Thu, 27 May 2010 09:41:39 +0100
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+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+      "">
+<html xmlns="">
+  <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+  <title>N4C Summer 2010 Trial</title>
+  <meta name="generator" content="Amaya, see" />
+<h1><img alt="Logo" src="n4c-logo.png" width="243" height="52" /> N4C Summer
+2010 Trial</h1>
+<strong><span style="font-size: 24pt">DRAFT 2010-05-26 SUBJECT TO CHANGE</span></strong><small>contact:</small>
+<p style="text-align:right;margin-left:auto;margin-right:0;"><a
+href="#Contact">Contact</a>, <a href="#privacy">Privacy, security etc.</a>,
+English, Swenska, Saami, Deutsche</p>
+<p>Between <a href="#Locations">early July</a> and the <a
+href="#Locations">middle of August</a> 2010 the participants in the networking
+for communications challenged communities (<a href="">N4C</a>)
+project will be providing <a href="#Email">email</a> and <a href="#Web">limited
+web services</a> in some <a href="#Locations">locations</a> in Padjelanta.
+Given that there are no normal Internet connections in the area, we will be
+using <a href="#Work">Delay-Tolerant Networking</a> (DTN) in order to provide
+these services.  That means that an email sent from Staloluokta will travel on
+the next suitable helicopter to Ritsem from where it will be forwarded to the
+Internet. Based on our experience from 2009, we expect on average such an email
+will take about 15 hours to get from Staloluokta to its destination. Similarly,
+a response email from the Internet is likely to take another 15 hours to get
+back to Staloluokta. The limited web services we will be providing include
+content regularly pushed from the Internet as well as the ability to request
+specific web pages. As with the email service, delays will be measured in hours
+or days, depending on the location, helicopter movements and the availability
+of power.</p>
+<p>Note that this is an experimental deployment - the service is not guaranteed
+in any respect, and you use it at your own risk.</p>
+<table border="0" align="top">
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h2>How Does it <a name="Work" id="Work">Work</a>?</h2>
+	  <p>We have developed a solar-powered WiFi hotspot that we call a "village
+DTN router" (pictured on the right). You can use this just like your home
+wireless access point if you have a WiFi enabled device. (SSID="n4cvillage", no
+security).  These devices include mail and web servers (start at <a
+href=""></a> if you're not here
+already) where these instructions and more can be accessed.</p>
+<p>Since these devices are solar-powered, they will sometimes turn themselves
+off to conserve battery power. Current plans call for the devices to be
+turned off from 22:00 until 06:00 local time, and also whenever the 
+battery level is too low. There is a small screen on the village DTN
+router (inside the window) that displays the current state, which 
+for example, will indicate when the device will next reboot, if it is in
+a low-power state. (When the device is turned off, it will not provide
+any services:-)</p>
+<p>Please don't tamper with these devices - as you can imagine it can
+take a lot of effort to go visit one to fix it!</p>
+	  <p>We have installed equipment on two <a
+href="">Fiskflyg</a> helicopters that can
+transfer messages between these village DTN routers and gateway devices
+installed at Ritsem. That is how emails and web content move between the remote
+sites and the Internet.</p>
+		<p>The technology used for these transfers is called <a
+href="">Delay-Tolerant Networking</a> and is being used
+for trials like this one and for a range of other applications.</p>
+      </td>
+      <td><a href="smaller-node.jpg"><img alt="Village DTN router" src="smaller-node-thumb.jpg"/></a></td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr>
+      <td><h2><a name="Locations" id="Locations">Locations and Dates</a></h2>
+		<p>Current plans call for village DTN routers to be installed as listed below. Note that dates may vary somewhat and that even locations are subject to
+change, as the trial proceeds.</p>
+		<ul>
+			<li>Ritsem: from July 1st to September 30th</li>
+			<li>Staloluokta: from July 3rd to August 23rd</li>
+			<li>Sallohaure: from July 5th to August 7th</li>
+			<li>Vastens: from July 6th to August 7th</li>
+			<li>Skuolla (calf-marking): from July 5th to July 9th, or
+			<ul><li>from July 12th to July 16th</li></ul></li>
+		</ul>
+		<p>For most services, messages from the Internet are delivered to all
+locations. So if you send a mail from Ritsem and someone answers that mail,
+then you should be able to see the response when you access the mail service
+later on in, for example, Staloluokta (if enough time has passed of
+      </td>
+      <td>
+		<a href="padjelanta-map.jpg"><img src="padjelanta-map-small.jpg" alt="Padlelanta map"/></a>
+		<small><a href=""></small></p>
+		</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+<h2><a name="Email" id="Email">Email</a></h2>
+<p>In order to use the email service, you need:</p>
+	<li>A WiFi-enabled <a href="#devices">device</a> with a standard email client.</li>
+	<li>A mail account in the '' domain 
+		(<a href="">create account</a>)</li>
+	<li>To have configured your mail client with an account that uses our message store ("IMAP" server) and 
+mail relay ("SMTP" server). The same settings will work in all of our locations, and (when you get home) from the Internet, for the duration of the trial.
+<table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" border="1">
+<td><font size=-1><strong>Incoming Mail (IMAP) Server - optional SSL:</strong></font></td>
+<td><font size=-1 face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></font><font size=-1><br>
+<strong>Use SSL</strong>: Yes<br>
+<strong>Port</strong>: 143 (wihtout SSL) or 993 (with SSL) </font></td>
+<td><font size=-1><strong>Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server - optional TLS or SSL:</strong></font></td>
+<td><font size=-1 face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></font><font size=-1> (use authentication)<br>
+<strong>Use Authentication</strong>: Yes<br>
+<strong>Port without SSL or TLS/STARTTLS</strong>: 25<br>
+<strong>Port for TLS/STARTTLS</strong>: 587<br>
+<strong>Port for SSL</strong>: 465
+<td><font size=-1><strong>Account Name: </strong></font></td>
+<td><font size=-1>your full email address (including <font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></font>) </font> </td>
+<td><font size=-1><strong>Email Address: </strong></font></td>
+<td><font size=-1>your email address (<font face="Courier New, Courier, mono"></font>) </font></td>
+<td><font size=-1><strong>Password: </strong></font></td>
+<td><font size=-1>your chosen password </font></td>
+How you configure this depends on your client, but there are many 
+web pages that explain this, for example: <a
+Note that if your password is something you use elsewhere, then you really
+should turn on the TLS or SSL security options.
+	</li>
+	<li>Once your mail account is setup and working, you can choose to 
+set up mail forwarding from any other mail account you have, for example
+from a gmail or Yahoo! account. Note that we cannot do that, so you need
+to figure that part out yourself. </li>
+	</li>
+	<li>Patience! Mail won't be quick!</li>
+<p>Full instructions for using the mail service may be found <a
+href="">here</a>. (TBD)</p>
+<h2><a name="Web" id="Web">Web</a> Services</h2>
+<p>To use the web service you need a WiFi-enabled <a href="#devices">device</a> with a standard browser.</li>
+<p>There are two ways to get at web pages - each day we <a
+href="#pushed">push</a> some content to each of the village DTN routers, and
+you can access that content as if you were browsing the web normally. You can
+also <a href="#requested">request</a> content we don't push to be specially
+delivered. Note however, that only fairly "static" web content really works
+well either way - rich web applications cannot currently be used via our
+service since they generally depend on a "real" Internet connection.</p>
+<h3><a name="pushed" id="pushed">Pushed</a> Web Content</h3>
+To access "pushed" web content, you simply browse to the usual places and our
+web infrastructure will serve up the web pages, if they are present. Since we
+clearly cannot copy the entire web, only a limited set of pages are available.
+Mostly, those are news, weather and other local sites that we expect to be of
+interest.  For a list of the sites that are available, go to <a
+</a>.  If you would like us to add a site, please send us an email at <a
+href=""></a> and we'll try to add
+that to the list (no guarantees though!). Be as specific as you can about the
+content you'd like (many sites use complex active scripts that won't work well
+in a trial like ours).
+<h3><a name="requested" id="requested">Requesting</a> Specific Pages</h3>
+<p>To request a specific web page, you can use our <a
+href="">web request portal</a>, which allows
+you to enter a web site address (a URL). We will then send that to an automated
+web engine which will attempt to get those pages and send them back to you. Of
+course, this will take quite some time, so is only really suitable if you will
+be in the area and able to use the network for a few days at least.  This
+service works best if your browser accepts "cookies," in which case, it is
+possible to make a request where only you get to see the results. The default
+is that pages you request this way will be available to anyone who tries to
+access them. (Though they will not be "indexed" on our list of sites.)</p>
+<h2><a name="devices" id="devices">Client Devices</a></h2>
+<p>Most WiFi enabled devices with mail and web clients should work. We have
+used the following devices successfully with the village DTN routers. Your
+mileage may vary!</p>
+	<li>Asus EEE PC 901 netbook</li>
+	<li>iPhone 3G</li>
+	<li>Lenovo thinkpad</li>
+<p>We are considering providing some laptops or other client devices for shared
+use in some of our locations for some of the time, so do ask if you'd like to
+use the system, but don't have a device with you, and we'll help if we can.</p>
+<p>We are also investigating the provision of a web-mail front-end for the mail
+service, for devices that have a browser but no mail client. We'll provide more
+details on that once we've done some testing.</p>
+<h2><a name="Contact" id="Contact">Contact</a></h2>
+<p>The main developers of this trial are from <a
+href="">Trinity College Dublin</a>, Ireland, and <a
+href="">Intel Ireland</a>, co-operating with other
+partners in the <a href="">N4C project</a>, in particular <a
+href="">Lule&aring; University of Technology</a> (LTU),
+and <a href="">Tannak AB.</a> who are
+providing local assistance, users and support.</p>
+<p>You can contact us in a number of ways, but do remember that some of them
+make take some time!</p>
+  <li>In person: Some of us will be in the area during the
+    trial. Look for jackets or posters with the N4C Logo. <img src="n4c-logo-tiny.png" alt="Logo"/> </li>
+  <li>Via email: <a href=""></a>
+    (this can be read at each router and from the Internet...when it gets
+  there!)</li>
+  <li>Via the web: <a
+    href=""></a> (TBD)</li>
+  <li>Via satellite phone (expensive!!): +ccc-aa-nnn-nnnn (TBD)</li>
+<p>We'd really welcome your feedback, whether positive or negative, about any
+aspect of the trial. The best way to give us that feedback is to send us an
+email at: <a href=""></a>. </p>
+<h2><a name="privacy" id="privacy">Privacy, Security etc.</a></h2>
+<p>Since this is an experimental deployment, we do record lots about what
+happens in the network. For mail users, that means that we could, in principle,
+read your emails, just like any other Internet service provider could. For web
+users, that means that we could track the pages you read, just like most
+Internet service providers actually do. However, we will do neither.</p>
+<p>We will destroy any private or personally identifying information within a
+year of the end of the trial, and we will never make any such information
+public in any form. Any scientific papers or other publications resulting from
+the trial will only include statistics and we will ensure that any such
+statistics are anonymized to the fullest extent possible.</p>
+<p>However, you use this experimental network at your own risk, and there
+is always the possibility that our network, or machines on our network
+could be hacked. While we do endeavour to secure our network, machines
+and data, this is not a production network, so users should not use this
+network for sensitive data, such as banking details, etc. Users should
+also not re-use passwords from other systems that may be more sensitive.</p>
+<p>As a mail user, you will only ever receive emails from us relating
+to the operation of the network but such mails will never request your
+password. We do plan to send an email after the trial, giving a one
+week warning that the mail servers will be decommissioned to any users who
+request such a warning. The purpose of this mail is to give users a 
+chance to retrieve any messages from our servers that they might wish
+to keep for later.</p>
+<p>We do not have a formal acceptable use policy, however, our network
+has very limited capacity and could be susceptible to congestion should
+users attempt to email videos from the trial area or to download 
+video, so we reserve the right to delete anything that causes a 
+problem for the network, including for example larger emails or
+illegal content should we become aware of such. This is an 
+experimental network and depends on users behaving well, so please
+do not abuse the system! (Thanks:-)</p>
+<strong><span style="font-size: 24pt">DRAFT 2010-05-26 SUBJECT TO CHANGE</span></strong><small>contact:</small>
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