changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
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-1:000000000000 0:2b3e5ec03512
     1 #
     2 #    Copyright 2005-2006 Intel Corporation
     3 # 
     4 #    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5 #    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6 #    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7 # 
     8 #        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     9 # 
    10 #    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11 #    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12 #    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13 #    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14 #    limitations under the License.
    15 #
    17 #
    18 # Basic configuration proc for test dtnd's
    19 #
    21 namespace eval dtn {
    23 proc config {args} {
    24     conf::add dtnd * {source "dtnd-test-utils.tcl"}
    26     # defaults
    27     set router_type static
    28     set storage_type berkeleydb
    29     set null_link true
    30     set copy_executables true
    32     set i 0
    33     while {$i < [llength $args]} {
    34 	set arg [lindex $args $i]
    35 	switch -- $arg {
    36 	    -router_type  -
    37 	    --router_type {
    38 		set router_type [lindex $args [incr i]]
    39 	    }
    40 	    -storage_type  -
    41 	    --storage_type {
    42 		set storage_type [lindex $args [incr i]]
    43 	    }
    44 	    -no_null_link -
    45 	    --no_null_link {
    46 		set null_link false
    47 	    }
    48             -no_copy_executables {
    49                 set copy_executables false
    50             }
    52 	    default {
    53 		error "unknown dtn::config argument '$arg'"
    54 	    }
    55 	}
    57 	incr i
    58     }
    60     dtn::standard_manifest $copy_executables
    61     dtn::config_console
    62     dtn::config_api_server
    63     dtn::config_storage $storage_type
    64 #    if {$null_link} {
    65 #	dtn::config_null_link
    66 #    }
    68     set dtn::router_type $router_type
    69     dtn::config_dtntest
    70 }
    72 #
    73 # Standard manifest
    74 #
    75 proc standard_manifest {copy_executables} {
    76     global opt
    77     if {$copy_executables} {
    78         manifest::file daemon/dtnd dtnd
    79     }
    80     manifest::file [file join $opt(base_test_dir) \
    81 	    test-utils/dtnd-test-utils.tcl] dtnd-test-utils.tcl
    82     manifest::dir  bundles
    83     manifest::dir  db
    84 }
    86 proc config_app_manifest {copy_executables {apps "dtnsend dtnrecv" } } {
    87     global opt
    88     if {$copy_executables} {
    89         foreach app $apps {
    90             manifest::file apps/$app/$app $app
    91         }
    92     }
    93 }
    95 #
    96 # Utility proc to get the adjusted port number for various things
    97 #
    98 proc get_port {what id} {
    99     global net::portbase net::used_ports
   100     set dtn_portbase $net::portbase($id)
   102     switch -- $what {
   103 	console { set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 0] }
   104 	api	{ set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 1] }
   105 	tcp	{ set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 2] }
   106 	udp	{ set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 2] }
   107         ltp     { set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 2] }
   108 	dtntest	{ set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 3] }
   109 	misc	{ set port [expr $dtn_portbase + 4] }
   110 	default { return -1 }
   111     }
   112     lappend net::used_ports($id) $port
   113     return $port
   114 }
   116 #
   117 # Utility proc to determine whether or not the given convergence layer
   118 # is bidirectional
   119 #
   120 proc is_bidirectional {cl} {
   121     switch -- $cl {
   122 	tcp { return 1 }
   123 	bt { return 1 }
   125     }
   127     return 0
   128 }
   130 #
   131 # Create a new interface for the given convergence layer
   132 #
   133 proc config_interface {cl args} {
   134     global net::listen_addr
   135     foreach id [net::nodelist] {
   137     if {$cl == "bt"} {
   138     # first pass -- just take defaults ... figure out option parsing later
   139     conf::add dtnd $id [eval list interface add ${cl}0 $cl]
   140     } elseif {$cl == "ltp"} {
   141         set addr $net::listen_addr($id)
   142         set port [dtn::get_port $cl $id]
   143         conf::add dtnd $id [eval list interface add ${cl}0 $cl \
   144                 local_addr=[info hostname] local_port=$port $args]
   146     } else {
   147 	set addr $net::listen_addr($id)
   148 	set port [dtn::get_port $cl $id]
   149 	conf::add dtnd $id [eval list interface add ${cl}0 $cl \
   150 		local_addr=$addr local_port=$port $args]
   151     }
   152     }
   153 }
   155 #
   156 # Configure the console server
   157 #
   158 proc config_console {} {
   159     global opt net::listen_addr
   160     foreach id [net::nodelist] {
   161 	conf::add dtnd $id "console set addr $net::listen_addr($id)"
   162 	conf::add dtnd $id "console set port [dtn::get_port console $id]"
   163 	if {! $opt(xterm)} {
   164 	    conf::add dtnd $id "console set stdio false"
   165 	}	    
   166     }
   167 }
   169 #
   170 # Set up the API server
   171 #
   172 proc config_api_server {} {
   173     foreach id [net::nodelist] {
   174 	conf::add dtnd $id "api set local_addr $net::listen_addr($id)"
   175 	conf::add dtnd $id "api set local_port [dtn::get_port api $id]"
   176     }
   177 }
   179 #
   180 # Set up a null link on each host
   181 #
   182 proc config_null_link {} {
   183     foreach id [net::nodelist] {
   184 	conf::add dtnd $id "link add null /dev/null ALWAYSON null"
   185     }
   186 }
   188 #
   189 # Configure storage
   190 #
   191 proc config_storage {type} {
   192     set extra ""
   194     if {$type == "berkeleydb-no-txn"} {
   195         set type "berkeleydb"
   196         append extra "storage set db_txn false\n"
   197         append extra "storage set db_log false\n"
   198     }
   200     conf::add dtnd * [subst {
   201 storage set tidy_wait  0
   202 storage set payloaddir bundles
   203 storage set type       $type
   204 storage set dbname     DTN
   205 storage set dbdir      db
   206 $extra
   207     }]
   208 }
   210 #
   211 # Configure dtntest
   212 #
   213 proc config_dtntest {} {
   214     foreach id [net::nodelist] {
   215 	conf::add dtntest $id \
   216 		"console set stdio false"
   217 	conf::add dtntest $id \
   218 		"console set addr $net::listen_addr($id)"
   219 	conf::add dtntest $id \
   220 		"console set port [dtn::get_port dtntest $id]"
   221     }
   222 }
   224 # namespace dtn
   225 }