changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2b3e5ec03512
     1 #
     2 #    Copyright 2007 Intel Corporation
     3 # 
     4 #    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5 #    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6 #    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7 # 
     8 #        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9 # 
    10 #    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11 #    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12 #    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13 #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14 #    limitations under the License.
    15 #
    17 test::name is-singleton
    18 net::num_nodes 1
    19 manifest::file apps/dtnsend/dtnsend dtnsend
    20 dtn::config
    21 dtn::config_topology_common false
    23 test::script {
    24     testlog "Running dtnd"
    25     dtn::run_dtnd 0
    27     testlog "Waiting for dtnd to start up"
    28     dtn::wait_for_dtnd *
    30     testlog "Setting up flamebox ignores"
    31     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 log /test always \
    32 	    "flamebox-ignore ign1 client disconnected without calling dtn_close"
    33     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 log /test always \
    34 	    "flamebox-ignore ign2 bundle destination .* in unknown scheme and app did not assert.*"
    35     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 log /test always \
    36 	    "flamebox-ignore ign3 error sending bundle.*"
    38     testlog "Adding some registrations"
    39     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 tcl_registration dtn://host-0*/* 
    40     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 tcl_registration str:string
    41     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 tcl_registration str:string*
    42     dtn::tell_dtnd 0 tcl_registration unknown:something
    44     proc test {dest opts is_singleton} {
    45         testlog "Testing $dest with opts \"$opts\""
    47         set pid [dtn::run_app 0 dtnsend "-s dtn://host-0/source -t d -d $dest $opts"]
    48         run::wait_for_pid_exit 0 $pid
    50         if {$is_singleton == "fail"} {
    51             global net::host run::dirs
    52             set log [run::run_cmd $net::host(0) cat $run::dirs(0)/dtnsend.out]
    53             if {$log != "error sending bundle: -1 (invalid argument)"} {
    54                 error "expected failure, output is \"$log\""
    55             }
    56             # clear the output file
    57             run::run_cmd $net::host(0) echo "" > $run::dirs(0)/dtnsend.out
    59         } else {
    60             dtn::wait_for_bundle_stats 0 {1 delivered}
    61             set guid [lindex [tell_dtnd 0 array names bundle_info] 0]
    62             dtn::check_bundle_data 0 $guid singleton_dest $is_singleton
    63         }
    65         dtn::tell_dtnd 0 bundle reset_stats
    66         dtn::tell_dtnd 0 array unset bundle_info
    67     }
    69     testlog ""
    70     testlog "Testing known schemes..."
    71     testlog ""
    72     test dtn://host-0/foo     "" 1
    73     test \"dtn://host-*/foo\" "" 0
    74     test dtn://host-0/foo     "-1" 1
    75     test dtn://host-0/foo     "-N" 0
    76     test \"dtn://host-*/foo\" "-1" 1
    77     test \"dtn://host-*/foo\" "-N" 0
    79     test str:string      "" 1
    80     test str:string*     "" 1
    81     test str:string      "-1" 1
    82     test str:string*     "-1" 1
    83     test str:string      "-N" 0
    84     test str:string*     "-N" 0
    87     testlog ""
    88     testlog "Testing unknown scheme..."
    89     testlog ""
    91     test unknown:something "" 0
    92     testlog "Setting is_singleton_default to singleton"
    93     tell_dtnd 0 param set is_singleton_default singleton
    94     test unknown:something "" 1
    96     testlog "Setting is_singleton_default to unknown"
    97     tell_dtnd 0 param set is_singleton_default unknown
    98     test unknown:something "" fail
    99     test unknown:something "-1" 1
   100     test unknown:something "-N" 0
   103     testlog "Test success!"
   104 }
   106 test::exit_script {
   107     testlog "Clearing flamebox ignores"
   108     tell_dtnd 0 log /test always "flamebox-ignore-cancel ign1"
   109     tell_dtnd 0 log /test always "flamebox-ignore-cancel ign2"
   110     tell_dtnd 0 log /test always "flamebox-ignore-cancel ign3"
   112     testlog "Stopping all dtnds"
   113     dtn::stop_dtnd *
   114 }