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     1 <title>Fragmentation: Delay Tolerant Networks</title>
     3 <pre>
     4 <u><b>Fragmentation in Delay Tolerant Networks</b></u>
     6 <small>
     7 Revision History
     8 02.19.04 Initial Revision, mh
     9 02.23.04 Rewrote requirements, added header spec. mh
    10 02.24.04 Edits, Added Non-functional requirements, mh
    11 02.25.04 Edits, Added some definitions, extended intro, mh
    12 03.26.04 Added design section, updated header specifications, mh
    13 </small>
    15 <b>I. Introduction</b>
    17 This document covers the requirements for the fragmentation interface, as 
    18 integrated with the bundle processing.
    20 Our main goals are to be able to (i) fork a bundle across multiple links and
    21 (ii) send a bundle over the same link using multiple contacts (assuming the
    22 contact disconnects and reconnects later). A secondary goal is to integrate
    23 digital fountain so we can have a sort of hop-by-hop error control.
    25 There is a main assumption that the routing layer will contain and control all
    26 knowledge about the fragmentation capabilities of other dtn gateways and 
    27 routers, so it can make essential fragmentation decisions.
    29 <b>II. Design Overview</b>
    31 In terms of basic mechanics, the Fragmentation Manager knows how to create 
    32 fragments from an original bundle, as well as how to create a bundle from
    33 its constituent fragments.  When the bundle to be fragmented is ready to be
    34 scheduled for delivery, the Routing Layer will make a decision as to 
    35 how the bundle should be fragmented, and on which channel(s) the fragments 
    36 should be sent. Once the fragment it on a particular channel, it is treated
    37 exactly like any other bundle. Upon receipt of a bundle fragment, it is
    38 funnelled into the Fragment Manager, until we know that a bundle can be 
    39 reconstructed. At this point, the bundleDaemon will reconstruct the bundle
    40 and treat it as if had just been received from the convergence layer.
    42 We would also like the Fragmentation Manager to be stateless, so information
    43 about the fragments should be stored in its own persistent database table.
    45 <b>III. Functional Requirements</b>
    47 M - Must Have
    48 S - Should Have
    49 C - Could Have
    50 W - Want to Have
    52 DF: related to digital fountain feature (raptor codes)
    53 FRAG: fragmentation without digital fountain
    54 CUST: related to custody transfer
    55 REAC: related to reactive/dynamic fragmentation
    57 <u>A. Routing Layer Changes</u>
    59 RA1 S) For a particular route and convergence layer,
    60      a S) determine necessary level of redundancy needed to increase 
    61         probability of end-to-end delivery (or just next hop), which may 
    62         depend on characteristics of underlying protocol
    63      b M) Decide what type and level of fragmentation is feasible
    64         - Could choose none, if underlying layer takes care of it properly
    65         - DF vs FRAG, or combination of two (DF some fragments)
    66             - could choose to FRAG, then DF portions if especially large file
    67             - could choose to DF, and then FRAG code blocks, if downstream
    68               links need fragments smaller than ~16 bytes
    69             - could choose only one or another
    70             - based on endpoint capability - does it support DF?
    71                 - oracle: list of known df-capable routers
    72                 - possibly based on entity part of tuple
    73         - choose maximum fragment size (MFS)
    74             - default to what is reasonable for the next hop
    75             - decide what is the largest block size that can be sent over
    76               all of the known expected hops in the route, based on 
    77               the medium and protocols that will be used
    78             - only need to fragment up to next "layover", can reassemble and
    79               fragment downstream when it is being buffered. (e.g. fragment
    80               during the DakNet bus ride)
    81         - DF: Choose how many coding blocks we need (what factor)
    82             - estimate downstream loss rate, and produce 
    83               (s*1.05 + 800)/mfs x (1 + loss rate) fragments, where
    84               s is the number of bytes in the file, and mfs is the size of
    85               the coding block.
    86             - based on past history from custody transfers?
    87             - pre-determined fixed value based on prior monitoring (more
    88               for scheduled contacts, but also for on-average homogeneous
    89               performance)
    90             - this is basically error control!
    91 RA2 M) Given a bundle and a particular route, do the following:
    92    a M) Decide if fragmentation is necessary (or error coding)
    93    b M) Choose appropriate fragmentation, based on bundle size, MFS
    94    c M) if bundle is too big, fragment according to specification
    95 RA3 W) Given a bundle, send fragments along different routes/channels
    96 RA4 M) CUST: Upon custody ACK, stop sending fragments, and clear rtx buffers
    97 RA5 M) CUST: Upon retransmission timeout, send fragments out again 
    98      a S) CUST/DF: If custody transfer timeout occurs, retransmit bundle using
    99       a new set of pseodorandom keys. (Rather than duplicating data)
   100      b S) FRAG: same fragments
   101      c W) FRAG: guess which fragments haven't been recieved
   102      d C) Optionally choose a new route (or set of routes)
   103 RA6 S) REAC: Upon unexpected termination of contact 
   104      a W) recalculate route for remaining packets, and shift to new
   105         contact queue. This entails shifting bundles back out of the 
   106         convergence layer and into the bundle layer again.
   107      b S) DF: upon reconnect, just continue sending messages from new q
   108      c S) FRAG: upon reconnect send rest of fragments, then maybe fragments 
   109         that have we guess may have dropped because connection terminated just 
   110         prior to their sending. (pseudo-FEC)
   111      Note: This implies that the queues are managed on in the routing layer
   112      rather than the convergence layer, or that we implement
   113      revocation - allowing the routing layer to tell the convergence layer
   114      that it no longer needs to send specific pending bundles or bundle 
   115      fragments.
   116 RA7 M) Identify bundles as fragments, and decide where it should go:
   117      a M) Fragmentation Manager if we need to reassemble, may choose to do this
   118         always if all contacts are idle or busy.
   119      b S) Immediate relay if contact is open, and fragment size is okay
   120      c M) Buffer fragments until sufficient to assume custody
   121        - DF: original_size * 1.05 + 800 bytes, rounded up to nearest
   122          encoding unit size multiple
   123        - FRAG: reassemble packet to verify all bytes
   124      d M) Fragment if packet too large for downstream route
   125      e M) If bundle fragment has arrived at last hop, wait for rest of bundle
   126         so it can be reassembled prior to delivery. (i.e. Applications do 
   127         not get fragments.)
   128 RA8 S) Recall fragments from Fragmentation Manager if a new contact has 
   129       arrived and we can relay immediately.
   130       ?) Are bundle fragments copied to manager from routing layer?
   131       ?) Does routing layer track which fragments are in fragmentation manager?
   132       ?) Should requests for fragments be non-blocking? Should routing layer
   133         request to send fragments, or should fragmentation manager ask routing
   134         layer to send fragments as they are ready?
   135 RA9 S) Identify and process partial custody ACKs 
   136      a S) upon custody transfer timeout, only retransmit portions that are not
   137         ACKed
   138      b S) if entire bundle has been ACKed by same custodian, then allow 
   139         custody transfer
   140 RA10 M) Generate bundle status report for bundle, if requested.
   141      S) Generate report of which fragments received
   142      C) Set timer, so receipt of multiple fragments can be placed in
   143           single report
   144 RA11 M) Track which bundles are being reassembled, and assembly status
   145       a M) DF: decoding is optional, can just gather fragments and count
   146       b M) FRAG: produce partial ACK report
   147 RA12 M) Request fragments for a particular bundle, specifying maximum fragment
   148       size, fragmentation type, number of fragments needed (if DF), seed for
   149       pseudo random generator (if DF), offset start/end (if FRAG)
   150       - callback, routing layer registers request, and frag mgr delivers
   151         bundle fragments as they are ready
   152       - if relaying DF fragments, MFS and seed are not necessary
   153 RA13 M) Tell Fragmentation Manager when it can clean up fragments for a 
   154       given bundle.
   155 RA14 W) Replicate or Split fragments for a given bundle across multiple
   156       channels to increase probability or speed of delivery.
   158 <u>B. Fragmentation Manager</u>
   160 RB1 M) Accept New Bundle and Fragmentation request.
   161 RB2 M) Accept requests for fragments for bundles that arrived as fragments
   162 RB3 M) Generate Bundle Fragments using Raptor Codes (DF)
   163       - optional initial seed parameter for key generator
   164       - code block size specified by routing layer
   165       - fragments include key, source size, and data (as payload)
   166       - if code blocks are not subdivisible, then code block size is 40 bytes
   167         and bundle fragments may carry multiple code blocks
   168 RB4 M) Generate Bundle Fragments using Basic Fragmentation (FRAG)
   169       - fragment segment size specified by routing layer
   170       - fragments include source size, fragment offset, and data (as payload)
   171       - allow fragmentation to begin from a specific offset
   172 RB5 S) FRAG: Generate Bundle Fragments from partial assembly
   173       - in case not all fragments have been received, allow fragment creation
   174 RB7 M) Accept and Track Fragments from routing layer
   175       a M) DF: Maintain fragment count, keep fragments generated using
   176            different encoding unit sizes separated 
   177       b M) DF: Remove duplicate fragments
   178       c M) CUST: Notify Routing layer if sufficient fragments have been 
   179            recieved to accept custody (based on parameters provided by routing 
   180            layer, and if custody has been requested)
   181       d M) CUST: Update custody id of each fragment once custody is accepted
   182       e M) FRAG: Order fragments, and track which bytes have arrived
   183 RB8 M) Reassemble Bundle from received fragments (DF/FRAG)
   184 RB9 M) Allow relay of existing fragments (no assembly/refragmenting)
   185 RB10 W) REAC: Reactive Fragmentation - buffer fragments or partial payload 
   186       until contact resumes.
   187 RB11 M) Garbage collection
   188       - remove fragments for bundles that have already been sent
   189       - remove fragments for expired bundles
   191 <u>Remaining Questions</u>
   193 * Can we fragment pre-encoded blocks further by splitting the information
   194   in such a way that the <i>code block fragments</i> are still useful to the 
   195   decoder?
   196     - retain key, source size, and original encoding block size
   197     - include offset of this code block fragment
   198 * If not, is there a value add to fragmenting as small as possible and 
   199   including multiple code blocks in a given bundle fragment?
   200     - suggested "quantum" code block size is 40 bytes
   201 * If we split a bundle across multiple channels, how does custody transfer 
   202   work?
   203 * Should we allow partial ACKs for custody transfer? 
   204 * Where/how should fragment queueing occur? - currently managed by routing
   205   layer, with the fragmentation functionality being stateless
   206 * Could we reduce fragment overhead by only sending the duplicate headers
   207   with some subset of the fragments? Thus, fragments 0, 5, and 10 will carry
   208   the original headers, and the rest will carry some matching hash identifier.
   209   This reduces the duplicate information being sent out....
   211 <b>III. Non-Functional Requirements</b>
   213 NF1 ?) The Fragmentation Manager should be stateless
   214        - client handles filesystem and memory allocation
   215 NF2 M) Maximize the utility of contacts by sending fragments of packets
   216        and reassembling them later. (see RA14)
   217 NF3 S) Consider resource limitations.
   218 NF4 M) Digital Fountain encode/decode functionality must be optional
   219        - we may require routers to be df-aware?
   221 <b>IV. Header Specification</b>
   223 There will be two headers for fragments, one for traditional fragmentation
   224 and another for Digital Fountain Bundle Fragments.
   226 <u>Standard Bundle Fragment Header</u>
   228    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   229    |  Next Header   |  Length of original bundle payload (4 bytes) 
   230    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   231                     |  Offset of this bundle fragment (4 bytes)         
   232    +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ 
   233                     | 
   234    -----------------+ 
   236    Bundle fragment headers are present in all bundle fragments whose 
   237    offsets from the beginning of the original bundle are non-zero.  
   238    Bundle fragment headers MAY also appear in bundles whose offsets from 
   239    the beginning of the original bundle are zero. 
   241    The fields of the Bundle Fragment Header are: 
   243    Next Header Type. The Next Header Type field is a 1-byte field that 
   244           indicates the type of the header that immediately follows this 
   245           one.  Header types are listed in Table 1 above. 
   247    Length of Original Bundle Payload.  This is the total length of the 
   248           original bundle's payload before any fragmentation. 
   250    Fragment Offset.  The byte offset of the beginning of this fragment 
   251           within the original bundle. 
   253    Note: The length of the fragment itself is included in the Bundle
   254    Payload Header. 
   256 <u>Digital Fountain Bundle Fragment Header (Proposed Version A)</u>
   258    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   259    |  Next Header   |  Length of original bundle payload (4 bytes) 
   260    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   261                     |  Code Block Size (4 bytes)         
   262    +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ 
   263                     |  Number of Code Blocks (4 bytes)         
   264    +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ 
   265                     | 
   266    -----------------+ 
   268    Digital Fountain Bundle Fragment Headers appear in all bundles where 
   269    the payload consists of one or more raptor-encoded coded blocks.
   271    The fields of the Bundle Fragment Header are: 
   273    Next Header Type. The Next Header Type field is a 1-byte field that 
   274           indicates the type of the header that immediately follows this 
   275           one.  Header types are listed in Table 1 above. 
   277    Length of Original Bundle Payload.  This is the total length of the 
   278           original bundle's payload before any fragmentation. 
   280    Code Block Size.  This is the size of the encoding unit.
   282    Number of Code Blocks.  This is the number of code blocks included in
   283           the payload.
   286    Note: The bundle payload in this case MUST consist of a series of code
   287    blocks, each preceded by a 4 byte key corresponding to the key used 
   288    to generate the code block. This key determines the graph used to encode
   289    the data in the code block. The size of the payload will be a multiple of
   290    4 bytes + the code block size.
   292 <u>Digital Fountain Bundle Fragment Header (Proposed Version B)</u>
   294    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   295    |  Next Header   |  Length of original bundle payload (4 bytes) 
   296    +----------------+----------------+----------------+----------------+ 
   297                     |  Code Block Size (4 bytes)         
   298    +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ 
   299                     |  Code Block Key (4 bytes)
   300    +----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ 
   301                     | 
   302    -----------------+ 
   304    Digital Fountain Bundle Fragment Headers appear in all bundles where 
   305    the payload consists of one or more raptor-encoded coded blocks.
   307    The fields of the Bundle Fragment Header are: 
   309    Next Header Type. The Next Header Type field is a 1-byte field that 
   310           indicates the type of the header that immediately follows this 
   311           one.  Header types are listed in Table 1 above. 
   313    Length of Original Bundle Payload.  This is the total length of the 
   314           original bundle's payload before any fragmentation. 
   316    Code Block Size.  This is the size of the encoding unit.
   318    Code Block Key. This key uniquely identifies the code block and is used
   319           as the key for determining the graph used to generate this code
   320           block.
   322    Note: The bundle payload in this case MUST be a digital-fountain encoded
   323    code block of the size specified as the code block size.
   325    Thoughts: We could eliminate the Code Block Size field and make that
   326    implicit in the bundle payload length specified in that header. This 
   327    version differs from (A) in that there is only one code block per
   328    bundle fragment.
   330 <b>Glossary</b>
   332 <u>code block</u> - a set of bits generated using digital fountain's raptor 
   333 codes that can be used with other blocks to decode an encoded payload.
   335 <u>key</u> - the number used to pseudo-randomly generate the degree and
   336 connections for a given block. Also can be used as a unique identifier
   338 <u>custody id</u> - the tuple of the current custodian of the bundle 
   339 or bundle fragment
   341 <u>custody timeout</u> - if the current custodian has not received a custody
   342 ack within this time, the custodian must retransmit the bundle
   344 <u>custody ack</u> - when a downstream custodian decides to accept custody
   345 of a particular bundle, it sends an ack to the current custodian, so it can
   346 release custody
   348 <u>partial custody ack</u> - if a downstream custodian only has a fragment
   349 of the original bundle (or some percentage of the DF fragments) then it can
   350 send a partial custody ack, telling the current custodian that it accepts the
   351 custody of those fragments
   353 <u>fragmentation manager</u> - encapsulation of the code that knows how to
   354 break bundles into bundle fragments, and how to reassemble them
   356 </pre>