changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/apps/dtnperf/dtnperf-client.c	Thu Apr 21 14:57:45 2011 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@
+*    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
+*    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+*    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+*    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+*    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+*    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+*    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+*    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+*    limitations under the License.
+/* ----------------------------------------
+ *         DTNperf 2.8 - CLIENT
+ *
+ *             developed by
+ * 
+ * Piero Cornice - piero.cornice(at)
+ * Marco Livini - marco.livini(at)
+ * Leo Iannacone - liannacone(at)
+ *
+ * DEIS - Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica
+ * Universita' di Bologna
+ * Italy
+ * ----------------------------------------
+ */
+#  include <dtn-config.h>
+#include "includes.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "bundle_tools.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+/* pthread_yield() is not standard, 
+   so use sched_yield if necessary */
+#       include <sched.h>
+#       define pthread_yield    sched_yield
+#   endif
+// max payload (in bytes) if bundles are stored into memory
+#define MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD 50000
+// illegal number of bytes for the bundle payload
+// default value (in bytes) for bundle payload
+#define DEFAULT_PAYLOAD 50000
+/* ---------------------------------------------
+ * Values inside [square brackets] are defaults
+ * --------------------------------------------- */
+// global options
+int verbose = 0;    // if set to 1, execution becomes verbose (-v option) [0]
+int debug = 0;    // if set to 1, many debug messages are shown [0]
+int debug_level = 0;
+int csv_out = 0;    // if set to 1, a Comma-Separated-Values output is shown [0]
+char* csv_log_filename = NULL;
+FILE* csv_log_file = NULL;
+int create_log = 0;
+char* log_filename = NULL; // name of log destination file;
+FILE* log_file = NULL;
+typedef struct
+	int expiration;				// expiration time (sec) [3600]
+	int delivery_receipts;    	// request delivery receipts [1]
+	int forwarding_receipts;	// request per hop departure [0]
+	int custody_transfer;		// request custody transfer [0]
+	int custody_receipts;		// request per custodian receipts [0]
+	int receive_receipts;		// request per hop arrival receipt [0]
+	int wait_for_report;		// wait for bundle status reports [1]
+	int disable_fragmentation;	// disable bundle fragmentation [0]
+	dtn_bundle_priority_t priority; // bundle priority [COS_NORMAL]
+typedef struct
+	char op_mode ;    		// operative mode (t = time_mode, d = data_mode) [d]
+	long data_qty;			// data to be transmitted (bytes) [0]
+	char * n_arg;			// arguments of -n option
+	char * p_arg;			// arguments of -p option
+	int use_file;			// if set to 1, a file is used instead of memory [1]
+	int transfer_file;		// if set to 1, the transfer involved a real file [0]
+	char data_unit;			// B = bytes, K = kilobytes, M = megabytes [M]
+	int transmission_time;	// seconds of transmission [0]
+	int window;				// trasmission window [1]
+	int wait_before_exit;
+	int slide_on_custody;	// flag sliding window on custody receipts [0] 
+	dtn_reg_id_t regid;   	// registration ID (-i option) [DTN_REGID_NONE]
+	long bundle_payload;  	// quantity of data (in bytes) to send (-p option) [DEFAULT_PAYLOAD]
+	dtn_bundle_payload_location_t payload_type;	// the type of data source for the bundle [DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE]
+typedef struct
+	dtnperf_options_t *dtnperf_opt;
+	dtn_options_t *dtn_opt;
+// specified options for bundle tuples
+char * arg_replyto = NULL; // replyto_tuple
+char * arg_source = NULL; // source_tuple
+char * arg_dest = NULL; // destination_tuple
+// Data-Mode variables
+int fd ;    // file descriptor, used with -f option
+int data_written = 0;    // data written on the file
+int data_read = 0;    // data read from the file
+char * file_name_src = "/var/dtn/dtnperf/dtnbuffer.snd";    // name of the SOURCE file to use
+char * filename = NULL; // name of the file to transfer
+char * real_filename = NULL; // absolute path of the file to transfer
+int real_filename_fd;	// file decriptor of the file to tranfer
+/* -------------------------------
+ *       function interfaces
+ * ------------------------------- */
+void parse_options(int, char**, dtnperf_options_t *, dtn_options_t *);
+void print_usage(char* progname);
+void check_options(dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt, dtn_options_t *dtn_opt);
+void show_options(dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt, dtn_options_t *dtn_opt);
+void init_dtnperf_options(dtnperf_options_t *);
+void init_dtn_options(dtn_options_t*);
+void set_dtn_options(dtn_bundle_spec_t *, dtn_options_t*);
+// Thread functions
+void* send_bundle(void *opt);
+void* receive_ack(void *opt);
+//CTRL+C handling
+void sigint(int sig);
+// Utility
+int file_exists(const char * filename);
+long double calc_exec_time ( long long unsigned sec, long long unsigned sec_no );
+long long unsigned calc_epoch_time ( long long unsigned dtn_time );
+long double calc_timestamp ( long long unsigned sec ) ;
+/* -----------------------
+ *  variables declaration
+ * ----------------------- */
+int ret;                        // result of DTN-registration
+struct timeval start, end,
+			p_start, p_end, now; // time-calculation variables
+send_information_t* send_info;
+int i, j;                       // loop-control variables
+int n_bundles = 0;              // number of bundles needed (Data-Mode)
+int first_bundle_ever = 0;      // Check if the first bundle is sent
+// DTN variables
+dtn_handle_t handle;
+dtn_reg_info_t reginfo;
+dtn_bundle_spec_t bundle_spec;
+dtn_bundle_spec_t reply_spec;
+dtn_bundle_id_t bundle_id;
+dtn_bundle_payload_t send_payload;
+dtn_bundle_payload_t reply_payload;
+char demux[64];
+// buffer settings
+char* buffer = NULL;            // buffer containing data to be transmitted
+int bufferLen;                  // lenght of buffer
+int sent_bundles;               // number of bundles sent in Time-Mode
+int bundles_ready;
+int orphan_acks = 0;
+int close_ack_receiver = 0;
+pthread_t sender;
+pthread_t ack_receiver;
+pthread_mutex_t mutexdata;
+pthread_cond_t cond_sender;
+pthread_cond_t cond_ackreceiver;
+/* -----------------------
+ *        M A I N
+ * ----------------------- */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	int pthread_status;
+	dtnperf_options_t dtnperf_options;
+	dtn_options_t dtn_options;
+	// Init options
+	init_dtnperf_options(&dtnperf_options);
+	init_dtn_options(&dtn_options);
+	// Parse and check command line options
+	parse_options(argc, argv, &dtnperf_options, &dtn_options);
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] parsed command-line options\n");
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] checking command-line option...");
+	check_options(&dtnperf_options, &dtn_options);
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf(" done\n");
+	if (debug)
+		show_options(&dtnperf_options, &dtn_options);
+	// Create a new log file
+	if (create_log)
+	{
+		if ((log_file = fopen(log_filename, "w")) == NULL)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr, "fatal error opening log file\n");
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (csv_out)
+	{
+		if ((csv_log_file = fopen(csv_log_filename, "w")) == NULL)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr, "fatal error opening log file\n");
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	if (dtnperf_options.transfer_file)
+	{
+		if ((real_filename_fd = open(real_filename, O_RDONLY)) < 0)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr, "fatal error opening file %s\n", filename);
+			exit(1);
+		}
+	}
+	// Connect to DTN Daemon
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] opening connection to local DTN daemon...");
+	int err = dtn_open(&handle);
+	if (err != DTN_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "fatal error opening dtn handle: %s\n", dtn_strerror(err));
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "fatal error opening dtn handle: %s\n", dtn_strerror(err));
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("done\n");
+	/* -----------------------------------------------------
+	 *   initialize and parse bundle src/dest/replyto EIDs
+	 * ----------------------------------------------------- */
+	memset(&bundle_spec, 0, sizeof(bundle_spec));
+	// SOURCE is local EID + demux string (with optional file path)
+	sprintf(demux, "/dtnperf:/src_%d",getpid());
+	dtn_build_local_eid(handle, &bundle_spec.source, demux);
+	if (debug)
+		printf("\nSource     : %s\n", bundle_spec.source.uri);
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, "\nSource     : %s\n", bundle_spec.source.uri);
+	// DEST host is specified at runtime, demux is hardcoded
+	sprintf(demux, "/dtnperf:/dest");
+	strcat(arg_dest, demux);
+	if (verbose)
+		fprintf(stdout, "%s (local)\n", arg_dest);
+	if (parse_eid(handle, &bundle_spec.dest, arg_dest) == NULL)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "fatal error parsing dtn EID: invalid eid string '%s'\n", arg_dest);
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if (debug)
+		printf("Destination: %s\n", bundle_spec.dest.uri);
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, "Destination: %s\n", bundle_spec.dest.uri);
+	// REPLY-TO (if none specified, same as the source)
+	if (arg_replyto == NULL)
+	{
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] setting replyto = source...");
+		dtn_copy_eid(&bundle_spec.replyto, &bundle_spec.source);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" done\n");
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		sprintf(demux, "/dtnperf:/src_%d", getpid());
+		strcat(arg_replyto, demux);
+		parse_eid(handle, &bundle_spec.dest, arg_replyto);
+	}
+	if (debug)
+		printf("Reply-to   : %s\n\n", bundle_spec.replyto.uri);
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, "Reply-to   : %s\n\n", bundle_spec.replyto.uri);
+	/* ------------------------
+	 * set DTN options
+	 * ------------------------ */
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] setting the DTN options: ");
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, " DTN options: ");
+	set_dtn_options(&bundle_spec, &dtn_options);
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("option(s) set\n");
+	/* ----------------------------------------------
+	 * create a new registration based on the source
+	 * ---------------------------------------------- */
+	memset(&reginfo, 0, sizeof(reginfo));
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] copying bundle_spec.replyto to reginfo.endpoint...");
+	dtn_copy_eid(&reginfo.endpoint, &bundle_spec.replyto);
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf(" done\n");
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] setting up reginfo...");
+	reginfo.flags = DTN_REG_DEFER;
+	reginfo.regid = dtnperf_options.regid;
+	reginfo.expiration = 30;
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf(" done\n");
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] registering to local daemon...");
+	if ((ret = dtn_register(handle, &reginfo, &dtnperf_options.regid)) != 0)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "error creating registration: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "error creating registration: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf(" done: regid 0x%x\n", dtnperf_options.regid);
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, " regid 0x%x\n", dtnperf_options.regid);
+	// if bundle_payload > MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD, then transfer a file
+	if (dtnperf_options.bundle_payload > MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD)
+		dtnperf_options.use_file = 1;
+	else
+		dtnperf_options.use_file = 0;
+	if (csv_out)
+	/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	 * select the operative-mode (between Time_Mode and Data_Mode)
+	 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
+	if (dtnperf_options.op_mode == 't')	// Time mode
+	{
+		if (debug)
+			printf("Working in Time_Mode\n");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "Working in Time_Mode\n");
+		if (debug)
+			printf("requested %d second(s) of transmission\n", dtnperf_options.transmission_time);
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "requested %d second(s) of transmission\n", dtnperf_options.transmission_time);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] bundle_payload %s %d bytes\n", dtnperf_options.use_file ? ">=" : "<", MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD);
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " bundle_payload %s %d bytes\n", dtnperf_options.use_file ? ">=" : "<", MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD);
+		if (debug)
+			printf(" transmitting data %s\n", dtnperf_options.use_file ? "using a file" : "using memory");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " transmitting data %s\n", dtnperf_options.use_file ? "using a file" : "using memory");
+		dtnperf_options.data_qty = 0;
+		sent_bundles = 0;
+		// Init buffer
+		buffer = malloc(dtnperf_options.bundle_payload * sizeof(char));
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] initialize the buffer with a pattern... ");
+		pattern(buffer, dtnperf_options.bundle_payload);
+		bufferLen = strlen(buffer);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("done\n[debug] bufferLen = %d\n", bufferLen);
+		if (dtnperf_options.use_file)
+		{
+			// create the file
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("[debug] creating file %s...", file_name_src);
+			fd = open(file_name_src, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
+			if (fd < 0)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't create file %s [fd = %d].\n \b Maybe you don't have permissions\n", file_name_src, fd);
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "ERROR: couldn't create file %s [fd = %d].\n \b Maybe you don't have permissions\n", file_name_src, fd);
+				exit(2);
+			}
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf(" done\n");
+			// Fill in the file with a pattern
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("[debug] filling the file (%s) with the pattern...", file_name_src);
+			data_written += write(fd, buffer, bufferLen);
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf(" done. Written %d bytes\n", data_written);
+			// Close the file
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("[debug] closing file (%s)...", file_name_src);
+			close(fd);
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf(" done\n");
+		}
+		bundles_ready = dtnperf_options.window;
+		// Create the array for the bundle send info
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] creating structure for sending information...");
+		if (dtnperf_options.slide_on_custody==1)
+		{
+			send_info = (send_information_t*) malloc((dtnperf_options.window+1000) * sizeof(send_information_t));
+			init_info(send_info, dtnperf_options.window+1000);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			send_info = (send_information_t*) malloc(dtnperf_options.window * sizeof(send_information_t));
+			init_info(send_info, dtnperf_options.window);
+		}
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		// Fill the payload
+		memset(&send_payload, 0, sizeof(send_payload));
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] filling payload...");
+		if (dtnperf_options.use_file)
+			dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE, file_name_src, strlen(file_name_src));
+		else
+			dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM, buffer, bufferLen);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		//CTRL+C handling
+		signal(SIGINT, &sigint);
+		// Run threads
+		pthread_cond_init(&cond_sender, NULL);
+		pthread_cond_init(&cond_ackreceiver, NULL);
+		pthread_mutex_init (&mutexdata, NULL);
+		global_options_t arg;
+		arg.dtnperf_opt = &dtnperf_options;
+		arg.dtn_opt = &dtn_options;
+		pthread_create(&sender, NULL, send_bundle, (void*)&arg);
+		pthread_create(&ack_receiver, NULL, receive_ack, (void*)&arg);
+		pthread_join(ack_receiver, (void**)&pthread_status);
+		pthread_join(sender, (void**)&pthread_status);
+		pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexdata);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] out from loop\n");
+		free((void*)buffer);
+		// Get the TOTAL end time
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] getting total end-time...");
+		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" end.tv_sec = %u sec\n", (u_int)end.tv_sec);
+		// Show the report
+		printf("%d bundles sent, each with a %ld bytes payload\n", sent_bundles, dtnperf_options.bundle_payload);
+		show_report(reply_payload.buf.buf_len,
+		            reply_spec.source.uri,
+		            start,
+		            end,
+		            dtnperf_options.data_qty,
+		            NULL);
+		if (create_log)
+		{
+			fprintf(log_file, "%d bundles sent, each with a %ld bytes payload\n", sent_bundles, dtnperf_options.bundle_payload);
+			show_report(reply_payload.buf.buf_len,
+			            reply_spec.source.uri,
+			            start,
+			            end,
+			            dtnperf_options.data_qty,
+			            log_file);
+		}
+		if (csv_out)
+		{
+			csv_time_report(sent_bundles, dtnperf_options.bundle_payload, start, end, csv_log_file);
+		}
+	}
+	// End of Time Mode
+	else if (dtnperf_options.op_mode == 'd')	// Data mode
+	{
+		if (debug)
+			printf("Working in Data_Mode\n");
+		// Initialize the buffer
+		if (!dtnperf_options.transfer_file)
+		{
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("[debug] initializing buffer...");
+			if (!dtnperf_options.use_file)
+			{
+				buffer = malloc( (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				                 dtnperf_options.data_qty :
+				                 dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+				memset(buffer, 0, (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				       dtnperf_options.data_qty : dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+				pattern(buffer, (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				        dtnperf_options.data_qty : dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				buffer = malloc( (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				                 dtnperf_options.data_qty : dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+				memset(buffer, 0, (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				       dtnperf_options.data_qty : dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+				pattern(buffer, (dtnperf_options.data_qty < dtnperf_options.bundle_payload) ?
+				        dtnperf_options.data_qty : dtnperf_options.bundle_payload );
+			}
+			bufferLen = strlen(buffer);
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0) && (!dtnperf_options.transfer_file))
+				printf(" done. bufferLen = %d (should equal %s)\n",
+				       bufferLen, dtnperf_options.use_file ? "data_qty" : "bundle_payload");
+			if (dtnperf_options.use_file)
+			{
+				// Create the file
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] creating file %s...", file_name_src);
+				fd = open(file_name_src, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
+				if (fd < 0)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't create file [fd = %d]. Maybe you don't have permissions\n", fd);
+					if (create_log)
+						fprintf(log_file, "ERROR: couldn't create file [fd = %d]. Maybe you don't have permissions\n", fd);
+					exit(2);
+				}
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done\n");
+				// Fill in the file with a pattern
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] filling the file (%s) with the pattern...", file_name_src);
+				data_written += write(fd, buffer, bufferLen);
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done. Written %d bytes\n", data_written);
+				// Close the file
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] closing file (%s)...", file_name_src);
+				close(fd);
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done\n");
+			}
+		}
+		// 1) If you're using MEMORY (-m option), the maximum data quantity is MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD bytes.
+		//    So if someone tries to send more data, you will have to do multiple transmission
+		//    in order to avoid daemon failure.
+		//    This, however, doesn't affect the goodput measurement, since it is calculated
+		//    for each transmission.
+		//
+		// 2) If you are using FILE, you may want to send an amount of data
+		//    using smaller bundles.
+		//
+		// In both cases we shall calculate how many bundles are needed.
+		if (dtnperf_options.transfer_file)
+		{
+			dtnperf_options.data_qty = lseek(real_filename_fd, 0, SEEK_END);
+			lseek(real_filename_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
+		}
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] calculating how many bundles are needed...");
+		n_bundles = bundles_needed(dtnperf_options.data_qty, dtnperf_options.bundle_payload);
+		if (dtnperf_options.transfer_file)
+			n_bundles++;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" n_bundles = %d\n", n_bundles);
+		bundles_ready = dtnperf_options.window;
+		// Create the array for the bundle send info
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] creating structure for sending information...");
+		if (dtnperf_options.slide_on_custody==1)
+		{
+			send_info = (send_information_t*) malloc((dtnperf_options.window+1000) * sizeof(send_information_t));
+			init_info(send_info, dtnperf_options.window+1000);
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			send_info = (send_information_t*) malloc(dtnperf_options.window * sizeof(send_information_t));
+			init_info(send_info, dtnperf_options.window);
+		}
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		// Run threads
+		pthread_cond_init(&cond_sender, NULL);
+		pthread_cond_init(&cond_ackreceiver, NULL);
+		pthread_mutex_init (&mutexdata, NULL);
+		global_options_t arg;
+		arg.dtnperf_opt = &dtnperf_options;
+		arg.dtn_opt = &dtn_options;
+		pthread_create(&sender, NULL, send_bundle, (void*) &arg);
+		pthread_create(&ack_receiver, NULL, receive_ack, (void*)&arg);
+		pthread_join(ack_receiver, (void**)&pthread_status);
+		pthread_join(sender, (void**)&pthread_status);
+		pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutexdata);
+		// Close source file
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0) && (dtnperf_options.transfer_file))
+			printf("[debug] deallocating buffer memory...");
+		if (dtnperf_options.transfer_file)
+			close(real_filename_fd);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0) && (dtnperf_options.transfer_file))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		free(buffer);
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		// This should not be executed (written only for debug purpouse)
+		fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: invalid operative mode! Specify -t or -n\n");
+		exit(3);
+	}
+	// Close the DTN handle -- IN DTN_2.1.1 SIMPLY RETURNS -1
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] closing DTN handle...");
+	if (dtn_close(handle) != DTN_SUCCESS)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "fatal error closing dtn handle: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "fatal error closing dtn handle: %s\n", strerror(errno));
+		exit(1);
+	}
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf(" done\n");
+	if (create_log)
+		fclose(log_file);
+	if (csv_out)
+		fclose(csv_log_file);
+	free(send_info);
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+	// Final carriage return
+	printf("\n");
+	return 0;
+} // End main
+/* ----------------------------------------
+ * ---------------------------------------- */
+/* ----------------------------
+ * print_usage
+ * ---------------------------- */
+void print_usage(char* progname)
+	fprintf(stderr, "DTNperf ver 2.7\nSYNTAX: %s "
+	        "-d <dest_eid> "
+	        "[-t <sec> | -n <num>] [options]\n", progname);
+	fprintf(stderr, "\n\
+ -d, --destination <eid>    Destination eid (required).\n\
+ -t, --time <sec>    Time-mode: seconds of transmission.\n\
+ -n, --data <num[BKM]>||<file_name> Data-mode: bytes to transmit, data unit default 'M' (Mbytes).\n\
+Options common to both Time and Data Mode:\n\
+-w, --window <size>  Size of transmission window, i.e. max number of bundles \"in flight\" (not still ACKed by a \"delivered\" status reports); default =1.\n\
+-C, --custody [SONC||Slide_on_Custody] Enable both custody transfer and \"custody accepted\" status reports; if SONC||Slide_on_Custody is set, a bundle in the transmission window can be ACKed also by the \"custody accepted\" status report sent by the first custodian but the source.\n\
+ -i, --intervalbeforeexit <time> Additional interval before exit.\n\
+ -p, --payload <size[BKM]> Size in bytes of bundle payload; data unit default= 'K' (Kbytes).\n\
+ -u, --nofragment       Disable bundle fragmentation.\n\
+Data-Mode options:\n\
+ -m, --memory   Store the bundle into memory instead of file (if payload < 50KB).\n\
+Other options:\n\
+ -c, --csvout <csv_log_filename> Log all status reports received by the client in a csv (Comma Separated Values) file.\n\
+ -D, --debug <level>    Debug messages [0-1-2], if the level is not indicated assume level=0.\n\
+ -L, --log <log_filename>       Create a log file.\n\
+ -F, --freceipts        Enable \"forwarded\" status reports.\n\
+ -R, --rreceipts        Enable \"received\" status reports.\n\
+ -h, --help     Help.\n\
+ -e, --expiration <time> expiration time in seconds (default: one hour).\n\
+ -P, --priority <priority> one of bulk, normal, expedited, or reserved (default normal).\n");
+	exit(1);
+} // end print_usage
+void init_dtnperf_options(dtnperf_options_t *opt)
+	opt->op_mode = 'd';
+	opt->data_qty = 0;
+	opt->n_arg = NULL;
+	opt->p_arg = NULL;
+	opt->use_file = 1;
+	opt->transfer_file = 0;
+	opt->data_unit = 'M';
+	opt->transmission_time = 0;
+	opt->window = 1;
+	opt->wait_before_exit = 0;
+	opt->slide_on_custody = 0;
+	opt->regid = DTN_REGID_NONE;
+	opt->bundle_payload = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD;
+	opt->payload_type = DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE;
+void init_dtn_options(dtn_options_t* opt)
+	opt->expiration = 3600; // expiration time (sec) [3600]
+	opt->delivery_receipts = 1;    // request delivery receipts [1]
+	opt->forwarding_receipts = 0;    // request per hop departure [0]
+	opt->custody_transfer = 0;    // request custody transfer [0]
+	opt->custody_receipts = 0;    // request per custodian receipts [0]
+	opt->receive_receipts = 0;    // request per hop arrival receipt [0]
+	opt->wait_for_report = 1;    // wait for bundle status reports [1]
+	opt->disable_fragmentation = 0; //disable bundle fragmentation[0]
+	opt->priority = COS_NORMAL; // bundle priority [COS_NORMAL]
+void set_dtn_options(dtn_bundle_spec_t *bundle_spec, dtn_options_t *opt)
+	// Bundle expiration
+	bundle_spec->expiration = opt->expiration;
+	// Bundle priority
+	bundle_spec->priority = opt->priority;
+	// Delivery receipt option
+	if (opt->delivery_receipts)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_DELIVERY_RCPT;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("DELIVERY_RCPT ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "DELIVERY_RCPT ");
+	}
+	// Forward receipt option
+	if (opt->forwarding_receipts)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_FORWARD_RCPT;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("FORWARD_RCPT ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "FORWARD_RCPT ");
+	}
+	// Custody transfer
+	if (opt->custody_transfer)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_CUSTODY;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("CUSTODY ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "CUSTODY ");
+	}
+	// Custody receipts
+	if (opt->custody_receipts)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_CUSTODY_RCPT;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("CUSTODY_RCPT ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "CUSTODY_RCPT ");
+	}
+	// Receive receipt
+	if (opt->receive_receipts)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_RECEIVE_RCPT;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("RECEIVE_RCPT ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "RECEIVE_RCPT ");
+	}
+	//Disable bundle fragmentation
+	if (opt->disable_fragmentation)
+	{
+		bundle_spec->dopts |= DOPTS_DO_NOT_FRAGMENT;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("DO_NOT_FRAGMENT ");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "DO_NOT_FRAGMENT ");
+	}
+} // end set_dtn_options
+/* ----------------------------
+ * parse_options
+ * ---------------------------- */
+void parse_options(int argc, char**argv, dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt, dtn_options_t *dtn_opt)
+	char c, done = 0;
+	while (!done)
+	{
+		static struct option long_options[] =
+		    {
+			    {"destination", required_argument, 0, 'd'},
+			    {"time", required_argument, 0, 't'},
+			    {"data", required_argument, 0, 'n'},
+			    {"file", required_argument, 0, 'f'},
+			    {"custody", optional_argument, 0, 'C'},
+			    {"window", required_argument, 0, 'w'},
+			    {"intervalbeforeexit", required_argument, 0, 'i'},
+			    {"payload", required_argument, 0, 'p'},
+			    {"memory", no_argument, 0, 'm'},
+			    {"csvout", required_argument, 0, 'c'},
+			    {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'},
+			    {"debug", required_argument, 0, 'D'},
+			    {"log", required_argument, 0, 'L'},
+			    {"freceipts", no_argument, 0, 'F'},
+			    {"rreceipts", no_argument, 0, 'R'},
+			    {"creceipts", no_argument, 0, 'T'},
+			    {"nofragment", no_argument, 0, 'u'},
+			    {"expiration", no_argument, 0, 'e'},
+			    {"priority", no_argument, 0, 'P'}
+		    };
+		int option_index = 0;
+		c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvD::c:mC::w:d:i:t:p:n:FRTuf:L::e:P:", long_options, &option_index);
+		switch (c)
+		{
+		case 'h':
+			print_usage(argv[0]);
+			exit(0);
+			return ;
+		case 'c':
+			csv_out = 1;
+			csv_log_filename = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'C':
+			dtn_opt->custody_transfer = 1;
+			dtn_opt->custody_receipts = 1;
+			if ((optarg!=NULL && (strncmp(optarg, "SONC", 4)==0||strncmp(optarg, "Slide_on_Custody", 16)==0))||((argv[optind]!=NULL)&&(strncmp(argv[optind], "SONC", 4)==0||strncmp(argv[optind], "Slide_on_Custody", 16)==0))){
+				perf_opt->slide_on_custody=1;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'w':
+			perf_opt->window = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'i':
+			perf_opt->wait_before_exit = atoi(optarg)*1000;
+			break;
+		case 'd':
+			arg_dest = optarg;
+			break;
+		case 'D':
+			debug = 1;
+			if (optarg != NULL)
+				debug_level = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 't':
+			perf_opt->op_mode = 't';
+			perf_opt->transmission_time = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'n':
+			if (file_exists(optarg) == 0)
+			{
+			  real_filename = strdup(optarg);
+				filename = get_filename(optarg); //strdup(optarg);
+				perf_opt->transfer_file = 1;
+				break;
+			}
+			perf_opt->n_arg = strdup(optarg);
+			perf_opt->data_unit = find_data_unit(perf_opt->n_arg);
+			switch (perf_opt->data_unit)
+			{
+			case 'B':
+				perf_opt->data_qty = atol(perf_opt->n_arg);
+				break;
+			case 'K':
+				perf_opt->data_qty = kilo2byte(atol(perf_opt->n_arg));
+				break;
+			case 'M':
+				perf_opt->data_qty = mega2byte(atol(perf_opt->n_arg));
+				break;
+			default:
+				printf("\nWARNING: (-n option) invalid data unit, assuming 'M' (MBytes)\n\n");
+				perf_opt->data_qty = mega2byte(atol(perf_opt->n_arg));
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'p':
+			perf_opt->p_arg = optarg;
+			perf_opt->data_unit = find_data_unit(perf_opt->p_arg);
+			switch (perf_opt->data_unit)
+			{
+			case 'B':
+				perf_opt->bundle_payload = atol(perf_opt->p_arg);
+				break;
+			case 'K':
+				perf_opt->bundle_payload = kilo2byte(atol(perf_opt->p_arg));
+				break;
+			case 'M':
+				perf_opt->bundle_payload = mega2byte(atol(perf_opt->p_arg));
+				break;
+			default:
+				printf("\nWARNING: (-p option) invalid data unit, assuming 'K' (KBytes)\n\n");
+				perf_opt->bundle_payload = kilo2byte(atol(perf_opt->p_arg));
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		case 'f':
+			perf_opt->use_file = 1;
+			file_name_src = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'm':
+			perf_opt->use_file = 0;
+			perf_opt->payload_type = DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM;
+			break;
+		case 'F':
+			dtn_opt->forwarding_receipts = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'R':
+			dtn_opt->receive_receipts = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'T':
+			dtn_opt->custody_receipts = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'u':
+			dtn_opt->disable_fragmentation = 1;
+			break;
+		case 'L':
+			create_log = 1;
+			log_filename = strdup(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'e':
+			dtn_opt->expiration = atoi(optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'P':
+			if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "bulk"))   {
+			    dtn_opt->priority = COS_BULK;
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "normal")) {
+			    dtn_opt->priority = COS_NORMAL;
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "expedited")) {
+			    dtn_opt->priority = COS_EXPEDITED;
+			} else if (!strcasecmp(optarg, "reserved")) {
+			    dtn_opt->priority = COS_RESERVED;
+			} else {
+			    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid priority value %s\n", optarg);
+			    exit(1);
+			}
+			break;
+		case '?':
+			break;
+		case (char)(-1):
+			done = 1;
+			break;
+		default:
+			// getopt already prints an error message for unknown option characters
+			print_usage(argv[0]);
+			exit(1);
+		} // --switch
+	} // -- while
+#define CHECK_SET(_arg, _what)                                          	\
+    if (_arg == 0) {                                                    	\
+        fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: %s must be specified\n", _what);   \
+        print_usage(argv[0]);                                               \
+        exit(1);                                                        	\
+    }
+	CHECK_SET(arg_dest, "destination tuple");
+	CHECK_SET(perf_opt->op_mode, "-t or -n");
+} // end parse_options
+/* ----------------------------
+ * show_options
+ * ---------------------------- */
+void show_options(dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt, dtn_options_t *dtn_opt)
+	(void)dtn_opt;
+	printf("\nRequested");
+	if (perf_opt->op_mode == 't')
+		printf(" %d second(s) of transmission\n", perf_opt->transmission_time);
+	if (perf_opt->op_mode == 'd')
+	{
+		if (!perf_opt->transfer_file)
+			printf(" %ld byte(s) to be transmitted\n", perf_opt->data_qty);
+		else
+			printf(" %s file to be transmitted\n", filename);
+	}
+	printf(" payload of each bundle = %ld byte(s)", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+	printf("\n\n");
+} // end show_options
+/* ----------------------------
+ * check_options
+ * ---------------------------- */
+void check_options(dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt, dtn_options_t *dtn_opt)
+	(void)dtn_opt;
+	// checks on values
+	if ((perf_opt->op_mode == 'd') && (perf_opt->data_qty <= 0) && (filename == NULL))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: (-n option) you should send a positive number of MBytes (%ld) or inicate the name of file to transfer\n\n",
+		        perf_opt->data_qty);
+		exit(2);
+	}
+	if ((perf_opt->op_mode == 't') && (perf_opt->transmission_time <= 0))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: (-t option) you should specify a positive time\n\n");
+		exit(2);
+	}
+	// checks on options combination
+	if ((perf_opt->use_file) && (perf_opt->op_mode == 't'))
+	{
+		if (perf_opt->bundle_payload <= ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD)
+		{
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD;
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (a): bundle payload set to %ld bytes\n", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			fprintf(stderr, "(use_file && op_mode=='t' + payload <= %d)\n\n", ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD);
+		}
+	}
+	if ((perf_opt->use_file) && (perf_opt->op_mode == 'd'))
+	{
+		if ((perf_opt->bundle_payload <= ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD)
+		        || ((perf_opt->bundle_payload > perf_opt->data_qty)	&& (perf_opt->data_qty > 0)))
+		{
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = perf_opt->data_qty;
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (b): bundle payload set to %ld bytes\n", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			fprintf(stderr, "(use_file && op_mode=='d' + payload <= %d or > %ld)\n\n", ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD, perf_opt->data_qty);
+		}
+	}
+	if ((!perf_opt->use_file)
+	        && (perf_opt->bundle_payload <= ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD)
+	        && (perf_opt->op_mode == 'd'))
+	{
+		if (perf_opt->data_qty <= MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD)
+		{
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = perf_opt->data_qty;
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (c1): bundle payload set to %ld bytes\n", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			fprintf(stderr, "(!use_file + payload <= %d + data_qty <= %d + op_mode=='d')\n\n",
+		}
+		if (perf_opt->data_qty > MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD)
+		{
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD;
+			fprintf(stderr, "(!use_file + payload <= %d + data_qty > %d + op_mode=='d')\n",
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (c2): bundle payload set to %ld bytes\n\n", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+		}
+	}
+	if ((!perf_opt->use_file) && (perf_opt->op_mode == 't'))
+	{
+		if (perf_opt->bundle_payload <= ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD)
+		{
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD;
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (d1): bundle payload set to %ld bytes\n\n", perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			fprintf(stderr, "(!use_file + payload <= %d + op_mode=='t')\n\n", ILLEGAL_PAYLOAD);
+		}
+		if (perf_opt->bundle_payload > MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD)
+		{
+			fprintf(stderr, "\nWARNING (d2): bundle payload was set to %ld bytes, now set to %ld bytes\n",
+			        perf_opt->bundle_payload, (long)DEFAULT_PAYLOAD);
+			perf_opt->bundle_payload = DEFAULT_PAYLOAD;
+			fprintf(stderr, "(!use_file + payload > %d)\n\n", MAX_MEM_PAYLOAD);
+		}
+	}
+	if (perf_opt->window <= 0)
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: (-w option) you should specify a positive value of window\n\n");
+		exit(2);
+	}
+	if ((perf_opt->op_mode == 't') && (perf_opt->window == 0))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: you cannot use -w option in Time-Mode\n\n");
+		exit(2);
+	}
+	if ((create_log == 1) && (log_filename == NULL))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: if you use -L option you should insert a file name for the log file\n\n");
+		exit(2);
+	}
+	if ((csv_out == 1) && (csv_log_filename == NULL))
+	{
+		fprintf(stderr, "\nSYNTAX ERROR: if you use -L option you should insert a file name for the log file\n\n");
+		exit(2);
+	}
+} // end check_options
+void* send_bundle(void *opt)
+	dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt = ((global_options_t *)(opt))->dtnperf_opt;
+	u_int relative_bundleId = 0;
+	// Time Mode
+	if (perf_opt->op_mode == 't')
+	{
+		// Initialize timer
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] initializing timer...");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " initializing timer...");
+		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
+		start.tv_usec = 0;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" start.tv_sec = %d sec\n", (u_int)start.tv_sec);
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " start.tv_sec = %d sec\n", (u_int)start.tv_sec);
+		// Calculate end-time
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] calculating end-time...");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " calculating end-time...");
+		end = set (0);
+		end.tv_sec = start.tv_sec + perf_opt->transmission_time;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" end.tv_sec = %d sec\n", (u_int)end.tv_sec);
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " end.tv_sec = %d sec\n", (u_int)end.tv_sec);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] entering loop...\n");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " entering loop...\n");
+		for (now.tv_sec = start.tv_sec;
+		        now.tv_sec <= end.tv_sec;
+		        gettimeofday(&now, NULL))
+		{
+			pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata);
+			if (bundles_ready == 0)
+			{
+				pthread_cond_wait(&cond_sender, &mutexdata);
+				pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+				continue;
+			}
+			// Send the bundle
+			if (debug)
+				printf("\t sending the bundle...");
+			memset(&bundle_id, 0, sizeof(bundle_id));
+			if ((ret = dtn_send(handle, perf_opt->regid, &bundle_spec, &send_payload, &bundle_id)) != 0)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			gettimeofday(&p_start, NULL);
+			--bundles_ready;
+			++orphan_acks;
+			relative_bundleId = add_info(send_info, bundle_id, p_start, perf_opt->slide_on_custody==1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window);
+			if (debug)
+				printf(" bundle sent\n");
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("\t[debug] bundle sent: %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "\t bundle sent %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			if (csv_out)
+			{
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, "%Lf,%.0Lf,%llu,STATUS_SENT,%s", 
+				        calc_exec_time(p_start.tv_sec, p_start.tv_usec),
+				        calc_timestamp(calc_epoch_time(bundle_id.creation_ts.secs)),
+				        bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno,
+				        bundle_spec.source.uri);
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%u,No,0,%s\n", relative_bundleId, bundle_spec.dest.uri);
+			}
+			// Increment sent_bundles
+			++sent_bundles;
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("\t[debug] now bundles_sent is %d\n", sent_bundles);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "\t now bundles_sent is %d\n", sent_bundles);
+			// Increment data_qty
+			perf_opt->data_qty += perf_opt->bundle_payload;
+/*			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))*/
+/*				printf("\t[debug] now data_qty is %lu\n", perf_opt->data_qty);*/
+/*			if (create_log)*/
+/*				fprintf(log_file, "\t now data_qty is %lu\n", perf_opt->data_qty);*/
+			pthread_cond_signal(&cond_ackreceiver);
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+		}
+	}
+	else	// Data Mode
+	{
+		long reads = 0;
+		long actual_payload = perf_opt->bundle_payload;
+		data_written = 0;
+		j = 0;
+		// Fill the payload
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0) && (!perf_opt->transfer_file))
+			printf("[debug] filling the bundle payload...");
+		memset(&send_payload, 0, sizeof(send_payload));
+		if ((perf_opt->use_file) && (!perf_opt->transfer_file))
+		{
+			dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE, file_name_src, strlen(file_name_src));
+		}
+		else if ((!perf_opt->use_file) && (!perf_opt->transfer_file))
+		{
+			dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM, buffer, bufferLen);
+		}
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0) && (!perf_opt->transfer_file))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		// Set the file name
+		if (perf_opt->transfer_file)
+		{
+			char temp[1024];
+			free(buffer);
+			sprintf(temp, "%s/%ld", filename, perf_opt->data_qty);
+			bufferLen = strlen(temp) + 1;
+			buffer = malloc(bufferLen);
+			strcpy(buffer, temp);
+			dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM, buffer, bufferLen);
+		}
+		// Reset data_qty
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] reset data_qty and bundles_sent...");
+		perf_opt->data_qty = 0;
+		sent_bundles = 0;
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" done\n");
+		// Initialize TOTAL start timer
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] initializing TOTAL start timer...");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " initializing TOTAL start timer...");
+		gettimeofday(&start, NULL);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" start.tv_sec = %u sec\n", (u_int)start.tv_sec);
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, " start.tv_sec = %u sec\n", (u_int)start.tv_sec);
+		// Send the name of the file to transfer
+		if (perf_opt->transfer_file)
+		{
+			pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata);
+			// send the bundle
+			if (debug)
+				printf("\t sending the name of file...");
+			memset(&bundle_id, 0, sizeof(bundle_id));
+			if ((ret = dtn_send(handle, perf_opt->regid, &bundle_spec, &send_payload, &bundle_id)) != 0)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n",
+				        ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			if (debug)
+				printf(" sent\n");
+			gettimeofday(&p_start, NULL);
+			--bundles_ready;
+			++orphan_acks;
+			++j;
+			relative_bundleId = add_info(send_info, bundle_id, p_start, perf_opt->slide_on_custody==1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window);
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf(" bundle sent %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, " bundle sent %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			// Increment sent_bundles
+			++sent_bundles;
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("\t[debug] now bundles_sent is %d of %d\n", sent_bundles, n_bundles);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "\t now bundles_sent is %d of %d\n", sent_bundles, n_bundles);
+			if (csv_out)
+			{
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, "%Lf,%.0Lf,%llu,STATUS_SENT,%s",
+				        calc_exec_time(p_start.tv_sec, p_start.tv_usec),
+				        calc_timestamp(calc_epoch_time(bundle_id.creation_ts.secs)),
+				        bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno,
+				        bundle_spec.source.uri);
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%u,No,0,%s\n", relative_bundleId, bundle_spec.dest.uri);
+			}
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+		}
+		if (perf_opt->transfer_file)
+		{
+			free(buffer);
+			buffer = malloc(perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			memset(buffer, 0, perf_opt->bundle_payload * sizeof(char));
+		}
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("\t[debug] entering loop...\n");
+		if (create_log)
+			fprintf(log_file, "\t entering loop...\n");
+		for ( ;
+		        (((perf_opt->transfer_file) && ((reads = read(real_filename_fd, buffer, perf_opt->bundle_payload)) > 0))
+		         || (j < n_bundles));
+		        ++j)
+		{
+			pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata);
+			if ((bundles_ready == 0))
+			{
+				pthread_cond_wait(&cond_sender, &mutexdata);
+				--j;
+				lseek(real_filename_fd, data_written, 0);
+				pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+				continue;
+			}
+			if (perf_opt->transfer_file)
+			{
+				// Read from the source file
+				bufferLen = reads;
+				// Create the file
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] creating file %s...", file_name_src);
+				fd = open(file_name_src, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
+				if (fd < 0)
+				{
+					fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: couldn't create file [fd = %d]. Maybe you don't have permissions\n", fd);
+					if (create_log)
+						fprintf(log_file, "ERROR: couldn't create file [fd = %d]. Maybe you don't have permissions\n", fd);
+					exit(2);
+				}
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done\n");
+				// Fill the new file with a content of the source file
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] filling the file (%s) with the file_source %s...", file_name_src, filename);
+				actual_payload = write(fd, buffer, bufferLen);
+				data_written += actual_payload;
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done. Written %d bytes\n", data_written);
+				// Close the file
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf("[debug] closing file (%s)...", file_name_src);
+				close(fd);
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+					printf(" done\n");
+				// Fill the payload if transfer_file is set
+				dtn_set_payload(&send_payload, DTN_PAYLOAD_FILE, file_name_src, strlen(file_name_src));
+				// Reset the buffer
+				free(buffer);
+				buffer = malloc(perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+				memset(buffer, 0, perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+				lseek(real_filename_fd, data_written, 0);
+			}
+			// Send the bundle
+			if (debug)
+				printf("\t sending the bundle...");
+			memset(&bundle_id, 0, sizeof(bundle_id));
+			if ((ret = dtn_send(handle, perf_opt->regid, &bundle_spec, &send_payload, &bundle_id)) != 0)
+			{
+				fprintf(stderr, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n",
+				        ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "error sending bundle: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+				exit(1);
+			}
+			if (debug)
+				printf(" sent\n");
+			gettimeofday(&p_start, NULL);
+			--bundles_ready;
+			++orphan_acks;
+			relative_bundleId = add_info(send_info, bundle_id, p_start, perf_opt->slide_on_custody==1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window);
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf(" bundle sent %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, " bundle sent %llu.%llu\n", bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			// Increment sent_bundles
+			++sent_bundles;
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+				printf("\t[debug] now bundles_sent is %d of %d\n", sent_bundles, n_bundles);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "\t now bundles_sent is %d of %d\n", sent_bundles, n_bundles);
+			if (csv_out)
+			{
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, "%Lf,%.0Lf,%llu,STATUS_SENT,%s", 
+				        calc_exec_time(p_start.tv_sec, p_start.tv_usec),
+				        calc_timestamp(calc_epoch_time(bundle_id.creation_ts.secs)),
+				        bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno,
+				        bundle_spec.source.uri);
+				fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%u,No,0,%s\n", relative_bundleId, bundle_spec.dest.uri);
+			}
+			// Increment data_qty
+			perf_opt->data_qty += actual_payload;
+/*			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))*/
+/*				printf("\t[debug] now data_qty is %lu\n", perf_opt->data_qty);*/
+/*			if (create_log)*/
+/*				fprintf(log_file, "\t now data_qty is %lu\n", perf_opt->data_qty);*/
+			pthread_cond_signal(&cond_ackreceiver);
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+		} // end for(n_bundles)
+	}
+	if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+		printf("[debug] ...out from loop\n");
+	if (create_log)
+		fprintf(log_file, " ...out from loop\n");
+	pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata);
+	close_ack_receiver = 1;
+	pthread_cond_signal(&cond_ackreceiver);
+	pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+} // end send_bundle
+void* receive_ack(void *opt)
+	dtnperf_options_t *perf_opt = ((global_options_t *)(opt))->dtnperf_opt;
+	char* ack_sender = strdup(arg_dest);
+	int ack_set = 0;
+	struct timeval temp;
+	int position = -1;
+	while ((close_ack_receiver == 0) || (orphan_acks > 0) || (gettimeofday(&temp, NULL) == 0 && p_end.tv_sec - temp.tv_sec <= perf_opt->wait_before_exit))
+	{
+		pthread_mutex_lock(&mutexdata);
+		if (close_ack_receiver == 0 && orphan_acks == 0)
+		{
+			pthread_cond_wait(&cond_ackreceiver, &mutexdata);
+			pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+			pthread_yield();
+			continue;
+		}
+		// Wait for the reply
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("\t[debug] waiting for the reply...\n");
+		if ((ret = dtn_recv(handle, &reply_spec, DTN_PAYLOAD_MEM, &reply_payload, orphan_acks == 0 ? perf_opt->wait_before_exit : -1)) < 0)
+		{
+			if(orphan_acks == 0 && close_ack_receiver == 1)
+				break;
+			fprintf(stderr, "error getting reply: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "error getting reply: %d (%s)\n", ret, dtn_strerror(dtn_errno(handle)));
+			exit(1);
+		}
+		gettimeofday(&p_end, NULL);
+		// Set the source of the ack
+		if (ack_set == 0)
+		{
+			if (perf_opt->slide_on_custody == 1)
+			{
+				if ((strcmp(reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri, bundle_spec.source.uri) == 0) &&
+				        (is_in_info(send_info, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id, perf_opt->slide_on_custody == 1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window) >= 0) &&
+				        (strncmp(reply_spec.source.uri, bundle_spec.source.uri, (strlen(reply_spec.source.uri))) != 0) &&
+				        (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED))
+				{
+					ack_sender = strdup(reply_spec.source.uri);
+					ack_set=1;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if ((strncmp(reply_spec.source.uri, ack_sender, (strlen(reply_spec.source.uri))) == 0)
+		        && (strcmp(reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri, bundle_spec.source.uri) == 0)
+		        && ((position = is_in_info(send_info, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id, perf_opt->slide_on_custody == 1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window)) >= 0)
+		        && (perf_opt->slide_on_custody == 0 ? reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_DELIVERED : reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED))
+		{
+			if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "%Lf,%.0Lf,%llu,", 
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+ 					    calc_timestamp( calc_epoch_time(reply_spec.creation_ts.secs)),
+ 					    reply_spec.creation_ts.seqno
+ 					    );
+			if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_DELIVERED)
+			{
+				if (debug)
+					printf("\t Received ack\n");
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] STATUS_DELIVERED in %ld ms from its shipment\n", (((p_end.tv_sec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_sec))*1000) + ((p_end.tv_usec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_usec)) / 1000)) );
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t STATUS_DELIVERED in %ld ms from its shipment\n", 
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+             (((p_end.tv_sec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_sec))*1000) + ((p_end.tv_usec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_usec)) / 1000)) );
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_DELIVERED");
+			  remove_from_info(send_info, position);
+			  --orphan_acks;
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			if (csv_out)
+			{
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%s,%u,%s", reply_spec.source.uri, send_info[position].relative_id, (reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.orig_length==0 && reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.frag_offset ==0)? "No":"Yes");
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%u,%s\n", reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.frag_offset, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			++bundles_ready;
+		}
+		else if ((strcmp(reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri, bundle_spec.source.uri) == 0)
+		         && ((position = is_in_info(send_info, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id, perf_opt->slide_on_custody==1 ? ((perf_opt->window)+1000) : perf_opt->window)) >= 0))
+		{
+		  if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "%Lf,%.0Lf,%llu,",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+              calc_timestamp(calc_epoch_time(reply_spec.creation_ts.secs)),
+ 					    reply_spec.creation_ts.seqno
+              );
+			if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_DELIVERED)
+			{
+				if (debug)
+					printf("\t Received ack\n");
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] STATUS_DELIVERED in %ld ms from its shipment\n", (((p_end.tv_sec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_sec))*1000) + ((p_end.tv_usec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_usec)) / 1000)) );
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t STATUS_DELIVERED in %ld ms from its shipment\n", 
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 (((p_end.tv_sec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_sec))*1000) + ((p_end.tv_usec - (send_info[position].send_time.tv_usec)) / 1000)) );
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_DELIVERED");
+			remove_from_info(send_info, position);
+			--orphan_acks;
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_RECEIVED)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_RECEIVED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_RECEIVED");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_RECEIVED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_CUSTODY_ACCEPTED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_FORWARDED)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_FORWARDED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_FORWARDED");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_FORWARDED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_DELETED)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_DELETED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_DELETED");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_DELETED from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+			else if (reply_payload.status_report->flags == STATUS_ACKED_BY_APP)
+			{
+				if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+					printf("\t[debug] signalling of STATUS_ACKED_BY_APP from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n", reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+				if (csv_out)
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, "STATUS_ACKED_BY_APP");
+				if (create_log)
+					fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t signalling of STATUS_ACKED_BY_APP from %s for: %llu.%llu created by %s\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_spec.source.uri, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+  		if (csv_out)
+			{
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%s,%u,%s", reply_spec.source.uri, send_info[position].relative_id, (reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.orig_length==0 && reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.frag_offset ==0)? "No":"Yes");
+					fprintf(csv_log_file, ",%u,%s\n", reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.frag_offset, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.source.uri);
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			if ((debug) && (debug_level > 1))
+				printf("\t[debug] received bundle outside sequence: %llu.%llu\n", reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+			if (create_log)
+				fprintf(log_file, "\t %Lf\t received bundle outside sequence: %llu.%llu\n",
+					    calc_exec_time(p_end.tv_sec, p_end.tv_usec),
+                 reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.secs, reply_payload.status_report->bundle_id.creation_ts.seqno);
+		}
+		dtn_free_payload(&reply_payload);
+		pthread_cond_signal(&cond_sender);
+		pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutexdata);
+		pthread_yield();
+	} // end while(n_bundles)
+	if (perf_opt->op_mode != 't')
+	{
+	  // Data Mode
+		// Calculate TOTAL end time
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf("[debug] calculating TOTAL end time...");
+		gettimeofday(&end, NULL);
+		if ((debug) && (debug_level > 0))
+			printf(" end.tv_sec = %u sec\n", (u_int)end.tv_sec);
+		// Show the TOTAL report
+		printf("%d bundles sent, each with a %ld bytes payload\n", sent_bundles, perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+		show_report(reply_payload.buf.buf_len,
+		            reply_spec.source.uri,
+		            start,
+		            end,
+		            perf_opt->data_qty,
+		            NULL);
+		if (create_log)
+		{
+			fprintf(log_file, "%d bundles sent, each with a %ld bytes payload\n", sent_bundles, perf_opt->bundle_payload);
+			show_report(reply_payload.buf.buf_len,
+			            reply_spec.source.uri,
+			            start,
+			            end,
+			            perf_opt->data_qty,
+			            log_file);
+		}
+		if (csv_out == 1)
+		{
+			csv_data_report(sent_bundles, perf_opt->data_qty, start, end, csv_log_file);
+		}
+	}
+	pthread_exit(NULL);
+	return NULL;
+} // end receive_ack
+void sigint(int sig)
+	(void)sig;
+	if(csv_log_file != NULL)
+		fclose(csv_log_file);	
+	if(log_file != NULL)
+		fclose(log_file);	
+	exit(0);	
+/* --------------------------------------------------
+ * file_exists
+ * -------------------------------------------------- */
+int file_exists(const char * filename)
+    FILE * file;
+    if ((file = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL)
+    {
+        fclose(file);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return 1;
+} // end file_exists
+long double calc_exec_time ( long long unsigned sec, long long unsigned sec_no ) 
+  return ((long double)(sec) - start.tv_sec) + (((long double)(sec_no) - start.tv_usec) / 1000000.0 ) ;
+long double calc_timestamp ( long long unsigned sec ) {
+  return ((long double)(sec) - start.tv_sec);
+long long unsigned calc_epoch_time ( long long unsigned dtn_time ) 
+  long long unsigned offset = 946684800; // 2000-01-01 DTN epoch
+  return dtn_time + offset;