changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2b3e5ec03512
     1 /*
     2  *    Copyright 2007 Baylor University
     3  *
     4  *    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     5  *    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     6  *    You may obtain a copy of the License at
     7  *
     8  *
     9  *
    10  *    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    11  *    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    12  *    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    13  *    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    14  *    limitations under the License.
    15  */
    17 #include "Repository.h"
    19 #define LOG(_level,_args...) core_->print_log("repository", \
    20         BundleCore::_level, _args);
    22 namespace prophet
    23 {
    25 Repository::Repository(BundleCoreRep* core,
    26                        QueueComp* qc,
    27                        const BundleList* list)
    28     : core_(core), comp_(NULL), current_(0)
    29 {
    30     // default comparator is FIFO
    31     if (qc == NULL)
    32     {
    33         comp_ = QueuePolicy::policy(QueuePolicy::FIFO);
    34     }
    35     else
    36     {
    37         comp_ = qc;
    38     }
    40     if (list != NULL)
    41         for(const_iterator i = list->begin(); i != list->end(); i++)
    42             add(*i);
    43 }
    45 Repository::~Repository()
    46 {
    47     delete comp_;
    48 }
    50 void
    51 Repository::del(const Bundle* b)
    52 {
    53     LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"del request");
    54     if (b == NULL)
    55     {
    56         LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"NULL bundle"); 
    57         return;
    58     }
    60     // first get iterator for b
    61     iterator i;
    62     if (find(b,i))
    63     {
    64         // parameter may only have index set, for find
    65         // so grab the reference returned by find
    66         b = *i;
    67         // decrement utilization by Bundle's size
    68         current_ -= b->size();
    69         // reorder sequence to preserve eviction ordering, moving
    70         // victim to last pos in vector
    71         remove_and_reheap(i-list_.begin());
    72         // remove victim from vector
    73         list_.pop_back();
    74         LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"removed %d from list",b->sequence_num());
    75     }
    76 }
    78 bool
    79 Repository::add(const Bundle* b)
    80 {
    81     LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "add request");
    82     if (b == NULL)
    83     {
    84         LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"NULL bundle");
    85         return false;
    86     }
    88     // duplicates not allowed
    89     iterator i;
    90     if (find(b,i))
    91         return false;
    93     // add to underlying sequence
    94     list_.push_back(b);
    95     // reorder sequence to eviction order
    96     size_t last_pos = list_.size() - 1;
    97     push_heap(0,last_pos,0,list_[last_pos]);
    98     // increment utilization by this Bundle's size
    99     current_ += b->size();
   100     // maintain quota
   101     if (core_->max_bundle_quota() > 0)
   102         while (core_->max_bundle_quota() < current_)
   103             evict();
   104     return true;
   105 }
   107 void
   108 Repository::set_comparator(QueueComp* qc)
   109 {
   110     if (qc == NULL) return;
   111     LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"changing policy from %s to %s",
   112             QueuePolicy::qp_to_str(comp_->qp()),
   113             QueuePolicy::qp_to_str(qc->qp()));
   114     // clean up memory
   115     delete comp_;
   116     comp_ = qc;
   117     // recalculate eviction order based on new comp_
   118     if (!list_.empty())
   119         make_heap(0, (list_.size() - 1));
   120 }
   122 void
   123 Repository::handle_change_max()
   124 {
   125     // enforce the new quota
   126     if (core_->max_bundle_quota() > 0)
   127         while (core_->max_bundle_quota() < current_)
   128             evict();
   129 }
   131 void
   132 Repository::change_priority(const Bundle* b)
   133 {
   134     LOG(LOG_DEBUG,"change priority request %d",
   135         b == NULL ? 0 : b->sequence_num());
   137     if (b == NULL)
   138         return;
   140     iterator i = list_.begin();
   141     // brute-force search since heap property is violated
   142     while (i != list_.end())
   143         if (*(*i) == *b)
   144             break;
   145         else i++;
   147     if (i != list_.end())
   148     {
   149         // pull bundle out of the heap and stick it at the end of list_
   150         remove_and_reheap(i - list_.begin());
   151         // pull bundle from end of list_ and put it in heapified pos
   152         push_heap(0,list_.size() - 1,0,b);
   153     }
   154 }
   156 void
   157 Repository::evict()
   158 {
   159     if (comp_->qp() != QueuePolicy::LEPR)
   160     {
   161 do_evict:
   162         size_t last_pos = list_.size() - 1;
   163         // re-order so that eviction candidate is now at the end of list_
   164         pop_heap(0, last_pos, last_pos, list_[last_pos]);
   165         // capture a pointer to the back of list_
   166         const Bundle* b = list_.back();
   167         // drop the last member off the end of list_
   168         list_.pop_back();
   169         // callback into Bundle core to request deletion of Bundle
   170         core_->drop_bundle(b);
   171         // decrement current consumption by Bundle's size
   172         current_ -= b->size();
   174         return;
   175     }
   176     else
   177     {
   178         // LEPR adds the burden of checking for NF > min_NF
   180         // search heap tree from top down, left to right (linearly thru vector)
   181         size_t len = list_.size();
   182         for (size_t pos = 0; pos < len; pos++)
   183         {
   184             const Bundle* b = list_[pos];
   185             if (comp_->min_fwd_ < b->num_forward())
   186             {
   187                 // victim is found, now evict
   188                 // decrement utilization by Bundle's size
   189                 current_ -= b->size();
   190                 // reorder sequence to preserve eviction ordering, moving
   191                 // victim to last pos in vector
   192                 remove_and_reheap(pos);
   193                 // remove victim from vector
   194                 list_.pop_back();
   195                 return;
   196             }
   197         }
   198         // Here's where Prophet doesn't say what to do: the entire heap was
   199         // searched, but no victims qualified, due to the min_NF constraint.
   200         // Since eviction must happen, then override the min_NF requirement
   201         // and let's go ahead and evict top()
   202         // This stinks; we've already paid linear, now we pay another log on
   203         // top of that.
   204         goto do_evict;
   205     }
   206 }
   208 void
   209 Repository::push_heap(size_t first, size_t hole, size_t top, const Bundle* b)
   210 {
   211     size_t parent = (hole - 1) / 2;
   212     while (hole > top && (*comp_)(list_[first + parent],b))
   213     {
   214         list_[first + hole] = list_[first + parent];
   215         hole = parent;
   216         parent = (hole - 1) / 2;
   217     }
   218     list_[first + hole] = b;
   219 }
   221 void
   222 Repository::pop_heap(size_t first, size_t last, size_t result, const Bundle* b)
   223 {
   224     list_[result] = list_[first];
   225     adjust_heap(first, 0, last - first, b);
   226 }
   228 void
   229 Repository::adjust_heap(size_t first, size_t hole, size_t len, const Bundle* b)
   230 {
   231     // size 0 or 1 is already a valid heap!
   232     if (list_.size() < 2)
   233         return;
   235     const size_t top = hole;
   236     size_t second = 2 * hole + 2;
   237     while (second < len)
   238     {
   239         if ((*comp_)(list_[first + second], list_[first + (second - 1)]))
   240             second--;
   241         list_[first + hole] = list_[first + second];
   242         hole = second;
   243         second = 2 * (second + 1);
   244     }
   245     if (second == len)
   246     {
   247         list_[first + hole] = list_[first + (second - 1)];
   248         hole = second - 1;
   249     }
   250     push_heap(first, hole, top, b);
   251 }
   253 void
   254 Repository::remove_and_reheap(size_t hole)
   255 {
   256     // overwrite victim with lowest ranking leaf
   257     list_[hole] = list_[list_.size() - 1];
   258     // reheap downstream from hole
   259     adjust_heap(0, hole, list_.size() - 2, list_[hole]);
   260 }
   262 void
   263 Repository::make_heap(size_t first, size_t last)
   264 {
   265     // size 0 or 1 is already a valid heap!
   266     if (last < first + 2) return;
   268     size_t len = last - first;
   269     size_t parent = (len - 2) / 2;
   270     while (true)
   271     {
   272         adjust_heap(first, parent, len, list_[first + parent]);
   273         if (parent == 0) break;
   274         parent--;
   275     }
   276 }
   278 bool
   279 Repository::find(const Bundle* b, iterator& i)
   280 {
   281     if (list_.empty()) return false;
   283     i = list_.begin();
   284     while (i != list_.end())
   285         if (b == *i)
   286             break;
   287         else
   288             i++;
   289     return (i != list_.end() && b == *i);
   290 }
   292 }; // namespace prophet