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    17 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    18 \begin{document} 
    20 \title{DTN Plugin Architecture \\
    21 {\large Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited.  [2/27/2007]}
    22 } 
    24 \author{Rajesh Krishnan, Christopher Small, Ram Ramanathan, Joanne Mikkelson, 
    25 and Prithwish Basu\thanks{Contact:, 617.873.7742}\\ 
    26 BBN Technologies, 10 Moulton St, Cambridge MA 02138} 
    27 \date{\today}
    28 \maketitle
    30 \tableofcontents
    31 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    32 \newpage
    33 \section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro}
    35 In this document, we describe a DTN reference system architecture.  The purpose
    36 of this document is to identify the components of the DTN reference system, 
    37 and to define and specify the semantics of the interfaces between the 
    38 components.  
    39 %We seek feedback from the DTN community on the architecture and
    40 %the interfaces described here, for possible inclusion in future versions of
    41 %this document.
    43 The reader is assumed to be familiar with the Bundle Protocol
    44 specification~\cite{BP-ID}, the Bundle Security Protocol
    45 specification~\cite{BSP-ID}, and the DTNRG reference
    46 implementation~\cite{DTN2}.  
    48 A particular goal of this architecture is to enable the community to experiment
    49 with multiple solutions for persistent storage, routing, naming and late
    50 binding, policy, and DTN convergence layers, while continuing to build upon a
    51 common core of open DTNRG standards and software. This is accomplished by
    52 defining interfaces that allow the experimental features to plug into the
    53 common core.  In this document, the term {\em system} will refer to the
    54 SPINDLE-II DTN system (the core of which is based on the DTN2 system), unless
    55 specified otherwise.  
    57 \subsection{Glossary of Abbreviations and Technical Terms} \label{sec:glossary}
    59 Some commonly used acronyms and terms used throughout this document are listed
    60 and described below.
    62 \begin{description}
    63 \item[A/M] Application / Middleware
    64 \item[BPA] Bundle Protocol Agent
    65 \item[BP] Bundle Protocol
    66 \item[BSP] Bundle Security Protocol
    67 \item[CLA] Convergence Layer Adapter
    68 \item[DBMS] Database Management System
    69 \item[DP] Decision Plane
    70 \item[DS] Data Store
    71 \item[DTNRG-public] A design specification that will undergo the DTNRG consensus process during DTN Program Phase 2.
    72 \item[EID] Endpoint IDentifier for denoting a DTN endpoint (see~\cite{BP-ID})
    73 \item[GBOF-ID] Global Bundle Or Fragment ID
    74 \item[KB] Knowledge Base
    75 \item[Link] An association between two DTN endpoints (detailed description in Section \ref{sec:linktypes})
    76 \item[MANET] Mobile Ad hoc NETwork
    77 \end{description}
    79 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    80 \newpage
    81 \section{Overview} \label{sec:complist}
    83 The high-level components and interfaces of the system are illustrated in 
    84 Figure \ref{fig:componly}.
    86 %%%%%%%%%%%%
    87 \begin{figure}[htbp]
    88 \centering
    89 \includegraphics[height=3in]{figs/components-toplevel.pdf}
    90 \caption{\label{fig:componly} Architectural Components and Interfaces}
    91 \end{figure}
    92 %%%%%%%%%%%%
    93 %
    95 The system SHOULD contain the following components (described in
    96 Section \ref{sec:compdesc}):
    98 \vspace{-4pt}
    99 \begin{enumerate}
   100 \setlength{\parskip}{-3pt}
   101 \item Bundle Protocol Agent (BPA), a DTNRG-public component
   102 \item Data Store (DS)
   103 \item Decision Plane (DP)
   104 \item Convergence Layer Adapter (CLA)
   105 \item Application/Middleware (A/M)
   106 \end{enumerate}
   108 Table \ref{tab:comp-functions} summarizes the key functionality provided by
   109 each of the five components. The above components MAY be implemented in
   110 separate processes to enable language and tool-chain independence across
   111 components. 
   113 Instances of the BPA will be also referred to as the {\it core} and instances
   114 of the other four components shall be referred to as {\it plugins}.  The DS
   115 SHOULD provide a service that is accessible from all other components of the
   116 system.\footnote{As a result, the system can support both daemon-centric and
   117 database-centric concepts of operation.}
   119 The system MUST implement the relevant DTNRG-public interfaces as name below
   120 and described in Section \ref{sec:interfaces}:
   121 \vspace{-4pt}
   122 \begin{enumerate}
   123 \setlength{\parskip}{-3pt}
   124 \item Data Store Interface (used by BPA, CLA, DP, and A/M)
   125 \item Decision Plane Interface (used by BPA)
   126 \item Convergence Layer Adapter Interface (used by BPA)
   127 \item Bundle Protocol Agent Interface (used by A/M)
   128 \end{enumerate}
   130 All interfaces SHOULD be provided using the Inter-Component Communication 
   131 protocol (discussed in Section \ref{sec:iccp}, defined in a separate document)
   132 for uniformity.
   134 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   135 \begin{landscape}
   136 \begin{table}[htbp]
   137 \centering
   138 {\small
   139 \begin{tabular}{|p{1.5in}|p{1.5in}|p{1.5in}|p{1.5in}|p{1.5in}|}
   140 \hline
   141 {\bf BPA} & {\bf DS} & {\bf CLA} & {\bf DP} & {\bf A/M}\\
   142 \hline
   143 Implement the Bundle Protocol specification
   144 &
   145 Store, retrieve, and delete key-data pairs
   146 &
   147 Provide a bundle transport mechanism
   148 &
   149 Receive link and bundle event notifications from the BPA and 
   150 generate actions (requests).
   151 &
   152 Generate, submit, and receive application bundle payloads
   153 \\
   154 \hline
   156 Implement the Bundle Security Protocol specification
   157 &
   158 Database management for metadata, including schema management,
   159 and query processing
   160 &
   161 Neighbor discovery (via scanning or staring)
   162 &
   163 Provide an adaptive dissemination service that can be used 
   164 by various routing and naming protocols
   165 &
   166 Create/remove registration with BPA
   167 \\
   168 \hline
   170 Implement the Bundle Protocol Agent Interface (accessed by A/M)
   171 &
   172 Knowledge base management for metadata, including ontology management,
   173 query processing, and rule-based inference
   174 &
   175 Link formation, tear-down, and characterization (e.g., delay, capacity, 
   176 loss) 
   177 &
   178 Perform a long-term characterization of available communication 
   179 opportunities (e.g., computes a cost metric)
   180 &
   181 Register procedure(s) for handling delivery failure
   182 \\
   183 \hline
   185 Use and implement support for DP interface, CLA interface, and DS interface
   186 &
   187 Manage storage of bundles, bundle metadata, registration information, BPA state
   188 if any, connectivity (historic, current, and scheduled) information, naming
   189 ontology, and cached content 
   190 &
   191 Link status reporting (e.g., in response to queries)
   192 &
   193 Process policy inputs and respond to queries regarding decision choices
   194 that conform to policy
   195 &
   196 \\
   197 \hline
   199 &
   200 Database triggers
   201 &
   202 Implement CLA interface
   203 &
   204 Perform forwarding and scheduling decisions for bundles
   205 &
   206 \\
   207 \hline
   209 &
   210 Implement DS interface
   211 &
   212 &
   213 Perform route computation and/or route discovery
   214 &
   215 \\
   216 \hline
   218 &
   219 &
   220 &
   221 Perform name resolution and distributed name KB management
   222 &
   223 \\
   224 \hline
   226 &
   227 &
   228 &
   229 Implement DP interface
   230 &
   231 \\
   232 \hline
   234 \end{tabular}
   235 }
   236 \caption{Summary of functionality of system components \label{tab:comp-functions}}
   237 \end{table}
   238 \end{landscape}
   240 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   241 \newpage
   242 \section{Architectural Components} \label{sec:compdesc}
   244 In this section we describe each of the system components mentioned in Section
   245 \ref{sec:complist} (DS, CLA, DP, A/M). These will be implemented as plug-ins in
   246 the SPINDLE-II system; in other words, a newly developed module (implemented as
   247 a process) can be started on the node and its services will be automatically
   248 available to the other already running DTN processes.
   251 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   252 \subsection{Bundle Protocol Agent}
   253 \label{sec:bpa}
   255 The bundle protocol agent (BPA) of a DTN node offers bundle protocol (BP)
   256 services.  The BPA executes procedures of the BP and the Bundle Security
   257 Protocol (BSP) with help from other components in the system.  The BPA MUST
   258 comply with the DTNRG specifications for the BP~\cite{BP-ID} and the BSP
   259 ~\cite{BSP-ID}.  
   261 The BPA is responsible for implementing the mechanisms of the bundle protocol,
   262 but any key decisions (for example, those based on particular policies or
   263 optimization strategies) that need to be taken during the execution of such
   264 mechanisms MAY be exported to the {\em Decision Plane (DP)} module.  Typically
   265 these decisions are indicated within the BP and BSP specifications as local
   266 policy or implementation issues.
   268 The BPA is responsible for taking actions on every bundle that passes through 
   269 the DTN node.   For example, the BPA is responsible for reading, creating, 
   270 and updating fields in the bundle header.
   272 A comprehensive list of functional requirements for the BPA in terms of
   273 conformance to the BP and BSP can be found in a companion document \cite{MJ}.
   274 Some key functions are:
   276 \begin{enumerate}
   278 \item Forwarding a bundle to a ``next-hop'' node via a specified convergence
   279 layer adapter.  The BP specification talks about forwarding to the ``minimum
   280 reception group'' for each bundle in each of the unicast, multicast, and
   281 anycast scenarios. The DP must compute these lists and returns them to the BPA
   282 along with scheduling instructions to handle ``Class of Service'' requirements.
   284 \item Fragmentation and reassembly of bundle payload (both reactive and 
   285 pro-active).
   287 \item Implementation of the Custody-transfer mechanism in the bundle header,
   288 sending Custody Acknowledgments, etc.: The decision of whether to accept,
   289 refuse, or relinquish custody is taken by the DP. Once a decision has been
   290 made, a list of DP-specified actions such as re-forwarding the bundle may have
   291 to be taken (depends on policy).
   293 \item Delivery to application: Deliver incoming bundle to application if it is
   294 {\it registered} on this node; otherwise abandon delivery based on policy.
   296 \item Discarding and Deleting a bundle: If the set of ``retention
   297 constraints'' on a bundle is empty, then discard the bundle and all references
   298 to it. Deleting a bundle involves removing all retention constraints and then
   299 discarding it.  This may happen upon bundle expiration. These mechanisms can
   300 richly interact with the policy module within the DP.
   302 \item Sending administrative bundles such as status reports.
   304 \item Security functions such as authentication, confidentiality, 
   305 and data integrity.
   306 %prevention of DOS over resource strapped networks.
   307 \end{enumerate}
   309 In addition, the BPA SHOULD {\it implement} the Bundle Protocol Agent Interface that
   310 can be accessed by applications, and {\it use} the other interfaces listed in
   311 Section \ref{sec:complist}.
   313 %The interactions between the BPA and other components are described in 
   314 %Section \ref{sec:XXX}.
   316 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   317 \subsection{Data Store}
   318 \label{sec:ds}
   320 The Data Store (DS) module offers a persistent storage service and is
   321 responsible for storing bundles, knowledge about bundle metadata, network state
   322 information (routing tables, name ontology data, content metadata, policy
   323 rules), and application state information (registrations and other metadata).
   324 We note that the SPINDLE system may eventually need to cater to a wide spectrum
   325 of solutions for the data storage layer. These may range from a dumb file
   326 system residing on Flash memory attached to a low power sensor node to a very
   327 powerful logic engine running on a powerful DTN node.  Hence a DS in the
   328 SPINDLE system could exist in one of the following incarnations of increasing
   329 capability: 
   331 \begin{enumerate}
   332 \item A simple key-value store (that can be based on a file system) that allows 
   333 other modules to add, retrieve and delete key-value pairs. Bundles, bundle metadata 
   334 and network state information can exist in such a store. This may be 
   335 applicable for resource-strapped devices such as battery-powered sensor 
   336 nodes.
   338 \item A DBMS that allows other modules to add, delete, and get
   339 elements with multiple fields information (by its key). An DBMS might 
   340 expose only {\it canned queries} to other modules, or it might allow other 
   341 modules to submit queries, e.g. written in SQL.
   343 \item A full fledged knowledge base (KB) that supports deduction or inference
   344 by means of execution of rules (e.g., Prolog style) on stored facts. In
   345 addition to add/delete(key)/get(key) features, a KB will support advanced
   346 deductive database style querying features. Advanced KBs like Flora-2 even
   347 allow setting up ``triggers'' that fire when a certain rule executes
   348 successfully, and this typically results in the execution of a specified
   349 callback function.  A KB will include support for data storage, either
   350 internally, or via a back-end storage system such as MySQL or Berkeley DB.
   352 \end{enumerate}
   354 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   355 \subsection{Decision Plane} \label{sec:dp}
   357 The Decision Plane component includes the following subcomponents which may
   358 interact with each other:
   360 \begin{enumerate}
   362 \item {\it Router module:} Functions of a Router module include unicast and
   363 multicast route computation, generation of next hop(s) for bundles, replication
   364 and forwarding, bundle scheduling, decision to take custody of a bundle,
   365 decision to discard a bundle, etc. 
   367 Note that while the BPA performs the forwarding mechanism to a particular CLA,
   368 it is the Router module that performs the consulting role for the BPA.  Similarly,
   369 for custody transfer, the BPA performs the mechanism of assuming and
   370 relinquishing custody and sending a custody-ACK to the previous node, but it
   371 consults the external router module to decide whether to take custody or not.
   373 \item {\it Adaptive Dissemination module:} This is responsible for determining
   374 {\it what} network state to distribute, and {\it to whom}, and {\it when}. It
   375 is also responsible for gathering network state encoded in incoming
   376 dissemination bundles and populating the KB appropriately, if one exists. For
   377 example, decisions such as whether to alter the content of a flooded
   378 network-state bundle before re-dissemination will be taken by this module. This
   379 module is also responsible for interacting with CLA (via the BPA) to track
   380 changes in the status of incoming/outgoing links and then capture these changes
   381 in the ``to-be-disseminated'' network state.  Even though the network state is
   382 stored in the KB, the dissemination logic may be implemented outside the KB for
   383 performance reasons, if necessary.
   385 \item {\it Policy module:} This will let users add and delete policies that may
   386 be stored in the KB, if one exists. Basic functions include interpretation of
   387 policy, enforcement of policy, and dispatching an event afterward. Performance
   388 reasons aside, ideally every bundle or network event in the SPINDLE system
   389 should be subjected to policy enforcement. This advocates a
   390 ``trap-and-dispatch'' (or ``event-condition-action'') style design.  An 
   391 alternative style is that of ``consultation.'' The policy module listens on 
   392 a well known port for policy-enforcement requests
   393 and reacts only when asked.
   395 \item {\it Naming and Late binding module:} This module maintains and
   396 opportunistically shares name ontologies (or {\it schemes}, as referred to
   397 in~\cite{BP-ID}) between DTN nodes. This module is called upon to resolve rich
   398 intentional names to canonical endpoint identifiers of care-of nodes that are
   399 subsequently used by the Router module. This is also responsible for
   400 registration and dissemination or synchronization of Name KBs (in particular,
   401 intentional name to canonical name bindings stored within).
   403 \item {\it Content-based access module:} responsible for performing content
   404 caching/replication, distributed indexing, and content-addressable search.
   405 This may use several services from other DP modules, e.g., dissemination, late
   406 binding, external router.
   408 %{\it does this fall under Decision or App? Or maybe there should be no
   409 %distinction?}
   411 \end{enumerate}
   413 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   414 \subsection{Convergence Layer Adapter}
   415 \label{sec:cla}
   417 A Convergence layer adapter's function (as described in \cite{BP-ID}) is to
   418 send and receive bundles on behalf of the BPA. It achieves this by utilizing
   419 the services of the native protocol which is supported in one of the {\it
   420 underlying} networks that the node is homed on. A CLA thus {\it adapts} the
   421 packet/frame/signal transmission service provided in the underlying network to
   422 an abstract bundle transmission service that presents itself to the BPA.  
   424 A CLA is responsible for maintaining information about DTN {\it links} (status,
   425 schedule, and possibly other QoS parameters) and discover them if possible.
   426 After discovering a DTN peer or monitoring the status of a link, the CLA is
   427 responsible for generating and posting events to the BPA about such facts.
   428 These facts then get relayed to the DP and may also be stored in the DS. 
   430 %The CLA may also interact directly (IPC poke?) with some decision modules
   431 %(adaptive dissemination) for triggered dissemination under certain
   432 %circumstances. 
   434 %{\it What is the service contract of send/receive with the BP? and how are the
   435 %CLA params presented to BP?}
   437 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   438 \subsection{Application/Middleware}
   439 \label{sec:am}
   441 The application agent (also referred to as the A/M module) uses the BP services
   442 to transmit and receive bundle payloads. This can act as a multiplexed DTN
   443 communication service to other non-DTN applications running on the node.
   445 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   446 \newpage
   447 \section{Interfaces}
   448 \label{sec:interfaces}
   450 In this section we describe the primitives for each of the four interfaces 
   451 identified in Figure \ref{fig:componly}.  
   453 The BPA implements the BPA interface that can be used by A/M and DP to send and
   454 receive bundles.  
   456 The DP implements the DP interface that is accessed by the BPA to serve various
   457 decision points identified in the BP (such as routing, scheduling, name
   458 resolution, custody acceptance, and storage management).
   460 The DS implements the DS interface for storing bundles, bundle metadata,
   461 application registrations, connectivity information, and other system state.
   462 The DS interface can be accessed system-wide.  The CLA, for example, may access
   463 the DS interface for storing and retrieving connectivity information that is
   464 discovered or scheduled/specified.  The DP, for example, may access the DS
   465 interface for storing and retrieving information related to routing, naming,
   466 policy, and content caching/indexing.
   468 The CLA implements the CLA interface which is accessed by the BPA for 
   469 bundle transport and link management.
   471 We briefly discuss at the end of this section the Inter-Component 
   472 Communication Protocol (ICCP), the details of which will be described 
   473 in a separate document.
   475 \subsection{Interface Conventions}
   477 We note that this is a ``semantic'' interface, that is, we expect it to be
   478 specifying the kinds of things that go across the interface and their meanings,
   479 not necessarily at a level necessary for implementation. We expect, though,
   480 that an implementation-level specification can be generated from this easily.
   482 All messages are assumed to be transparently reliably delivered.  This
   483 functionality may be provided by the inter-component communication protocol
   484 mentioned in Section \ref{sec:iccp}.
   486 All parameters are assumed to be ``required'' unless specifically
   487 noted to be ``optional'' (Opt).
   489 The interface messages are named in a top-down hierarchical
   490 fashion. For example, in the DP and CLA interfaces, at the highest
   491 level, there are four kinds of messages: Event, Request, Query,
   492 Report. At the next level, there are Link-specific and Bundle-specific
   493 messages, for each message type. At a further level, there is
   494 Created/Deleted, Transmitted/Received etc. which are 
   495 the next level down.  This naming convention is intended for readability 
   496 of the specification only. The implementation should adopt/retain the style
   497 most convenient to it.
   499 Query/Report messages consist of a set of ``paired'' messages---a Query
   500 message from a plugin to the BPA requesting certain information from the BPA
   501 and a report message (for that query) from the BPA to the plugin delivering the
   502 requested information, if possible.\footnote{Note that Query/Report messages are
   503 possible in the reverse direction as well, e.g., the BPA can send a Query
   504 message to the CLA or the DS and can expect a Report back.} Unlike the
   505 Request-Event messages which are only loosely tied, there is a tighter coupling
   506 between query and report; in particular, a report identifies which query is
   507 being responded to.
   509 \subsubsection{Links and Link Types} \label{sec:linktypes}
   511 A link in DTN2 is an association between two DTN endpoints. In other words it
   512 can be represented as a relation between two EIDs which is established over a
   513 certain convergence layer. A link possesses physical attributes such as
   514 datarate, (estimated) delay, error rate, loss rate etc. as well as other
   515 attributes including {\it type}, {\it state}, and other {\it flags}.  A 
   516 measurement process (in the convergence layer adapter) can track and 
   517 update the values of these attributes.
   519 \begin{table}
   520 \centering
   521 \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c||c|c|}
   522 \multicolumn{1}{c}{ } & \multicolumn{3}{c}{States} & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Flags} \\
   523 \hline
   524 Link Type & OPEN, BUSY & UNAVAILABLE & AVAILABLE & UNUSABLE & REACHABLE\footnotemark \\
   525 \hline
   526 Persistent (AlwaysOn)             & x & x &   & x &  \\
   527 \hline
   528 On-demand            & x & x & x & x &  \\
   529 \hline
   530 Opportunistic (Discovered)           & x & x &   & x & x\\
   531 \hline
   532 Scheduled            & x & x & x & x & x\\
   533 \hline
   534 Predicted            & x & x &   & x & x\\
   535 \hline
   536 \end{tabular}
   537 \caption{\label{table:link-tsf} Link types and possible states/flags.}
   538 \end{table}
   539 \footnotetext{Anticipated changes in the way bundle queuing is done for 
   540 closed links might make the REACHABLE flag unnecessary. Thus this column 
   541 is likely to disappear in future versions.}
   543 There are three link types implemented in DTN2: Persistent (AlwaysOn),
   544 On-demand, and Opportunistic (Discovered).\footnote{DTN2 uses AlwaysOn
   545 to denote what the DTN Architecture refers to as Persistent;
   546 ``Discovered'' is influenced by the term   
   547 ``neighbor discovery'' commonly used in mobile ad hoc networking literature.}
   548 We extend the semantics of the Opportunistic link to support a wider range 
   549 of neighbor discovery procedures.  We add the
   550 remaining two types discussed in the DTN Architecture: Scheduled, and
   551 Predicted.\footnote{
   552 There is a Scheduled link type in DTN2 but it is not fully implemented.}
   553 Not all link states and flags apply to all link types.\footnote{In
   554 particular, note that there is no discovery for on-demand links, and
   555 reachability is assumed.} Table \ref{table:link-tsf} depicts the various {\it
   556 types} of links and their corresponding range of {\it states} and {\it flags}
   557 that SHOULD be allowed in a DTN system. A detailed description of the various
   558 link states and flags can be found in Section \ref{sec:linkstates}.
   560 A Persistent (AlwaysOn) link is simply a static link, and it should always 
   561 be open. The
   562 link is opened as soon as it is created. If the link closes for any reason the
   563 link becomes UNAVAILABLE and the BPA will attempt to reopen the link.
   564 An example of an AlwaysOn link would be a wired connection to a peer such as a
   565 T1. 
   567 An On-demand link is assumed to be usable at any time as required, but is not
   568 opened until there are bundles to be sent over the link. When in this state,
   569 the link is AVAILABLE. Once the link is OPEN, if no bundle traffic is sent over
   570 an on-demand link for a while, the BPA will consider the link idle and
   571 automatically close the link, returning it to AVAILABLE. If the link closes for
   572 any reason other than being idle or being explicitly closed by an operator, the
   573 link becomes UNAVAILABLE and the BPA will periodically attempt to reopen the
   574 link. If the link is successfully reopened, the link state returns to OPEN. A
   575 dial-up connection over a modem would be represented by an
   576 on-demand link.
   578 An Opportunistic (Discovered) link is used with CLAs when there is no need 
   579 to form a {\em point-to-point} connection for a link to be open.   
   580 Discovered links are intended to capture characteristics of communications in 
   581 multihop broadcast wireless networks (MANETs). Note that
   582 in a broadcast channel context there really is no ``link'' {\it per se,} but peers
   583 discover ability to communicate, which we declare as links. 
   584 %We shall assume, as
   585 %is consistent with current state of art, that the CLA only discovers and
   586 %uses two-way communication possibilities. 
   587 % XXX:  I think above sentence is too strong, I can imagine CLAs that 
   588 % discover one-way communication possibilities through an out-of-band 
   589 % mechanism; --krash
   590 One
   591 popular way of peer discovery is using a Hello protocol~\cite{OLSR}, where each
   592 node puts the set of nodes it can hear in the Hello, to help determine
   593 existence of bidirectional communications. Thus, receiving a hello is {\em not}
   594 an indication of bidirectional communications, although it is a necessary
   595 condition.
   597 Discovered links may be constrained, for example, in a ``only k links out 
   598 of n'' situation.  
   599 %As long as the CLA can transmit on any k---it need not transmit 
   600 %simultaneously, but may transmit in round robin. 
   601 If the situation calls for choosing a particular set of k links and
   602 locking out the other (for example, if a CLA knows which satellites it
   603 can associate with but can do so only k at a time), then these would
   604 not be Discovered links by definition (they are not for point to point
   605 links).\footnote{In a one-of-many link situation A $\rightarrow$
   606 one-of(B,C,D), the ``choosing'' is either ``hard'' (i.e., you cannot
   607 send on the other links for more than a threshold period of time), or
   608 ``soft'' (you can do round robin).  With hard links the DP has to
   609 first choose the link to use (this may be part of topology control),
   610 say A $\rightarrow$ C. In this case, both A $\rightarrow$ D and A
   611 $\rightarrow$ B are both closed and unreachable. With soft links you
   612 can keep the links open and send on each within milliseconds of each
   613 other.  In the current semantics, Discovered links only cover the
   614 ``soft type'', that is, when all can be kept open and reachable.}
   616 Thus, with discovered links, any time a peer is
   617 reachable, bundles can be transmitted or received without any additional
   618 action, so the link is always OPEN if it is REACHABLE. The link will remain
   619 open if the peer becomes
   620 unreachable temporarily, but if the peer remains unreachable for a long time,
   621 then the link can be considered closed, and the state will be changed to
   622 UNAVAILABLE (the closed state).
   624 Note that a special case of the Opportunistic link is implemented in DTN2
   625 which is subsumed by the more general semantics discussed above.  In the 
   626 current implementation, links are created and opened when a previously 
   627 unknown peer somehow connects to the node to open a link.  If it can be 
   628 inferred from this connection that traffic can be sent from the node to this 
   629 peer, an opportunistic link is created and opened so that bundles may be sent 
   630 to the new peer. Once an opportunistic link is closed for any reason, it 
   631 becomes UNAVAILABLE and will only be reopened if the peer opens the
   632 link again. An example of an opportunistic link is one created when a peer
   633 opens a TCP or dial-up connection to the node; the node now knows it can
   634 communicate with and send bundles to the peer that initiated the first
   635 connection, and represents this fact with an opportunistic link. 
   637 Scheduled links can be thought of as an extension to on-demand links. When a
   638 scheduled link is created, it is set to AVAILABLE. This means the link is
   639 available to be opened.
   640 %Unlike on-demand though, the opening is not under any user's control but under
   641 %the control of the ``clock''. When the scheduled time comes, it moves
   642 %automatically into state OPENING. There it waits for a contactUpEvent just
   643 %like the on-demand link. When this event happens, it moves into OPEN.
   644 When the scheduled time comes, the BPA will open the link. (This adds a 
   645 new requirement to the functionality of the BPA.)
   646 \typeout{XXX If this new requirement is hard, DP can track schedule and open
   647 at the right instant.} A
   648 scheduled link is expected to be reachable during the scheduled interval.  If
   649 the link is still scheduled to be open when it closes, it becomes UNAVAILABLE,
   650 and otherwise it becomes AVAILABLE until the next time the link is scheduled to
   651 be opened. If the link is UNAVAILABLE and the link is scheduled to be open,
   652 the BPA will try to reopen the link,
   653 like it does for UNAVAILABLE on-demand links, until the end of the scheduled
   654 opportunity. During the time the link is scheduled to be open, if the CLA can
   655 ascertain reachability, the REACHABLE flag can be used to provide extra
   656 information to the DP. A scheduled link would represent, for example,
   657 communications with a satellite which is overhead at regular intervals.
   659 A predicted link is similar to a discovered link. When created, it is
   660 UNAVAILABLE. A separate process (perhaps in the DP) computes the next time it
   661 expects the link to be REACHABLE. However,
   662 that is used for DP purposes only to make routing decisions, and the link is
   663 not opened automatically when the predicted time arrives. Instead, the
   664 discovery process
   665 %(hellos)
   666 is initiated shortly before the predicted time by the CLA.
   667 %When you hear back from the contact, a contactUpEvent forces the state into
   668 %OPEN. Then the OPEN to BUSY transition and the transitions to UNAVAILABLE are
   669 %as in discovered links.
   670 When the neighbor becomes reachable, the link becomes OPEN and then behaves
   671 like a discovered link: it is OPEN until the peer is unreachable for too long,
   672 at which point the link is closed and set to UNAVAILABLE. At the end of the
   673 predicted opportunity, discovery for the peer is discontinued. The difference
   674 between discovered and predicted links is that for predicted links we don't
   675 initiate discovery until the predicted time (or shortly before). For CLAs where
   676 the discovery process is continuous (e.g.\ MANETs), there is no functional
   677 difference in the CLA between predicted links and discovered links, but even in
   678 this case, the DP can make decisions based on whether a link has a predicted
   679 opportunity or not. A regularly observed UAV flyover would be described
   680 by a predicted link.
   682 \subsubsection{Link States and Flags} \label{sec:linkstates}
   684 The DP and CLA interfaces make use of four link states present in DTN2:
   685 UNAVAILABLE, AVAILABLE, OPEN, and BUSY.\footnote{DTN2 also has an OPENING state
   686 used for determining whether ContactDownEvent should be sent, but this state
   687 need not be used in the interface. The CLA posts EventLinkClosed and the BPA
   688 may need to keep track of on-demand links for which the RequestOpenLink message
   689 has been sent and EventLinkOpen has not been received yet, but in the external
   690 interface the link is simply not OPEN until the EventLinkOpen message has
   691 arrived.} The link can be in only one of these four states at a given time. Two
   692 additional states are added: UNUSABLE and REACHABLE. These two states are
   693 independent of the other four, so the link state should be considered a set of
   694 flags.
   696 The OPEN and BUSY \typeout{XXX We may want to revisit the idea of changing
   697 BUSY into a flag distinct from OPEN.} states signify that the
   698 link is open.  For links whose CLA requires a specific action to be done before
   699 communication can happen (e.g.\ dialout, set up a TCP connection, initiate a
   700 route discovery on a MANET to a remote node, etc.), these states mean that
   701 whatever needs to be done has been done and bundles can be sent on the link.
   702 For Discovered links, these states indicate that the peer is or very recently
   703 was reachable.  If the link is BUSY, the CLA is applying back-pressure to the
   704 BPA by requesting that the BPA not try to send any more bundles over the
   705 link.\footnote{In DTN2 this is set when the per-CLA bundle queue gets too long
   706 or as part of LinkAttributeChange Event. The DP would then have to perform a
   707 query to determine whether this has been set.}
   709 Closed links are either UNAVAILABLE or AVAILABLE. The difference between these
   710 two states generally pertains to whether or not the BPA must automatically try
   711 to reopen the link. The state is AVAILABLE is when the link is {\it closed},
   712 but {\it openable}.  UNAVAILABLE is when the link cannot be opened for some
   713 reason. The BPA will periodically attempt to reopen UNAVAILABLE links of the
   714 following types: AlwaysOn, On-demand, and Scheduled. For other link types,
   715 there is only one kind of closed state, so those links are always UNAVAILABLE
   716 when closed.
   718 The availability concept has more to do with the {\it ability} to open a link
   719 rather than policy directives such as ``I think this link is dangerous
   720 (eavesdroppers in there), so you SHOULD not open it even if it can be''. The
   721 latter concept is captured by {\it usability}. A link can be marked with the
   722 UNUSABLE flag based on policy. This flag can be set by the DP. If a link is
   723 marked UNUSABLE, the BPA and DP should not attempt to open it. 
   724 Usability is different from availability in that it is not an
   725 ``inability'' but a ``forbidding''. Note that the peer endpoint of an
   726 UNUSABLE link can still open a link and send bundles to the node; those
   727 bundles should be accepted and processed by the node because the UNUSABLE
   728 flag only disallows the local node from opening the link and sending bundles
   729 over it.
   731 The reachability of a link pertains to the ability to actually communicate over
   732 the link and talk to the peer. The DTN neighbor discovery process, if enabled,
   733 will use the underlay network to determine whether other DTN nodes are
   734 reachable. Nodes should provide their canonical EIDs as part of the discovery
   735 process so that links may be created and used in future decisions.  When the
   736 CLA ascertains bidirectional communications with some adequate quality (and
   737 keeps ascertaining it), the link will be marked REACHABLE. If discovery notices
   738 that a neighbor has become unreachable, the REACHABLE flag will be cleared.
   739 The REACHABLE flag is meant to express the communication ability currently
   740 present in the underlay network and is used to inform decisions made by the DP.
   743 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   744 % The four interface sections
   745 \input{ds-interface}
   746 \input{decision-interface}
   747 \input{cla-interface}
   748 \input{bpa-interface}
   749 %
   750 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   751 \subsection{Inter-Component Communication Protocol} \label{sec:iccp}
   753 Communications between the BPA and other components will use messages
   754 formatted using XML.  We currently plan to build upon and extend the 
   755 external router interface protocol developed by MITRE for this purpose.  
   756 Some extensions to the support the Data Store interface were described in 
   757 Section~\ref{sec:ds-iccp-impl}.  For example, the MITRE solution 
   758 uses UDP multicast, but we believe that it will be beneficial to 
   759 support TCP as well.
   761 Details of this protocol will be described in a separate document.
   763 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   764 \newpage
   765 \begin{thebibliography}{99}
   767 %\bibitem{MaxProp} J. Burgess, B. Gallagher, D. Jensen, and B. L. Levine,
   768 %``MaxProp: Routing for Vehicle-Based Disruption Tolerant Networks,'' {\em Proc.
   769 %IEEE Infocom 2006.}
   771 \bibitem{MITRE-IF} J. Bush and R. Durst, ``DTN External Router Interface,''
   772 {\em Presentation at DARPA DTN Phase 2 Kickoff}, August 2006.
   774 \bibitem{DTN2} M. Demmer, ``DTN2: DTNRG Reference Implementation''. Available
   775 from {\tt}
   777 \bibitem{Flora2} FLORA-2: An Object-Oriented Knowledge Base Language.
   778 {\tt}
   780 \bibitem{MJ} J. Mikkelson and C. E. Jones, ``Bundle Protocol Agent Functional
   781 Requirements,'' October 2006 (available upon request).
   783 \bibitem{OLSR} T. Clausen, Ed. and P. Jacquet Ed., ``Optimized Link State 
   784 Routing Protocol (OLSR),'' {\tt}
   786 \bibitem{BP-ID} K. Scott and S. Burleigh, ``Bundle Protocol Specification,''
   787 IRTF DTNRG Internet Draft revision 06, August 2006.
   789 \bibitem{BSP-ID} S. Symington, S. Farrell, and H. Weiss, ``Bundle Security
   790 Protocol Specification,'' IRTF DTNRG Internet Draft revision 01, March 2006.
   792 \bibitem{XSB} XSB: A Logic Programming and Deductive Database system.
   793 {\tt}
   795 \end{thebibliography}
   797 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
   798 \end{document}
   799 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%