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+        return;
+    }
+    // cache the remote addr and port in the fields in the socket
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(params_);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    sock_->set_remote_call(params->remote_call_);
+    sock_->set_axport(params->axport_);
+    //sock_->set_via_route(params->digipeater_);
+    // start a connection to the other side... in most cases, this
+    // returns EINPROGRESS, in which case we wait for a call to
+    // handle_poll_activity
+    log_debug("connect: connecting to %s axport=%s...",
+              sock_->remote_call().c_str(), sock_->axport().c_str());
+    ASSERT(contact_ == NULL || contact_->link()->isopening());
+    ASSERT(sock_->state() != oasys::AX25Socket::ESTABLISHED);
+    std::vector<std::string> rr;
+    std::string rp = sock_->axport();
+    std::string rc = sock_->remote_call();
+    if(params->digipeater_ != "NO_CALL")
+    {
+        rr.push_back(params->digipeater_);
+    }
+    int ret = sock_->oasys::AX25Socket::connect(rp, rc, rr);
+    if (ret == 0) {
+        log_debug("connect: succeeded immediately");
+        ASSERT(sock_->state() == oasys::AX25Socket::ESTABLISHED);
+        initiate_contact();
+    } else if (ret == -1 && errno == EINPROGRESS) {
+        log_debug("connect: EINPROGRESS returned, waiting for write ready");
+        sock_pollfd_->events |= POLLOUT;
+    } else {
+        log_info("connection attempt to %s axport=%s failed... %s",
+                 sock_->remote_call().c_str(), sock_->axport().c_str(),
+                 strerror(errno));
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+        // DML - Attempted bug fix hack here below
+        disconnect();
+    }
+    ASSERT(sock_->state() == oasys::AX25Socket::ESTABLISHED);
+    log_debug("accept: got connection from %s axport=%s...",
+              sock_->remote_call().c_str(), sock_->axport().c_str());
+    initiate_contact();
+    log_always("AX25CMConvergenceLayer::Connection::process_data() called");
+    SeqpacketConvergenceLayer::Connection::process_data();
+    if (sock_->state() != oasys::AX25Socket::CLOSED) {
+        log_debug("closing socket");
+        sock_->close();
+    }
+    else {
+        log_debug("attempting to close socket in state oasys::AX25Socket::CLOSED");
+        sock_->close();
+    }
+    if (sock_pollfd_->revents & POLLHUP) {
+        log_info("remote socket closed connection -- returned POLLHUP");
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+        return;
+    }
+    if (sock_pollfd_->revents & POLLERR) {
+        log_info("error condition on remote socket -- returned POLLERR");
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+        return;
+    }
+    // first check for write readiness, meaning either we're getting a
+    // notification that the deferred connect() call completed, or
+    // that we are no longer write blocked
+    if (sock_pollfd_->revents & POLLOUT)
+    {
+        log_debug("poll returned write ready, clearing POLLOUT bit");
+        sock_pollfd_->events &= ~POLLOUT;
+        if (sock_->state() == oasys::AX25Socket::CONNECTING) {
+            int result = sock_->async_connect_result();
+            if (result == 0 && sendbuf_.fullbytes() == 0) {
+                log_debug("delayed_connect to %s axport=%s succeeded",
+                          sock_->remote_call().c_str(), sock_->axport().c_str());
+                initiate_contact();
+            } else {
+                log_info("connection attempt to %s axport=%s failed... %s",
+                          sock_->remote_call().c_str(), sock_->axport().c_str(),
+                         strerror(errno));
+                break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+            }
+            return;
+        }
+        send_data();
+    }
+    //check that the connection was not broken during the data send
+    if (contact_broken_)
+    {
+        return;
+    }
+    // finally, check for incoming data
+    if (sock_pollfd_->revents & POLLIN) {
+        recv_data();
+        this->process_data();
+        // Sanity check to make sure that there's space in the buffer
+        // for a subsequent read_data() call
+        if (recvbuf_.tailbytes() == 0) {
+            log_err("process_data left no space in recvbuf!!");
+        }
+        if (contact_up_ && ! contact_broken_) {
+            check_keepalive();
+        }
+    }
+    // DML: If we have any sequence delimiters on the queue, then try and send the first sequence,
+    // and if not, all we can do here is try and send the whole buffer.  Whichever we send,
+    // the whole thing should go through the socket, or it is a protocol error.
+    // When we've selected either the first sequence in the queue or the entire buffer for
+    // sending, then we'll create a temporary buffer for the payload, calculate the CRC, append it,
+    // and try and send the packet payload through the socket.
+    // If it works, then we'll pop the sequence off the queue, consume the appropriate length of
+    // data from the buffer and be done.
+    // If we get a WOULDBLOCK and we're not sending a sequence, then push a sequence on the queue.
+    // If we get a WOULDBLOCK, and we are sending a sequence, then leave the sequence on the queue.
+    // We have to recalculate the CRC every time we try and send the same payload.  Shame.
+    // XXX/demmer this assertion is mostly for debugging to catch call
+    // chains where the contact is broken but we're still using the
+    // socket
+    ASSERT(! contact_broken_);
+    AX25CMLinkParams* params = dynamic_cast<AX25CMLinkParams*>(params_);
+    ASSERT(params != NULL);
+    u_int towrite = 0;
+    u_int payload_length = 0;
+//    if (params_->test_write_limit_ != 0) {
+//        towrite = std::min(towrite, params_->test_write_limit_);
+//    }       
+    //  see if we have any length delimiters queued from previous attempts where EWOULDBLOCK
+    //  was set. if so, only send that much data through the socket write and leave the rest
+    // for subsequent calls to take care of.
+    ASSERT(!sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty() );
+    payload_length = sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front();
+    log_debug("send_data: trying to drain %u bytes from pending sequence in send buffer...",
+               payload_length);        
+    ASSERT(payload_length > 0);
+    //ASSERT(towrite <= params->segment_length_);
+    log_debug("generating CRC32 for payload length: %u", payload_length);    
+    oasys::CRC32 crc;
+    crc.update(sendbuf_.start(), payload_length);
+    u_int crc_generated = htonl(crc.value());
+    log_debug("appending CRC32 to payload: %x", crc.value());
+    towrite = payload_length + sizeof(u_int);
+    oasys::StreamBuffer temp(towrite);
+    ASSERT(temp.tailbytes() >= payload_length);
+    memcpy(temp.end(), sendbuf_.start(), payload_length);
+    temp.fill(payload_length);
+    ASSERT(temp.tailbytes() >= sizeof(crc_generated));  
+    memcpy(temp.end(), reinterpret_cast<char*>(&crc_generated), sizeof(crc_generated));
+    temp.fill(sizeof(crc_generated));
+    if (ax25cm_lparams()->hexdump_) {
+        log_always("send_data sending %i bytes as below...",towrite);
+        oasys::HexDumpBuffer hex;
+        hex.append((u_char*)temp.start(), towrite);
+        log_multiline(oasys::LOG_ALWAYS, hex.hexify().c_str());
+    }
+    int cc = sock_->write(temp.start(), towrite);
+    // we really don't want to have leftovers with SOCK_SEQPACKET       
+    if (static_cast<u_int>(cc) == towrite) {
+        log_debug("send_data: wrote %d/%zu bytes from send buffer", cc, sendbuf_.fullbytes());
+        sendbuf_.consume(payload_length);
+        //  if there's a delimiter on the queue, we've now consumed it, so pop the queue...
+        if( !sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty() ) {
+            ASSERT(sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front() + sizeof(crc_generated) == static_cast<u_int>(cc));
+            // well, the assert kicked in too often.   so I'm just gonna
+            // declare a protocl error and ditch the link
+            if(sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front() + sizeof(crc_generated) != static_cast<u_int>(cc))
+            {
+                std::stringstream ss;
+                ss<<"CL attempted to send a "<<sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front()+ sizeof(crc_generated);
+                ss<<" byte packet, but only "<<cc<<" bytes were sent"<<std::ends;
+                log_err(ss.str().c_str());            
+                log_err("CL Protocol error: send_buf underrun breaks SOCK_SEQPACKET SEMANTICS");
+                break_contact(ContactEvent::CL_ERROR);
+                return;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                log_info("removing pending sequence: %u from sequence delimiters queue, queue depth now: %u",
+                    sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front(),   sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.size()-1); 
+                sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.pop();                 
+            }
+        }
+        if (sendbuf_.fullbytes() != 0) {            
+            log_info("send_data: incomplete write (%u bytes remain in %u segments), setting POLLOUT bit",
+                        sendbuf_.fullbytes(), sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.size());
+            sock_pollfd_->events |= POLLOUT;
+            ASSERT(!sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty() );        
+            ASSERT(sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.front() <= sendbuf_.fullbytes());        
+        } 
+        else 
+        {
+            if (sock_pollfd_->events & POLLOUT) {
+                ASSERT(!sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty() );        
+                log_debug("send_data: drained buffer, clearing POLLOUT bit");
+                sock_pollfd_->events &= ~POLLOUT;
+                // if we get here, the queue of delimiters should be empty ...
+                ASSERT(sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty()); 
+            }
+        }
+    } 
+    else if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+        ASSERT(cc < 0 );
+        ASSERT(!sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.empty() );            
+        log_info("send_data: write returned EWOULDBLOCK with %u bytes queued, in %u segments - setting POLLOUT bit",
+                    sendbuf_.fullbytes(), sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_.size());
+        sock_pollfd_->events |= POLLOUT;
+        // so, we're gong to record the length of the send_buf contents
+        // so we can extract the right ammount of data next time round to maintain SEQ_PACKET
+        // sematics, but only if we're not trying to service the sendbuf_sequence_delimiters_ queue
+    } 
+    else {
+        log_info("send_data: whilst sending %i bytes of data, with %i bytes buffered, remote connection unexpectedly closed: %s",
+                    towrite,
+                    sendbuf_.fullbytes(),
+                    strerror(errno));
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+    }
+    // XXX/demmer this assertion is mostly for debugging to catch call
+    // chains where the contact is broken but we're still using the
+    // socket
+    ASSERT(! contact_broken_);
+    // this shouldn't ever happen
+    if (recvbuf_.tailbytes() < 256) {
+        log_err("no space in receive buffer to accept data!!!");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (params_->test_read_delay_ != 0) {
+        log_debug("recv_data: sleeping for test_read_delay msecs %u",
+                  params_->test_read_delay_);
+        usleep(params_->test_read_delay_ * 1000);
+    }
+    u_int toread = recvbuf_.tailbytes();
+    if (params_->test_read_limit_ != 0) {
+        toread = std::min(toread, params_->test_read_limit_);
+    }
+    log_debug("recv_data: draining up to %u bytes into recv buffer...", toread);
+    int cc = sock_->read(recvbuf_.end(), toread);
+    if (cc < 1) {
+        log_info("remote connection unexpectedly closed");
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::BROKEN);
+        return;
+    }
+    log_debug("recv_data: read %d bytes, rcvbuf has %zu bytes",
+                cc, recvbuf_.fullbytes());
+    if (ax25cm_lparams()->hexdump_) {
+        oasys::HexDumpBuffer hex;
+        hex.append((u_char*)recvbuf_.end(), cc);
+        log_always("recv_data received %i bytes as below...",cc);
+        log_multiline(oasys::LOG_ALWAYS, hex.hexify().c_str());
+    }
+    oasys::CRC32 crc;
+    if(static_cast<uint>(cc) <= sizeof(oasys::CRC32::CRC_t)) {
+        // DML: I had an assert here to see if we ever get 'packets' that are smaller than
+        // the CRC size.  Well, we did, and I can't for the life of me figure out why.
+        // So, we have to protect ourselves from this kind of thing happening, and for
+        // now I think the thing to do is to disconnect the other end, because obviously
+        // their AX.25 CL implementation sucks ;-) or there's a problem somewhere else
+        // in the stack or kit. Still, bye-bye time.
+        log_err("CL Protocol error: Format error in recv_data");
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::CL_ERROR);
+        return;
+    }
+    // check the CRC is good
+    uint crc_offset = static_cast<uint>(cc) - sizeof(oasys::CRC32::CRC_t);
+    crc.update(recvbuf_.start(), crc_offset);
+    uint crc_calculated = crc.value();
+    uint crc_received = *reinterpret_cast<uint*>(recvbuf_.start() + crc_offset);
+    crc_received = ntohl(crc_received);
+    log_debug("crc received: %x, crc calculated: %x", crc_received, crc_calculated);
+    if(crc_received != crc_calculated) {
+        log_err("CL Protocol error: CRC failure detected in recv_data");
+        break_contact(ContactEvent::CL_ERROR);
+        return;
+    }
+    recvbuf_.fill(cc- sizeof(oasys::CRC32::CRC_t));
+ * Parse a next hop address specification of the form
+ *
+ * @return true if the conversion was successful, false
+ */
+AX25ConvergenceLayerUtils::parse_nexthop(const char* logpath, const char* nexthop,
+                            std::string* local_call, std::string* remote_call,
+                            std::string* digipeater,std::string* axport)
+    *local_call = "NO_CALL";
+    *remote_call = "NO_CALL";
+    *digipeater = "NO_CALL";
+    *axport = "None";
+    std::string temp = nexthop, temp2;
+    //std::cout<<"Nexthop:"<<temp<<std::endl;
+    const char* comma = strchr(nexthop, ',');
+    const char* colon1 = strchr(nexthop, ':');
+    const char* colon2 = strrchr(nexthop, ':');
+    if(comma != NULL)
+    {
+        // we have a digi to deal with, so we must be the link initiator
+        // we need to parse out the remote_call, digipeater and axport
+        remote_call->assign(nexthop, comma - nexthop);       
+        temp2.assign(comma+1, ( temp.size()-remote_call->size() ) -1);
+        colon1 = strchr(temp2.c_str(),':');
+        if(colon1 != NULL)
+        {
+            digipeater->assign(temp2.c_str(),colon1-temp2.c_str());         
+            axport->assign(colon1+1, ( temp2.size() -  digipeater->size() ) -1 );
+        }
+        if ("None" == *axport  || "NO_CALL" == *remote_call || "NO_CALL" == *digipeater) {
+            log_warn_p(logpath, "invalid remote_call,digipeater:axport in next hop '%s'",
+                       nexthop);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //we don't have a digipeater, but we may be the link initiator meaning
+        // that we need remote_call and axport, or we're the listener, in which case
+        // we need the local_call, remote_call and axport.  if we have two colons,
+        // then we are the listener ...
+        if( colon2 == NULL)
+        {
+            // we're the initiator  
+            //so look for the remote call and axport
+            remote_call->assign(nexthop,colon1-nexthop);
+            axport->assign(colon1+1,temp.size()-remote_call->size() - 1);
+            if ("None" == *axport  || "NO_CALL" == *remote_call) {
+                log_warn_p(logpath, "invalid remote_call:axport in next hop '%s'",
+                           nexthop);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        else if(colon1 != NULL)
+        {
+            // we're the listener
+            local_call->assign(nexthop,colon1-nexthop);         
+            remote_call->assign(colon1+1,colon2-colon1);
+            axport->assign(colon2+1,temp.size()-remote_call->size() - local_call->size() -2);
+            if ("None" == *axport  || "NO_CALL" == *remote_call || "NO_CALL" == *local_call) {
+                log_warn_p(logpath, "invalid local_call:remote_call:axport in next hop '%s'",
+                           nexthop);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+} // namespace dtn
+#endif /* #ifdef OASYS_AX25_ENABLED  */