changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/apps/dtnsink/dtnsink.c	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,491 @@
+ *    Copyright 2004-2006 Intel Corporation
+ * 
+ *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *    limitations under the License.
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <strings.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "dtn_api.h"
+#define BUFSIZE 16
+#define BLOCKSIZE 8192
+// Find the maximum commandline length
+#ifdef __FreeBSD__
+/* Needed for PATH_MAX, Linux doesn't need it */
+#include <sys/syslimits.h>
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+/* A conservative fallback */
+#define PATH_MAX 1024
+const char *progname;
+int   verbose           = 0;    	// verbose output
+char* endpoint		= NULL; 	// endpoint for registration
+dtn_reg_id_t regid	= DTN_REGID_NONE;// registration id
+int   expiration	= 30; 		// registration expiration time
+int   count             = 0;            // exit after count bundles received
+int   failure_action	= DTN_REG_DEFER;// registration delivery failure action
+char* failure_script	= "";	 	// script to exec
+int   register_only	= 0;    	// register and quit
+int   change		= 0;    	// change existing registration 
+int   unregister	= 0;    	// remove existing registration 
+int   no_find_reg	= 0;    	// omit call to dtn_find_registration
+char filename[PATH_MAX];		// Destination filename for file xfers
+dtn_bundle_payload_location_t bundletype = DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM;
+int   promiscuous       = 0;	        // accept any bundles, ignore content
+#define RECV_TIMEOUT 10000    	/* timeout to dtn_recv call (10s) */
+#define MAX_STARTUP_TRIES 10	/* how many times to spin on first bundle */
+    fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [opts] -n <number of bundles to expect> "
+	    "<endpoint> \n", progname);
+    fprintf(stderr, "options:\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -v verbose\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -h help\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -d <eid|demux_string> endpoint id\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -r <regid> use existing registration regid\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -e <time> registration expiration time in seconds "
+            "(default: one hour)\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -f <defer|drop|exec> failure action\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -F <script> failure script for exec action\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -x call dtn_register and immediately exit\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -c call dtn_change_registration and immediately exit\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -u call dtn_unregister and immediately exit\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -N don't try to find an existing registration\n");
+    fprintf(stderr, " -p operate in promiscuous mode "
+	    "(accept n bundles, ignore contents\n");
+parse_options(int argc, char**argv)
+    int c, done = 0;
+    progname = argv[0];
+    memset(filename, 0, sizeof(char) * PATH_MAX);
+    while (!done)
+    {
+        c = getopt(argc, argv, "vhHd:r:e:f:F:xn:cuNp");
+        switch (c)
+        {
+        case 'v':
+            verbose = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'h':
+        case 'H':
+            usage();
+            exit(0);
+            return;
+        case 'r':
+            regid = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'e':
+            expiration = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'f':
+            if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "defer")) {
+                failure_action = DTN_REG_DEFER;
+            } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "drop")) {
+                failure_action = DTN_REG_DROP;
+            } else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "exec")) {
+                failure_action = DTN_REG_EXEC;
+            } else {
+                fprintf(stderr, "invalid failure action '%s'\n", optarg);
+                usage();
+                exit(1);
+            }
+        case 'F':
+            failure_script = optarg;
+            break;
+        case 'x':
+            register_only = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'n':
+            count = atoi(optarg);
+            break;
+        case 'c':
+            change = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'u':
+            unregister = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'N':
+            no_find_reg = 1;
+            break;
+        case 'o':
+            strncpy(filename, optarg, PATH_MAX);
+            break;
+	case 'p':
+	    promiscuous = 1;
+	    break;
+        case -1:
+            done = 1;
+            break;
+        default:
+            // getopt already prints an error message for unknown
+            // option characters
+            usage();
+            exit(1);
+        }
+    }
+    if (count < 1) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "must specify (positive) number of bundles expected\n");
+	usage();
+	exit(1);
+    }
+    endpoint = argv[optind];
+    if (!endpoint && (regid == DTN_REGID_NONE)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "must specify either an endpoint or a regid\n");
+        usage();
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if ((change || unregister) && (regid == DTN_REGID_NONE)) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "must specify regid when using -%c option\n",
+                change ? 'c' : 'u');
+        usage();
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if (failure_action == DTN_REG_EXEC && failure_script == NULL) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "failure action EXEC must supply script\n");
+        usage();
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    // the default is to use memory transfer mode, but if someone specifies a
+    // filename then we need to tell the API to expect a file
+    if ( filename[0] != '\0' )
+        bundletype = DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* File transfers suffer considerably from the inability to safely send 
+ * metadata on the same channel as the file transfer in DTN.  Perhaps we 
+ * should work around this?
+ */
+handle_file_transfer(dtn_bundle_payload_t payload, uint32_t *size, uint32_t *which)
+    int tempdes;
+    struct stat fileinfo;
+    // Copy the file into place
+    tempdes = open(payload.filename.filename_val, O_RDONLY);
+    if ( tempdes < 0 ) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "While opening the temporary file for reading '%s': %s\n",
+		payload.filename.filename_val, strerror(errno));
+	return 0;
+    }
+    if (fstat(tempdes, &fileinfo) != 0) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "While stat'ing the temp file '%s': %s\n",
+		payload.filename.filename_val, strerror(errno));
+	close(tempdes);
+	return -1;
+    }
+    if (read(tempdes, which, sizeof(*which)) != sizeof(*which)) {
+	fprintf(stderr, "While reading bundle number from temp file '%s': %s\n",
+		payload.filename.filename_val, strerror(errno));
+	close(tempdes);
+	return -1;
+    }
+    close(tempdes);
+    unlink(payload.filename.filename_val);
+    *size = fileinfo.st_size;
+    *which = (uint32_t) ntohl(*(uint32_t *)which);
+    return 0;
+main(int argc, char** argv)
+    int i, errs;
+    int ret;
+    dtn_handle_t handle;
+    dtn_endpoint_id_t local_eid;
+    dtn_reg_info_t reginfo;
+    dtn_bundle_spec_t spec;
+    dtn_bundle_payload_t payload;
+    int call_bind;
+    time_t now;
+    // force stdout to always be line buffered, even if output is
+    // redirected to a pipe or file
+    setvbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL, _IOLBF, 0);
+    progname = argv[0];
+    parse_options(argc, argv);
+    printf("dtnsink starting up -- waiting for %u bundles\n", count);
+    // open the ipc handle
+    if (verbose) printf("opening connection to dtn router...\n");
+    int err = dtn_open(&handle);
+    if (err != DTN_SUCCESS) {
+        fprintf(stderr, "fatal error opening dtn handle: %s\n",
+                dtn_strerror(err));
+        exit(1);
+    }
+    if (verbose) printf("opened connection to dtn router...\n");
+    // if we're not given a regid, or we're in change mode, we need to
+    // build up the reginfo
+    memset(&reginfo, 0, sizeof(reginfo));
+    if ((regid == DTN_REGID_NONE) || change)
+    {
+        // if the specified eid starts with '/', then build a local
+        // eid based on the configuration of our dtn router plus the
+        // demux string. otherwise make sure it's a valid one
+        if (endpoint[0] == '/') {
+            if (verbose) printf("calling dtn_build_local_eid.\n");
+            dtn_build_local_eid(handle, &local_eid, (char *) endpoint);
+            if (verbose) printf("local_eid [%s]\n", local_eid.uri);
+        } else {
+            if (verbose) printf("calling parse_eid_string\n");
+            if (dtn_parse_eid_string(&local_eid, endpoint)) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "invalid destination endpoint '%s'\n",
+                        endpoint);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        // create a new registration based on this eid
+        dtn_copy_eid(&reginfo.endpoint, &local_eid);
+        reginfo.regid             = regid;
+        reginfo.expiration        = expiration;
+        reginfo.flags             = failure_action;
+        reginfo.script.script_val = failure_script;
+        reginfo.script.script_len = strlen(failure_script) + 1;
+    }
+    if (change) {
+        if ((ret = dtn_change_registration(handle, regid, &reginfo)) != 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "error changing registration: %d (%s)\n",
+                    ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        printf("change registration succeeded, regid %d\n", regid);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    if (unregister) {
+        if (dtn_unregister(handle, regid) != 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "error in unregister regid %d: %s\n",
+                    regid, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        printf("unregister succeeded, regid %d\n", regid);
+        goto done;
+    }
+    // try to see if there is an existing registration that matches
+    // the given endpoint, in which case we'll use that one.
+    if (regid == DTN_REGID_NONE && ! no_find_reg) {
+        if (dtn_find_registration(handle, &local_eid, &regid) != 0) {
+            if (dtn_errno(handle) != DTN_ENOTFOUND) {
+                fprintf(stderr, "error in find_registration: %s\n",
+                        dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        printf("find registration succeeded, regid %d\n", regid);
+        call_bind = 1;
+    }
+    // if the user didn't give us a registration to use, get a new one
+    if (regid == DTN_REGID_NONE) {
+        if ((ret = dtn_register(handle, &reginfo, &regid)) != 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "error creating registration: %d (%s)\n",
+                    ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        printf("register succeeded, regid %d\n", regid);
+        call_bind = 0;
+    } else {
+        call_bind = 1;
+    }
+    if (register_only) {
+        goto done;
+    }
+    if (call_bind) {
+        // bind the current handle to the found registration
+        printf("binding to regid %d\n", regid);
+        if (dtn_bind(handle, regid) != 0) {
+            fprintf(stderr, "error binding to registration: %s\n",
+                    dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+            goto err;
+        }
+    }
+    // keep track of what we've seen
+    char *received = (char *)malloc(count + 1);
+    memset(received, '\0', count);
+    // loop waiting for bundles
+    fprintf(stderr, "waiting %d seconds for first bundle...\n",
+    for (i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
+	int tries;
+	uint32_t which;
+	uint32_t size;
+        memset(&spec, 0, sizeof(spec));
+        memset(&payload, 0, sizeof(payload));
+	/* 
+	 * this is a little tricky. We want dtn_recv to time out after
+	 * RECV_TIMEOUT ms, so we don't wait a long time for a bundle
+	 * if something is broken and no bundle is coming.  But we
+	 * want to be friendly and wait patiently for the first
+	 * bundle, in case dtnsource is slow in getting off the mark.
+	 * 
+	 * So we loop at most MAX_STARTUP_TRIES times
+	 */
+	tries = 0;
+	while ((ret = dtn_recv(handle, &spec, bundletype, &payload, 
+			       RECV_TIMEOUT)) < 0) {
+	    /* if waiting for the first bundle and we timed out be patient */
+	    if (dtn_errno(handle) == DTN_ETIMEOUT) {
+		if (i == 1 && ++tries < MAX_STARTUP_TRIES) {
+		    fprintf(stderr, "waiting %d seconds for first bundle...\n",
+			    (MAX_STARTUP_TRIES-tries)*RECV_TIMEOUT/1000);
+		} else {
+		    /* timed out waiting, something got dropped */
+		    fprintf(stderr, "timeout waiting for bundle %d\n", i);
+		    goto bail;
+		}
+	    } else {
+	        /* a bad thing has happend in recv, or we've lost patience */
+		fprintf(stderr, "error in dtn_recv: %d (%d, %s)\n", ret, 
+			dtn_errno(handle), dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+		goto bail;
+	    }
+	}
+	if (i == 1) {
+	    now = time(0);
+	    printf("received first bundle at %s\n", ctime(&now));
+	}
+	if (verbose) {
+	    printf("bundle %d received successfully: id %s,%llu.%llu\n",
+		   i,
+		   spec.source.uri,
+		   spec.creation_ts.secs,
+		   spec.creation_ts.seqno);
+	}
+	if (!promiscuous) {
+	    /* check to see which bundle this is */
+	    // Files need to be handled differently than memory transfers
+	    if (payload.location == DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE) {
+		if (handle_file_transfer(payload, &size, &which) < 0) {
+		    dtn_free_payload(&payload);
+		    continue;
+		}
+	    } else {
+		which = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)payload.buf.buf_val);
+		size = payload.buf.buf_len;
+	    }
+	    if (which > (uint32_t) count) {
+		// note that the above cast is safe as count always >= 0
+		fprintf(stderr, "-- expecting %d bundles, saw bundle %u\n", 
+			count, which);
+	    }
+	    else if (which <= 0) { /* because I am paranoid -DJE */
+		fprintf(stderr, "-- didn't expect bundle %u\n", which);
+	    }
+	    else {
+	      ++received[which];
+	    }
+	}
+	// XXX should verify size here...
+	/* all done, get next one */
+	dtn_free_payload(&payload);
+    }
+    for (i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
+	if (received[i] == 0) {
+	    int j = i + 1;
+	    while (j <= count && received[j] == 0)
+		++j;
+	    if (j == i + 1)
+		printf("bundle %d: dropped\n", i);
+	    else
+		printf("bundles %d-%d dropped\n", i, j - 1);
+	    errs += (j - i);
+	    i += (j - i - 1);
+	} else if (received[i] > 1) {
+	    printf("bundle %d: received %d copies\n", i, received[i]);
+	    ++errs;
+	}
+    }
+    if (errs == 0) {
+	printf("all %d bundles received correctly\n", count);
+    }
+    free(received);
+    now = time(0);
+    printf("terminating at %s\n", ctime(&now));
+    dtn_close(handle);
+    return 0;
+    dtn_close(handle);
+    return 1;