changeset 2 e8c21d72976d
child 12 e7e70577ce6c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mysql_apache/apache-default-site	Wed May 20 13:20:27 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+	ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost
+        ServerName
+	DocumentRoot /var/www/private/HTMLrequester
+<Directory "/var/www/private/HTMLrequester/members">
+Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
+        AuthType Basic
+        AuthName "Member's Area"
+        AuthFormAuthoritative On
+        AuthFormMySQLHost localhost
+        AuthFormMySQLUsername www-data
+        AuthFormMySQLPassword www-data
+        AuthFormMySQLDB members
+        AuthFormMySQLTableSID sessions
+        AuthFormMySQLTableGID uid_gid
+        AuthFormMySQLTableTracking tracking
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldUID uid
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldGID gid
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldDownloadSize download_size
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldDownloadPath download_path
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldDownloadDate download_date
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldTimeout timeout_date
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldIPAddress client_ip_address
+        AuthFormMySQLFieldExpiration expiration_date
+        #AuthFormMySQLTableGIDCondition
+#       AuthFormMySQLTableSIDCondition "`sid`=$sid1 AND `sid_dir`=$sid2 AND (`uid`=$uid OR `signature`='members')"
+       AuthFormMySQLTableSIDCondition "`sid`=$sid1 AND `sid_dir`=$sid2 AND (`uid`=$uid OR `signature`='members')"
+#   AuthFormMySQLTableSIDCondition "`sid`=$sid1 AND `sid_dir`=$sid2"
+        #AuthFormMySQLTableTrackingCondition
+        AuthFormSessionTimeout 30
+        AuthFormSessionCookies On
+        AuthFormSessionAutoRefresh -1
+        AuthFormTrackingLifetime 30
+        AuthFormPageLogin index.php
+        AuthFormPageExpired /session_expired.html
+        AuthFormLastPageKey go_back_to
+        #AuthFormPageAutoRefresh
+        #AuthFormPageNotAllowed
+        #Require valid-user
+        Require group 0 1
+<Directory "/var/www/private/public">
+	AuthFormPageNotAllowed /paying_members_only.html
+	AuthFormMySQLTableSIDCondition "`sid`=$sid1 AND `sid_dir`=$sid2 AND (`uid`=$uid OR `signature`='some_signature_public')"
+	Require group 1 
+<Directory "/var/www/private/private">
+	AuthFormPageNotAllowed /premium_only.html
+	Require group 2 
+<Directory <"/var/www/private/admin">
+	AuthType Basic
+	AuthName "Administration"
+	AuthUserFile /var/www/private/passwords
+	# Turn off 'mod_auth_form' in this directory,
+	# giving control to 'mod_auth'.
+	AuthFormAuthoritative Off
+	Allow from  # localhost
+	Deny from all
+	Order Deny,Allow
+	Require valid-user
+	ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/
+	<Directory "/usr/lib/cgi-bin">
+		AllowOverride None
+		Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
+		Order allow,deny
+		Allow from all
+	</Directory>
+	ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log
+	# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
+	# alert, emerg.
+	LogLevel debug
+	CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
+    Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"
+    <Directory "/usr/share/doc/">
+        Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
+        AllowOverride None
+        Order deny,allow
+        Deny from all
+        Allow from ::1/128
+    </Directory>
+# <Directory "/var/www/HTMLrequester/">
+#        Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
+#        AllowOverride None
+#        Order deny,allow
+#        Deny from all
+#        Allow from ::1/128
+#    </Directory>