changeset 0 2b3e5ec03512
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:2b3e5ec03512
     1 \subsection{Data Store Server Interface}
     3 A data store (DS) retains information across invocations of DTN2
     4 software; a DS server manages one or more data stores. Clients of the
     5 DS server include the BPA, the DP, and the CLA; the DS server may also
     6 be used by applications (A/M module).
     8 DTN2 runs well on small devices, and when augmenting it to support
     9 external data stores we do not want to make any changes that would put
    10 this at risk. One of the reasons that DTN2 can run on small devices is
    11 that it does not require a data store with rich semantics; its data
    12 model is that of a simple persistent hash table.  When DTN2 stores a
    13 C++ object, it first serializes the object as a string of octets, and
    14 then inserts the object into the (abstract) persistent hash table. The
    15 persistent hash table can be implemented using any number of
    16 underlying storage methods---files, a simple persistent hash table for
    17 octet strings, or a more traditional database.
    19 On the other hand, DTN2 also runs well on large devices, and we wish
    20 to support research that will need a data model that is richer than
    21 that offered by opaque octet strings. Decision plane components will
    22 need access to the fields of the persistently stored objects, hence
    23 our DS interface should provide field-level access.
    25 In addition, we envision two general development models for data
    26 stores and DP components. First, one or more simple DS servers will be
    27 developed independently of DP components and made available for
    28 general use; for some DP components these DS servers will be
    29 sufficient for their needs. In other cases the DP will need more
    30 advanced support from the DS server (e.g. will require that the DS
    31 server be able to perform {\it inference}). Advanced DS servers,
    32 designed to support these DP components, will likely provide a very
    33 rich interface to their clients, using a syntax that we cannot know
    34 {\em a priori}.
    36 We must keep in mind, however, that whatever language the DP uses to
    37 communicate with its DS server, DTN2 must also be able to communicate
    38 with that DS server. DTN2 will do this through the use of an external
    39 DS client stub, and we have as a goal to implement a single stub that
    40 DTN2 can use to connect to any data store. In this way, researchers
    41 can innovate in the DP and the DS without having to modify DTN2, and
    42 can connect their components to any instance of DTN2.
    44 In summary, our requirements for the interface include the following.
    46 \begin{enumerate}
    47 \item The DS interface should provide support for efficient storage of 
    48 key-value pair, for small devices with simple DPs. 
    49 \item The DS interface should provide field-level access to
    50 objects, for deployments where DP components need access to the
    51 fields of stored objects, but do not require advanced DS server
    52 support. 
    53 \item The DS interface should provide support for advanced
    54 DS servers (e.g. knowledge bases) that may use data
    55 definition and manipulation languages that are not known to us beforehand.
    56 \item All DS servers should support a simple, common interface
    57 that DTN2 will use. 
    58 \end{enumerate}
    60 Given requirement 4, we have that all DS servers should
    61 support a common interface. What should that interface be? Requirement
    62 1 points us to a simple persistent table of (key, value) pairs, but that
    63 does not give us field-level access (requirement 2). And any simple
    64 common interface will restrict the expressiveness of advanced data
    65 stores / knowledge bases (requirement 3).
    67 Our solution is to provide three levels of functionality:
    69 \begin{itemize}
    70 \item {\tt pair} storage, which DTN2 will use when the
    71 DS server does not support field-based access (e.g. when running on
    72 small devices with a limited DP functionality).
    73 \item {\tt field} storage, which DTN2 will use when the DS
    74 server supports elements with multiple fields (e.g. when running
    75 with a more powerful DP). 
    76 \item An  {\tt advanced} interface used as a general escape
    77 mechanism for DP components, allowing them to communicate with DS
    78 servers using a mutually-agreed-to language (e.g. Prolog, SPARQL,
    79 RDF/OWL, KIF). The advanced interface will not impose any
    80 restrictions on the syntax of the messages passed between the DP and
    81 DS server.
    82 \end{itemize}
    84 In addition, each DS server will support a simple meta-interface that
    85 can be used to learn about its capabilities.
    87 We envision the following usage scenarios:
    89 \begin{itemize}
    90 \item {\em {\tt pair} data store server:} DTN2 stores key-value pairs,
    91 with the data holding an object serialized as an opaque string of octets.
    92 As the values are opaque, DP components must be able
    93 to work without information about the contents of the stored objects.
    94 \item {\em {\tt field} data store server:} DTN2 stores data as objects
    95 with multiple named fields. Decision plane components can retrieve objects from the
    96 DS and inspect the fields of the objects. 
    97 \item {\em {\tt advanced} data store server:} DTN2 and clients other
    98 than DP components treat such a server as they would treat
    99 a simple data store server. Advanced DP components can query
   100 the DS server to learn what advanced data definition and data
   101 manipulation languages are supported by the latter, and
   102 then use these languages to perform advanced operations. As an
   103 example, a DP component might determine that the DS 
   104 server supports SPARQL; the component could then
   105 send SPARQL queries to the DS server.
   106 \end{itemize}
   108 In short, we see three types of DS servers: simple (key-value) {\tt
   109 pair} storage servers; {\tt field} servers; and {\tt advanced} servers
   110 (which will also support {\tt field}-based access).
   112 \subsubsection{Implementation}\label{sec:ds-iccp-impl}
   114 The DS interface is provided using the ICCP (Section~\ref{sec:iccp}), which 
   115 builds upon the external router interface protocol developed by MITRE. We 
   116 require some extensions (as described below) to the current MITRE 
   117 implementation in order to  support the DS interface.
   119 Messages are encoded as XML and transmitted via TCP.  Each
   120 transmission is preceded by a zero-padded, eight-octet, printable
   121 ASCII length argument, which specifies specifying the number of octets of
   122 XML data to follow (e.g. the characters ``00000321'' would precede 321
   123 bytes of XML data).
   125 XML schema (XSD) files for the client-to-DS server and DS
   126 server-to-client interfaces will be provided.
   128 The protocol is asynchronous. Clients can layer a synchronous
   129 interface on top if they so desire (the better to work with DTN2). The
   130 {\em cookie} argument, present in all request messages, can be used to
   131 match reply messages with their corresponding requests. The cookie
   132 argument is not interpreted by the DS server---it is copied directly from
   133 a request message to the corresponding reply, and is entirely for the
   134 use of the client.
   136 All DS servers support the standard storage interface, but simple {\tt
   137 pair} servers can only handle tables with two fields (key and
   138 value). Advanced servers support the full storage interface.
   140 Each data store can hold a number of named tables---collections of
   141 (abstractly) homogeneous objects. The elements in each table have some
   142 number of fields.  As stated above, tables in a {\tt pair}
   143 store are limited to two fields (key and value); tables in other data
   144 stores can have more fields. Each table has a distinguished field that
   145 is used as the key; keys are unique across all elements of the table.
   147 The number of fields per table is fixed at table creation.\footnote{Note that
   148 we may want to change this, e.g., if the DP wants to add arbitrary
   149 attribute/value pairs to stored data.} 
   151 \subsubsection{Parameter Types}
   153 \begin{tabular}{|r|p{5in}|}
   154 \hline
   155 Cookie & string sent by client, returned by server on corresponding response \\ \hline
   156 Data Store Type & {\tt pair}, {\tt field}, {\tt advanced} \\ \hline
   157 DS Handle & an uninterpreted string representing a client's active connection to a data store \\ \hline
   158 Error code & unsigned int returned from data store (details TBD) \\ \hline
   159 Key, Data & byte strings \\ \hline
   160 Keys & a list of encryption keys \\ \hline
   161 Language & a string identifying a language that can be used to communicate with the DS \\ \hline
   162 Name & a character string, used to identify data store names, table names, and field names \\ \hline
   163 Password & a password string \\ \hline
   164 Quota & a 32-bit signed integer representing a storage quota, in MB \\ \hline
   165 User & a string identifying a user \\ \hline
   166 \end{tabular}
   168 \subsubsection{Client to Data Store Server Request Messages}
   170 This section enumerates the request messages that can be sent from
   171 clients (DTN2, DP components, etc.) to the DS
   172 server. The following section enumerates the corresponding reply
   173 messages, which are sent from the DS server to its clients. 
   174 For each message defined in this section named {\em SomeMessage}
   175 there will be a corresponding {\em SomeMessageReply} defined below.
   177 \begin{table}
   178 \centering
   179 \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|}
   180 \hline
   181 {\em Store Type} & {\em Data Store} & {\em Table} & {\em Element} & {\em Advanced} \\ \hline \hline
   182 {\tt pair} & ALL & ALL & Put, Get, Del & --- \\ \hline
   183 {\tt field} & ALL & ALL & ALL & --- \\ \hline
   184 {\tt advanced} & ALL & ALL & ALL & ALL \\ \hline
   185 \end{tabular}
   186 \caption{\label{table:supported-messages} Messages supported by each data store type.}
   187 \end{table}
   189 \paragraph {}
   190 {\bf Data store server messages}
   192 Messages sent from the client to operate on the DS server
   193 itself---query its capabilities, create a data store, open, close, and
   194 delete a data store, 
   196 \method{DataStoreCapabilities(cookie)}
   197 {
   198 \metP
   199     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   201 \metD
   202     Request information about the capabilities of the DS server.
   203     Returns the supported languages, store type, and whether or not
   204     the DS server supports {\em triggers} (detailed description in
   205     Section \ref{sec:dsadvmsg}).
   206 }
   209 \method{DataStoreCreate(name, clear, quota, user, password, keys, cookie)}
   210 {
   211 \metP
   212     {\em name}: name of data store to create\\
   213     {\em clear}: if true, and data store exists, clear it out\\
   214     {\em quota (opt)}: maximum size in MB of the data store\\
   215     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   217     Placeholders for authentication:\\
   218     {\em user (opt)}: User name\\
   219     {\em password (opt)}: Password\\
   220     {\em keys (opt)}: Keys for accessing the data store
   222 \metD
   223     Create the named data store, or, if it exists and the {\em clear}
   224     flag is set, clearing it.  Authentication parameters are listed
   225     here as a placeholder; the details of the authentication procedures
   226     are to be worked out.
   228 }
   230 \method{DataStoreDelete(name, user, password, keys, cookie)}
   231 {
   232 \metP
   233     {\em name}: name of data store to create\\
   234     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   236     Placeholders for authentication:\\
   237     {\em user (opt)}: User name\\
   238     {\em password (opt)}: Password\\
   239     {\em keys (opt)}: Keys for accessing the data store
   241 \metD
   242     Delete the named data store.
   243 }
   245 \method{DataStoreOpen(name, lease, user, password, keys, cookie)}
   246 {
   247 \metP
   248     {\em name}: name of data store to open\\
   249     {\em lease (opt)}: lease time, in seconds\\
   250     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   252     Placeholders for authentication:\\
   253     {\em user (opt)}: User name\\
   254     {\em password (opt)}: Password\\
   255     {\em keys (opt)}: Keys for accessing the data store
   258 \metD 
   260 Return a handle for the data store. The handle will be valid for the period of
   261 the lease, or until the connection drops, or the client or server is restarted. 
   262 }
   264 \method{DataStoreStat(handle, cookie)}
   265 {
   266 \metP
   267     {\em handle}: A handle to the data store\\
   268     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   270 \metD
   271     Return a description of the tables in the data store. For now this
   272     is just a list of the table names.
   273 }
   276 \method{DataStoreClose(handle, cookie)}
   277 {
   278 \metP
   279     {\em handle}: handle of data store to close.\\
   280     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   282 \metD
   283     Drop the connection to the data store. The handle is invalidated.
   284 }
   286 \paragraph{}
   287 {\bf Table messages}
   289 Each data store can hold multiple named tables. Table messages are used to
   290 create, delete, and obtain information about the tables in a data store.
   292 \method{TableCreate(handle, name, keyname, keytype, list(pair(fieldname, fieldtype)), cookie)}
   293 {
   294 \metP
   295     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   296     {\em name}: table name\\
   297     {\em keyname}: name of key field\\
   298     {\em keytype}: type of key field\\
   299     {\em fieldname}: name of a field\\
   300     {\em fieldtype}: type of the field\\
   301     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   303 \metD
   304     Create a named table, with the specified fields. The name of the
   305     key field is called out.  The key field should also appear
   306     in the list of fieldnames and types. TableCreate is used by all
   307     stores, but only two fields (one named key, and one other) can be
   308     created when using a {\tt pair} data store. 
   310     We envision supporting a set of standard simple data types, e.g.
   311     integers, strings, booleans, etc. Details are TBD.
   313     If there is already a table with that name, the data store returns
   314     failure.
   315 }
   317 \method{TableDel(handle, tablename, cookie)}
   318 {
   319 \metP
   320     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   321     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   322     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   324 \metD
   325     Delete the named table, and all of its data
   326 }
   328 \method{TableStat(handle, tablename, cookie)}
   329 {
   330 \metP
   331     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   332     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   333     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   335 \metD
   336     Return information about the named table, including the table's schema
   337     (the names and types of its fields), the number of elements in the table,
   338     and, if available, the aggregate size (in MB) of the table.
   339 }
   341 \method{TableKeys(handle, tablename, cookie)}
   342 {
   343 \metP
   344     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   345     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   346     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   348 \metD
   349     Return a list of the keys stored in the table.
   350 }
   352 \paragraph{}
   353 {\bf Element messages}
   355 \method{Put(handle, tablename, keyval, list(pair(fieldname, value)), cookie)}
   356 {
   357 \metP
   358     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   359     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   360     {\em key}: key value for element\\
   361     {\em fieldname}: name of field\\
   362     {\em value}: value for field\\
   363     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   365 \metD
   366     {\em Put} is used to add an element to a table. Values for each
   367     field in the table must be specified. 
   368     If an element with the specified key already exists, the element is replaced.
   369 }
   371 \method{Get(handle, tablename, key, cookie)}
   372 {
   373 \metP
   374     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   375     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   376     {\em key}: key value for element\\
   377     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   379 \metD
   380     {\em Get} is used to retrieve a single element from the table,
   381     based on key. See {\em Select}, below, for a more powerful query
   382     interface available with {\tt field} databases.
   383 }
   385 \method{Del(handle, tablename, key, cookie)}
   386 {
   387 \metP
   388     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   389     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   390     {\em key}: key value for element\\
   391     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   393 \metD
   394     Delete the corresponding element from the named table.  
   395 }
   397 \method{Select(handle, tablename, list(pair(fieldname to match, value)), list(fieldname to retrieve), howmany, cookie)}
   398 { 
   399 \metP
   400     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   401     {\em tablename}: table name\\
   402     {\em fieldname}: name of field\\
   403     {\em value}: some constant value (integer, string, etc).\\
   404     {\em howmany (opt)}: maximum number of elements to return\\
   405     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   407 \metD
   408     {\tt Field} and {\tt advanced} data stores provide 
   409     {\em Select}, a limited query functionality. 
   410     Fields of each element in a table are compared for equality with
   411     passed-in constant values.\footnote{I.e. no joins.} If an element
   412     matches (the fields are equal to the specified constant values)
   413     the fields of interest of that element are returned.\footnote{This is
   414     for the case where a table stores objects with many fields, but
   415     only a few fields are of interest.}
   417     Returns failure if there are no elements in the table that meet the
   418     criteria. 
   420     If the {\em howmany} field is passed it specifies the maximum
   421     number of elements to return. If zero is passed for {\em howmany},
   422     returns success (and no elements) if there are any elements that
   423     meet the criteria.
   424 }
   426 \paragraph {}
   427 {\bf Advanced messages} \label{sec:dsadvmsg}
   429 There are two general-purpose advanced messages for use as an escape
   430 mechanism when working with DS servers that have capabilities
   431 outside the realm of the standard interfaces.  These messages provide
   432 the interface for interacting with a full-fledged knowledge base.
   434 \method{Eval(handle, language, command, cookie)}
   435 {
   436 \metP
   437     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   438     {\em language}: the language used by the command\\
   439     {\em command}: the command itself\\
   440     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   442 \metD
   443     The {\em Eval} message is used as a mechanism for clients to send
   444     commands directly to the DS server, unencumbered by the
   445     syntax defined above. For example, if the data store is
   446     implemented using an Oracle database, {\em Eval} can be used to
   447     send an arbitrary SQL statement. If the data store is implemented
   448     using Flora-2 (see \cite{Flora2} and \cite{XSB}), {\em Eval} can 
   449     be used to send a Flora-2 expression.
   451     If the language is not one of the languages supported by the DS
   452     server the request will fail.
   454     Results are returned as an uninterpreted string of octets.  
   455 }
   457 \method{Trigger(handle, language, command, cookie)}
   458 {
   459 \metP
   460     {\em handle}: handle of the data store\\
   461     {\em language}: the language used by the command\\
   462     {\em command}: the command itself\\
   463     {\em cookie}: character string, returned with reply
   465 \metD
   466     The {\em trigger} message is a generalized form of the standard
   467     trigger request mechanism found in many data stores and production
   468     systems. {\em Trigger} sends a command to the DS server,
   469     just as {\em eval}, but unlike an {\em eval}, which generates only
   470     a single reply message, a {\em trigger} can generate multiple
   471     reply messages. 
   473 %    (In fact, {\em trigger} is more of a hint to the system than it is
   474 %    strictly necessary. It is a way for the client to tell the data
   475 %    store to treat the attached command as one that may generate
   476 %    multiple responses, not a single response.)
   477 % Trigger are useful in order to support a callback style or an
   478 % event-condition-action style of operation.  With triggers, the DP 
   479 % need not look at every event of a particular type; rather it can 
   480 % simply wait for a condition to be satisifed within the KB.  Triggers
   481 % therefore allow a mechanism by which the DP can delegate some of the
   482 % processing responsibility to an intelligent data store
   484     If the data store does not support triggers the request will fail.
   486     If the language is not one of the languages supported by the DS
   487     server the request will fail.
   488 }
   490 %%----------------------------------------------------------------
   492 \subsubsection{Data Store Server to Client Reply Messages}
   494 Note: the specifics of error codes are TBD. Assume for now that
   495 possible error codes include SUCCESS and FAILURE, with more likely to
   496 be defined. 
   498 \paragraph {}
   499 {\bf Data store server replies}
   501 \method{DataStoreCapabilitiesReply(cookie, dstype, list(languages),
   502 supports-triggers, error)}
   503 {
   504 \metP
   505     {\em dstype}: string ({\tt pair}, {\tt field}, or {\tt advanced}).\\
   506     {\em language}: uninterpreted strings, representing a language
   507     supported by this DS server (e.g. FLORA-2, KIF,
   508     RDF/OWL). The meanings of each string is a private contract
   509     between DS server and DP component authors.\\
   510     {\em supports-triggers}: boolean, true or false.\\
   511     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   512     {\em error}: error (result) code
   514 \metD
   515     Information about the capabilities of the DS server.
   516     The supported languages (strings), store type ({\tt pair}, {\tt
   517     field}, or {\tt advanced}), and whether or not 
   518     the DS server supports {\em triggers} (detailed description in
   519     Section \ref{sec:dsadvmsg}).
   520 }
   522 \method{DataStoreCreateReply(cookie, error)}
   523 {
   524 \metP
   525     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   526     {\em error}: error (result) code
   528 \metD
   529     Error code indicates whether the data store was successfully
   530     created or, if creation failed, why.
   531 }
   534 \method{DataStoreDeleteReply(cookie, error)}
   535 {
   536 \metP
   537     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   538     {\em error}: error (result) code
   540 \metD
   541     Error code indicates whether the data store was successfully
   542     deleted or, if deletion failed, why (e.g. it was currently in use, 
   543     it does not exist).
   544 }
   546 \method{DataStoreOpenReply(handle, cookie, error)}
   547 {
   548 \metP
   549     {\em handle}: handle for opened data store\\
   550     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   551     {\em error}: error (result) code
   553 \metD 
   555     A handle for the opened data store. The handle will be valid for
   556     the period of the lease, or until the connection drops, or the
   557     client or server is restarted.  
   558 }
   560 \method{DataStoreStatReply(list(tablename), cookie, error)}
   561 {
   562 \metP
   563     {\em tablename}: The name of a table\\
   564     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   565     {\em error}: error (result) code
   567 \metD
   568     Return the names of the tables in the data store. 
   569 }
   571 \method{DataStoreCloseReply(cookie, error)}
   572 {
   573 \metP
   574     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   575     {\em error}: error (result) code
   577 \metD
   578     Error code indicates whether data store was closed successfully.
   579     (One possible reason for failure is that the data store is not
   580     currently open.)
   581 }
   583 \paragraph{}
   584 {\bf Table replies}
   586 Each data store can hold multiple named tables. Table messages are used to
   587 create, delete, and obtain information about the tables in a data store.
   589 \method{TableCreateReply(cookie, error)}
   590 {
   591 \metP
   592     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   593     {\em error}: error (result) code
   595 \metD
   596     Error code indicates whether the table could be created. 
   597 }
   599 \method{TableDelReply(cookie, error)}
   600 {
   601 \metP
   602     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   603     {\em error}: error (result) code
   605 \metD
   606     Error code indicates whether the table could be deleted. 
   607 }
   609 \method{TableStatReply(tablestatus, cookie, error)}
   610 {
   611 \metP
   612     {\em table-status}: information about the table\\
   613     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   614     {\em error}: error (result) code
   616 \metD
   617     Specifics of {\em table-status} TBD, but will include information
   618     about the table's schema (a list containing the names of its
   619     fields and their types) and the number of elements in the table }
   621 \method{TableKeysReply(list(key), cookie, error)}
   622 {
   623 \metP
   624     {\em key}: a key from the table\\
   625     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   626     {\em error}: error (result) code
   628 \metD
   629     The keys for the elements stored in the table. Error code indicates
   630     success or failure (including no such table).  
   632 }
   634 \paragraph{}
   635 {\bf Element replies}
   637 \method{PutReply(cookie, error)}
   638 {
   639 \metP
   640     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   641     {\em error}: error (result) code
   643 \metD
   644     Error code indicates whether element was stored.
   645 }
   647 \method{GetReply(list(pair(fieldname, value)), cookie, error)}
   648 {
   649 \metP
   650     {\em fieldname}: name of field\\
   651     {\em value}: value for field\\
   652     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   653     {\em error}: error (result) code
   655 \metD
   656     The requested value. Error code indicates success or failure
   657     (including no such key, no such table).
   658 }
   660 \method{DelReply(cookie, error)}
   661 {
   662 \metP
   663     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   664     {\em error}: error (result) code
   666 \metD
   667     Error code indicates success or failure (including no such key, no
   668     such table).  
   669 }
   671 \method{SelectReply(list(list(pair(fieldname, value))), cookie, error)}
   672 { 
   673 \metP
   674     {\em fieldname}: name of field\\
   675     {\em value}: some constant value (integer, string, etc).\\
   676     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   677     {\em error}: error (result) code
   679 \metD
   680     Each sub-list consists of (fieldname, value) information from an element
   681     that met the constraints of the Select. 
   683     Returns failure if there are no elements in the table that meet the
   684     criteria, if the table does not exist, if the named fields do not exist.
   685 }
   687 \paragraph {}
   688 {\bf Advanced replies}
   690 \method{EvalReply(result, cookie, error)}
   691 {
   692 \metP
   693     {\em result}: the result itself, an uninterpreted string of octets\\
   694     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   695     {\em error}: error (result) code
   697 \metD
   698     The response from the DS server for the corresponding {\em
   699     Eval} message. The payload ({\em result} argument) is whatever the
   700     DS server sent. The error code is specified by the DS 
   701     server's Eval message handler.  }
   703 \method{TriggerReply(result, cookie, error)}
   704 {
   705 \metP
   706     {\em result}: the result itself, uninterpreted string of octets\\
   707     {\em cookie}: character string sent on request\\
   708     {\em error}: error (result) code
   710 \metD
   711     A {\em trigger} message is like an {\em Eval}, but may generate
   712     a second reply messages at an arbitrary time in the future.
   714     A rigorous definition of {\em trigger} semantics is TBD.
   715 }