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     3 <title> DTN2 Manual: Architecture </title>
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     7 <a name="arch"/>
     8 <h1>Architecture of DTN2
     9 </h1>
    11 <h2>Implementation overview</h2>
    13 <p>
    14 The following text is intended to provide a sketch of how the whole thing fits together. It is a brief synopsis of DTN2s implementation, taken entirely from <a href="">this paper</a> by Michael Demmer and others. For more information about DTN2's architecture and role as a platform for experimentation, see <a
    15 href="">this paper</a>.
    17 <h3><The major components</h3>
    19 <p>The major message processing, management and application support modules of the DTN Bundle forwarding system are provided below. The bundle router module requires the most detailed information regarding the state of the system upon which to base routing decisions. Decisions made by the router are passed as a set of instructions (actions) to the forwarder which is responsible for executing the actions.</p> 
    21 <p>This separation between policy and function allows for easy extension, modification, and replacement of the potentially complex router module.</p>
    23 <h3>Bundle Router and Bundle Forwarder</h3>
    25 <p>The router component implements all the route selection
    26 and scheduling policy decision making. It takes as input a large variety of events that could potentially affect routing decisions and issues encoded instructions that are passed to the bundle forwarder, which is in turn charged with the responsibility to execute them. The forwarder executes the router’s decisions by interacting with the Convergence Layers, Registrations, and the Persistent Store. The separation of router from forwarder represents an instance of separating policy from mechanism. Separating the calculation of instructions from their execution helps to isolate the routing code from changes in the other internal APIs.
    28 <h3>Convergence Layers</h3>
    29 <p>Convergence Layers are the adapters between the DTN bundling protocols and various underlying transports, similar to drivers within an operating system. At the most basic level, they perform basic data plane functions: a particular layer must be able to transmit and receive bundles over a single hop (in the overlay topology). In some cases they also process signaling information required by the bundle router (e.g. such as failed connections and restarts). Convergence Layers are discussed in more detail in the following section. 
    31 <h3>Persistent Store</h3>
    32 <p>Persistent storage is used to hold the contents of bundles during the store-and-forward process. A common abstraction for persistent storage allows a particular system instance to select (at runtime) to use either a relational database model or a simple file model.
    34 <h3>Fragmentation Module</h3>
    35 <p>The fragmentation module is responsible for fragmenting and reassembling bundle fragments. This module is capable of sending a signal to the bundle router when all the fragments of a subject bundle have been received.
    37 <h3>Contact Manager</h3>
    38 <p>The Contact Manager is responsible for keeping track of which links are currently available, any historical information regarding their connectivity or performance,
    39 and any known future schedules of when connectivity may be available. The primary task of the contact manager is to transform the information learned about contacts from
    40 environment-specific mechanisms into abstract contact descriptions that can be used by the bundle router.
    42 <h3>Management Interface</h3>
    43 <p>The management interface is used to signal the bundle router about any special policy constraints or preferences that may affect its data routing decisions. It is implemented as a generic interprocess communication capability so that multiple applications or processes may be supported. 
    45 <h3>Console / Config</h3>
    46 <p>The console/configuration module provides a command line interface and an event loop for testing and debugging of the implementation, as well as a structured method
    47 to set initial configuration options. An embedded Tcl interpreter is used to parse and execute user commands and settings. 
    49 <h3>Application IPC / Registration Module</h3>
    50 <p>DTN applications are written to use a thin library that communicates with the router via an inter-process communication channel. Most of this interaction relates to
    51 sending and receiving application messages and manipulating message demultiplexing bindings. 
    53 </i>
    55 <p>
    56 <a name="DTN2 api"/>
    57 <h2>DTN2 API</h2>
    58 <a name="API functions"/>
    59 <h3>API functions</h3>
    60 <p>
    61 <table>
    62 <tr>
    63 <th>Interface
    64 <th>Function
    65 <th>Returns
    66 <th>Comments
    68 <tr>
    69 <td>Open a new connection to the router.
    70 <td><tt>extern int dtn_open(dtn_handle_t* handle)</tt>
    71 <td> DTN_SUCCESS | dtn_errno error code.
    72 <td> On success, initializes the handle parameter as a new handle
    73 to the daemon and returns DTN_SUCCESS. On failure, sets handle to
    74 NULL and returns a dtn_errno error code.
    76 <tr>
    77 <td>Close an open dtn handle.
    78 <td><tt>extern int dtn_close(dtn_handle_t handle);</tt>
    79 <td>DTN_SUCCESS
    80 <td>Returns DTN_SUCCESS on success.
    82 <tr>
    83 <td>Get the error associated with the given handle.
    84 <td><tt>extern int dtn_errno(dtn_handle_t handle);</tt>
    85 <td>TBC
    86 <td>None
    88 <tr>
    89 <td>Set the error associated with the given handle
    90 <td><tt>extern void dtn_set_errno(dtn_handle_t handle, int err);</tt>
    91 <td>TBC
    92 <td>None
    94 <tr>
    95 <td>Build a local endpoint id
    96 <td><tt>extern int dtn_build_local_eid(dtn_handle_t handle,
    97                                dtn_endpoint_id_t* local_eid,
    98                                const char* service_tag);</tt>
    99 <td>TBC
   100 <td>Build an appropriate local endpoint id by appending the specified
   101 service tag to the daemon's preferred administrative endpoint id.
   103 <tr>
   104 <td>Create a dtn registration.
   105 <td><tt>extern int dtn_register(dtn_handle_t handle,
   106                         dtn_reg_info_t* reginfo,
   107                         dtn_reg_id_t* newregid);</tt>
   108 <td>TBC
   109 <td>If the init_passive flag in the reginfo struct is true, 
   110 the registration is initially in passive state, requiring 
   111 a call to dtn_bind to activate it. Otherwise, the call to
   112 dtn_bind is unnecessary as the registration will be created 
   113 in the active state and bound to the handle.
   115 <tr>
   116 <td>Remove a dtn registration.
   117 <td><tt>extern int dtn_unregister(dtn_handle_t handle,
   118                           dtn_reg_id_t regid);</tt>
   119 <td>TBC
   120 <td>If the registration is in the passive state (i.e. not bound to any
   121 handle), it is immediately removed from the system. If it is in
   122 active state and bound to the given handle, the removal is deferred
   123 until the handle unbinds the registration or closes. This allows
   124 applications to pre-emptively call unregister so they don't leak
   125 registrations.
   127 <tr>
   128 <td>Check for an existing registration.
   129 <td><tt>extern int dtn_find_registration(dtn_handle_t handle,
   130                                  dtn_endpoint_id_t* eid,
   131                                  dtn_reg_id_t* newregid);</tt>
   133 <td>Check for an existing registration on the given endpoint id.
   134 Return DTN_SUCCESS and fill in the registration id if it
   135 exists, or return ENOENT if it doesn't.
   137 <tr>
   138 <td>Modify an existing registration.
   139 <td><tt>extern int dtn_change_registration(dtn_handle_t handle,
   140                                    dtn_reg_id_t regid,
   141                                    dtn_reg_info_t *reginfo);</tt>
   142 <td>TBC
   143 <td>None
   145 <tr>
   146 <td>Associate a registration with the current ipc channel.
   147 <td><tt>extern int dtn_bind(dtn_handle_t handle, dtn_reg_id_t regid);</tt>
   148 <td>TBC
   149 <td>Associate a registration with the current ipc channel.
   150 This serves to put the registration in "active" mode.
   152 <tr>
   153 <td>Explicitly remove an association from the current ipc handle.
   154 <td><tt>extern int dtn_unbind(dtn_handle_t handle, dtn_reg_id_t regid);</tt>
   155 <td>TBC
   156 <td>Note that this is also implicitly done when the handle is closed.
   157 This serves to put the registration back in "passive" mode.
   160 <tr>
   161 <td>Send a bundle. 
   162 <td><tt>extern int dtn_send(dtn_handle_t handle,
   163                     dtn_reg_id_t regid,
   164                     dtn_bundle_spec_t* spec,
   165                     dtn_bundle_payload_t* payload,
   166                     dtn_bundle_id_t* id);</tt>
   167 <td>TBC
   168 <td>Send a bundle either from memory or from a file.
   170 <tr>
   171 <td>Cancel a bundle transmission.
   172 <td><tt>extern int dtn_cancel(dtn_handle_t handle,
   173                       dtn_bundle_id_t* id);</tt>
   174 <td>TBC
   175 <td>None
   177 <tr>
   178 <td>Blocking receive for a bundle.
   179 <td><tt>extern int dtn_recv(dtn_handle_t handle,
   180                     dtn_bundle_spec_t* spec,
   181                     dtn_bundle_payload_location_t location,
   182                     dtn_bundle_payload_t* payload,
   183                     dtn_timeval_t timeout);</tt>
   184 <td>TBC
   185 <td>Fill in the spec and payload structures with the bundle data. 
   186 The location parameter indicates the manner by which the caller 
   187 wants to receive payload data (i.e. either in memory or in a file). 
   188 The timeout parameter specifies an interval in milliseconds to block 
   189 on the server-side (-1 means infinite wait). 
   190 <p>Note that it is advisable to call dtn_free_payload on the returned structure, 
   191 otherwise the XDR routines will memory leak.
   193 <tr>
   194 <td>Blocking query for new subscribers on a session. 
   195 <td><tt>extern int dtn_session_update(dtn_handle_t handle,
   196                               unsigned int* status,
   197                               dtn_endpoint_id_t* session,
   198                               dtn_timeval_t timeout);</tt>
   199 <td>Indication that a subscriber was added or removed.
   200 <td>One or more registrations must have been bound to the handle 
   201 with the SESSION_CUSTODY flag set. Returns an indication 
   202 that the subscription state in the given session has changed 
   205 <tr>
   206 <td>Return a file descriptor for the given handle. 
   207 <td><tt>extern int dtn_poll_fd(dtn_handle_t handle);</tt>
   208 <td>File descriptor.
   209 <td>Return a file descriptor for the given handle. suitable for calling
   210 poll() or select() in conjunction with a call to dtn_begin_poll().
   212 <tr>
   214 <td>Begin a polling period for incoming bundles. 
   215 <td><tt>extern int dtn_begin_poll(dtn_handle_t handle, dtn_timeval_t timeout);</tt>
   216 <td>File descriptor 
   217 <td>Returns a file descriptor suitable for calling poll() or select() on 
   218 (similar to dtn_poll_fd). Note that dtn_bind() must have been 
   219 previously called at least once on the handle.
   221 <p>If the kernel returns an indication that there is data ready on the
   222 file descriptor, a call to dtn_recv will then return the bundle
   223 ithout blocking, then dtn_poll must be called again to wait for
   224 more bundles.
   226 <p>Also, no other API calls besides dtn_recv can be executed during a
   227 polling period, so an app must call dtn_cancel_poll before trying
   228 to run other API calls.
   230 <tr>
   231 <td>Cancel a polling interval.
   232 <td><tt>extern int dtn_cancel_poll(dtn_handle_t handle);</tt>
   233 <td>TBC
   234 <td>None
   235 </table>
   237 <a name="Utility functions"/>
   238 <h3>Utility Functions</h3>
   240 <p>
   241 <table>
   242 <tr>
   243 <th>Interface
   244 <th>Function
   245 <th>Returns
   246 <th>Comments
   248 <tr>
   249 <td>Copy the contents of one eid into another.
   250 <td><tt>extern void dtn_copy_eid(dtn_endpoint_id_t* dst, dtn_endpoint_id_t* src);</tt>
   251 <td>TBC
   252 <td>None
   254 <tr>
   255 <td>Parse a string into an endpoint id structure.
   256 <td><tt>extern int dtn_parse_eid_string(dtn_endpoint_id_t* eid, const char* str);</tt>
   257 <td>TBC
   258 <td>Parse a string into an endpoint id structure, validating that it is
   259 in fact a valid endpoint id (i.e. a URI
   261 <tr>
   262 <td>Set the value of the given payload structure
   263 <td><tt>extern int dtn_set_payload(dtn_bundle_payload_t* payload,
   264                            dtn_bundle_payload_location_t location,
   265                            char* val, int len);</tt>
   266 <td> 0 | DTN_ESIZE 
   267 <td>Set the value of the given payload structure to either a memory
   268 buffer or a file location.Returns: 0 on success, DTN_ESIZE if the memory location is
   269 selected and the payload is too big.
   273 <tr>
   274 <td>Free dynamic storage.
   275 <td><tt>void dtn_free_payload(dtn_bundle_payload_t* payload);</tt>
   276 <td>TBC
   277 <td>Frees dynamic storage allocated by the xdr for a bundle payload in dtn_recv.
   279 <tr>
   280 <td>Return a string version of a status report reason code.
   281 <td><tt>const char* dtn_status_report_reason_to_str(dtn_status_report_reason_t err);</tt>
   282 <td>String
   283 <td>None
   284 </table>
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