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     1                          *************************
     2                          *       dtnperf         *
     3                          *                       *
     4                          * DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS *
     5                          *************************
     7 This document describes, in a certain detail, the functions of dtnperf.
    11 The server syntax is simple:
    13     SYNTAX: ./dtnperf-server [options]
    15 where options are almost useless, so you can run it without anything else.
    16 However let's say something about them.
    18 -d <dir> : here you can specify the directory in which the received file will be
    19            saved. Actually, i haven't tested it yet, so if you do it please let
    20 me know what you could do. The default directory is /var/dtn/dtnperf: it works
    21 great and i don't want to change it (yes, i'm quite lazy).
    23 -D : with this option you can see all the debug messages of the server, so you
    24      can truly understand how it works, thus obtaining the complete control of
    25 the galaxy, the secret of the universe and maybe the immortal life.
    27 -m : by typing it, you can store the received bundles into memory, instead of a
    28      file. This surely works ONLY if:
    29 1) the client is using -m option too
    30 2) the client sends bundles with a payload SMALLER than 50000 bytes.
    31 Read also the '-m' explanation in the client section.
    33 -h : simply shows the syntax
    35 -v : the 'verbose' mode shows some additional messages about what's happening.
    41 Let's begin from the syntax:
    43     SYNTAX: ./dtnperf-client -d <dest_eid> [-t <sec> | -n <num>] [options]
    45 -d <dest_eid> : is a required argument, and specifies the EID of the server.
    46                 An EID (Endpoint ID) is the DTN name of a node, and generally
    47 has a DNS-like syntax: dtn://servername.dtn. This syntax may however change.
    49 -t <sec> : this option requires a positive number, which is interpreted as a
    50            number of seconds. This means that your transmission will last
    51 at least <sec> seconds (if you want to know why i wrote "at least", read the
    52 -p session).
    53 So, if i wanted to transmit data for 30 seconds, i should write "-t 30".
    55 -n <num> : the argument must be a positive number, eventually followed by a
    56            measure unit (B for bytes, K for KBytes or M for MBytes). If no unit
    57 is expressed, the client assumes you want to send MBytes. If i wanted to send
    58 a 10 MBytes file, i should write "-n 10M", while for 1 KByte i'd write "-n 1K".
    61 Then there are a bunch if options, which are quite important.
    63 -p <size> : with this option, you can define the payload size of a bundle.
    64             It's a very important option, because it affects the goodput result.
    65 If you use it in Time-Mode (-t option) there's no upper limit for the size, but
    66 remember that - if you specify a value greater than 50000 bytes - the client
    67 will create a file as big as your defined size. So make sure to have enough free
    68 space on your hard disk to store that file.
    69 Another important thing to know, when working in Time-Mode, is that the data
    70 transfer has a greater priority than the timeout. To understand this, let's
    71 assume that i made this call:
    73              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -t 30 -p 10M
    75 and that a 10 MB transfer takes 20 seconds. The client will transmit the 10 MB
    76 file (and 20 seconds are gone), then it starts transmitting it again, since the
    77 timeout is set to 30 seconds. But it has to finish the file transfer before
    78 returning the resulting goodput, so the transmission will stop after 40 seconds,
    79 because also the second file transfer takes 20 seconds!
    81 If you use the -p option in Data-Mode (-n option) you can send an amount of data
    82 (specified in the -n parameter) by multiple transmissions of smaller bundles. To
    83 do so, you can write (i.e.)
    85              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -n 10M -p 100K
    87 so you'll send 100 bundles, each of 100 KBytes, until a 10 MBytes amount of data
    88 is reached. This could be very important, because the resulting goodput of that
    89 command may be very different from the one obtained by:
    91              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -n 10M -p 1M
    93 since the payload affects the band usage, and thus the goodput.
    95 IMPORTANT: if no measure unit is defined, the client assumes you're talking
    96            about KBytes (while the -n option assumes MBytes).
    98 -r <eid> : this is an optional argument, and not so important at all.
    99            It simply requires the reply-to EID, which is the DTN node name that
   100 will be delivered the server answer. With this option you can send data from one
   101 machine, and see the results on a different one. I've not tested this so far, so
   102 make some tests before.
   104 -m : this option is a leftover of the first versions of dtnperf.
   105      The fact is that: when you have a payload SMALLER THAN 50000 bytes, you can
   106 store your bundle either into a file or into memory. The default setting is that
   107 you store it into a file (so a 50KB file is created and so on...), but you may
   108 want to use memory instead (perhaps you may think it's faster, or you don't have
   109 50000 bytes free on your hard disk...), so just type the -m option AND start the
   110 server with the same option!
   111 In example:
   113              ./dtnperf-server -m (on the receiver)
   114              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -n 20K -m (on the sender)
   116 When in Time-Mode (-t option), the client will automatically use memory support
   117 for payloads smaller than 50000 bytes.
   119 -B <num> : you may want to send a certain amount of data for many times. In this
   120            case you can specify how many transmissions you want to do as a 
   121 positive number following the -B option.
   123 -S <sec> : if you plan to do consecutive transmissions (-B option), you could
   124            set an interval of <sec> seconds between these data transfers.
   125 In example, i may want to transmit 1 MB for 5 times, with a 3 seconds interval:
   127              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -n 1M -B 5 -S 3
   129 it?
   131 -c : this could be a very useful option.
   132      It generates a CSV output (Comma Separated Values), which you can redirect
   133 into a .csv file and open it in a common spreadsheet, such as
   134 To redirect the output you shall use the shell '>' and '>>' functions.
   135 In example:
   137              ./dtnperf-client -d dtn://dest.dtn -t 30 -c >> test1.csv
   139 -h : this is the usual 'help' function, quite useless now that you've read this.
   141 -v : the 'verbose' mode prints some messages to better understand what's
   142      happening inside the client brain. You can't use it with the -c option.
   144 -D : if you specify this, you'll be flooded by many debug messages. You'll see
   145      what's happening inside the client, and have a mystic experience within the
   146 real Matrix of dtnperf.
   148 NOTE: If you have a look at the source code, you'll find that there are two more
   149 options which now are commented. In particular, they are '-s' and '-i'.
   150 These are old options, quite useless now.
   151 With the first one you can specify the EID of the sender: now this is automatic.
   152 With the '-i' option you can define the registration ID on the Bundle Daemon.
   154 Well, these were all the things you should know for a correct use of dtnperf.
   155 If you have questions, or suggestions as well, feel free to contact me at
   159 Thanks =)