changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/servlib/cmd/	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,349 @@
+ *    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <oasys/util/StringBuffer.h>
+#include <oasys/serialize/XMLSerialize.h>
+#include "RouteCommand.h"
+#include "CompletionNotifier.h"
+#include "contacts/Link.h"
+#include "contacts/ContactManager.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleEvent.h"
+#include "bundling/BundleDaemon.h"
+#include "routing/BundleRouter.h"
+#include "routing/RouteEntry.h"
+#include "routing/ExternalRouter.h"
+#include "routing/DTLSRConfig.h"
+namespace dtn {
+    : TclCommand("route")
+    bind_var(new oasys::StringOpt("type", &BundleRouter::config_.type_, 
+                                  "type", "Which routing algorithm to use "
+				"(default static).\n"
+		"	valid options:\n"
+		"			static\n"
+		"			prophet\n"
+		"			flood\n"
+		"			dtlsr\n"
+		"			tca_router\n"
+		"			tca_gateway\n"
+		"			external"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::BoolOpt("add_nexthop_routes",
+                                &BundleRouter::config_.add_nexthop_routes_,
+				"Whether or not to automatically add routes "
+				"for next hop links (default is true)\n"
+    		"	valid options:	true or false\n"));
+    add_to_help("add <dest> <link/endpoint> [opts]", "add a route");
+    add_to_help("del <dest> <link/endpoint>", "delete a route");
+    add_to_help("dump", "dump all of the static routes");
+    bind_var(new oasys::BoolOpt("open_discovered_links",
+                                &BundleRouter::config_.open_discovered_links_,
+				"Whether or not to automatically open "
+				"discovered opportunistic links (default is true)\n"
+    		"	valid options:  true or false\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::IntOpt("default_priority",
+                               &BundleRouter::config_.default_priority_,
+				"priority",
+				"Default priority for new routes "
+				"(default 0)\n"
+		"	valid options:	number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::IntOpt("max_route_to_chain",
+                               &BundleRouter::config_.max_route_to_chain_,
+				"length",
+				"Maximum number of route_to links to follow "
+				"(default 10)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("subscription_timeout",
+                                &BundleRouter::config_.subscription_timeout_,
+				"timeout",
+				"Default timeout for upstream subscription "
+				"(default 600)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::StringOpt("dtlsr_area",
+                                  &DTLSRConfig::instance()->area_,
+                                "area", "Administrative area for the local node "
+				"(default "")\n"
+		"	valid options:  string\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::EnumOpt("dtlsr_weight_fn",
+                                DTLSRConfig::instance()->weight_opts_,
+                                (int*)&DTLSRConfig::instance()->weight_fn_,
+                                "fn", "Weight function for the graph "
+				"(default 10.0)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_weight_shift",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->weight_shift_,
+                                "shift", "Scale the weight on down links"
+                                "Factor by which to age the cost of a link "
+                                "based on its uptime, "
+                                "as a link's uptime goes to zero, the cost "
+                                "increases by 10x the original cost "
+                                "(default 0)\n"
+                "	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::DoubleOpt("dtlsr_uptime_factor",
+				&DTLSRConfig::instance()->uptime_factor_,
+				"pct", "Aging pct for cost of down links"
+				"(default 10.0)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::BoolOpt("dtlsr_keep_down_links",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->keep_down_links_,
+                                "Whether or not to retain down links in the graph "
+				"(default is true)\n"
+		"	valid options:  true or false\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_recompute_delay",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->recompute_delay_,
+                                "seconds",
+                                "Delay to compute routes after LSA arrives "
+				"(default 1)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_aging_interval",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->aging_interval_,
+                                "seconds",
+                                "Interval to locally recompute routes "
+				"(default 5)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_lsa_interval",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->lsa_interval_,
+                                "seconds",
+                                "Interval to periodically send LSAs "
+				"(default 3600)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_min_lsa_interval",
+				&DTLSRConfig::instance()->min_lsa_interval_,
+				"seconds",
+				"Minimum interval to periodically send LSAs "
+				"(default 5)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UIntOpt("dtlsr_lsa_lifetime",
+                                &DTLSRConfig::instance()->lsa_lifetime_,
+                                "seconds",
+                                "Lifetime of LSA bundles "
+				"(default 86400)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+#if defined(XERCES_C_ENABLED) && defined(EXTERNAL_DP_ENABLED)
+    bind_var(new oasys::UInt16Opt("server_port",
+				&ExternalRouter::server_port,
+				"port",
+				"UDP port for IPC with external router(s) "
+				"(default 8001)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::UInt16Opt("hello_interval",
+				&ExternalRouter::hello_interval,
+				"interval",
+				"Seconds between hello messages with external router(s)"
+				"(default 30)\n"
+		"	valid options:  number\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::StringOpt("schema", &ExternalRouter::schema,
+				"file",
+				"The external router interface "
+				"message schema "
+				"(default /router.xsd)\n"
+		"	valid options:  string\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::BoolOpt("xml_server_validation",
+                                &ExternalRouter::server_validation,
+                                "Perform xml validation on plug-in "
+                                "interface messages (default is true)\n"
+		"	valid options:  true or false\n"));
+    bind_var(new oasys::BoolOpt("xml_client_validation",
+                                &ExternalRouter::client_validation,
+                                "Include meta-info in xml messages "
+                                "so plug-in routers"
+                                "can perform validation (default is false)\n"
+		"	valid options:  true or false\n"));
+RouteCommand::exec(int argc, const char** argv, Tcl_Interp* interp)
+    (void)interp;
+    if (argc < 2) {
+        resultf("need a route subcommand");
+        return TCL_ERROR;
+    }
+    const char* cmd = argv[1];
+    if (strcmp(cmd, "add") == 0) {
+        // route add <dest> <link/endpoint> <args>
+        if (argc < 4) {
+            wrong_num_args(argc, argv, 2, 4, INT_MAX);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        const char* dest_str = argv[2];
+        EndpointIDPattern dest(dest_str);
+        if (!dest.valid()) {
+            resultf("invalid destination eid %s", dest_str);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        const char* next_hop = argv[3];
+        RouteEntry* entry;
+        LinkRef link;
+        EndpointIDPattern route_to;
+        link = BundleDaemon::instance()->contactmgr()->find_link(next_hop);
+        if (link != NULL) {
+            entry = new RouteEntry(dest, link);
+        } else if (route_to.assign(next_hop)) {
+            entry = new RouteEntry(dest, route_to);
+        } else {
+            resultf("next hop %s is not a valid link or endpoint id",
+                    next_hop);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        // skip over the consumed arguments and parse optional ones.
+        // any invalid options are shifted into argv[0]
+        argc -= 4;
+        argv += 4;
+        if (argc != 0 && (entry->parse_options(argc, argv) != argc))
+        {
+            resultf("invalid argument '%s'", argv[0]);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        // post the event -- if the daemon has been started, we wait
+        // for the event to be consumed, otherwise we just return
+        // immediately. this allows the command to have the
+        // appropriate semantics both in the static config file and in
+        // an interactive mode
+        if (BundleDaemon::instance()->started()) {
+            BundleDaemon::post_and_wait(new RouteAddEvent(entry),
+                                        CompletionNotifier::notifier());
+        } else {
+            BundleDaemon::post(new RouteAddEvent(entry));
+        }
+        return TCL_OK;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(cmd, "del") == 0) {
+        // route del <dest>
+        if (argc != 3) {
+            wrong_num_args(argc, argv, 2, 3, 3);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        EndpointIDPattern pat(argv[2]);
+        if (!pat.valid()) {
+            resultf("invalid endpoint id pattern '%s'", argv[2]);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+        if (BundleDaemon::instance()->started()) {
+            BundleDaemon::post_and_wait(new RouteDelEvent(pat),
+                                        CompletionNotifier::notifier());
+        } else {
+            BundleDaemon::post(new RouteDelEvent(pat));
+        }
+        return TCL_OK;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(cmd, "dump") == 0) {
+        oasys::StringBuffer buf;
+        BundleDaemon::instance()->get_routing_state(&buf);
+        set_result(buf.c_str());
+        return TCL_OK;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(cmd, "dump_tcl") == 0) {
+        // XXX/demmer this could be done better
+        oasys::StringBuffer buf;
+        BundleDaemon::instance()->router()->tcl_dump_state(&buf);
+        set_result(buf.c_str());
+        return TCL_OK;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(cmd, "recompute_routes") == 0) {
+        oasys::Time t = oasys::Time::now();
+        BundleDaemon::instance()->router()->recompute_routes();
+        resultf("%u", t.elapsed_ms());
+        return TCL_OK;
+    }
+    else if (strcmp(cmd, "local_eid") == 0) {
+        if (argc == 2) {
+            // route local_eid
+            set_result(BundleDaemon::instance()->local_eid().c_str());
+            return TCL_OK;
+        } else if (argc == 3) {
+            // route local_eid <eid?>
+            BundleDaemon::instance()->set_local_eid(argv[2]);
+            if (! BundleDaemon::instance()->local_eid().valid()) {
+                resultf("invalid eid '%s'", argv[2]);
+                return TCL_ERROR;
+            }
+            if (! BundleDaemon::instance()->local_eid().known_scheme()) {
+                resultf("local eid '%s' has unknown scheme", argv[2]);
+                return TCL_ERROR;
+            }
+        } else {
+            wrong_num_args(argc, argv, 2, 2, 3);
+            return TCL_ERROR;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        resultf("unimplemented route subcommand %s", cmd);
+        return TCL_ERROR;
+    }
+    return TCL_OK;
+} // namespace dtn