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     1 <html><head>
     2       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
     3    <title>DTN External Router Interface</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.69.1"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="article" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a name="d0e1"></a>DTN External Router Interface</h2></div><div><h3 class="subtitle"><i>DRAFT</i></h3></div><div><p class="releaseinfo">Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case
     4     Number: 06-1215</p></div><div><p class="copyright">Copyright &copy; 2006 The MITRE Corporation. All rights reserved.</p></div><div><div class="revhistory"><table border="1" width="100%" summary="Revision history"><tr><th align="left" valign="top" colspan="2"><b>Revision History</b></th></tr><tr><td align="left">Revision 0.90</td><td align="left">11.13.06</td></tr></table></div></div></div><hr></div><div class="toc"><p><b>Table of Contents</b></p><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e24">Overview</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#Section2">Interface Operation</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#Section3">Protocol Elements</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e111">Rendezvous</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e142">Links and Contacts</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e189">Routes</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e204">Bundles</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e246">Peer Router Communication</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="#d0e265">Failure Recovery</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="appendix"><a href="#AppendixA">A. New Configuration Directives</a></span></dt><dt><span class="appendix"><a href="#AppendixB">B. Interface Design FAQ</a></span></dt></dl></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="d0e24"></a>Overview</h2></div></div></div><p>A new implementation architecture is under development that promises
     5     to ease the task of adding new capabilities to DTN. Using generic external
     6     interfaces, third-party developers will be able to implement plug-in
     7     modules without having to rewrite or understand the internal workings of
     8     the DTN2 reference implementation (RI). Plug-in modules are stand-alone
     9     processes designed to work in collaboration with DTN. In the longer term,
    10     this effort provides the basis for extending commercial off-the-shelf
    11     (COTS) DTN implementations with domain specific capabilities.</p><p>The External Router Interface, documented here, is the first DTN
    12     external interface designed to move bundle forwarding decisions to an
    13     external process or processes. Benefits of this interface include:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>Classified and proprietary bundle routing algorithms are
    14         protected.</p></li><li><p>External routers may be written in any programming language (XML
    15         based interface).</p></li><li><p>Prototyping of new bundle routing algorithms is
    16         streamlined.</p></li><li><p>Routing algorithms may be added and removed at runtime.</p></li></ul></div><p>This guide is directed at external router developers and to those
    17     interested in an early product of the new DTN implementation architecture.
    18     <a href="#Section2" title="Interface Operation">"Interface Operation"</a> describes interface
    19     fundamentals such as underlying protocols and message structure. <a href="#Section3" title="Protocol Elements">"Protocol Elements"</a> introduces the set of router
    20     interface messages used for inter-process communication. <a href="#AppendixA" title="A.&nbsp;New Configuration Directives">Appendix A</a> summarizes new configuration options
    21     introduced with the DTN2 RI external router interface implementation.
    22     <a href="#AppendixB" title="B.&nbsp;Interface Design FAQ">Appendix B</a> is an interface design FAQ of
    23     sorts that attempts to address questions that often arise when first
    24     learning about the interface.</p><div class="important" style="margin-left: 0.5in; margin-right: 0.5in;"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>Please note that the external router interface is still evolving
    25       and will likely be modified as experience is gained externalizing DTN
    26       bundle routers. Future work on other interfaces, including
    27       convergence-layer and storage interfaces, may also impact the interface.
    28       The latest "bleeding edge" version of the DTN2 RI includes support for
    29       the external router interface documented here and is available at <a href="" target="_top"></a>.</p></div></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="Section2"></a>Interface Operation</h2></div></div></div><p>Before diving into the details, this section discusses the overall
    30     design and operation of the router interface. When compiled, the DTN2 RI
    31     2.2.0 release (the latest formal DTN2 release as of this writing) produces
    32     one multi-threaded executable, a DTN daemon. This daemon is a complete DTN
    33     node; it accepts bundles from a number of built-in convergence layers,
    34     provides persistent bundle storage, delivers bundles to local DTN
    35     applications, selects routes using built-in routing logic, and forwards
    36     bundles to peer DTN nodes. For the purposes of this document, a <span class="">forwarder</span> is a DTN daemon as described above, but one
    37     that depends on external routing processes to make bundle routing
    38     decisions on its behalf.</p><p>The forwarder communicates with external routing processes:</p><div class="itemizedlist"><ul type="disc"><li><p>with an XML-based messaging protocol</p></li><li><p>using a well-known IPv4 multicast address and UDP port</p></li><li><p>on local or remote hosts</p></li></ul></div><p>Before forwarders and external routers can communicate, they each
    39     must join the all-routers multicast group ( and bind to a
    40     well-known UDP port. Forwarders are not aware if zero, one, or more
    41     external routers have joined the multicast group. It is the responsibility
    42     of the system administrator to ensure router availability.</p><p>Nothing in the interface design precludes running forwarders and
    43     external routers on different hosts, however this approach is not
    44     recommended especially in wireless and/or bandwidth-constrained
    45     environments. The interface is fairly chatty, UDP is unreliable, and there
    46     is a high risk of packet loss leading to a breakdown in synchronized
    47     state. (The DTN2 RI external router interface is hard coded to use the
    48     loopback interface and therefore requires forwarders and external routers
    49     to reside on the same host.)</p><p>Inter-process messages are XML-based and must be valid against the
    50     <a href="router-xsddoc/index.html" target="_top">external router XML schema</a>.
    51     Interface messages are broadly divided into four categories. Event
    52     messages are issued by forwarders to indicate state changes that may be of
    53     interest to external routers. Request messages are sent by external
    54     routers to direct forwarders to perform an action (e.g. "forward the
    55     bundle with ID 56 out link tcp0"). Query and report messages are used by
    56     external routers to synchronize their state with forwarders after bootup
    57     or during failure recovery. The proper usage and interpretation of each
    58     interface message is covered in the next section.</p><p>How does the forwarder authenticate external processes? It doesn't.
    59     The forwarder makes the assumption that (local or remote) external routers
    60     are within the same security domain. In addition, system administrators
    61     must ensure there exists one authoritative router or policy module per DTN
    62     "node&#8221;, or that multiple external routers are configured in a cooperative
    63     manner to correctly handle all events.</p><p>In addition to external routers, other "read-only" types of
    64     processes may join the all-routers multicast group. An external logging
    65     application, for example, could be written to display the current state of
    66     the forwarder simply by listening to external router interface messages.
    67     However, this concept is not pursued further in this document. The
    68     following discussion is limited to inter-process communication between
    69     forwarders and external routers.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="Section3"></a>Protocol Elements</h2></div></div></div><p>This section describes each interface message according to purpose.
    70     Hyper-links to generated schema documentation are located throughout the
    71     text. To generate the documentation, <span class="type">cd</span> to the top level
    72     directory of DTN2 source code and type <span class="type">make xsddoc</span>. You will
    73     need <a href="" target="_top">xsddoc-1.0</a>
    74     and java installed for this to work.</p><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e111"></a>Rendezvous</h3></div></div></div><p>When a forwarder is configured for external routing, it
    75       periodically multicasts hello messages to announce its presence to
    76       external routers. Each hello message includes the EID of the sender and
    77       the interval in seconds between each message. For example, the
    78       message</p><p><code class="literal">&lt;dtn eid="dtn://nodeX"
    79       hello_interval="30"/&gt;</code></p><p>notifies external routers that the DTN forwarder with EID
    80       dtn://nodeX is running and will send another hello message in 30
    81       seconds. Router implementations may filter incoming messages by EID if
    82       it becomes necessary to run more than one forwarder on a single
    83       platform.</p><p>After routers receive one or more hello messages from any (or a
    84       specific) DTN node, they must synchronize their state with the
    85       forwarder. Several routing interface messages are designed to facilitate
    86       state synchronization and have a common format. If x represents
    87       meta-information of interest, the message x_query prompts the forwarder
    88       to send an x_report message. For example, a <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_query.html" target="_top">bundle_query</a>
    89       message asks the forwarder to generate and send a bundle_report
    90       message.</p><p>Routers may query the forwarder for four types of
    91       meta-information. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/contact_report.html" target="_top">contact_report</a>
    92       includes meta-information on all open connections between the local
    93       forwarder and remote forwarders. Low-level convergence layer
    94       meta-information is also included for each contact. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/link_report.html" target="_top">link_report</a>
    95       contains meta information on all forwarder links regardless of the
    96       current state. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/route_report.html" target="_top">route_report</a>
    97       is composed of meta-information on all static routes configured on the
    98       DTN console (if any). <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_report.html" target="_top">bundle_report</a>
    99       lists meta-information on each bundle stored by the local
   100       forwarder.</p><p>After synchronizing their state with a forwarder, external routers
   101       process incoming events as they arrive and send requests when
   102       necessary.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e142"></a>Links and Contacts</h3></div></div></div><p>DTN links represent a one way communication channel to next hop
   103       DTN nodes. Links are either explicitly created in the forwarder
   104       configuration file (<code class="filename">dtn.conf</code>) or spring into
   105       existence as a result of the neighbor discovery mechanism. Four types of
   106       links exist: <span class="emphasis"><em>always on</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>on
   107       demand</em></span>, <span class="emphasis"><em>scheduled</em></span>, and
   108       <span class="emphasis"><em>opportunistic</em></span>. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/link_created_event.html" target="_top">link_created_event</a>
   109       messages announce the existence of new links and include such attributes
   110       as name, type, and destination EID along with other meta-information.
   111       <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/link_deleted_event.html" target="_top">link_deleted_event</a>
   112       notifies external routers that a named link has been destroyed. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/link_available_event.html" target="_top">link_available_event</a>
   113       and <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/link_unavaiable.html" target="_top">link_unavailable_event</a>
   114       messages are automatically generated by the forwarder when links are
   115       open or closed respectively.</p><p>The forwarder attempts to keep always on and opportunistic links
   116       open always. Scheduled links are automatically opened and closed
   117       according to configured start and duration settings. On demand links,
   118       however, must be explicitly opened by the router using an <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/open_link_request.html" target="_top">open_link_request</a>.
   119       After on demand links are idle for a set period of time (currently 30
   120       seconds), they are closed by the forwarder.</p><p>When the state of any link is either open or busy, a contact
   121       element is also available which tracks connection and convergence layer
   122       statistics that may be useful to routing algorithms. <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/contact_up_event.html" target="_top">contact_up_event</a>
   123       and <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/contact_down_event.html" target="_top">contact_down_event</a>
   124       messages notify routers when contacts are available or
   125       unavailable.</p><p>Most link and contact messages carry a coarse "reason" attribute
   126       to explain what prompted each link state change.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e189"></a>Routes</h3></div></div></div><p>The primary function of DTN external routers is to maintain a
   127       forwarding information base of optimal next hop DTN nodes for remote EID
   128       prefixes. Routes to remote EID prefixes are either statically
   129       configured, learned from the DTN neighbor discovery mechanism, or
   130       learned from peer router communications. Specific DTN routing algorithms
   131       and implementations are beyond the scope of this document.</p><p>Static routes may be configured in the forwarder configuration
   132       file or directly on the DTN console. When static routes are specified, a
   133       <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/route_add_event.html" target="_top">route_add_event</a>
   134       is multicast to external routers. Router implementations may choose to
   135       add static routes to internal routing tables (possibly with an
   136       identifying marker indicating the source or administrative distance) or
   137       simply ignore their existence. The <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/route_delete_event.html" target="_top">route_delete_event</a>
   138       message is issued when a static route has been deleted at the DTN
   139       console.</p><p>The external router interface does not include messages to support
   140       the display of external routing tables on the DTN console. All but the
   141       most simplistic external routers should have their own "console" for
   142       configuration and routing table displays.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e204"></a>Bundles</h3></div></div></div><p>Bundles arriving at a forwarder, either from a remote DTN node or
   143       from a local application, are announced with a <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_received_event.html" target="_top">bundle_received_event</a>
   144       message. Bundle payload is not forwarded over the interface, only
   145       meta-information.</p><p>When an opportunity exists to forward a bundle, the external
   146       router issues a <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/send_bundle_request.html" target="_top">send_bundle_request</a>
   147       which includes the local bundle id, name of the outgoing link, and the
   148       desired forwarding behavior. Meta-information about the bundle should
   149       not be erased until a positive acknowledgement is received from the
   150       forwarder.</p><p><a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_transmitted_eventt.html" target="_top">bundle_transmitted_event</a>
   151       states that a bundle has been successfully transmitted using the
   152       identified contact. On reliable links, this means acknowledgements were
   153       received, on unreliable links, a best effort attempt was made to send
   154       the bundle. A failed transmission is indicated by the <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_transmit_failed_eventt.html" target="_top">bundle_transmit_failed_event</a>
   155       message and may warrant a retransmission by the router if
   156       possible.</p><p>For successfully transmitted bundles, routers can release all
   157       resources dedicated to tracking the bundle unless the sender had
   158       requested custody transfer. If custody was requested, the router must
   159       continue to track the bundle until it receives a corresponding custody
   160       message. If custody was accepted by a downstream DTN node, a <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/custody_signal_event.html" target="_top">custody_signal_event</a>
   161       is generated. Bundle meta-information can now be released by the router.
   162       If custody failed, indicated by the <span class="emphasis"><em>succeeded</em></span>
   163       attribute in the <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/custody_signal_event.html" target="_top">custody_signal_event</a>,
   164       or the router receives a <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/custody_timeout_event.html" target="_top">custody_timeout_event</a>
   165       (i.e. no response from a downstream DTN node), the router may attempt to
   166       retransmit the bundle if possible.</p><p><a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_expired_event.html" target="_top">bundle_expired_event</a>
   167       notifies the router that a bundle has expired and is being deleted from
   168       the store. External routers should remove all records of the
   169       bundle.</p><p><a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/cancel_bundle_event.html" target="_top">cancel_bundle_request</a>
   170       asks the forwarder to abort a previous send_bundle request if possible.
   171       (As of this writing, cancel_bundle_request is not implemented in the
   172       DTN2 RI.)</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e246"></a>Peer Router Communication</h3></div></div></div><p>Many routing algorithms require information exchange between peer
   173       routers. Communication between peer DTN external routers boils down to
   174       identifying methods for sending and receiving router message bundles.
   175       Two methods are currently available; the first utilizes the DTN2
   176       application interface and the second is offered by the external router
   177       interface itself.</p><p>External router developers may elect to build their external
   178       routers with two personalities, to behave as an external router and as a
   179       DTN application. The external router interface handles all bundle
   180       forwarding tasks while the application interface is used to send and
   181       receive peer router messages. In order for this method to work, external
   182       routers must register with the forwarder as a DTN application and supply
   183       a well-known service tag for bundle deliveries. It seems intuitive that
   184       the service tag would signify the routing algorithm. For example, an
   185       external router implementing a flooding algorithm may register with the
   186       forwarder using the service tag "flood_rtr".</p><p>This approach offers several benefits: the DTN application
   187       interface is reliable, there is no limit on bundle size, and
   188       router-originated bundles follow the same path as "normal" application
   189       bundles and are subject to the same policies. Cons include increased
   190       development complexity and the fact that external routers can't specify
   191       an outgoing link using the application API. The forwarder defers to the
   192       external router the decision of where to forward router-originated
   193       bundles.</p><p>The second alternative is to send locally generated bundle
   194       payloads to the forwarder on <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/inject_bundle_request.html" target="_top">inject_bundle_request</a>
   195       messages. Destination EID, outgoing link, and other attributes required
   196       for bundle forwarding are supplied as well as the payload to inject.
   197       Router-originated bundle payloads are assumed to be binary blobs and are
   198       Base64 encoded. No attempt is made to decode or process
   199       router-originated bundle payloads except by the destination remote
   200       router process. Forwarders notify external routers of successful or
   201       failed transmissions in the same manner as "normal" bundles (I need to
   202       check this...). Unlike DTN application bundles, router injected bundles
   203       are not cached. If transmission fails, bundles are dropped.</p><p>At boot-up, the external router interface registers with the
   204       forwarder to receive all bundles destined to &#8220;ext.rtr/*&#8221;. As in the
   205       previous example, a service tag is chosen by the external router
   206       developer to uniquely identify the router. Arriving bundles matching the
   207       registration "ext_rtr/*" are announced with the <a href="router-xsddoc/noNamespace/element/bundle_delivery_event.html" target="_top">bundle_delivery_event</a>
   208       message. Upon receipt of this message, routers must examine the bundle's
   209       destination EID to determine the intended recipient of the bundle.
   210       Bundle payloads are read in or otherwise accessed using the filename
   211       attribute associated with bundle payload meta-information.</p></div><div class="section" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a name="d0e265"></a>Failure Recovery</h3></div></div></div><p>Since IPC between forwarders and external routers is
   212       connectionless, one process can fail without the other's immediate
   213       knowledge. Consider the case where there is one forwarder process and
   214       one external router process. Five states are possible 1) both process
   215       are up, 2) forwarder is up, external router is down, 3) forwarder is
   216       down, external router is up, 4) forwarder crashes and comes back up
   217       within a hello interval, and 5) both processes are down. Obviously, Case
   218       1 does not belong in a Failure Recovery Section.</p><p>A discussion of Case 2 yields an interesting point. The forwarder
   219       does not monitor whether zero, one, or more external routers are running
   220       and/or are members of the all-routers multicast group. Event messages
   221       are multicast to the all-routers group, by the forwarder, regardless of
   222       external router state. When an external router is restarted, it should
   223       immediately synchronize its state with the forwarder in much the same
   224       manner as the initial bootup sequence discussed in the previous
   225       section.</p><p>There are two instances in the life of a forwarder where the hello
   226       message includes an additional attribute. The "alert" attribute provides
   227       additional information about the overall state of the forwarder and
   228       facilitates failure recovery in the remaining cases. Two values are
   229       currently valid: "justBooted" and "shuttingDown". At bootup, the
   230       forwarder always sends the "justBooted" alert with the first hello
   231       message. When the forwarder is shut down in an orderly fashion (by
   232       issuing "quit" at the console for example), a hello message is
   233       immediately sent that includes the "shuttingDown" alert. However, if the
   234       forwarder should crash or is otherwise shutdown in an unorderly manner,
   235       there is no guarantee that a "shuttingDown" alert will be sent.</p><p>For Case 3, the external router determines the forwarder is down
   236       either by receiving a hello message with a "shuttingDown" alert or after
   237       hello interval seconds have passed without receiving a message. At this
   238       point, the router must stop sending messages, wait until another hello
   239       message is received, synchronize its state with the forwarder, and
   240       resume normal operations.</p><p>The external router knows it is dealing with Case 4 if it receives
   241       a "justBooted" alert in less than or equal to one hello interval. The
   242       router must stop sending messages, synchronize its state with the
   243       forwarder, and resume normal operations.</p><p>Towards the goal of making DTN a turnkey solution, additional
   244       "helper" processes are being developed whose sole purpose is to watch
   245       and restart forwarders and external routers if and when they fail.
   246       Helper processes will play a critical role in addressing Cases 2 -
   247       5.</p></div></div><div class="appendix" lang="en"><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="AppendixA"></a>A.&nbsp;New Configuration Directives</h2><p>This section describes four new configuration directives that
   248     accompany the DTNRG RI external router interface.</p><p>To enable the external router feature, set the forwarder router type
   249     to "external".</p><p><code class="literal">route set type external</code></p><p>Next, provide the full pathname of the XML schema file "router.xsd"
   250     (originally located in the DTN2 source distribution daemon
   251     directory).</p><p><code class="literal">route set schema &lt;pathname&gt;</code></p><p>The remaining directives are optional (i.e. they have default
   252     values).</p><p>The default UDP port for external router communications is 8001. To
   253     change it, include the following directive in
   254     <code class="filename">dtn.conf</code>.</p><p><code class="literal">route set server_port &lt;udp port&gt;</code></p><p>The number of seconds between forwarder hello messages can also be
   255     changed from the default of 30 seconds.</p><p><code class="literal">route set hello_interval &lt;seconds&gt;</code></p></div><div class="appendix" lang="en"><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a name="AppendixB"></a>B.&nbsp;Interface Design FAQ</h2><p>Why multicast?</p><p></p><p>Why UDP?</p><p></p><p>Why XML?</p><p></p><p>...</p></div></div></body></html>